OFFICIAL - Magic The Gathering is DYING

MTG declined in revenue compared to 2016. Hasbro is banking on their ""successful"" beta of MTG Arena to drive new demand.

From their Q4 Phone Conference:
MAGIC: THE GATHERING finished the year strong, as revenue grew in the fourth quarter, but full-year revenue declined slightly. Our investments and activities for long-term growth are taking hold, including a successful closed beta for our new digital initiative, MAGIC: THE

Please discuss the dying game that is Magic The Gathering. Will MTG Arena save it? Card prices will tank on the reduction in playerbase?

Other urls found in this thread:,

Revenue declined in 2017 despite a glut of products, reprints, and masters sets. That definitely means a contraction in playerbase. Ouch.

Okay Jeremy.

I doubt MTG will really die any soon. its too big to not be bought out by another company if that were ever to happen. now will WOTC be better or worse under different masters i cant say. Although we might see the return of alcohol references if so.

It deserves to die. The game is fun but the fan base is to retarded to realize that is a giant scam

Bans cards from only a few sets ago
>hur dur this is just cuz it is to hard for them to balance their own game

>still playing Standard

Huh wonder why they aren't making money...
>implying that most players aren't playing standard anymore

So. How can we speed up its decline?

Start by watching my YouTube channel

I mean Jeremy's YouTube channel

Let's talk about how the cards are poor quality and we should all buy proxies to show (((them)))!


not jeremy

Whatever you say Jeremy

Serious question

Who the fuck is Jeremy

Internet neckbeard who got banned from the game for doing internet neckbeard things.

can you guys stop derailing

the thread is about a contraction in MTG revenue year over year.

No can do Jeremy.

Do you have any actual statistics to quote, if you want to discuss that?

can we stop with these /pol/ threads?

There have been threads about MTG quarterlies for years on Veeky Forums. It's one of the most solid metrics for what's going on with the playerbase.

I've been playing more magic than ever desu senpai

>Arena beta being successful

The future is bleak especially if Standard continues to be dogshit and they keep forcing it as their flagship format.

I was interested what people who played the beta think about that "success" statement.

>Forced to play Ixalan block constructed
>The more powerful cards are locked behind a crafting mechanic
>8 cards per pack

He’s that guy that allegedly “bullied” a MTG cosplayer into leaving the hobby by saying mean things about her, and when people asked why, he kept spouting /pol/ garbage, which made it so that although he might be innocent, everyone pretty much agreed he was a cuck. He then got all mad and started to frame WotC for enabling pedophilia. I’m not joking, that’s what happened.

Got into the beta few days ago
Last played magic a decade ago in cockatrice
Any new things I should know?

This time is weird. You're having dudes from r/mtg shill hard because they earnestly 100% think that /pol/ is hijacking the game, and not a plethora of factors that are piling up quickly. I've linked a >plebbit thread and you can get a quick feel to what the community is like outside of this place. It's not pretty.
>mtg players would never be that autistic
OH YES THEY FUCKING WOULD BE, PIC GODDAMN RELATED. This is the same mentality that Bernie Bros had. That's why I say it's weird, because these goddamn nutjobs are the ones keeping the game afloat.

You want a good understanding of the playerbase? Read some of the top comments here:

Neckbeard that told a cosplaying thot that she was a thot (If a tit job isn't a sign of being a thot, nothing is). She got mad and histronically made shit up. Then played the victim that Jeremy was harassing her for years (he wasn't). He hits up Sargon (yes that mega-cuck) and quickly picks up on the ways to get as much noteriety as possible from the situation. This triggers the soyboys on reddit, who got him lifetime banned from MTG on shaky evidence.

And then it turns out WOTC allowed pedos to be judges and shop owners, despite there being a clear and present danger to kids (Convicted pedos have a 50% chance of raping another kid, this is a touch subject and that one user who said it was a frame job most likely is a pedo as well). WOTC then forced background checks on judges to save face because you can't have pedos around kids.
>he framed them
No, they were convicted pedos and their names + charges are publically disclosed.


You do know how ridiculously easy that is to fake right?

I had believed this to be the case, but it's nice to have direct confirmation now.

>raxacorico has -1 points.
>XDcrafsman has 3 points.
>That means that at least 2 people agree that Magic cards are more important than having a home and income.
And I thought people on /pol/ were autistic, these idiots are absolutely brain dead.

Oh suure

>Bernie Bros
>Muh pedo


Shut up, /pol/. Ain’t nobody listening to your lies.

What lies?

Did /pol/ hack into wizard's revenue data and change it themselves to further their plot?

This is reaching flat Earth levels of conspiracal idiocy.

Yes it was me Hitler I did it. I was going to bend the cards like they were Amonkhet.

Come on Jeremy, you know better than that.
At least I hope you do. But then again, you faked a letter about that CNN hit piece that was supposedly coming, so I guess it's not unreasonable to believe you don't know about the archive.

>Bernie Bros


Actually, user, the flood of different products they made clearly required them to invest more money.
Both to develop, print, packaging and marketing.

It's clear that they shipped more than they could sell, therefore they got a loss.
And that's why they are fucking dumb.

As you can see from the thread, it’s pretty well-known /pol/ is doing an op on Jeremy’s behalf just for fun. You people really need professional help.

You would need to look into their total inflows and outflows to see if their revenue loss is due to overproduction or loss of clientele. My guess is that it's a combination of both. They probably overproduced expecting a larger interest in dinosaurpirates and the playerbase was just "nah, we good" and didn't buy shit. I'm positive it was standard. I can't see MM or the commander decks being the issue, desu.

>MM or the commander
Fucking Explorers of Ixalan is surely an issue.
MM sold generally better in singles than boosters. There was little of interest besides mana drain.
They can shill Unstable as much as they want, but besides the fullest art lands, there isn't much to gain.

My favorite thing is how shills come into these threads to tell us all what we think and control the conversation.

Boy we sure do all hate Jeremy and /pol/ don't we Veeky Forums? It was so mean of them to bully the cardstock into curling.

/pol has done fancy things in the past.
Jeremy is just a brainless e-celeb milking attention to survive.
When somebody has to call other pedos just to make some money and keep his status, there's something wrong.

A small amount of /nupol jerkers doing stuff for a petty e-celeb, shows the idiocy behind that.
Everyone dislikes Jeremy.
He's boring, lame, always prone to clickbait and retracing his steps and statements. He tosses the stone and cover his hand, pointing at others.

Furthering the conversation about SJW's influence in MtG is good, but they shouldn't use Jeremy's brainfarts.

I forgot about Unstable. Yeah, that probably set them back a penny or two as well.

Are you serious mate? They made bank on that set and are reprinting it.

They shill to have been making a bank.
At 2 LGS I know, there were 8 players doing Unstable drafts, while they have 60-64 on prereleases; and then it ended in 2 days.
Nothing more.
They changed rulings on cards last minute, fucked up the secondary market with alternate arts. If you look into it, nobody really cared much.

Goes to show how out of touch with the game these "concerned players who definitely play magic" are.

>out of touch
Oh, look, a wotc's cocksucking shill.
What a twist.



And they still made bank because people who like zany shit is a big market, and so is people who want fancy lands. None of those people play draft.

Just to reiterate because Veeky Forums doesn't seem to get this.
Revenue is not profit. If they did spend 2x more on dev or whatever and have less revenue they are even more fucked. Your explanation if taken at face value should scare people even more about MTG.

>having more product launches
>spending more money in any way on dev
are not good if revenue also declined

Look at the fucking ROI and KPIs you damn shmucks.
Products were overprinted and undersold, ROI was affected on their initial production investment.
Secondary market focused on single sales, and there's plenty of boxes around.
But what would you even know, you fucking shills.

Product costs are deducted from revenue as goods are sold. If they overproduced, it would technically sit on their ledger as a loss until the next statement period. It's been a while since I took an accounting course, but if I remember right they can continually turn that loss over the the next period, but I may be wrong about that. You're right though in that loss in revenue means less product was sold overall from the last statement period. It would be interesting to see what total gains or losses were for the year. That's the only way you would be able to say whether or not MtG was actually in trouble.


>full-year revenue declined slightly

Pretty biased view of things tbf.


>modern masters
>iconic masters
>commander sets

This is a significant increase in available products and extra sets for a decline in rev

>the thread is about a contraction in MTG revenue year over year.

Actually the first revenue drop in nine years apparently. See, the Q4 2016 notes:

>The Games
category was up 9%, led by PIE-FACE and the 8th straight year of growth

Do you have figures to show? Or a company investment portfolio? It should be relatively easy to get a Hasbro investment portfolio, but it looks like they don't breakdown what each individual subsidiary of their company contributes. How are you getting your figures? I can't find any financial reports for WotC.

And at my local store we had doublenthe number of drafters, close to the record amount which was at MM3. There was also a guy who bought 8 boxes just for the lands.

yes, MTG also has stored value in the price of cards. With the pace of reprints and masters sets increasing they are tapping into those reserves. It doesn't mean MTG is dead obviously but I'd imagine a decline is coming especially if their digital offerings fall flat

>There was also a guy who bought 8 boxes just for the lands


Magic won't die, but it had unsustainable growth and the market is correcting.

The guy has more money than sense. Nice lad but he regularly buys 6 booster boxes of a set when it comes out, and almost exclusively plays commander, so most standard sets are worthless to him.

Yep, the other thing is majority of unplayed cards don't enter back into the market. most collections will sit on home shelves. So a crash isn't likely just a slow market.



Was there actually more shit released in 2017? 2016 had their own supplementary stuff. Glance here shows 17 to 15 in 2017's favor, but much of that is stuff like the Welcome Deck.

>SJWs are totally killing the game, r-right?

>Will MTG Arena save it?
I'm on the beta and I don't believe Arena will be released before 2019. It's the most unstable, bug-ridden mess of a software I've ever had to deal with and as of now it just can't run on integrated GPUs or low end video cards.
Guess which PC component just saw a ridiculous increase in demand followed by hiking costs and diminished avaliability because of bitcoin mining.

>yfw nvidia were behind the buttcoin hype to sell gpus

I'm an insider.
And yes, they do not openly share much of the stuff.

A player in some prime culture war material. He was a /pol/-esque content creator who was mean to a cosplayer, cosplayer (along with a few other content creators) said he was even meaner in private. Private stuff was mostly he said she said. WotC, which leans REALLY progressive (progressive by Seattle standards), sides with the cosplayer and gets banned.

(My two cents: SJWs suck and tear down careers over stupid shit, but the Jeremy thing is a terrible hill for anti-SJW to die on. Jeremy was a pretty big asshole even in the public stuff, and had been for quite a while even before all this.)

>Jeremy is just a brainless e-celeb milking attention to survive.
That's why you should stop sucking his dick and let adults talk about WotC's diminishing returns and how fucked they are if they really depend on Arena to survive.

this, no one even brought him up and the topic of him is boring.

They also reprinted Conspiracy 2. It doesn't mean it's a stellar product, just that it isn't limited.
If I were to guess their only real homerun in 2017 was Commander. Altough having convinced MJHoldings to buy Masters sets may have done them a solid, shame it may not repeat after A25 if it sells as bad as IMA did.

These "MAGIC IS DYING" threads popped up after the Jeremy thing. They'd quote the Q3 drop or the (absurdly retarded) "8 million players lost in 3 years" thing.

I wouldn't be surprised, what did surprise me was not being able to play a fucking card game on a PC that can run Battlefront 2 at top performance without having it act like it wanted to fly after Falcon Heavy.

Magic is dying threads are a diamond dozen every day occurrence you fucking newfaw.
Go back to plebbit

mtg bitching is eternal, but actual Magic is Dying was pretty rare and only really picked up after Jeremy.

also it's "dime a dozen" you illiterate fuccboi.


It's players are being taken away by Hearthstone and other mobile games that perfected the whole cardboard crack thing by removing the cardboard.


Unless you've got a finance report, I'm gonna have to call bullshit friendo.

>also it's "dime a dozen" you illiterate fuccboi.

How new are you friend?

And I'm Richard Garfield and I say you're full of shit.

>diamond dozen
a dime a dozen. a (unit of money) a (amount of product)

I can't believe there are still people in this doggy dog world that don't know the phrase a diamond dozen.

Your loss, user.
Not that you'd lose anything as a secondary market.

Intentional homophones aren't a thing unless it's part of a big chain, don't try to bluff me newnewfag.

(also 2010, fuck what have i been doing)

You brainlets are a real blessing in the skies.

it's bait for another "MTG is bad" discussion, possibly with "it's because of SJWs" in the mix as well

Seriously. You say you have insider info? Snap a pic of a current financial report on your phone and upload it. Then I'll have reason to believe you. There's too many lying idiots on the internet, and I trust way too few people to take you at your word.

Better yet, upload the entire 2016-2017 financial report so we can do an independent analysis of it.

No, I still have money in this shit.
Need to wait after 2018's 25th annyversary product lineup has ended.

See, then I can't believe you. You could say you're MaRo himself, and I still wouldn't believe you. There's no way to tell, without financial statements, whether or not WotC is in any sort of financial trouble, and those financial statements aren't forthcoming.

Post up or shut up.

He's the guy who exposed WotC for hiring convicted paedophiles.

And my store (which is top 5 in the country) ran out of product within a week release.

Unstable was a good draft format.

>good draft
Yeah, everyone went GW for the superior cards.