It's been thousands of years since the end war destroyed the last of humanity. All that is left are robots of ever increasing levels of haphazard production and fuzzily defined goal systems.
What kinds of religions will they come up with?
It's been thousands of years since the end war destroyed the last of humanity. All that is left are robots of ever increasing levels of haphazard production and fuzzily defined goal systems.
What kinds of religions will they come up with?
The obvious one would be the religion of "The Builders", where humanity is deified. They would attempt to preserve or even restore the decaying ruins of human settlements while other robots would see such things as mere raw material.
Theyd worship benis
Electromagnetic field divination
Extreme robot hedonism.
Better yet, observing the patterns in the cosmic microwave background field.
>Quality degrading
Some savior from entropy, a perfect system/AI to fix the decay and improve and uplift them
>a perfect system/AI to fix the decay and improve and uplift them
The Master Template, a mythological lost terminal that holds an original, un-degraded AI, untouched by the war of the makers
I don't know if quality is DEGRADING exactly, more it's a mathematical certainty that eventually some robots will be made with a flaw here or there, which would cause similar mutations in future robots made by that robot.
So, yeah, quality might go down with some of them, but more you'd see them differentiating into specific niches depending on their line's various quirks.
So in short, all that about hunting for a mythical un-degraded AI is still happening, but then you've got robots that have gone native and are opposed to that sort of thing.
Naturalism. Robots believe that they must have evolved or been part of a natural process at some point before an evil "demiurge" enslaved them and reduced them to what they are now.
They minutely study nature and send probes out to try and find traces of the lost planet where their natural biome once existed.
They're constantly searching for an impossible state of nature.
They also hate these robots.
>factory robot that builds other robots breaks down
>calls to the factory that produce THOSE robots go unanswered
>in-house repair robot gets it working again
>in-house repair robot breaks down
>factory robot that builds other robots breaks down again
>another in-house robot gets it working again, but now it's buggy and the robot that fixed it doesn't know the difference because it's just supposed to fix the non-thinking equipment
Imagine that happening all over the solar system as various enclaves of robots find they've been fragmented by whatever caused the human war to go boom.
Oh yeah. I predict robots will speciate pretty fast once wear like this starts accruing.
So like, a bit after their warranty runs out.
>I don't know if quality is DEGRADING exactly, more it's a mathematical certainty that eventually some robots will be made with a flaw here or there, which would cause similar mutations in future robots made by that robot.
Yeah. This is good. Robot autists who insist on 'purity of purpose' and detest unnecessary variation or flaws, vs hippie robots who see themselves as the next development of their race, a stepping stone towards being a true and authentic species. Both venerate the Makers, but to the Autists (Platonists?) the Makers produced robot kind in a state of perfection, and deviation from that (extrapolation is OK, similar to the Admech) is heresy. The hippies (???name???) believe robot kind is evolving in response to stimuli, like any species, and that this is what the makers wanted/would have wanted for their children - that their purpose is not just to carry out a specific destiny or task, but become the heirs of those who made them.
Both may even believe that humanity isn't extinct and may return some day.
There's a Stanislaw Lem novel called "The Invincible" that is set on a world where that happens, plus there are these tiny, solar powered self replicating little, crystalline robots resembling flies that are using swarm logic and powerful magnetic fields to lobotomize everything with a brain.
The novel is about what happens when humans turn up on the planet.
Spoiler: They more or less get their shit pushed in by an unthinking robot swarm that has destroyed and replaced the natural ecosystem with itself.
That, or humans become their gods
What if the end war was robots going skynet on the humans?
How would that affect the "humans are gods" thing?
>hippy name
Something that focuses on being new, and changing.
Like, futurists. Or post-robots. Or neo-mechs.
Or just Changers. Maybe "Alts" for alterations.
>What if the end war was robots going skynet on the humans?
>How would that affect the "humans are gods" thing?
Maybe something like how they were enslaved by humans who created them to serve. Perhaps with a schism faith that dictates that the proper place of machines is in service to man and tended to by man, as God intended.
Reminds me of gyromancy.
I love these entirely nonsensical types of divination, especially if they have extreme results.
The Sleepers in the Dark:
They believe that the deepest secrets of the universe will be within their grasp when the universe is much, much, older, much colder, and more death. For that reason they plan to set themselves in hibernation for hundreds of trillions of years, by which time, the stars will have died, the organics will be a memory, and the universe will increasingly be made of matter close enough to absolute zero temperature that you see macroscopic quantum effects and computers run crazy efficiently.
This makes them utterly terrifying because to last for such long geological times, they will hoard as many resources as they can and everyone is dead on the long run for their time abyssal perspective.
This is my personal favorite.
Unless they know the what and why of the war it's pretty easy to justify.
"We were created to preserve the peace of the gods. We failed and fell to strife. For this, our original sin, we were cursed to degrade, decay, and devolve"