
Stop making shitty bait threads, user

A thread died for this.

God why are women so goddamn insecure? Between the fucking sperglords that get insecure losing to a girl and the girls getting insecure over every goddamn little implication that occurs, Magic has become a hobby so overloaded with insecurity. Is this why women need to remind each other that they’re better than men all the fucking time? Because they don’t actually believe it?

I will never understand. My wife’s exactly like that. No reason to throw a fuss and fee insecure and yet they do. Proper grown ass mature adults (men and women) have by now learnt to not give a shit about these small things that chip harmlessly at the ego but here we are in a card game not marketed at children but from the looks of it, is certainly played by children.

>Literally who gives her opinions
>/pol/ act like this is worth being upset over
You realize Anita wouldn't be rolling in KS/Patreon money if you people hadn't turned her into a martyr first, right? Just food for thought

>God why are women so goddamn insecure?

But user, it was a man who wrote this

The thing is, I read an article like this where a woman complains over every small micro aggression and go “whelp ignore opening my goddamn mouth is so fucking sexist why don’t I NOT play with women in general and when I do I’ll just play them as coldly as possible to avoid any interaction beyond the game. Hat way they CAN’T have any micro aggressions made against them.”

Which when you think about it creates a far more segregated and sexism-laden environment, defeating the whole purpose of Wizards agenda. Bravo brave woman for writing a brave article. Now I don’t wanna play with you because I don’t wanna offend you. Good job you get a star.

Are... are you fucking with me?

Holy shit this is long. What this guy is claiming as "sexisim" is saltiness. "Oh poor me. People are upset because I beat them!" Well duh. It has little to do with your gender. There's always some asshole who is upset that you used this card or that card to win.

To further top it off, it's clear this guy never tried to really get in with the group. "I only tried a couple times to trade." Well maybe no one wants to look at your shitty rares to trade for, or maybe that they already have those cards. It's hard to say. People shouldn't have to want to look at your cards just so you feel good about yourself. That's totally a bitch move. At no point in time does the author really tell us what is in their binder. I remember no one really wanting any of my cards when I was new to the game, even after six months. This was 20 years ago. It takes time to build up your collection and get the cards that people desire, especially if you're on a limited budget.

Here's the kicker. Why shit on the guys making a pass at you? Is it because they aren't Chad Thundercock? If Chad Thundercock made a pass at you, would you be flattered or equally annoyed? People often find other people to date through work, or friends, or activities. Why should this game be any different? Why is it bad to want to get to know someone more intimately that you share an obvious hobby with?

It's a woman(man)

>God why are women so goddamn insecure?
Frankly, because society still tells them that they should be. Less explicitly than it used to, and it's getting better as generations cycle out, but some of the messaging is still there.

Now, there's not actually a whole lot to be done about it. As time passes, younger generations are more and more used to the idea of egalitarianism. Some people are impatient and imagine that there's so magical way to accelerate the process, but there are only bandaids, some of which will keep us from being able to keep the wounds clean as they heal. It's all a bit of a mess, really.

Yeah I wouldn't have seen this article if it weren't for /pol/! It's not like its on the front page of reddit or anything.

>Stop making Magic a boys' club, you sexist misogynists

>It's another "nerds are sexist and trasnphobic because there's not enough women in their hobbies" episode.
People like this are cancer because they pretend they're of noble intentions, but really they just want to make everything neutered and sterile.

It’s been plastered all over fucking reddit and Facebook so hard you can hear tcgplayer sucking it’s own goddamn dick over how pleased it is that it addressed such a pertinent fucking issue.

Most people come into a game store to play a game. Not these women. No. They’re there to get as socially awkward and insecure and offended as humanly possible and then blame it on the men and make it a gender issue. You know why I can confidently assert such an egregious thing? Because if they were actually there to play the fucking game they wouldn’t be getting so salty in an article over simple human interaction. They’d be working on their plays, laughing criticism and salt off like a champion who’s there to play a fucking game. She has all the fucking sportsmanship that the salty dudes that lost to her have. So yes we want to neuter and sterilise everything because Magic is supposed to be a game that encourages and developed sportsmanlike behaviour, not one that encourages salt and drama. I’m as intolerant of women like her as I am the men she complains about in the article.


Oh, I’m sorry, we live in a post-Trudeau world, of course I meant to say “sportspersonlike”

Is Thea Miller a tranny? 'She' looks like one. Go away faggot

>Recognize Anecdotal Data
>literally goes on to say that we should ignore anecdotal claims from women that claim they don't experience sexism
who the fuck wrote this

When someone who makes a product you like says this, it's a pretty big red flag. What they're trying to say is that they don't care about maintaining the integrity of their product anymore, they just want to double their shekels. This is literally the only reason any one ever tries to pull in more demographics, whether it be sex, race, nationality, age, etc. They just want more.

wide spread anecdotal data is called consensus. if 90% of the time X happens and 9 out of 10 people share that experience then X is a confirmed phenomenon. if the last person out of 10 comes forward to claim that it doesn't happen, in spite of the testimony of the other 90% of people, they are over relying on their personal anecdotal experience instead of common consensus.

tl;dr go to school

>companies want money
oh shit somebody give this guy an award he figured it out

Can we just make a "troll / shitpost general" so we don't have multiples running around?

Serious question, is this person a man turned/pretending to be a woman?

I find thats nearly always the case, these freaks fucking love ramming the injustices of being them down everyones throat.

I find it ironic that women rally behind a man with his dick cut off. I would think it would be more patronising than anything.

Trans people seem to never be happy, they always have to be the centre of attention and complaining about something.

None of these "not enough women do X" gaming articles actually ask female gamers why they dont do X, it's just assumed to be because of sexism or whatever

>about to call you out on bullshit
>twitter link at the bottom
>it's true

>they always have to be the centre of attention and complaining about something.
sounds a lot like you right now

> is this person a man turned/pretending to be a woman?
you just don't even know words do you

are you suggesting something else is the cause?

>company wants to make a shittier product in order to make more money
Do you still buy rubbermaid and mainline gerber knives? This is sign no. 1 of a shitty company that no longer deserves your money.

Well it's a good thing she posted her anecdotal data proving her point isn't it? Oh wait, she doesn't. She literally just says "there is mounting evidence" and leaves it at that. No sources or links to any studies or evidence, just anecdotal claims.

Nothing to do with the game itself


This article reeks of AGP.

This whole article is a joke.
>After losing 0-2, the other player asks to see my deck and make suggestions
>Clearly that means he's hostile towards me and wants to make me feel inferior.
I don't care if this bitch is a tranny or not, she/he needs to grow the fuck up and realize that guy was just trying to help.

what exactly is shittier about magic card because of this?

>Do you still buy rubbermaid and mainline gerber knives?
i have never bought those things and i have no idea why you would bring them up

so you're saying that you've never heard other women talk about sexism in gaming? it's pretty common.

Imagine being such a vapid cunt that you honestly believe that the only reason somebody is offering you advice is because of the gash between your legs.

I had to check r/MagicTCG because I didn't believe you, but there it is, sitting at about 450 upvotes and counting.

Reddit is just Facebook 2.0



>so you're saying that you've never heard other women talk about sexism in gaming? it's pretty common.
That's not "mounting evidence", that's hearsay. Just because a vocal minority claims sexism doesn't mean that it's true. I'm not saying there aren't sexism in gaming, but that's not mounting evidence. Both claims are entirely anecdotal.

I honestly can't fathom how someone can be so vain and narcissistic to think the entire world revolves around them. Hey, maybe that guy you beat is salty because you beat him, not because he wants to purposely ostracize you from some secret club.

Seriously. If everyone could just sit down, play the fucking game, and shrug off a little bit of salt, the community wouod improve 100%.

But don't you dare say anything negative about this article on that thread!

The powerful reddit mods will ban you forever for wrongthink.

What an inclusive echo chamber with wotc's staff actively looking at the threads for Wotc to get feedback from. Now they'll think everyone agrees with the woman(man) and market their product using the same tone!

Uh no, he was trying to rape 'her'

Yes me complaining about trannies trying to change literally everything because it upsets them is trying to be the centre of attention on an annonymous msg board which is totally equatable to posting your name, picture and social media bs with the usual micro aggressions woe is me attention seeking.

You didnt even answer the question, so i will assume its yes. You can keep pretending these freaks dont do this all the time. Trans people are mentally ill, they should get help for that. Cutting off their dick and pumping them full of female hormones doesnt seem to solve any of their identity problems.

The person is just incredibly insecure.

Look at how she has to consistently remind the reader that she is female by mentioning unrelated stereotypical "girl" things like her makeup or clothes.

Sadly wizards has decided to encourage "people" like the "writer" of this "Article" to turn the game into a saltfest safe space

multiple people giving their personal accounts isn't hearsay, that's first hand information.

if one person says they saw bigfoot then nobody is going to believe them but if thousands of people say they all saw bigfoot riding a rusty bicycle on the streets of amsterdam then suddenly people are going to look into it because that's called consensus.

I don't understand, I've seen every single one of these things happen to men frequently. Was it sexist against them too?