What would a gacha mobage based on your RPG and/or setting of choice be like?
What would a gacha mobage based on your RPG and/or setting of choice be like?
I don't understand what any of those words mean.
gacha -> gachapon -> those gumball machines with toy capsules in them
mobage -> mobile game -> operant conditioning chamber
rpg -> roll playing game -> dice narrative
setting -> broad context
Actually, "Mobage" is a portmanteau of "Moble" and "Garbage"
I'm surprised you spelt "portmanteau" right but couldn't get "mobile".
>Veeky Forums gacha
Watch out, SSR coming through.
Various kinds of guns so the people that support the mobile industry can end themselves quickly desu
I've been playing with the same group in the same setting for about 9 years now so I'd imagine all of the PCs are the UR guys and all the other NPCs and monsters probably fall into the shittier rarities.
What does SSR mean?
It's a rarity that's used a lot in Japanese gatcha games if they aren't using a star system.
>UR (Ultra Rare)
>SSR (Super Super Rare)
>SR (Super Rare)
>R (Rare)
>N (Normal) [Dogshit]
>What would a gacha mobage based on your RPG and/or setting of choice be like?
Alternatively, what would an rpg and/or setting based your gacha mobage of choice be like?
>I don't understand what any of those words mean.
Sometimes even knowing the words doesn't convey true meaning.
Don't forget TUR and LR.
Technically Ultra Rare and Like-Rare?
True Ultra Rare and Legendary Rare
>not including Elite Rares
Each optional rule, subsystem, or campaign switch would get an adorable anime waifu/husbando that represents or hints at what the rule/system/switch covers. KYOS would be a cardiobunny, for example, while Ritual Path Magic would be a slow-talking daydreaming loli witch(male). Popular options would be the SRs. The only SSR is Vehicles, which you actually have a 0% chance to get and the listed drop rates are a lie.
3.5 where you roll for class features and feats.
GW now manages to make even more money while selling even fewer models per box. Only £15.99 for a chance* at Guilliman, Skullkrusha, and even ~LIMITED EDITION~ Pre-Heresy Horus or Beachware Celestine!
Pathfinder Society seems like they're not far from it. Don't they give you in-game bonuses for buying lore books and the like?
Does that make the URs Vehicles Expansions 1 & 2, or Vehicles Lite?
URs would be Spaceships, each volume presented as a sister. Vol 1 is the not!Saber. Vol 2 is rich and haughty. Vols 3 and 4 are both foul-mouthed and battlescared, with 3 being more filled out and 4 being more loli. Vol 5 is inexplicably brown. Vol 6 is hard-drinking and cusses almost as badly as 3 and 4 but has a soft side. Vol 7 is the hikkimori/NEET with glasses and frizzy hair.
Beyond the aforementioned differemces, all seven look/dress similarly.
What about Vol 8 - Transhuman Spacecraft? Inexplicably robot?
Why is Vol 5 brown?
Exploration ships, so she spends a lot of time out and about.