>about to start Wednesday game
>get a message from the DM of my sunday game
>kicked from game I helped plan from the start, which I was enjoying
>GM won't even share the reasons why I was kicked
>apart from "ooc and IC drama"
Now you share, anons
>about to start Wednesday game
>get a message from the DM of my sunday game
>kicked from game I helped plan from the start, which I was enjoying
>GM won't even share the reasons why I was kicked
>apart from "ooc and IC drama"
Now you share, anons
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry to hear that OP. Nothing compared to that
>Rotate DMs
>missed a session cause of depression was kicking my ass
>next session find out I have to DM because other DM is tired from work and isn’t coming
>hadn’t plan anything since I thought wouldn’t have to run a game for another
>voice in my head tells me I shouldn’t go and my session will be crap
>game doesn’t go that bad
>find out other DM missed it for GF
>can’t say I blame him
>at least I get to play next week
>next session comes around it only lasts a hour
>majority of the game was just shitting on me
I just want to play a game and enjoy myself...
Considering you came here to whine about it, the GM was probably right to be rid of you.
Elaborate. What were you doing which you think spurred his decision? Don't tell me you don't have even the slightest idea.
>Only game you've ever been kicked from you were planning on leaving anyway.
>Immediately find another group that's better in every way.
I played a "bad girl" with a bad attitude. Really rough and coarse, but she likes her friends. Wants to protect them. Far as I could tell, others were just complaining about past indiscretions that happened a long time before the game was even in the planning phase.
That and there was some OOC salt throwing, between me and another few players. I know I didn't start anything. I responded to people being snarky with snark in return.
The shittiest part was that I was working on improving this girl's personality with responses from everybody else. But in a game that only runs once per two weeks, you don't get a lot of time for character development, and loose lips sink ships.
I'm feeling more betrayed than anything else.
>in medical quarantine until monday
>missing last session of adventure
why even live?
Stream it you dip. We have vid chat it’s 2018 come on now.
What I'm getting here is:
>Played grating character with a shitty attitude
>Has a prior history of acting like a shitter
>Argued with everyone OOC
Elaborate on these "past indiscretions"
Go to game anyways and Rape the DM
>Played grating character with shitty attitude
I realized that pretty early on when I made her, so I worked on changing that attitude to something more positive. Wasn't exactly fast enough for the rest of the party apparently.
>prior history of acting like a shitter
I've been kicked out of /one/ past game. When I was a little baby dipshit that didn't know two things about RPing.
>argued with everyone OOC
I'm pretty certain I never started anything. People talked shit about me, I talked shit right back
What happened that session? Are you sure everyone was shitting on you intentionally?
>People talked shit about me, I talked shit right back
You probably weren't getting kicked out because of your character. If people are talking shit about you, you're probably better off without them.
You sound like the kind of autist that everyone hates to have join their game.
"Imma play some socially retarded character that acts like a douche in every situation because Imma asshole irl. trololo"
Maybe take some time to figure out why you're such an insufferable cunt before ruining anyone elses game?
Man shit, that's what I've trying to do. I know I've got a bad attitude and I wanna fix that problem, and I THOUGHT I'd gotten it settled. Goes to show that either I have a long way to go or the people I hang around with aren't worth my time.
Kind of sounds like you are "that guy" Yet you don't even realize it yet.
>I've been kicked out of /one/ past game
Well, take some more time to curb your aspergers and when you finally rejoin the table, try rolling out an actual character that LIKES hanging out and not being a fucking idiot.
>I've been kicked out of /one/ past game
Fucking spill it. The fact you keep alluding to past problems but are being so damn cagey about it is already telling me a lot more than you probably realize, though. No one likes that attention whore who keeps bringing shit up about himself then immediately turns the whole thing into an onion-peeling when asked.
What have you actually done. Give real examples. did any of it involve a girl
>DM engages in flabby excuses for cancelling session for 4 weeks
>eventually leaves us to play with another party
>he posts here too
>Build my first MTG deck i think is really cool and well built
>Test it online and be super proud of it
>Bring it over to my college Veeky Forums-stuff club
>Play agaisnt someone else and win in a kinda effective way
>Guy compares me and my deck to this asshole who's always insanely proud of himself when he wins uses hundred dollar modern decks
>now i never feel like using the deck again cause i assiociate it with that asshole...
I got involved in a PbP game, VERY FIRST ROLEPLAYING I EVER DID, on some old internet forum. Got booted from that because I was a tiny fag, balls hadn't even dropped yet. Not sure if I wanna count that one.
The first actual weekly game I got kicked from involved a girl. Though "girl" is probably stretching it, last I checked they were trans or something? I never bothered to get that much info on them. They kicked me out because, again, I was still a young fuck, didn't even have two brain cells to rub together. I assure you, nothing pervy was going on. I spent all of three sessions before I got the boot.
Between that first actual game and the one I've had about... i wanna say thirty non-starters in about three years. Games that just don't get off the ground. The GM flakes or nobody shows UP to the game. Haven't ever been kicked from one of those, usually I've been a player. For the games I GM'd that were in that group, people didn't show up, or shit happened in my life that conflicted directly with the game.
Last game I got kicked out of, GM is saying "oh, this sucks, I really wished I didn't have to do this, you're a cool dude."
I don't know man, I think the part that hurts the most is that I gave the DM the idea for the game in the first place, helped him plan a lot of stuff in the beginning (when the time slot meant that I couldn't consistently play), even helped settle some stuff. Then when my schedule changes and I have time free to play, I come in with a new character and then this happens not even a month or two later.
Ironically, I gave him advice when he was telling me "he needed to deal with a problem player in another game" Told him to be decisive. And so he was decisive towards me.
I just feel like shit since I can't seem to nail down a single consistent group for ANY kind of game.
You showed up to this game with a shit character and proceeded to use it as an excuse for shitty behavior ingame.
You were fairly kicked.
You need to get your head and your ass wired together before you join any future games, because you're still a cunt.
You're preaching to the choir. Yeha, I know. I'm a dick sometimes. But I think I've been getting better about it. The fact this has happened again probably means I need to really self-reflect and figure out what the hell went wrong.
I should probably just never play any kind of woman in any edition of DnD, ever, because every game I've done that in has ended up floundering even HARDER than usual.