What are the Chaos Gods endgame? My guess is to completely merge the Immaterium with the Materium, and obtain complete control over all reality.
What are the Chaos Gods endgame? My guess is to completely merge the Immaterium with the Materium...
There is no endgame. An endgame would imply a final state, with no further change. That's inherently against the idea of Chaos as a concept. There must always be struggle, there must always be strife, there must always be change, decay, war and desire. If they achieved all their goals, they would cease to meaningfully exist.
The Awakening of the Great Undivided.
Their end game is the annihilation of all life, space, and time in the universe/multiverse. When Chaos was created the developers envisioned it as a cosmic force of entropy. Ceaselessly unmaking that things that it itself is responsible for creating.
Ignore this guy, he is a moron.
They have no endgame, they're CHAOS. They'll try to enslave the entire galaxy and turn it into a hellhole of cultists, at which point they'll just fight each other like the dysfunctional family they are.
Nah, the main rulebook says that their desire is total annihilation of Real Space.
>all reality.
No, just the galaxy. The chaos gods have very limited power in the universe and are only active in the milky way galaxy.
Unless, of course, someone is posting a "vs WH40K" thread, in which case they are active everywhere and unbeatable and cannot be kept from winning.
Actually, no. Devastation of Baal, the final book in the Beast series, and Rise of the Ynnari : Ghost Warriors shows that Chaos can project their power across the universe. It's the very reason why the Aledari see it as pointless to leave the galaxy and why the Hivemind in its entirety was temporarily killed by power of Chaos.
What's with teegee nowadays? It's like people don't bother to read the lore. We need really good quality control in the fanbase.
No such thing, to achieve an end game would mean the death of them and the real universe. They exist simply because mankind exist to feed them with emotions, the best they can in the long term is struggle over power just like they have done in ages past
Chaos gods are dumb, they are nothing more than powerful warp entities given minor control over reality that edgy faggots like to fight and shout out dumb battle cries for. Serving with no purpose to only end in a painful death after a lifetime of struggle
the bait is strong in this thread
Endgame? There is no real endgame, chaos gods arn't really sapient enough to plan an endgame. They are instinctual entities, they want to survive and grow. Khorne, for example, survives off war, anger and martial cultures. So Khorne will attempt to foster those things because it empowers him, it feeds him. That's all he is interested in, that's all he is.
There is no end goal, no grand plan, no ultimate ambition. Just to survive and to grow.
Your wallet is their end game.
Say that to all the realities and universes they destroyed.
Yea, they are extremely self destructive by their very nature, they don't look for the best sustainable way for them to accumulate power and secure their own future.
They promote the most extreme ideas, they push their followers towards the most insane actions and ideas because that gives them more, that tastes sweeter. Of course they will inevitable ruin everything they touch, they are not intelligent forwards thinking. They are godlike emotion-junkies chasing their next meal with no thought or care for the consequence.
Age of Sigmar explains this. Their endgame is to pull realities and put them on their multidimensional trophy rooms of dead realities and worlds.
Eat everything. The last one will eat itself to death or jump to a new reality where it can begin the whole process again. It's not that they can't make plans to the future or don't want to extend their lifespan, but their own nature is to consume everything. They do love to slow down the process to taste every bit, but it will end someday.
If they start to make plans to achieve an sustainable life, it's not chaos anymore.
Go away Malal
You mean big blues endgame, because he's the fucking drive of everything that has occured within the Immaterium?
Be true to it's nature, and it itself, change. By ceasing to be a collective intelligence bound to the warp.
The others don't give a shit, but Tzeentch is working on a time limit, either he escapes, or he ceases to exist/Nurgle Kills him/Malal Parasitizes on them all and pushes the reset button on the warp to return it to a slightly turbulent realm of souls, allowing for the potential of sapient life to return to native planets once more. Hence Chaos Undivided, a cult dedicated to fucking preventing Malal Worship by design alone through faith, and keeping the religious head under self-imposed house arrest.
The Tyranid collective organism is also a means to change this outcome, as Tzeentch will attempt to merge with it, and effectively, become an en fleshed fledgling Great One.
The potential for a new greater Psychic prscense in the warp from the death of the emperor is also something it is banking on.
Except he's right. Nurgle wants everything to rot, Khorne wants to murder everything, Slannesh wants to fuck everything, and Tzeentch wants to keep changing things to keep it interesting. The only one that really wants the complete destruction of everything is Malal.
What you need is good quality lore, and a rope around most of the writers' necks. Chaos is a reflection of mortal emotions and souls, and it being universal/timeless/omnipotent is juvenile wank
this honestly
bringing out the malice boyz is the surest way to end everything