Why does he trigger Veeky Forums so badly? Is it really such a sin to have non-cartoonishly evil Chaos Space Marines...

Why does he trigger Veeky Forums so badly? Is it really such a sin to have non-cartoonishly evil Chaos Space Marines? Is the idea that the Emperor isn't actually infallible and is in fact emotionally detached due to his power and long life really that unsettling for people?

just look at him lol

Who the fuck is he

heh... so this is the power of soymilk

Aaron Demski-Bowden

Neither of those bother me. In fact I welcome them

My problem is that on top of being emotionally detatched, he makes The Emperor a fucking autistic moron. I have no problem with the Emperor being a bastard, but he should at least be an intelligent bastard. Bowden seems to think Emp built the IoM without an ounce of awareness or subtlety through sheer brute Force. There's no nuance

Meanwhile, he turns chaos fags into woobies. You want a good depiction of CSM, read the Fabius Bile: Primogenitor novel

That guy's head is ENORMOUS.


He's one of the aliens that imprisoned Captain Pike in Menagerie way back in TOS.

A based writer who makes IG babbies mad as fuck

See this:

>ADB fans are Autistic woobies

I like my csm as angry monsters filled with bitterness not millenials

>I like my csm as autistic retards who die to a single guardsman

Based IG jobber


He appears to be a martian infiltrator.

do you want a real answer?

Personally I think he is an OK writer and that he correctly shows the traitor SMs as perceiving themselves as doing what is right to them.
The emperor is obviously not infallible outside of the propaganda but he is still the primary force for good. However that doesn't mean that people corrupted by chaos would see it that way. The depiction of CSMs as actually fallen, that is, doing wrong when they do what they think is right, gives a sense of humanity to the stories. Which makes it even more grimdark, which in turn is the whole point.
There is a place for cartoonish evil too of course and we all know what that place would be.

Not OP, but I do. All i've gathered so far is just imperialfags complaining because their characters aren't as interesting and that he's an SJW.
The latter i can understand, but I've found his writing excellent. Then again, i haven't poured so much time to 40k writing as i have WHFB.

>Ironically using the word based
> calls other people babbies
Almonds activated.

I can't remember the details now but years and years ago I'm sure he went on some dumb rant about criticism or music or some shit that made him come across as a total twat.

He has a tendency to strawmen his critics into "manchildren dont like how I put women or non-white colored people into my books".

He's an ex fa/tg/uy and he has success. That alone makes him worthy of hate on nu/tg/.

There are black people on the 40k universe?

Helsreach was a fine book.

>but I've found his writing excellent
He's one-note. Hardly the worst, but heavily overrated.

Which is fine, warhammer's hardly high literature. The thing that pushes it over is him acting like a retard online.

It wouldn't be out of the question. It's a large galaxy and it's Your Dudes.

I'm just tired of the shitflinging more than anything.

I like him

Good question, he used to be one of the most (and few) praised BL writers on Veeky Forums until he did a "Ask me anything" thread on Reddit.

Yes and Dan Abnett was writing about them in the 90s.


I like his style of writing them, because I have never notice them.

If he's getting his criticism from here he might have a point. Not to actually defend him, but most 40k threads are a giant clusterfuck of edgelords trying to one-up each other with bigoted misanthropy. Any legitimate criticism is a scrap floating in a sea of memes and dick waving.

the protagonist is always the same. A snarky, edgy, recalcitrant step-son.

that and the female ship captain/navigator/leadership figure, is always the same.

Reddit is that way


Precisely. It wasn't a big thing or something to fuss about back then.

if you feel that way, why are you here?

Based babby

I like 40k, and this place sometimes yields great conversation. But most 40k threads are just screaming matches between people who honestly seem to be half-roleplaying the most unpleasant parts of the setting. I love the grimdark, don't get me wrong, but 40k threads feel like half the posters are trying to browbeat each other with anger rather than converse. The whole board tends towards that a bit, but 40k threads are almost ALWAYS like that. Try having a conversation about Chaos on this board and watch what happens

It's Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums

What the fuck did you think was going to happen

It's the same guy in all threads. He hates MoM and ADB and always argue like this:
>ADB have daddy issues
>You don't have source, it's just your headcanon
>Right, you have source, but this book is bad
>You are a LARPer and an chaos fan, fuck off
As you said, you can't talk about chaos or speculate about 40k, especially the Emperor, because triggers this guy.

Where the fuck do you think you are, retard?

It's strange that people here consider any warhammer books ever readable, never mind good.
Jesus Christ, people read shit nowadays.

Haha what a fucking moron

He's a good author, but one gets the sense that he is often out to "prove something". Many of his literary choices accord a little too well with ideas held by those high of status. The words would flow better if he took less care of what people thought.

>3/5 star guilty pleasures
Some of us like eating hamburgers once in a while.

>Why can't I be retarded? We're in my special retard zone.

...I would recomend you to go to /v/. Not really. There the 40K threads are more comfy (unless DoW 3 is involved in the OP)

Yes, but warhammer books? This is one tier lower than romance novels or crime novellas. It's basically sanctioned fanfiction.


Yes, we know. 40k is shit, it's a guilty pleasure as the other user said. And yes, Veeky Forums is full of autism and retards, but I like to argue with people instead of just offending them. If is just a yelling contest we don't need boards anymore, let's all go to /b/ and shitpost until the server crashes.

Big Lotara tits right in my face.

When will she become canon?

Soon, user. Our waifus will take over the Imperium and make us their sex slaves uwu

I forgot about this thread. My timeline is a bit hazy but I'll post it anyways.

ADB started off really well.
He did soul hunter (his second BL book) and became very popular.
He also heavily interacted with the community on forums dakka, warseer and BnC. He also had a blog that he posted on regularly. Around this time I saw almost no complaints of any kind.

IIRC the next book he did that made a splash was helsreach. Which was also well received. Chaos fags and loyalist were mostly positive. Good boy points at 100% and holding.

The first Heretic and the world eater book. The horus heresy was not anywhere as near entrenched back then. Many grognards disliked it being explored at all. But most were happy with what ADB wrote. Some complaints about lorgar's faggot nature and angron Over Head Pressing a titan. People started to notice that all these marines had waifus to stop it from being a sausage fest even though that's what you sign up for when writing about marines.

Attempting to make abaddon cool. This was impossible. No one could do it. But ADB thought he could. He couldn't. Some newfags think he succeeded. By now his chaos books seem a bit forumatic, you have this soulful, introspective marine who's a badass at fighting as the protagonist. He is generally positioned close to the leader of the warband, is special somehow and has a waifu.
Argel Tal
Even Kharn has a waifu.


But Khayon in Black legion takes it too far he has a dark eldar waifu who he keeps alive with his will and a daemon shewolf. Its just meh. Retcons cannot saved abaddon. When you tell people you are the great satan you have to demonstrate it, but you can't because Abaddon isn't allowed to do anything significant. I stop taking ADB as good at this point. I also start paying less attention.
People start thinking ADB is a waifu fag and a chaos fag. This is now a common tg opinion. ADB is starting to be memed negatively. ADBs chaos protagonists are memed as daddy issues. People who have read his blog and forum posts attributed it to ADB personal life with his own dad. I never actually made this connection myself but it was memed hard and was funny.

At some point before this he wrote an article on loose canon. This offended many autists who like well defined categories. But most people didn't care about it.

Master of Mankind. I didn't even read it but tg did. This book became the poster boy for daddy issues. Besmirching the emperor is like drawing mohammed. People get mad as heck. Grudges are written down. Opinions on ADB are very one sided. Many seem to hate his work now. Other people think its fine and don't care but he has some proper haters now. He has effectively made it seem he is a chaosfag to loyalists, but his love of abaddon makes the chaos fags not like him.

Then recently he posted some sjw shit on twitter about the one piece of pol feedback he got years ago. Seemed weird.

That's it really. Giving marine protagonists waifus as standard issue. Taking abaddon seriously. Daddy issues supposedly projected onto the emperor representing his dad.

>Retcons cannot saved abaddon

And..we ignore everything you said because you revealed yourself as a brainless memer

hello newfag

>muh 1d4chan maymay needs to be a maymay
Jesus christ

Fuck off, memefag.

He's the soyboy ADB with one of the true men that post on Veeky Forums

This is the only legitimate criticism of ADB I've seen in this thread.

"He's an SJW" etc isn't legitimate

>Faghammer40Gay thread #1726490 today

Abd only wrote the Emperor in a single book and it was MoM. The Emperor didn't seem to be moronic in the book. He is just sad and depressed at the state of things and where they are headings. He spends most of the novel sharing his past and philosophy with a custard which was a subtle was to prepare the Custard for his doom/duty.

this. I'm not sure where the "Emperor is a moron" bit of MoM comes into play. The biggest example of the emperor being a moron is the whole Magnus fiasco, which has been canon for a very long time.

He's a high-tier BL writer in terms of sheer talent. What's happened is that every writer has quirks and ADB's done enough novels by now that his particular quirks are becoming noticeable and therefore mockable. When something becomes mockable, people here start thinking that this is the new consensus. Some dumb fuck ITT tried saying that Veeky Forums now hates ADB. A lot of us don't and are willing to enjoy his books for what they are, but that doesn't get noticed as easily as negativity.

In other news, to the dickhead that claimed that Veeky Forums is a place for rage and bullshit? Fuck off. This place used to be held high as a bastion of solid chat against /b/ullshit. People like you are the reason this is now a place where conversation goes to die.

>Is it really such a sin to have non-cartoonishly evil Chaos Space Marines?
Yes. When you swear allegiance to the universal manifestation of negative emotions, you cannot be considered morally gray.

It is legitimate, especially when he tries to use it as a shield against unrelated criticism.

The majority of ADB's character haven't sworn themselves to Chaos. They are just renegades who dislike Chaos or guys using Chaos as a tool.

It's not. Legitimate criticism is what he actually writes in his books, not his unrelated political beliefs

>Implying old Veeky Forums wouldn't hate him just as much.

No writing is devoid of influence from the the beliefs of the author. For example, ABD's writing is colored by the fact that he's a whiney waifufag with daddy issues

When you use the physical manifestation of evil as your tool, you are evil.

The path to hell is paved with good intentions.

Have not read Master of Mankind fully but I did have a look at that one conversation between Big E and Arkhan Land. Think this is where Big E came over so autistic ... I also do remember that the Emperor presented himself as a great scientist to Land and was cold and detached. But ... he did not appear like that to other people, in fact due to all the psychic mambo jambo he seems to appear to people in a way that THEY want to perceive the Emperor. So ... was the autistic Emperor that Arkhan Land saw maybe just the way that an Admech adept would imagine the figure of the Emperor of Mankind? Big E seens through the Admech's psychological filter as the ultimately logical Omnissiah?

Its been more or less confirmed that the Emperor appears to everyone as they wish to see him

The whole book makes it very clear that pretty much everyone who is seeing the Emperor is just seeing a glamour, they see what they expect. Even the Custodes see a version of it. Land expects a machine-like human, so he sees one. He's even gratified to see that the Emperor shows signs of having hidden or otherwise non-invasive augmetics, because Land, unlike most of his brethren in the Cult, doesn't believe in altering the human form with extensive bionics.

Arguably the only objective view of the Emperor we get is a brief mention of one of the Sisters of Silence looking up at the Emperor on the Throne holding the warp back, she just sees an ordinary looking man in immense pain. Beyond that there's never any point in the novel where the author holds up a version of the Emperor and says 'This is it. This is the canon interpretation'. Honestly I thought he did very well to depict the Emperor without depicting him, he showed us more of the Big E than every before, but with no real indication of who he REALLY is or what he's like.

To clarify, I don't like ADB's books as a rule, I tried reading the Abaddon series but dropped it once it became clear the protagonist had a Dark Eldar gf and a friendly daemon-wolf pal who was 100% loyal etc etc, this sort of Speshul Snowflake character is something that ends my interest in some books, same issue with his daemon-possessed but still in control Word Bearer with his Guardian Spear and magical daemon-wing transformation.

But Master of Mankind? Didn't really have any of that and generally gave the loyalists a good showing, the Emprah included.

No one said 'not evil', though. Just not cartoonishly evil.

Even the Daemons in MoM see the Emperor in their own way. As a rising sun that ends their suffering.

And MoM shows that he cared about the Primarch's in a sentimental way by having one of the figures in his psychic flame purge be that of Ferrus Manus.

>even kharn has a waifu
and this is when disregarding books becomes legitimate

Who is Talos' waifu in NL trilogy?


Daddy issues, muh diversity, and "Chaos did nothing wrong" approach to writing.

>muh diversity


And 40k is full of """daddy issues""""

Every important non-Marine character in his books is a woman, and he himself noted that he goes out of the way to do that. Ironically, they often wind up as waifus.

>muh diversity
Unless you want to be called a /pol/fag, I wouldn't phrase it like that. Try "forced diversity" instead

Sounds even more /pol/ that way. At least the self-deprecating "muh" makes it sound like he's aware of how he sounds.

Oh no, not women characters! It's the end of the world.

Grow up and stop being such a virgin

where's the lore-rule that you can't have women characters? I've read all of his books and there are usually just a few women. You seem overly bitter towards women in general which is another issue

lmao aaron, wives boyfriend there again so you posting on Veeky Forums?

>applesponge detected

>The first Heretic and the world eater book. The horus heresy was not anywhere as near entrenched back then. Many grognards disliked it being explored at all. But most were happy with what ADB wrote
You're already wrong. People were flinging shit at ADB for those books.

Many claim it was Octavia, forgetting Septimus exists.

Honestly my biggest problem in MoM was the whole Drach'nyen thing. Somehow trying to mix Cain + Abel into 40k was a miss step.

Shit, just use a demon we've had for years like Doombreed/N'Kari.

Or that he needed a manifestation of powerful tool. Dark Imperium shows without a doubt that he does not care.

>Shit, just use a demon we've had for years like Doombreed/N'Kari.

Doombreed and N'kari are not connected to the Emperor and mankind as Drach'nyen was shown.

>Somehow trying to mix Cain + Abel into 40k was a miss step.

So it's okay for the flood to be mentioned and for the immortal Olly to be a Christian, but Cain and Abel is not?

>read the Fabius Bile: Primogenitor novel

Are you implying that Fabius isn't the biggest woobie?

Stormfag works better

ABD fans defend his MoM Afterword :

>The war is over. Humanity has lost. Warhammer 40,000 – in all its Gothic, towering, Cyclopean, decrepit, doomed, rotting Byzantine majesty – has taken its first irrevocable step.

>Oh, the Horus Heresy isn’t quite over yet. Horus’s ambitions haven’t dried up and vanished, and the Imperium still has to deal with the Chaos-deluded primarch making his way to Terra, but the malignant forces of the warp have achieved their ultimate aim. Humanity’s chance to free itself of the warp has been lost. No matter what happens from now on, no matter how hard the Imperium fights against itself, against its enemies, the laughter of mad gods will echo behind the veil.

>But this isn’t news to you, I’m sure. The central tenet of Warhammer 40,000 has always been the pitting of humankind against itself, the oldest lore hearkening back to that angelic rebellion called the Horus Heresy, where humanity began its long, inevitable decline. Warhammer 40,000 has always been about how the centre cannot hold; about raging against the dying of the light.

>The Imperium of the Dark Millennium, ten thousand years after the Heresy, can’t beat its foes. That was never on the cards. Warhammer 40,000 is the kind of setting where your sins risk breeding very real daemons, where so much knowledge has been lost or sealed away as heretical or dangerous, and above all: where humankind devours itself, day by day, feeding thousands of psykers into the soul-engines of the Golden Throne to maintain the last flicker of the Emperor’s divine will. This is a species sacrificing its future for its present, destroying its own evolution into a psychic race because to evolve, to ascend, is to shine like a beacon to the creatures of the underworld.

>Almost every xenos threat besieging the dying Imperium of Man would be enough, on its own, to eventually seal the empire’s fate – yet one damnation takes thematic primacy and always has. Predatory alien hordes endlessly eat away at the Imperium’s borders, but it’s the taint of Chaos that holds a blade to the throat of every man, woman, and child.

>The Emperor knew this. Freeing humanity from reliance – heck, from as much contact as possible – with the warp was the species only chance at long-term survival. With the death of that dream comes the long, drawn-out death rattle of the species.

>What a cheery thought.

They are much more fun as cartoonishly evil for everyone. Dark lord sits on skull throne drinking blood from a skull cap and blood fountains spew fresh blood around him. Hairy weirdos holding a competition amidst the smoking ruins of destroyed world to find out who can snort the longest line of super space drugs from 1km long baculum of the space whale hunted down for this occasion. It's more fun than daddy issues and misunderstood rebels doing evil shit.

>There's no nuance
It's fucking warhammer 40000 it's a ludicrous world filled with silly shit and over the top situations that run on heavy metal logic.