Has anyone ever tried to adapt pic related into one of your games? Any standout SCP's that would make good encounters?
Adopting Content
76 " Able" would be a good one : immortal warrior (killable but he respawn). Highly skilled, has a honor code. Can summon weapon.
689 : a lesser Tarrasque.
178: can troll your party hard. It is like an angel of doctor who. It moves when you don't look at it. It then breaks your neck.
999 : a slime ball of joy and happiness.
In b4 autistic screeching.
A raid on The Factory could be a good high violence adventure
No. SCP is all around terrible, and even worse if you incorporate it into gameplay.
le invincible lizard xD
I'm currently using 1471-A as a friendly stalker in a WoD Hunter game. I interepted the SCP entry as a tulpa or thoughtform that's attempting to become real by getting enough people to believe it is. I threw out the APP and just stuck with the idea of seeing the creature being enough for it to manifest within your perceptual field. It operates off the principal of perception altering reality, like in the famous "double slit" experiment. So by knowing of it, specifically having seen a depiction of it's face, you unknowingly create a hospitable environment for the thoughtform to exist. To it's perspective the world is abject blackness with pools or islands of areas where it can both perceive and manifest. It uses the uncertainty principal to shunt the probability of it existing in one place to another in a mind over matter kind of way. It also jacks the perception of anyone aware of it, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling what they do. Unfortunately it's starting out super weak with only a handful of hosts, so it can't even be seen by anyone not already aware of it. Furthermore it's super shy, so it stalks from a distance before trying to make friends with it's host. It really just wants to be real and have friends, having spent it's existance alone in the dark or lurking in the corner of the eye of people who are horrified by it's fearsome Visage. Of course since it's not real in the conventional sense and can only exist within it's host's perception it can't be killed. But if no one knows about it it might as well be dead. Of course if enough people know about and gather it can manifest as a fully real entity, operating roughly on the idea of consensus reality. If slain in this form it goes back to being quasi real again. They don't know it yet but it will violently defend it's hosts but can't do so if they've spent conviction which makes them see reality the way it truly is and prevents it from seeing through their eyes or manifesting.
Right? Every fuckin thread. Granted a lot of them are hard to understand walking TPKs. but to say that its all unusable is just flat wrong. Some of the info hazards are kinda fun, particularly the self inserting character Frank. I could see a wizard or modern investigator being both perplexed and intrigued by stuff like that.
OP here, there are a few like the infinite Ikea and the firewatch tower that could be really interesting encounters. Obviously le invicible lizard is shit, and I would never consider using it.
>Obviously le invicible lizard is shit, and I would never consider using it.
Eh, depends on how you use it, I feel. Using it as it's been "written" probably isn't the best idea, and certainly not as a direct encounter, but something like pic related? That has lots of potential.
The best I can think of is some sort of CoC game where you aren't trying to fight the threat just lock it up or stop people from using it
Which CoC?
you know the one
I could think of a few uses for 682. A reoccurring pawn of a lifeless antagonist bent on killing everything for whatever reason. Scale it up by adding more mass after each encounter to keep it lvl apropreate if in D&D. make it adapt to gain resistance to whatever was used against it in the last round. If it gets hit with anything it's resistant to that becomes immunity next round. If it doesn't get hit with the same thing it drops the resistance/immunity in favor of whatever is being used against it/is the biggest threat given what it knows about the party. As a few and far between "oh fuck not this guy again" monster it's pretty good. Finding a way to permanently deal with it could be a fun arch if written well.
But i agree, as written in the SCP lore it's way to fucking OP for anything less than an epic level party. But then they'd probably just shove it in a hole to another reality and wash their hands of it. For all it's toughness it's still just a big shapeshifting lizard with no subtlety.
Another of my faves is the unstoppable bouncy ball. So simple yet so fucking scary. I'd put it in a glass case labled "under no circumstances: throw" and just see if they'd be dumb enough to do it or clever enough to harness it's power. But i think I'd be more likely that it'd just turn the party into pink mist or break through the area and be gone forever in a "well, that happened." Moment.
the scp "unlondon" would make for a fun setting, fighting your way to the parliament building
SCP is constantly mined for "mcguffins" by every DM I know. Just which entries are "good" will depend on what sort of RPG you're playing. An entry good for DG or CoC won't be good for 5e or the Dresden Files.
A giant lizard running around laughing so hard that it's making shockwaves that knock down metal doors? That's just horrifying.
So I'm doing a SCP campaign and I've probably read too many of these already. I'm going to post some good ones that I've found just as ideas, stuff that I never see posted in these threads:
This one could serve as a very interesting cult in most settings I think
to go back on what I just said about things I never see posted stuff, I think many will just see the surface thing of a book that makes people kill for knowledge, write with blood yada yada. The coolest part for me is the Daeva civilization as a whole, something that I recommend just trying to piece together through other SCPs. Start here:
for those running games with "Gods beyond human reckoning/understanding"
this one for those interested in an underworld
I think this is a good jumping off point for this part of the setting, there are some really good stories about these guys (see "An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism") and by the way there are too many great cults in this setting
if I remember more I'll post them, mostly took notes on the ones I plan to use/pertinent in my campaign
Wasn't the whole point of 682 someone trying to get the invincible god monster trope out of the way already?
Yes and no.
It was the first 'invincible god monster', just as Able was among the first 'extreme superhuman SCP but he's a good guy'. It wasn't quite intended to be a trope blocker, but it became one.
They realized these kinds of characters were shit, so they locked down the idea by saying "oh we already have one of those"
A lot of the old tropes are that by accident. Like the succubus who has to be fed semen every day. Already got that shit, don't need more.
Abel is still so damn stupid to me. Like, invincible superman, okay, got it. But why is he the Biblical Abel?
I guess because they had the Cain skip
I'm contemplating running a Mage the Awakening game with SCP in it. It's not gonna be easy, I suppose. Also how do I not make SCP a Mage cockblocker?
Cain as an SCP kind of makes sense. Especially the way they wrote him, with how he kills any vegetable matter he touches. It's pretty interesting.
But having Abel show up as an immortal combat monster who quotes Gilgamesh makes no sense. Like congrats on making this cool Biblical reference, then giving it a counterpart who's basically just an anime villain.
Rolled 20 (1d100)
Eh, I still don't understand WHY they made Abel basically a god among men or whatever but
At least the people over at the SCP wiki know not to make him again
I think the current consensus on SCP now is that the stuff like Abel and 682 are pretty shitty.
076 is a generic anime antihero. He is amazingly bland and the only reason the article exists is due to age. Depending on the setting he's probably not even much of a threat to the party cuz he's just a fighting dude.
I might be biased but I think you could make a decent game that takes place in and around SCP-354 and the facility that guards it.
I think of incorporating SCP objects into Unknown Armies, the New Inquisition being the substitute for the foundation itself.
Sarkicism is fantastic, well fleshed out for how mysterious it is.
I'm just waiting for SCP writers to ruin it.
SCP is full if good writers and shitty writers. Shitty writers' upvotes are equal to good writers' upvotes
not a whole lot of SCPs are really appropriate for a game, considering they're largely 'this does a thing.. also it kills you'
but there's some good content, largely useful as inspiration
i have played in an actual SCP game before though, it wasn't too bad but it definitely could've done with us ALL being d-class, scientists, or agents, rather than a mix
I've added a few.
SCP-049-J was a huge hit with my group and makes occasional appearances
I'd totally play a game of "how many d class can you kill before going insane/ending existence/getting demoted to d class"
I used pic related in a campaign once. They came a across a trail of dead bodies and a torn copy of the symbols. As they follow it the amount of 'team members killed' increases and contradictory symbols keep popping up (stay in the dark, stay in the light) with two symbols always appearing, but torn off the sheet. They eventually find the torn pieces: "you are being watched" and "symbols compromised" my players said they were scared, so that's good.
I love all pages about sarkic flesh cults and also the church of the broken god. If there were a tv show about scps (never ever) I'd want them to somehow be apart of it.
You can paint them as being very small but well equipped, with bigger problems to deal with then mages.They also have a material that blocks all anomalous psychic activity and also possibly magic, but it was retconed as it was too powerful and now it also causes serious brain damage. You can use that in your game, maybe have walls made out of the stuff apart more and more frequently and have your players get to the bottom of it.
When I need something for my ongoing Delta Green campaign I hit the random SCP button and try and turn the concept into a cosmic horror implement and then unleash it on the world.
Very handy.
I don't. This is Veeky Forums. It could go either way.
689 is a teleporting statue
178 are 3d glasses that let you see creepy spiderlike beings.
You mean 682 and 173
>perception altering reality
>like in the double slit experiment
That's not how physics works you fucking idiot.
>Each safe scp is used to decorate the hideout
Take a gamble and use the interdimenional vending machine for snacks.
I think the consensus is that newer SCPs are shite. Consider the following:
And neither of those are joke SCPs.
3108 is at least meant tongue in cheek .
The first few times you use it, it's not even a gamble.