What clothing do people wear in standard D&D fantasyland?
What clothing do people wear in standard D&D fantasyland?
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fukken saved
OP's pic is more accurate than you think
why are pc's always dresses like fetish whores?
Because everybody is too afraid of the guy who can cut an ogre in half, the chick that can steal your organs without leaving a mark, the priest who can call on the gods to smite their enemies and the nerd who can tell the laws of physics to fuck off to tell them to put on weather appropriate clothing.
its not even about being cold but about presenting yourself as an outsider, madman and deviant
What if they're being told by people that can do the same things, but in armor?
Linen, wool and cotton.
Red dye is reasonably common as well as yellow, with green just behind.
People tend to wear tunics and leggings, along with whatever footwear they can afford, usually moccasins. It's common to wear an overshoe, which is mostly a wood or iron sole held in place by leather.
As you'd expect, wool cloaks are your only protection against rain, so they're very common. Jackets tend to be made from livestock leather. Fur isn't very common.
There isn't a big differentiation between what people wear, and style is mostly about common sewing/weaving patterns and the colors of choice. The obvious exception being the upper classes, who have access to more expensive dyes and material.
Christ, how could I forget?
Fucking *everybody* covers their head with hats, bonnets, shawls, scarves or whatever.
Bypass armor by targeting their saves or by smacking them with a meaty Base Attack Bonus
Best fucking my unit waif of all the game
Even better, the Egyptian fashion was everything shaved except eyebrows and facial hair, also topless or naked
>travelling man
>not an obvious murderhobo
I usually go for tunics. Tunics are generally a correct answer for "what is someone wearing"
Most NPCs are probably wearing modest clothes, a lot like what others ITT are wearing. My PCs and NPCs tend to be going for a more World of Warcraft aesthetic though with colorful trims and layers, like pic related. Just depends on setting and the table you're playing with.
Not going to lie. I pretty much just rip off Fire Emblem character portraits for my NPCs. I did this before the gacha game became a thing too.
I mostly do it because I cannot think of a better source for robed characters.
>The beefy knight guy that's starts of way higher leveled than your party.
>The pair of horseman doing an odd couple routine.
>The incredible shit character who become gods if you put in the time to level them up.
>The deadly mercenary you recruit from the bad guys.
>The pegasus knight you'll immediately lose by overextending.
>The dick ass thief you'll kill by getting greedy.
>The pathetically weak healer lady on a horse.
>The super-strong dude you get right at the end of the game.
>The dancing girl who has no business being on a battlefield.
>The socially awkward mage.
>The ancient survivor of the dragon race whose human form just happens to be an almost naked 14 year old...
Uhhh I see what you did Japan.
Can this be a "post historical civilians" thread, then?
Waifu Wars.
No petting allowed.
Well my halfork barbarian wears cargoshorts and an old pair of timberland hiking boots
Older fire emblem had the best character art. For the most part armored people wore armor, wizards had robes. Occasional special units had sexy skirts, without being too absurd.
Some of the newer one wherein you are literally expected to groom a waifu for your self insert character loose the magic as they drift towards more and more absurd outfits.
Fire Emblem does have some pretty great character designs.
"Rpg fantasy people"
its like sone natural law that the longer a japanese series of anyyhing goes on the risk of it turning into waifushit witb weird outfits increases
That was only Fates (and to a limited extent Awakening, though Awakening still carries most of the style of old FE), the designs for Shadows of Valentia were way better. Granted, that's a remake of a NES game, but it's definitely showing that by trying to please everyone through Fates they learned their lesson and are sort of getting back on the main series. Can't say anything about the gachas, though.
I'm not seeing a problem here yet
Nobles wear the most exotic stuff they can find, adventurers range from something simple and practical to more outlandish than the Landsknechts, commoners usually wear more practical clothing suited for their climate and season with something nice for the festivals.
They need a side gig once in a while, so why not advertise as you go?
I really do hate to be the guy that hates on anything new, but I do not like the direction of the newer Fire Emblem games myself. The art direction and overall tone of the games feel more like your typical JRPGs, rather than the medieval fantasy feeling that I got from the GBA games.
I haven't even brought myself to finish Fates or Awakening. Though a big part of that is the removal of light magic, and not being able to make my self insert a Bishop or Monk.
Awakening did have some good character designs thrown in (I like Muriel and Virion, and Donnel's pretty great too), but it feels like a shift from the norm, and it doesn't seem like IS would be keen to go back to the more simple and elegant character designs of the past games.
I always draw common clothing in the area the game takes place in
Awakening was pretty alright, even if it was really, really badly done in the end of it (the whole thing is so fucking rushed it's unbelievable). Fates was them trying to please everyone and failing miserably. That said, they did get back into it and basically remade Gaiden - the second one which was easily the weirdest FE - and while they kept quite a fair bit of the weirdness, they definitely adjusted themselves after what they did with Fates just because Fates ended up being such a painful trainwreck after lucking out with Awakening. And it does seem they'll be keeping the weebshit outside of the main series and mostly to the gachas and outside stuff.
I always find it interesting how Fire Emblem can maintain a relatively consistent style (as in you can generally tell that a character is from FE just by looking at them) while having such a wide variety of very different characters, from the "just walked off a magical girl set" look of Pegasus Knights and Manaketes, to the more grounded bad-ass look of Paladins and (sometimes) Wyvern Riders, if you are looking for art for your character sheet Fire Emblem likely has something you can use.
I liked awakening a lot, but i have never played fates. i don't like the fact of repeaeting the most interesting characters becasue we cannot think of something different. is the FE mobile version good? has anyone played it?
For a phone game it is good: strategy/tactics can matter, with many of rules making the jump, like the weapon triangle(s) and effective weapons; there are plenty of characters and they rarely play exactly the same, meaning that the choice between two characters is rarely meaningless; it is perfectly playable without spending any money, pretty much everything you could spend money on you get a steady stream of.
Honestly, try it out yourself, it's free, so if you don't like it the only thing you've lost is the time spent.
Now that you mention, I don't think anyone's ever complained that Ike and Mist are siblings, and Mist could've come out of a magical girl anime while Ike could've come out of some seinen battle manga. It all just... fits into what FE is.
Fates is shit, don't play it. Gameplay's alright, everything else is just... odd. FE Mobile is probably the most legit mobile game I've ever played. Not quite like the actual games, but it doesn't feel like it's something else entirely.
Boring-ass earth tones. Lots of brown and tan, some green, a little black. Most average people in fantasy look like a walking pile of compost.
>14 year old
Pretty high estimate there.
>The ancient survivor of the dragon race whose human form just happens to be an almost naked 14 year old...
Hey, at least Myrrh is modestly dressed and Ninian looks a bit older than 14.
Yeah, visual it’s more like twelve or even ten.
Vaguely related to Fire Emblem artwork, I just got back into both it and Tactics Ogre and I also really dig the artwork in the latter. Pisses me off that I can't find a button to full screen it in game.
The armor looks fantasy-cool but isn't insane, the chicks can be sexy but still look like professionals, the dresses look great, and old wizard dudes in robes with beards.
Actually we know dye of clothes was a huge deal in the middle ages. London even had color coded clothes for certain professions, noble houses and affiliates to the point where servants of a house would be clad in at least a tabbard of the house colors. Earth tones would be more common where dyes weren't as present, but people quite liked dyed clothes.
>The beefy knight guy that's starts of way higher leveled than your party.
He also has bad growth potential. The more you use him, the more XP you've wasted.
Whatever the fuck the DM wants them to wear.
Touch attacks.
>travelling man
>not an obvious murderhobo
It took me sometime to remember where I saw this visual recently
Haven't spent a time and I have lots of 5 stars
pragmatic, realistic. otherwise, depends on social class
That body sucks. How did that get crowned best when Aversa & Tiki are in the army?
>I like a lot what other ITT are wearing
Wait, so slaves that you are meant to marry?
They are clearly wearing clothes.
>not slaves
i see you are a man of many knowledges
Care to enlighten me, comrade?
Nah, I’m aware that historically, women were slaves.
I’m just confused about the existence of a marriage market, is all.
>pour adoucir le mélange, pressez 3 quartiers d'orange
When you're a badass adventure that confident in his ability to easily push in any normal humans shit in so hard their throat becomes a sphincter you wear whatever you want to.
Having a daughteru like Ashley or Noire might be worth tolerating Tharja's shit attitude.
Her award was biggest boobs/silkiest hair, I believe.
are those two on the ground playing some kind of board game?
It certainly looks like one, but I'm confused by the random cup
>no bush
I'm enjoying Heroes. It's pretty much as light or heavy as you want to get.
Gatchas are relatively fair. Orb rates are reasonable. Orbs to $ ratio is stupid, so I haven't spent any money rather than feel ripped off, but if you decide carefully how you spend your orbs, you can get pretty much who you want with reasonable luck + time invested in the game.
FEH is what got me to appreciate some characters and is 90% of why I ended up buying Fates (Conquest + Birthright dl). Was going to originally skip it due to what I'd heard about it. Don't quite feel like I wasted my money, but...
I agree that recycling characters in Fates is kind of dumb. Though I do love Odin/Owain - he's the only double I've encountered so far that felt like it did things well. The others feel like extremely cheap knock-offs.
Pretty disappointed with Fates overall so far. Concept is good, but execution is shoddy.
Support conversations have overall been pretty lackluster. I'm into the game at least 75% for the characters/shipping them and I don't even mind the level of fanservice in the costumes (even if it's kind of on the edge of my cheesecake preference for actual meant-to-be-adventuring characters).... But Fates so far hasn't really scratched my itch for it the way previous games have.
There are a few characters I really like, but they have as much depth as a kiddie pool so far. Maybe it's just because I'm focusing so much on auditioning characters for romantic relationships that the real stuff is in the friendships/family supports they could have. We'll see, but from what I've read from other fans, I don't really hold out much hope except for the rare exceptions.
On-topic: My personal preference is pretty much Fire Emblem aesthetic, or just JRPG fantasy in general. It's fun to draw and design characters for.
That said, I am also a historical nerd and have a lot of costume ref books for when I want to go that route. It's just generally not as fun for me to draw.
We were born too late for the bare chested apex of culture.
>likes unnaturally bald crotches
>calls someone else a degenerate
>kill some elf, take his magic armor
>it secretly says that you're an elfaboo faggot
>likes fucking hairy crotches
I bet you hump animals, too.
>t. barbarian
>enjoys lice
>enjoys menstrual stains
>doenst realize humanity had been shaving for hygiene for millennia
Uninstall life, degenerate scum.
>doesn't enjoy burying his face in a hairy snatch and letting it tickle his nostrils while he eats the girl out
You don't want to assume someone who likes bushes is into animals, because there's a worse assumption you could make about people who like hairless
>equates having pubes to having pubic lice
Then everyone with a full head of hair has head lice, I assume?
>menstrual stains can't be washed away
News to me
And I did know that but it's not necessary if you aren't terrible about hygiene already
>not enjoying a tastefully trimmed cooch
lmao are you even trying?
You're assuming that modern tools of hygiene are available. The only delousing method was full shaving. People lived in houses with dirt floors with animals in the same building. ""Cleaning" was keeping a layer of straw or grass on the ground so you could throw out the mud and pig shit. Fantasyland assumes a medieval setting, which predates fucking SOAP. If you had unruly hair in medieval society, you were unclean. Hardstop. Trimming hair, shaving your face, keeping your bush tidy WAS hygienge.
That's incorrect. If pubic or head lice were a problem over long periods of time we would have lost our hair in those areas. It doesn't serve a functional purpose like the fur of animals does. The leading theory on why we don't have hair all over our bodies like our other apes is an evolutionary advancement to ward off body lice. Your idea about animals living in the same house is incorrect also. Lice, for the most part, only feeds off of one particular species, and in many cases only on certain body parts of one particular species. Head lice, for example, doesn't spread to your pubic region, and your animals can't contract it (though they may be carriers for eggs if the infestation is bad enough). Fleas are the same way, by the way, on will typically only bite a human but not feed off of them significantly.
> Fleas are the same way, by the way, on will typically only bite a human but not feed off of them significantly.
Is this why humans can get rid of fleas with a regular bath but dogs need an acid bath or poisons?
> hair is unhygenic
The oldest lice combs are 1000 years old, though admittedly not somewhere Europe had access to.
More relevantly, the Near East had lice combs 500 years ago and soap over 4000 years ago.
The deal with medieval Europe and hygiene is that it was vain and sinful.
Also (Roman) baths were debauch, so bathing was also debauch.
The problem here being most of Europe (except Rome) cleaned during the bath, not before.
Humans should never really get flea infestations to the point they need a bath, unless their surroundings are infested by fleas. Fleas may live in human clothing (or in more modern times, in carpets of people who have pets), but not on humans themselves like they do with dogs or cats.
>That time whe getting rid of fleas of your lover's body was the most erotic game...
Wigs could get filled by lices and wigs were common as fuck.
Hopefully an outfit like that to go along with my dick.
Live do not prevent you from mating. Tjere is no evolutionary need for our body to resist lice, as we mechanically avoid lice. You're assuming evolution will solve every problem, when really evolution just makes you more likely to pump out viable offspring that live to make more offspring.
Lice combs are at best a preventative measure. Combing does not remove eggs. Once the lice are breeding, the only option is nuclear.
You can throw away a wig. They also werent popular until well after the medieval period.
>Live do not prevent you from mating. Tjere is no evolutionary need for our body to resist lice, as we mechanically avoid lice.
When you have so many lice that you're weakened as a result or contract a disease your chances of mating go down substantially, which means that yes, evolution is going to fix the problem with lice, if it becomes so bad that it needs to be fixed.
What about all the wealthy ancient Egyptians who wore wigs? (and by all I mean all)