OP is an idiot edition

OP is an idiot edition.
>>Transhumanity's FATE (FATE Conversion)
>>X-Risks and After The Fall
>>Chuck's Eclipse Phase Wiki

>>the10 things you should know about Eclipse Phase
>>Advice for new players and GMs
>>Eclipse Phase hacking cheet sheet
>>Online character creator
>>Eclipse Phase xls Character sheet
>>Downloadable Character Creator
>>Singularity: The Official Character Creator

>>the 3 new adventures for your use in convenient PDF form
>>Ander's Sandberg's Eclipse Phase fanmade content, including several modules
>>Farcast: An Eclipse Phase yearblog full of items, locations, NPCs, and plot hooks
>>The Ultimate's Guide to Combat
>>Seedware: Another Yearblog
dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36317552/Seedware Blog.pdf
>>H-Rep: A Homebrew Blog


>OP is an idiot edition.
I could tell by the way you put the thread title in the name field.

>Forgot the subject line
At least you're honest, OP.

Damn right. Feel free to remake it proper. I just wanted the thread up.


Aaaand I'm indeed an idiot. Not my best day.

The core book talks about altering morph genetics being prone to disaster, but then what about all of the biomods that presumably alter genetics? How difficult should it be to upgrade a flat to a splicer or a splicer to an exalt or menton or the like?

Mechanically? Not at all. There is no penalty (That I know of) to just stacking all of the augments you can afford on a morph. But if you were going that route it's generally easier to just buy Morphs with the augments you want already built in. Tends to save on cost.

Plus going from a flat to a splicer does not change the aptitude maximums, or the aptitude bonus that are built in most high end morphs.

So I will be running some newbies through Million Year Echo this weekend for their first time playing EP. They are new to the system not RPG in general so I am fairly confident on the mechanical side of things they will probably be fine, but I want some suggestions.

Can anyone offer some tips I should pass along to them as first time players, or to me as the GM running the adventure?

Where in the book does it talk about mental speed and how it affects the timing of actions?

For that, you'll need Transhuman, the Eclipse Phase player's guide

thank you

>my feet hurt
>this party is lame
>I wish I was at home, forking egos
>god that bitches sleeve is so gauche
>'look at me i'm a symmetrical blonde with tits teehee'
>get some originality bitch
>check out that fucking octopod
>bet she can do some kinky shit with those tentacles
>I should get more eyes installed into my face

>Even in the transhuman future, your feet still hurt

So, to spur some discussion where do you all like to set your games? The inner worlds seem to be easier to do but who goes to Venus or mercury all that often? Personally I have a hard time with the outer systems because i'm not as well read on them.

Gatecrashing colony sim could be fun.

>lets just throw out everything that makes eclipse phase a unique setting and play generic scifi spess adventure
Lowest tier.


Gate crashing is one of the weirder parts of the setting only because it seems out of place. Then again, depending on how you fluff the Titans I see no overall problem with it.

That said, Earth Crashing seems like it would be more sensible exploring Titan infested ruins of cities and what not.

Titan disappearance theories go!

They never truly disappeared, they're just being super sneaky while running experiments with transhumans who do not even know they're rats in a maze. That's why there are such absurd political systems in the solar system, and so many different ones. The Rep economy, the habitats... all TITAN work, playing our society like a game and testing their theories.

The Titans were made from the fragmented and broken mind of an alien that was in a lifeboat in it's cortical stack. Having been picked and prodded and poked at for so many years and parts of it's mind integrated in various components and linked psychically (async) it had an overwhelming desire to go home and forcibly created and activated gates in our solar system to do it hence why the gates seeminly go to random places.

To what end? Just for the knowledge? Or hand wave it as being unknowable?

So are you saying that the established history of the Titans is a cover up then?

For my headcannon yes. The progenitors to firewall fucked up and didn't realize they were messing with an alien ego and the Titan virus is actually bits of that ego that can cause the body horror shit you see to happen or be induced into happening with enough tinkering being that it was the mind of an creature that was naturally an async.

However, the Prometheans were also a product of this as well having emerged without having gone insane themselves.

Entry 212 of Farcast: A Thousand Words for Fire.

I fucking love this entry. Has anyone played around with it? Or anyone have any ideas to add to it?

Titans got hit by ETI anti-competition systems. Depending on the game they either survived or don't.

In case they survived there is now two super-intelligences fighting somewhere deep inside the Milky Way.

Essentially, they're using us as a proving ground for how to subtly manipulate different kinds of societies. In the end, when they have a workable theory, they will bend all of the solar system's resources on subverting extrasolar civilizations. Ultimately, their goal is to gain control of all the galaxy.

They didn't. It's sort of like in an video game when you are so efficient in your leveling that you quickly outpace things and encounters become more of a chore then experience, so you go out of your way to avoid them. That's the Titans right now. They advanced, they fought us, now we are so far beneath them it's not even worth the time to deal with us they got better things to be doing. So they are around, just beyond what we can even touch.

Interesting and seems like could be really good adventure seeds. The fire aspect doesn't make sense to me but a name like that is cool non-the less

I miss TD

If I'm not mistaken that's the guy who did the art for some slaneeshi raptor with a dead sorotas on his shoulder trophy rack character who did that right? You'd never think considering how different the art style is.

Venus is fun, as is Luna, and both are a good way to have hyper-capitalist shenanigans and avoid the reputation economy

I like to play a little fast and loose with rep if only because you' invariably find people of all stripes somewhere just some more than others (i.e. R rep for Luna/Venus as opposed to A rep which is mars on out unless you happen to catch a random scum ship in the area doing trade or moving shit in exchange for supplies)

How much demand is there is for blueprints for meat products? A good steak, rack of ribs, and all the variations between steaks and ribs?