Have you ever played a campaign in an Arabian Nights setting? How was it?
Have you ever played a campaign in an Arabian Nights setting? How was it?
No, my entire table is incredibly racist. I did try to play an arabic character once, but he literally ended up being called prince Ali.
If it's not generic medieval european fantasy or 40k, my group wants no part of it. Please kill me.
Began one. I left my dragon mount in the bazaar one day and, lo and behold, a suicide bomber ran in with a petard. Blew up my dragon and half the block. The whole desert was crawling with Cult Zealots
>Have you ever played a campaign in an Arabian Nights setting?
Sure have.
>How was it?
I don't talk about it on the traditional gaming board that's currently being overrun with incels and /pol/tards.
It was attempted. It ended up turning into another crusades. Half the party was into it, the other half ended up being the first crusaders scouting and such with native guides. Somewhere along the line they ended up converting and then launched a full crusade. Many stereotypes and inaccurate historical shit were used and it triggered my autism hard
I've never seen the /pol/tards spam anything, it's always the outraged reaction that drowns out a thread.
How about you tell us about your experience and if someone says 'mudslimes' you just hide the comment, so you don't have to look at it?
I played in an Al-Qadim campaign once and it was pretty great. It also helped that the players were fun to hang around with as well, but scheduling problems came up with college and the group fell apart.
Yes, kind of. Basically, we were a crew of vikings sailing around the mediterranean, stealing what we could and buying what we wanted, with the whole east and southeast of the map being Arabian Nights. Besides the usual bandits, princesses and merchants, we came across a party of foreign (Chinese) diplomats and traders, and we got caught up in a crusade that was called against them. We took up privateering for them for a while, before the city we were operating out of fell and we loaded the ship with all the valuables we could carry, ran the blockade and got the hell out.
>I've never seen the /pol/tards spam anything
/pol/tard detected
>muh /pol/tard when no one mentionned them
>angry when someone respond to him and scream "MUH /POL/TARD"
Both of you need to shut up
All he said was that /pol/ shits up other boards with their "redpills" this is a fact
The GM is luring us into one with the promise of a cure for two of our characters.
I played Ruins of the Undercity (Kabuki Kaiser), which have an Arabian ambiant. Nothing more than the aestetic, but fuck me it was a really good setting.
This. its always some anti-pol screecher that starts shit.
I ran a campaign where the whole party was the Sultan's harem. It was fun, but they cut the campaign length by about half, and roped this NPC into the harem too. I didn't expect them to be so 'into it', so to speak.
Racist in a “literally won’t try anything beyond generic Medieval Europe out of pure xenophobia” way or racist in a “won’t stop cracking jokes about turbans and suicide bombing” way?
No, its usually a benign "liberal" or "/pol/" comment thats met with an over reacting response, and then something happens to escalate it: either the first poster spergs or the thread spergs about how "/pol/ is ruining x" then its just a gang up and people lash out harder and dumber as the thread goes on
Why would it even matter? There's a dusting of Muslim terms sprinkled on top, but their not Arab stories. They're Greek and Iranian. And most of them are set in India, China, or Africa.
>traditional gaming board that's currently being overrun with incels
are you autistic or just new?
>makes a post talking about how he won't talk about it
Maybe be less of a giant fag?
You're being too rational for talking about irrational morons. Any /pol/ idiot who spams other boards with their shit is not likely to know the difference in any of those locations.
thats what i mean. Its almost never the 'pol' side that spergs
that sounds like a weak ass cop-out.
Sorry, OP, the 'tards have taken over. Try again in a few days. Maybe you'll have better luck.
For the record, yes, and it was great. I've done actual mythological Arabia and not!Agrabah, and both styles were fun. (And one literal Agrabah, which expanded into other Disney kingdoms as the campaign went on. That one was a particular favorite. One of those rare times when concept, story and players all jelled perfectly with each other.)
Good job shitting it up.
I'm sure you will accuse /pol/tards, because why not.
Are you kidding? They have been caught spamming memes several times just this week. They even got janitor'd for it.
Sounds like a boring campaign
What does? You are being asked about a campaign you had, or if you've had one.
Been enjoying a fine romp through an arabian-styled continent a player wrote for my setting.
Pic related, my high elf and the hookah she's taking home when it's all over.
You wrestle with projections. If you insist on continuing, carry on in silence.
were you at least using the obvious choice of system for a game like that: MAID
No, but a friend of mine is considering running an Elder Scrolls campaign set in Hammerfell sometime in the distant future.
that doesn't sound incredibly racist to me. there are several worse things to call arab people
I think it was the intimations that the character was gay that pissed the player off.
After all, Prince Ali was fabulous.