Have you ever had a yandere in your campaign, Veeky Forums?
Have you ever had a yandere in your campaign, Veeky Forums?
No, I don't play weebshit.
had a real cringelord try to play one that one time, does that count?
We never have romance in our games, only violence, philosophy, drama, and empire-building
While I couldn't ask for a better group, I still would like it one day that a game make me feel something besides paranoia and fear because I get that enough in daily life
Meanwhile the one chance I had at it in a text-only, online game, I fucked it all up and ran away. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I once played a pirate who had some yan tendencies towards her captain, like laughing at an assassin who tried to kill him and got a broken back in the attempt.
I had an NPC with the personality type. But he was a dude. And also an abusive jackass towards a woman who wanted nothing to do with him.
Yeah. I'm playing a magical boy in a meguka themed game, and he ended up with a really creepy magical girl going after him, although she was never actually called yandere in game. (My character was the only one to affix labels to her, and he called her his Phantom, cuz he doesn't watch many cartoons, but he is a musical nerd.)
Here's a picture of them. Aren't they the cutest couple?
Also, "A necromancer taught me this trick, so that if I ever die my body will rise as your undead servant, captain!"
Double yandere love is purest
A while back, I posted about this vampire NPC who went full yandere on my cleric after he let her suck his blood.
Cleric finally said "fuck it" and got engaged to her a few sessions ago. As long as she stops killing any female he even glances at.
There's no way this isn't going to end up biting him in the ass.
DM had a redhead fall for a character played by a man known for being stabbed by a redhead in real life, among plenty of other bad end redhead stories.
Does that count?
Oh wow, being in an abusive relationship actually sucks and isn't romantic at all. Big surprise.
you're a week too early
Friendly reminder that yandere are literally perfect as long as the affection is mutual.
Friendly reminder that nothing beats patrolling thots together with your loving, loyal and pure waifu.
I had a yandere gf in real life once. It's not fun
Why the hell would that be a good thing? Even if I was attracted to someone, "controlling to the point where if I talk to someone at work she murders them" is kinda a dealbreaker.
1. Secret Life is a disadvantage in 4th edition Legend of Five Rings that, for some reason, at least one member of the group would take (for tragic reasons, actually well played)
2. Lunar-Solar Bond are a thing in Exalted, and that tends towards odd relationships across four different splats (Lunars, Solars, Abyssals, and Infernals, at least one of each was yandere across 5+ campaigns)
3. One of my players was banned after they attempted to play a yandere for one of the other PC characters
You could say I've seen some shit.
Storytime on Number 3?
Ok, so usually I like to GM pretty openly, avoiding things like private texting or notecards,but my players complained that it could be a little controlling.
>What if it's in-character for my rogue to slink off and loot the treasure chest while people are distracted?
>We just met each other last session; we're mercenaries, not the Avengers. Give us some time to get into scraps and earn each other's trust.
So this time around, I dropped the statute of limitations. Notecards, private texting, I even went and made a relationship web for all of the PCs and NPCs that only I could see in a GM-only folder.
And then here comes ..... let's call her Debbie. Now, Debbie's kinda like Pic Related, and usually she's the one who is My Perfect Player.
>Provides majority of Snacks and Drinks even when the other players are considerate and bring their share
>Actually silences phone and turns off computer; brings paper sheets for everyone
Something, however, had been a tad.... off lately.
Namely, Ben (not real name) had gotten himself a girlfriend recently. Not an active player, but Sufficiently Advanced Nerd. Was interested in playing.
Debbie seems slightly perturbed..... and then seems fine with it.
>"The more the merrier."
>>>>I should have known better.
So the game begins.
Ben: Human Fighter, Male. Not the most original, but hey, he's usually the caster, so this is actually a change. Provides three-paragraph backstory to the tune of older-than-average mercenary, a tad slow but experienced, so now Adventurer.
Ben's Girlfriend: Human Cleric, Female. Worked alongside Ben during his mercenary days, decided to go with him due to informal relationship.
>Aww, it's sweet but not overpowering.
Debbie: Elf Rogue, Female. Needs help of other PCs to return to elven lands.
>This wasn't the first time Debbie had been a plot-anchor character, so at the time we all thought it was safe.
So we all set forth on a quest, with me, GM, reminding people that player-asides were now open, but not mandatory.
Now Ben and BenGF would occasionally send me notes for me to include opportunities for them to get some alone time, or Ben hiding some of the gold he earns from the others due to penny-pinching his way to better armor. They seemed to be okay just dipping their toes in once in a while, and having fun with the one or two mishaps it led to.
But Debbie?
She Sent Me Essays. Essays the rest of the party made me swear not to reveal until the game was over. Essays about how her character had grown to love Ben's over the course of the campaign, even a little beforehand watching him fight in the War of Nine City-states. And by the end of the campaign, Debbie was gonna 'make him understand.'
For six months, in-character, DebbiePC did things like poisoning bar wenches who flirted with Ben, hiding artifacts that would have helped BenGF, and once killed Ben's horse and took on its form for a day when she was supposed to be scouting which led to them being ambushed by orcs.
And then they finally made it to the Elven Kingdom, and Debbie's masterplan simultaneously went into overtime.... and mercifuly, led to her final expulsion.
We had a gay Drow Rogue in our party who fell for the Half-Orc Paladin, who was an utter manwhore
Said Drow Rogue however had an intense hatred for women
Hijinks ensued, until the rest of the party slapped some sense into him
If I ask nicely, would you mind telling the story of your abusive relationship for my amusement?
Well, what was Debbie's master plan?
Crashing this game, with no survivors.
Up until now, everybody was having fun ooc, but Debbie had been growing increasingly...odd. Nobody could quite peg down what was going on except for me, who'd been on the verge of tears for months, ooc, trying to find a way to warn Ben and BenGF without 'breaking my word.'
Debbie's plan was to use a combination of potions and scrolls she'd been stockpiling, some of which were supposed to be delivered to the Elf King, to turn the elven court against BenGF. She'd already doctored the accounts to make BenGF sound like a Pelinal Whitedrake fan, had secretly revived/not coup-de-graced two antagonists who had been primarily defeated by BenGF, and had used the same sort of polyjuice shit that'd turned her into a horse that one time to make a bunch of Dark Elves look like zealots of BenGF's god.. The same Elf King she'd started the game trying to work for/save from the Dark Elves was now going to die just so she could be with Ben in-game.
>Ben and Debbie had been a thing, sort of, before the GF rolled up, so I don't know how much of this was revenge or what.
>but there's a line when you plan to sabatoge your own campaign arc just to pretend-date somebody else and screw over their girlfirend.
Luckily for me, it all fell apart. BenGF may not have been the best gamer, but she'd been reading the player handbook like a convert those last two weeks. I guess she finally put it all together.
>Saves Elf King from polymorphed goons.
>Uses divine magic to expose treachery.
>Uses royal gift, gained by saving said royal life, to ask Elf King to officiate the wedding of Ben and BenGF
At which point Debbie, out-of-character, finally snaps and says I've been stacking the deck in BenGF's favor.
This leads into an hour-long conversation about just how much of Debbie's scheme was 'good roleplaying' and how much of it was 'crazy ex stalking bullshit.' Everyone ended up pretty mad at Debbie, resulting in her getting kicked from the group.
You know, it's weird. It took about a year, but eventually Debbie and BenGF became friends... or something approaching it. They talk on the phone, go shopping together, to all appearances friendly. Debbie moving a town over and getting a different boyfriend helped alot.
But we've got three rules:
1. BenGF and Debbie do not play in the same campaigns together (I occasionally play with Debbie still in an online game and mmoRPG)
2.Debbie never sees Ben without BenGF being in the same room
and 3. An oath that the PCs aren't plotting to fucking murder each other.
I still allow notecards and private texts. This was the one time it backfired on me.
A yandere seems good for a campaign villain.
Oh god no, dont make me remember.
You can't just leave us hanging, user.
I'm playing a lovestruck idiot warlock who wants to marry her patron. She's actually quite level-headed when it comes to most things outside romance, though she did express a great deal of displeasure at meeting another girl her age who was signed on to the same archfey patron.
Anywho, despite her showing no murderous tendencies at all, she specifically goes out of her way not to kill as opposed to most of the rest of the party, and has actively saved the other girl despite her dislike of her, I'm now considered by the party to be playing a yandere. Calling the patron "master" probably doesn't help the image, but Amity has no reason to stop and I've no intention of breaking character.
She is admittedly quite likely to go off the deep end later on, based on what the DM seems to be planning.
i gotta say, you actually handled that situation way better than i could've ether as gm or player and you got a good story out of it 10/10 my man
Oh, man this is kind of a long story though. there's a bunch of dragons, an incident with a hot air boloon, I got adopted as a pet, ect.
I might post it later tonight when i have time
It took me a while to realize what you meant before I read the file name.
Several of them actually. They're a group of friends the party affectionately refers to as the "Yandere Squad"
For context, I run a Jojo game and realized a while back that I made a bunch of stand users who all had stands tailor made for creepy yandere shit. So I made them all friends. One is the chill yandere with her stand [Sway] that can steal and redistribute the abstract concept of vitality from people via its extendible needles, another is the manic and cheery weeb yandere with no stand but a hamon style entirely based on sticking to things, to which she can spider climb above people to stalk them. A third one is the commanding and in-charge yandere with her stand [Goodbye Blues] which secretes a semi-narcotic honey that renders some who ingests it susceptible to suggestion, while the fourth is the shy yandere with her stand [Mother Mother], which can trap people in loops of nostalgic memories that slowly start to glitch out as the loops go on. Lastly there is the "classic" (read;murderous) yandere with her stand [Ultraviolence] which lets her pull a Hidan from Naruto with anyone it cuts. They're pretty fun.
Jesus Christ, there are times when I think I wouldn't mind being the target of a real yandere but this changes my perspective.
Tbh I wouldn't mind just to actually be in a relationship for once in my life
So you just play shit? Sounds lame
Yes. We didn't want to deal with her because she was a witch and we were normal humans, so we just gave her object of obsession to her and let the poor guy get fucked to death.
It's not just shit. It's exclusive shit.
The yandere trope isn't exclusive to Japanese media
Ruined the character's life, but yes. She's emotionally manipulative/abusive to their son and literally wants to kill their daughter because she sees her as simultaneously a threat and an unworthy successor. The daughter is currently being played as a PC, and yandere's beloved husband is so deep in denial he could be wrestling crocodiles at this point.
Yooo, holy shit, I remember this. I was in that thread on /a/ when the guy told his story. Was admittedly underage at the time, so I didn't quite get how bad that shit is cause I just thought (being a dumb lonely teenager on /a/) that having an obsessive girlfriend would be great.
Now I'm reading this in college and realizing how fucked up that really is. Jesus.
Kind of loses its punch when you realize it's just the poster talking about his DMPC he made after being handed a PC turned NPC and the NPC love interest with no more material than what you could write on a bar napkin
Eh, I figured it was at least partly relevant. Besides, the original DM was lazy as shit, bless his heart.
I would take it. It's not like I have anything to lose, having a gf for one day and then being eviscerated would be an improvement.
Ah, I see they finally improved the art on The Wotch.
don't be silly user, there's always something more to lose.
Yeah, this isn't really that relevant to yanderes