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What's your favorite Euro? Ameritrash?

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Check it out, just got my copy of Exodus is the mail :^)

>two classic OPs in a row
>no summoner wars, jaipur, maglev trains, or comic sans
Not sure if I should feel nostalgic or disappointed. Favorite euro changes every week, Burgerspielen it'd be 1st & Goal or X-wing (just not the 100/6 tourney scene)

My favorite right now. I guess it qualifies as ameritrash?

Power grid for euro. It just keeps holding up after a good 50 games or so of it now.

>What's your favorite Euro? Ameritrash?
Is worker placement Euro? If so then it's Alien Frontiers.

For ameritrash probably battlelore or anything C&C

>What's your favorite Euro?

OP here. I started the last one too.

I was gone from these threads for the most part for a while. What'd I miss?

Mostly rage at kickstarter games, and anger at FOTM shit like bloodrage

I'm pretty mad that gloomhaven is so highly rated, feels like people trying to justify their super high investment board game


Haven't had time to play gloomhaven with my friends yet though

Mostly shitposting, but not the fun kind

>FOTM shit like bloodrage
Is it bad? I know the Dice Tower dudes are pretty susceptible to FOTM but they seem to all three still really like Blood Rage now so I assumed it was actually decent.

>not the fun kind
Make Shitposting Great Again

What's the best heavily thematic coop game under $60 to come out in the last six months?

>to come out in the last six months

Anything older than that, I'm likely to know. Anything newer than that, I'm likely to have missed as I haven't paid much attention to board games lately.

Can somebody post that 4x board games image?

Also, this might be asking the impossible, but is there any 4x game with solo rules that also plays well at 3 to 5 players?

>Make Shitposting Great Again
>love /pol/
>love Veeky Forums
>together the two of them taste like crap

As for BloodRage, take your pic; it's either bad, overrated, shitty CMoN minis grab (it is basically a reprint w/plastic) or all of the above to those who hate it.

>but is there any 4x game with solo rules that also plays well at 3 to 5 players
Exodus with either expac.

Make Shitposting Great Again was not intended as an endorsement nor a criticism of any public figures. It just felt like the thing to say at the time.

How is Exodus without the expansions? Is it one of those things where it's substantially worse without them even from the beginning, or does it just grow old quickly and the expansions really add replayability?

I'm just thinking about whether I should get it now and get Edge of Extinction and Event Horizon over the next few months, or hold off to get the base game until I can get an expansion too?

I do realize solo isn't playable without the expansion, but I can do without for a while.

>a reviewer liked it so i assumed it was good
reviewers are advertisers. this is true in everything, not just board games. award shows are two hour long commercials for the industry. indie stuff doesn't get good ratings because it doesn't put money in the pockets of the big players so there are no repercussions to trashing it. this is why it seems like all quality products come from the big publishers/producers/companies and indie stuff is generally slightly lower quality despite the opposite being true more often than not.

What's a good big, thematic game good with three players that'll have us like "remember when you were playing as [character/faction/whoever]..." and talking game world lore and shit?

>Favorite Ameritrash
Either 1st & Goal or X-Wing. If I could ever find a chance to play Forbidden Stars or Wiz-War then those may become my favorites.

>Favorite Euro
I've only played it solo but Adrenaline was pretty great. I really want to play my copy of Castles of Burgundy though...

ST: Fleet Captains with either expansion.

If you're into star trek, star trek ascendancy. if not:
Forbidden Stars
Merchants and Marauders
Twilight Imperium
Kingdom Death: Monster


Id play Forbidden Stars with you user. Played 2 games with my gf tonight.

>those quality burgerspiel
>liked Adrenaline
Tell me user, how do you feel about pic related?

I like it but one of the reason I got it was because it didn't have faction abilities like every other 4X, which is why I also haven't grabbed the xpacs.

The politics is fun but is clearly just TI-lite, the shipbuilding is similarly lacklustre compared to Eclipse. It does feel faster and more dynamic compared to TI and Eclipse and of course its ace in the hole is the WMDs, they're super fun.

tl;dr I like Exodus without the xpacs because the xpacs make it bigger and if I wanted a bigger 4X ID play something else

oh holy shit, i never knew space empires made a board game version! I supported that mofo all the way from SE2 back in the day for pc.

... is it actually good? Or just good for a 4x boardgame?

Dude, I'd love that. I'm cursed with not having anyone to play games with so they just sit there and mock me.

I didn't think Adrenaline was perfect, but it was enjoyable. I do have other euro games but it's harder to play those since I have a hard enough time finding others to play them with me. Would you count Broom Service as a Euro? If so, then I'll change my answer to that one.

As for pic related, I think it's very comical

>not sure if JFH somehow opened that cloning facility
Yeah Broom Service is definitely euro and quite good, still not sure if it should've beaten Orleans for Kennerspiel, but it's definitely worthy of the prize

Broom Service was so much fun the last time I played. I spent the game zooming across the map to the other end to score some big points and it ended up helping me win by a few points. It may have not been the most optimal ply, but it felt good when it worked out

Nobody ever talks about it but its a hex and chit wargame which don't get talked about in general.

Did the videogame ever get good AI?

Is my post a shitpost?

Not really no. At least, for someone who had played the games for as long as I did, it was never a challenge.

SE 5 tried i guess, but because of all the content it cut from 4, it might just have been better optimized and not actually any better.

I wish people near me played hex and chit games... I broke out squad leader the other day and my one friend went actual pale. Kids these days I fucken tell ya.

Not unless you and another user start calling each other sweetie for 30 posts overnight about it. Can't tell what I'm looking at though, neither the publisher or the theme on that ring a bell; is this ripping some IP off or original?

Some anons here said it was ripping off something but I forget what, exactly. Resident Evil perhaps, I'm not sure. It looks like hot junk to me and I probably did just shitpost because no one here will take this game seriously, I think.

>reviewers are advertisers
The dude behind All The Games You Like Are Bad is pretty good about defying this.

You're very uninformed if you don't think those publishers want him reviewing their games. I'd bet both my testicles he's more likely to sell games than lose sales.

Even when he savages a game it'll gain sales just from publicity, but that doesn't mean it's advertisement.

>every character is a reference to some retarded pop culture thing
You post isn't, but that entire KS campaign is just one giant shitpost. normies will give them millions

I played 3 (I think) ages ago. It had cool mechanics but the AI was braindead and I couldn't find people to play with.

I've played MoO2 since then so idk if I'll still like it. Nothing compares to MoO

>a show that informs people about a product and convinces them to buy it
>not an ad
if you're trolling 4/10, i felt the need to respond. if you're not then you're actually stupid.

Shadows of Brimstone

4 was the best over all. Yeah, you had to play the game with people because the AI just couldn't compete. I forget if 3 had the custom AI files or not now, but in 4 you could make your own race AI files just in .txt and share them online. They were barebones "scripts" but they still produced decent enough games.

MoO was a better game probably, but I still prefer SE 4. I miss my bio-living ships. Every other game that did living ships just didn't quite get the right feel where I felt like i was an actual space hive, not just a insect race.

can BR really be called FOTM when people are still playing it regularly a few years later?

You make a great point, fellow user! Blood Rage, like most games by Eric M. Lang, are and will continued to be enjoyed for decades! Blood Rage is certainly a timeless drafting/area control/resource management MURDERFEST, just like Rising Sun is a timeless area control/diplomacy BRAWL! I for one will be playing his games until I'm old and gray, and I know I'm not alone. Thanks for reminding me of all the great times I've had playing some of the best games in existence, designed by a modern-day board game genius!

Oh man, I almost backed that as alternate minis for SOB, just checked the kickstarter and it got 1.4million in funding?!? The final minis they posted look good although the clustered tentacle looks a bit off from the campaign model,

Yeah, it's starting to get ridiculous.

I don't get it.

How important do you think having 6 players in TI4 is?

While the game definitely feels the most tense and balanced around 6 players the more powerful economies and faster pace of lower player counts is an interesting dynamic as well.

TIanything is best at 4-5.


I mean the gameplay looks like total garbage, but I'm still kind of sucked in by the April, "it's sphere mixed with the abyss crossed with aliens all in a chthulu setting" I know it's junk but I still kind of want it, the self reassuring that delays are nothing to be worried about by a few backers on the geek is amusing though

Less downtime, the player opposite you in a 6man game is rarely contributing much to your experience, and (at 4, anyways) you can get away with a smaller galaxy, which lets you run into each other sooner.
That's my take, anyways.

The amount of money thrown at ks games is becoming ridiculous.

>just got my copy of Exodus

I don't like you

>and (at 4, anyways) you can get away with a smaller galaxy, which lets you run into each other sooner

odd, even a mostly terrible game like small world adapts it's mapsize to player count very well. how did/does TI screw this up?

A lot of the public objectives are "Control X planets type of type Y" so reducing the galaxy size might make those prohibitively difficult for all but one player.

Of course some objectives are like that anyway so idk.

Galaxy creation does seem to be the first part of the rules people houserule.

Yo dudes. I'm making a board game and i'll be uploading it to the tts workshop. It's a mix of SW Rebellion, TI3/4, Here I Stand, and COIN set in a high-fantasy setting.
My goal is to make it playable with 2-10 players (with a total of 10 unique factions). I'll try to get something up on TTS by the end of the weekend, anyone here interesting in play testing it?

You can adapt map size however you want, really. TI doesn't "screw it up" as much as "games are faster with less people".
But it's easier to have X players within Y systems of you as X gets smaller.
If you're playing an 8p game of TI3, odds are you'll have very little direct interaction at least a couple of the other people across the table. They won't be adding a lot to your game experience - certainly some, but not nearly as much as the people you're likely to be contesting resources with. But you'll sit waiting during their turns all the same, trying not to zone out.

What do you guys think about Terraforming Mars? Is it a good/fun games?

I heard that it isnt very interactive between players.

Not only is it almost completely uninteractive, it's entirely luck-based.

You need to learn the system first, but once you hit the skill cap (which happens pretty quickly) yes it's entirely luck based.

Learning the system is fun, and playing it solitaire is fun. Multiplayer is alright, the competition for board spaces is alright but ultimately secondary to everyone pushing their own cubes and not making eye contact.

An alright wind-down for already-proficient eurogamers, I'd say. But it takes a bit too long to be that sort of 'filler' so lacklustre overall.

Personally I love the theme, and find the terrible stock art charming.

I mean, those minis and their names sound like that game about fighting the 7 Deadly Sins... I think it was literally called The Others: 7 Sins.

So that's something.

>What's your favorite Euro?

The mental deficients who were hating on Agricola in the last thread need to die in a fire, they're too stupid to live.

Terraforming Mars is hot garbage fotm bad.

Nah, Agricola is pretty average. People think it's hot shit because they figure surviving the starvation mechanic makes them Albert fucking Einstein and completely gloss over the card draws which can shaft your entire game with zero recourse.

Just got home and got the mail, ready to learn the fuck out of this new expansion. I'm so glad they put it on amazon rather than keeping it kickstarter exclusive.

Triumph & Tragedy

If you like Agricola but see the flaws in the draws is talking about try Antiquity

>Nah, Agricola is pretty average.
No it isn't.

> People think it's hot shit because they figure surviving the starvation mechanic makes them Albert fucking Einstein
Starving isn't an issue unless it's your first time playing.

> ...and completely gloss over the card draws which can shaft your entire game with zero recourse.
Git gud and stop whining. There are no useless cards in Agricola, only useless players.

> If you like Agricola but see the flaws in the draws...
Play the Revised Edition instead, it's got a smaller, more tighly curated list of cards which will help you understand the game quicker.


Shadows of Brimstone

I'm getting massive tone dissonance between the art, the serious tone of the text and those silly looking cartoon firemen. It's a detail, but I hate it.

You're not the only one. It doesn't bug me enough but pretty much everyone mentions that the instant I open the box. The art you get and the art on the board and models are so drastically different.

I don't get why X-Wing is considered a board game. In addition to not being played on, you know... a board... it's just a miniature wargame.

Not to knock it for that - I'm a huge fan of Armada and play it as often as possible - but I've never understood why it's so often considered a board game.

There are games that they unanimously hate or that one or two like and the other two or one hate.

>it's just a miniature wargame
A minuature wargame is a kind of boardgame.

where's the board?

More than 50% of boardgamegeek.com entries don't have a "board".

"Boardgame" is just the English way of saying "tabletop game". For historical reasons, English words don't always make sense, deal with it.

Okay, this is my situation:

I need a fully coop dungeon crawl game that's fun solo and with other players, for about $60 or less. Ideally something 2-3 hours long.

I'm pretty slammed with grad school work right now but I think be middle of next week I'll have some more breathing room. I'd be interested in trying it out if you still need people

Considering it's actually Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, you've got a pretty solid argument. I'd say it could be called either because FFG packaged it as a board game (fully assembled, pre-painted, ready to play in 1 box) but it's not really a conventional board game. Though you could also call it a LCG, since a massive part of the tournament 100/6 is based off buying everything and building your deck before ever playing.

It's my favorite game to not play by the included rules, because I consider it more a toolkit than a single game. It's more fun to do the non-standard formats and just enjoy playing with cool models, so you could really call it a toy set.

How do we feel about Charterstone? Looks good? Looks eh? Pure shit?

So what is the word on the street regarding Anachrony?

Learned about it long time ago but never checked it out. Then I learned it has some light time travel mechanic, I love time travel.

I might be. Will depend on a few factors mostly dealing with game length, but otherwise, yeah sounds interesting.

I want a Euro-influenced (in that gameplay is important and it's not just a luck-fest), very thematic game with a decent amount of player interaction that isn't super heavy.

>yes it is.png
Sons of Anarchy

Thanks for the recommendation!

>I want a ... very thematic game
Why? Do they not sell movies and books in your country?

They sell both. I enjoy both. I still enjoy thematic games.

I enjoy Euro stuff too. Just depends on my mood.


>Designers' Best: Alan Moon
I guess Tom forgave and forgot about the whole con panel debacle?

If we look for 40k on BGG, given its immense popularity relative to X-Wing (rank 58) or Armada (rank 174), we find the highest ranked edition... all the way down at 1,826.

As everybody knows, BGG rank isn't equivalent to quality (Armada is better than X-Wing imo; and 40k *is* trash compared to both anyways), but it also doesn't directly correspond to popularity either. 40k is a tremendously popular miniatures game and is one degree removed from not being on BGG at all. So, if we were to use "is on BGG" as the dictionary entry for the phrase "board game", it wouldn't necessarily support the idea that colloquial usage includes miniature wargames.

(Incidentally, while researching this topic, I have learned that the lowest ranked board game on BGG is tic-tac-toe.)

>I need a fully coop dungeon crawl game that's fun solo and with other players, for about $60 or less. Ideally something 2-3 hours long.
>for about $60 or less

I want GH pretty bad but I don't think I could ever get the players going to justify it's price.

Just tried Legacy of Dragonholt, had a good time, very cooperative though there's technically no board so it might not be what you seek.

> If we look for 40k on BGG, given its immense popularity relative to X-Wing (rank 58) or Armada (rank 174), we find the highest ranked edition... all the way down at 1,826.
Hah. Wait till you see the BGG rank of chess, go and poker!

> 40k is a tremendously popular miniatures game and is one degree removed from not being on BGG at all
That's mostly because the BGG software doesn't really work with stuff that isn't a self-contained box.

Considering how quick he and Sam moderated it off their forums? Not all that surprising, it took a lot of searching through comments that hadn't been deleted to find out why they posted the live show late. It wasn't even really buzzing around as news at Gencon, only the people who went to the show knew about it

You just got it today? I've had mine since December.

The more I play elder sign the more I like it. The strategy can be subtle!

Try Descent. The app makes it playable coop, there is a ton of expansions if you want to spend more than 60$) and each session is no more than 2h.
Though you should play at least 3 characters if you play solo, because too many road event are dependant of if you have the right class.

Captain SONAR, not an euro, but checks out all the other boxes

What this guys says.