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Here's a halfassed shitpost.
Making what basically amounts to a Mutant Orphanage CYOA. I've decided to go for a more sober take on the premise and will try to treat it seriously to establish a good atmosphere. For this goal I've chosen to design the individual subject profiles as though they were government files or medical sheets similar to . The following is the information it could potentially display.
1. Subject Information
1a. Name: Name of the subject
2a. Age: Age of the subject
3a. Height: Height of the subject
4a. Weight: Weight of the subject
2. Details of Abnormality
1b. Manifestation: How the abnormality manifests, what it can do, what it looks like, what effects it has, etc.
2b. Prognosis: How the abnormality may evolve, what it may be capable of doing as it progresses throughout the years
3. Subject Disposition
1c. Personality Examination: Basically detailing their personality, how they act and such, not much else.
2c. Interpersonal Relationships: A list of friends and enemies taken from the list of other potential orphans.
4. Administrator Notes
1d. Miscellaneous: Uncertain, will most likely just be details referring to their past/actions/anything else of interest
Is there anything in this list that you would change, or anything that seems unnecessary or wasteful or otherwise a point of interest? I'm eager to receive your ideas and incorporate them into the CYOA to make it more accessible and interesting.
Mystery Box.
>Using the butler's pic and not his avatar
You had one fucking job
Okay, now you're official cancer.
>ZBG's RP shit persona
Holy fuck, I thought I bleached my mind from this cringe
I'm going to make this incredibly gay
male saber
doggy style
finish inside
marry saber
Many Sabers
But can i lewd the lolis?
Also looking forward to seeing whatever it becomes when you finish. Sounds like a solid premise.
But yeah ZBD cucking someone this really is fanfiction!
This has a lot of potential, looking forward to it.
Can there be lewd? Will there be a cure?
Does anyone have the sauce to a super old cyoa i've been looking for? It was basically a super detailed fantasy role choice game where every class had 3 sub-options to it.
Gonna need more information, pal. I've saved every single cyoa posted since 2014.
Thanks to everyone who submitted to the City Collab. I had a lot of fun reading through everyone’s submissions, and I hope that everyone else will enjoy them, too. Those who haven’t submitted to the Collab will still be able to enjoy the finished project. I don’t know when it will be done for certain, but I’d like to keep myself accountable on that.
It’s time for me to double down on the design work. I’ve got a simple sort of to-do list on the Sampler document, for those who are curious/want to prod me to work faster. The first one is to tie up loose ends from the submitters, and make sure each submission is feature-complete and compliant. Next will be to run an editing pass, checking for grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
PizzaAnon: I would like to include yours still, if you can make the necessary edits I mentioned (edit parts written in future tense for legends, “happened to the last guy”, etc.) Since the submission form has closed, any way you can submit the edited version is fine.
Many Sabers
Another Saber
Role Reversal
Finish in mouth
Marry Saber
I won't say you can or can't lewd the lolis, in any case I'll leave that detail to the discretion of your imagination since I can't seriously imagine a government organization that would take the time to dedicate a section of their profiles to asking whether a prepubescent girl is looking for cocks. There will probably be profiles that hint at romantic inclinations and personal goals that could intersect with your desires, but again it won't be outright stated.
Also, though the title is "orphanage" the age variation might be quite large going for from 4-5 years old up to 18 years of age. Since these are mutant subjects a large part of your stated goal in taking them in is to help them acclimatize to the normal world outside of laboratories and testing grounds so you don't just have to imagine yourself as a babysitter or diaper changer but also as a teacher and a social contact and most importantly as their friend.
There is no cure, but the powers and abnormalities aren't necessarily painful or detrimental effects, some of them are just quirky oddities while others have serious applications in the real world and only a number of them are debilitating or outright dangerous to you.
I kind of liked DD
One sexy Saber
>Protagonist: the real main character, the mighty hero that will save all
me, duh
going to a party!
>Climax: bow chicka wow wow
>Finish: bow chicka wow wow
>it's a wrap: no it wasn't, bow chicka wow wow
start a family
>imagine a government organization
It depends on what countries like red china.
We all do.
Are there any mega corporations CYOAs?
As the guy who did K’Zordak: do I need to make critical edits, or did you decide not to use it?
But.... what if breeding with mutant lolis produces more mutant lolis with useful powers?
I've made a quick change in my plans on prioritizing late submissions. I may make more. Don't worry, this is only good news for you.
I honestly don't usually plan ahead much further than a couple days, and I'm making this up as I go. Stay tuned for more last-minute decisions.
Breeding some sort of loli battle mutant?
OH RIGHT, no, you don't need to make edits.
One sexy Saber
YOU user!
Side of the road
Finish inside
Marry Saber
I really liked the internet search history part from ZBG.
Maybe add how they came to the orphanage (on their own, through a weird portal, abandoned by now-widowed parent...etc).
Interpersonal relationships would be fun if it's 1-2 each, but more will give some with lesser minds (mine included) a headache trying to draw the web of alliances.
Also, try to give a good reason why user was chosen as the caretaker of the orphanage. Maybe he's the latest in a long line of fatalities of people who won't be missed? Maybe the orphans are so quirky, only user with his browsing history could possibly maintain his sanity trying to interact with them? Maybe user is a mutant too, with a very specialized (mostly useless) aura that calms other mutants?
There has to be a reason why and his ilk may be allowed near f@#$ing orphans.
I'm just sayin is all. This is for science. SCIENCE.
I mean, the government would totally look into what kinda things the lolis are into if they thought they could help them get a larger sample size.
So rude. I do it for the science. Men of science has always been criticized unfairly by the unthinking mass.
I remember that it was about 3 pages and had roles that were even outside of fantasy like roboticist and engineer. There were no other options for customization outside of that.
>I should be allowed to have orphans because I only like the lewd search history about what their kinks are for the aesthetics. I'm not like those guys.
Wait, what!? Don't put me in your shitty fanfics!
I'm already in enough of my own.
>He's cucked you before, why not again?
Oh come on, it was a joke.
I make waifus FOR you people.
You know I'd never seriously do that to you guys.
Unless it was Nero.
Then alls fair in love and war, I'm afraid.
What this guy said.
>Using Sebastian for my option.
If you're gonna use my autism in your CYOA, at least use a picture of Meme.
Oh yeah...
That was a fun thread.
I should do that again sometime.
>I really liked the internet search history part from ZBG.
I'm sorry I don't understand? Did ZBG reply to me and delete the response afterwards? I can't remember anything about internet search history.
I'll keep in mind what you're saying about interpersonal relationships. For most of them I do plan on keeping it limited to 1-3 relationships with only a few them breaking from the mold for their own special purposes.
As for the purpose of user being the caretaker. The premise I had in mind was one where user was an associate of the project and was taking the subjects in after funding was shut off by the government. Although I could definitely add in a part explaining how they were recovered or came into the possession of the institute. It sounds like it could add a lot more depth to the individual subjects while remaining relatively simple. Thank you for your suggestions.
To be honest I was almost considering adding something about user receiving some powers of his own to help him contend with the more violent/difficult orphans, but I don't know how I'd implement it and I'm afraid that something like that could take focus off of the orphans and encourage players to treat the whole thing as an excuse to be a superpowered badass.
>Did ZBG reply to me and delete the response afterwards? I can't remember anything about internet search history.
No, I think he meant how he liked that I included a tiny box for each girl's most recent internet searches in War of the Zodiac Brides.
I do like the idea of your CYOA, though.
Looking forward to it.
Magi Bloodlines when?
>36 posts
>Only one actual CYOA
Fucking christ, no wonder these threads are dead
>ZBD used good, using a hooker
What a sad story.
Don't be a part of the problem, user.
Be part of the selution!
Here's another.
I'd dump more, but I'm watching chinese cartoons right now so I'll leave it to you.
>using a hooker
The point is I'm past my prime.
I'm too demanding in the bedroom to be a hooker.
I thought you just use many of them.
Immersion broken
You're a 25-26 NEET though.
You're at the prime of your life, just lose some weight.
If the government is staffed by people like you, then yes, that IS a good reason for why you were allowed.
I'm not trying to attack you user. I just want flourish in the handwave.
>I'm not like those guys
Could've fooled me, the police, the guy in charge of staffing, and every mother and father with an ounce of care for their children.
>You're a 25-26 NEET
26 would technically make me a Christmas cake if I was of the female persuasion.
I'd also be used goods since I've done the sex once or twice.
>You're at the prime of your life
This is the prime of my life?
That's a little depressing...
And I'm only slightly overweight, thank you very much.
I'd even venture to say I'm moderately within the definition of what certain people would call "attractive."
But your encouragement is appreciated, none the less.
I shall strive to live a little more to my potential!
kill yourself
And work on your time management skills, you can't be a serious VN author if it takes you a fucking year to churn out a cyoa.
>treat the whole thing as an excuse to be a superpowered badass
As I said, you could give them a power that is useful for their position, but mostly useful outside of it.
* Depowering Aura
* Aura of Calm
* Immunity to Mind Attacks
* Emotion in a Pie
* ...etc
*useful for their position, but mostly useless outside of it
Come on, since June he's made, like, four.
Role Model
Demon Form
Spring & Fall
there are people worse at churning out completed cyoas in a timely manner
and this was the last page ever posted
I am on a quest to find an actually good nation builder. Would you kindly aide me
They are, but only ZBG and Italics seriously wants to make VNs.
ZBG is here while Italics has been AWOL recently.
im desperate
I take it back. He's made 6.
I like fantasy nation builder. Somewhat math heavy, though. Shame the author doesn't have enough time to make his redux version.
Well rounded, without too many things to keep track of.
>postpones his major project Guardian Spirit to make 4 smaller cyoas because can't concentrate at a single task
ZBG doesn't have my vote of confidence.
To be fair the stuff he comes out with is usually a cut above. If it takes a bit longer so be it.
CYOA unrelated.
is it this one? looked through it an it looks more like a small kingdom or city state builder. looks fun anyways.
Sorry, forgot to attach
might as well just post the rest
I wouldn't know, most of ZBG's cyoas just don't interest me.
The best part of working on a VN instead of a CYOA is that if I get overwhelmed or stuck with one part of the story, I can go work on another route.
Or the soundtrack.
Or the programming.
I mention we have a small team and no money yet?
At this rate if we make the god awful decision to have voice acting which we won't, it'll all be me with just slightly different pitch shifting for each character.
...Well, now I feel bad for complaining about your CYOA because that was a nice thing to say.
Also, I really like Re_Style of Life.
Why doesn't it get posted more?
Sakura is obviously best, Abagail is utter shit tier.
How the heck are you planning to get funding for your VN projects?
Fortunes cookies is in my top five CYOAs actually. The shitpost was supposed to make fun of cyoag more than you~
Sacrifices to the waifu goddesses, I suspect.
>How the heck are you planning to get funding for your VN projects?
My own pocket and those of any the team that feels like contributing. I don't plan to make anyone throw cash at me unless they want to and even if I did, I'd at least have the sense to make a demo or something so people know we actually have a project in the works and I'm not just pissing away their charity.
>Sacrifices to the waifu goddesses
If this is an option, I'd love to hear exactly how to go about it and what kind of sacrifices they accept.
Do I need to buy a goat?
>voice acting it'll all be me
Yes do it!
Why is Italics CYOA are so much better your?
Well do at least have employment?
>Well do you at least have employment
Welp I can't into sentences.
>Fortunes Cookies
Well that was still mostly Celt.
I only did all the waifus that started the shitstorm.
>Why is Italics CYOA are so much better your?
Probably because he's an insane person who takes on projects bigger and with more world building than I could ever dream of.
The VN will require a lot more world-building, but that's of a different flavor than the kind of intricate political and personal webs Italics weavers almost effortlessly.
>Welp I can't into sentences.
You and me both, buddy.
Also, not currently. But I'm in the process of getting that fixed or receiving disability benefits for how fucked up my brain is.
Whichever comes first.
Even if neither of those pans out, I have savings and do some freelance work from home from time to time.
>receiving disability benefits for how fucked up my brain is
>mfw ZBG is Chris-Chan lite
>I only did this
>disability benefits
I hope you do not live in the America.
This isn't really explicitly CYOA related but I was thinking of a combination of powers, like 2 portals (ala Portal) parallel to each other on the vertical and using water powers to throw in some liquid there, if you caught a dude in that then he'd be in a non-stop drowning loop.
Not sure if there's a CYOA where that's possible but it would be cool.
>ZBG is Chris-Chan lite
Not really.
I just happen to have a DNA bizarre enough that so little medication works for me that I've become a legitimate case study.
If you met me in person, you probably wouldn't even be able to tell how fucking autistic I am without spending a few hours with me.
Totally worth it solely because of this one response it got.
>this one response it got
Do tell!
>DNA bizarre enough that so little medication works for me
What, do you get inverse reactions or are they completely ineffective in every way?
There's nothing to tell...
The image I posted was the response that made me lose my shit laughing.
I still maintain that whoever made that edit could at least have tried a little harder to match the font.
Maybe it's more obscure than I realized because it's one of the better ones in Paint.NET.
Time of Troubles, faggot.
user, you should see the state of /weg/ sometime. 2 years for nearly no content all the while pulling over a thousand monthly on patreon. Summertime Saga is essentially a VN, with shit art. Every update takes 3 months and has only a little content. He's one of the top ten people on Patreon by patron count.
ZBG would be like Sonic next to these faggots.
What's weg?
You do it, it will be fun to shitpost with it!
Western Erotic Games. It's on /aco/.
>At this rate if we make the god awful decision to have voice acting which we won't, it'll all be me with just slightly different pitch shifting for each character.
It's not really that hard to get voice acting.
>on /aco/
Why not Veeky Forums?
I hope he does make the redux version. It's got the makings of a great CYOA, it just needs some balance tweaks and more point sinks.
I hope he