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First for the Kroak!!

So I've never played AoS. My first SC is in the mail currently. Thats when I see my FLGS is having a 2k tourney at the start of March.

Do you think I should try for it? Having never played and with no models currently...

What SC did you order?

Flesh eater courts. So I don't have swarms and swarms of models to build, just a bunch of Flayers and horrors and junk but idk. That's less than a month.

in previous thread i started asking about Aetherstrike.
would it work if i focused more on the vanguard units instead of regular stormcast like liberators? or will it just ruin the efficiency of it all?

That depends on how good you want to paint your models. You could go armypainter spray+3-4 detail colors and then wash them. Which will look good enough on the table and leave room for improvement later.


It's the first AoS event I've seen them run, but I think it's way too short of a time for me to actually put love into building my models, it feels. Blah. Let alone painting.

Thanks. Started painting the models tonigh.

the whole gameplan of an aetherstrike army is to get your longstrikes as many shots as possible, and keep them alive as long as possible.

my advice is to take your time, esp with your first army.

I think that's probably best. Maybe I'll go just to watch, if they let me.

yeah def. I've found aos players irl to be pretty inviting, especially if you're new. we got a new guy in the store just brings his first few units and paints them while we play

while you are there see if the group or venue does pickup games off the schedule, or maybe ask if anyone wants to do an small open play (no points) match after the tournament to help you learn the game

any tips for a player new to stormcast, and isn't using a waac battalion warscroll?

i'm not a seraphon player but i'm okay with that.
kroak first.
kroak before safety.
kroak before children and women.
kroak before america.
kroak always first.

First start with 2 units of 5 liberators
Get a lord relictor as your leader, they’re always fun
After that, get prosecutors if you want speed, vanguard/judicators if you want range, gryphs for light cavalry, dracoths for heavy cavalry, and no matter what you like, always take at least one unit of rettributors.

Lord Kroak before blacks

Reptiles lives matter!

Kroak's an amphibian

But rest of it fraction are Reptiles
moreover even amphibians are more important than blacks

the backbone of any stormcast army is probably
2x5 liberators
1x5 judicators
1x lord-relictor
1x lord-celestant (either foot or on something, each are good options)

for expanding roles:
judicators are solid ranged
longstrikes are excellent snipers
slow heavy hitters are paladins (of any type they're all good in different ways)
fast heavy hitters are fulminators
lord-castellant and knight-heraldor are excellent utility

vanguard-anything (besides longstrikes) are terrible

Big Morathi tits right in my face

a relictor as general with no command ability? I had read they were good but I didn't think they were an auto-include and on that level.

what I have
>lord celestant on dracoath (starter kit)
>10 liberators (starter kit)
>3 prosecutors (stater kit)
>5 retributors (starter kit + ebay)
>1 knight relictor
>10 judicators
>1 knight vexillor

I'm going to build it for range, and if I grow it further an aetherstrike force sounds like it might be a lot of fun to pair with the vexillor teleport flag. Two vexillors would be over the top right?

How viable is rat soup?

20 Irondrakes or 20 Ironbreakers?

Right after Seraphon

he probably meant as a hero choice.
2 vex are over the top, yeah. relictor ends up being better since he's so much cheaper and gets two prayers, but I've used one vexillor to great effect in skyborne slayers to teleport a big slow unit of paladins midgame.

aetherstrike exists to spam longstrikes, and is quite good. looks like a good start, user!

I should mention relictor takes lightning chariot to be almost as good as vexillor's once-a-game, but you get to do it every turn (or try), plus his default prayer is good.

in the dark? irondrakes I guess, but what's your list? what role are you trying to fill since one is resilient ranged and the other is melee goodstuff.

Why did they nerf soulblight so hard, we were mid tier at best...
like what the actual fuck is GWs problem

>Deathfag crying

Pls stop already.

All non-Stormcast or non-new armies must be beaten down with nerfs or shitty updates so as to get you to buy actual AoS armies.

Deathcrying all time emo boys

Choke on the fucking soup and listen to retards on tga and leddit praise the fucking soupbook, dumb deathfags lmao

The soupbook is actually good if you don't play soulblight though

Maybe you should learn for them eat the fucking soup you get and stop crying al ready

>soupbook is actually good
Playing Arkhan Allegiance forever and ever isn't fun

Yeah I was looking at TGA and they all seem to like the book. It ruined death for me, I dont even want to play anymore.

Grand Host is good for a Deathrattle or Deathlords focused list, Blood makes Soulblight decent again with murderdragons, and Night is good for ????


>actually considering other shit allegiances when we are in Age of Sniping

hahahaha you sound like a 4 year old throwing a tantrum. If you don't like death anymore, just sell your army and buy into something new.

My army burning video will be uploaded soon

Please dont forget post link

Why is AoS so fucking shit, lads?

Just Sigmarines vs Chaos Space Marines.

Is it just artefacts that don't work on mounts, or also traits?

Hell yeah! Be sure to post it to all of Games Workshops Social Media pages for maximum attention!

I'm sure GW will change their attitude once they see you burning your stuff in protest

Please post it.

It's not, you're just retarded and can't accept that other people are allowed to enjoy things that you don't, so you can't just let things be and have to drag everyone down with you just so you can screech like a petulant child that didn't get what they wanted for christmas.

AoS is doing wonderfully with or without you.

tga is cancer, they praise EVERYTHING gw does, even when one release is a direct U-turn from a previous release that was a failure.

> "points aren't neccassary for AOS". "Yeah its great they introduced points"
> "GHB2017 is a great book, its really made a level playing field for all armies". "Its great LoN is finally addressing the non-level playing field for Death"
> "tournament results demonstrate the game is super healthy". "it sucks that tournaments are dominated by a handful of armies"
> "Yay! New stormcast releases!". [anti-stormcast opinions censored]

>It's not
>every MP story features Sigmarines and Chaos
>Nagash horny as fuck for Deathcast Eternals

artefacts and traits too, but everything else is fair game


Don't forget tga saying for years that lore should only be in stormcast books, and that no new direction from gw was required to make the lore accessible.

Then tga welcoming the new relaunch of AOS in malign portents, as the lore needed to be more accessible.

Bunch of hypocrite old men that need to retire from the game.

>Army and faction allegiances are separate

Top meme

I'm writing a university thesis on AoS player demographics. My hypothesis is that most players of AoS are new to wargaming with AoS being their first game. Would /aosg/ be willing to answer a questionnaire if I post it here?

>a university thesis on AoS player demographics

What the fuck are you studying?

Wasting money 301. You can tell it's not wasting momey 101 because the people doing dance degrees are laughing at him.

Whatever major you're working on seems like a waste of time if THIS is what you're doing. Just drop out now

You better not be a fucking sociologist. Get the fuck out of our hobby with your SJW bullshit.

played a lot of tg, watched from afar 40k and fantasy for a decade and a half enjoying the models and lore, but waiting for the rules not to be obtuse dogshit, finally jumping into aos after the GHB.

Games and sociology.

University is free here so I'm not wasting anything.

I'm not an SJW, I'm just interest in societal norms.

> new to game, eager to battle with my new legacy faction I like the look of
> seems nobody wants to play against a tier 3 army, even nicely painted
> told i should play a tier 1 army if i want games
> give in and buy stormcast

>University is free here so I'm not wasting anything.

Other than tax money?

>Nobody wants easy wins

Yeah sure, I believe you

If I shoot a glottkin with Bastiladon Solar Engine he gets two or three wounds?

At least he's not wasting it by going across the sea to fuck up other nations and causing an immigrant crisis in Europe. Amerifags BTFO

Sociologist SJW confirmed. You don't become a sociology student unless you're already into that SJW bullshit.

So are Grave Guard worth using? I have one block of 40 skeletons, and don't really feel like doing another, and the grave guard models look sweet.

>University is free here so I'm not wasting anythin
Time is money friend

Give us the link already you shit

It sure is

3 he is chaos monster

I'd rate this b8 desperate/10.

3 per wound

found the stormcast player

First time using GW resin. Not so bad, I assembled some Yetis.

It does feel a bit thin and weak, but it seems fine. Very hard to get it to stick to the base though, had to pin all the yetis.

dunk model parts in sink, toothbrush scrub, glue with super glue.

>immediate contradiction without substance or explanation
>Grim Deliverance, The Offer and The Paradise Below have nothing Chaos or Stormcast in sight
>trusting baseless rumours

I used to play them as a little 10man killer unit with greatblades. I'm actually excited to run a massive reg of 30 as battleline in a nagash list for rerolls and shock immunity.

>Nobody wants to play against a tier 3 army

Literally never happened in any game store ever.

Anyone used the Squig Gobba since it got updated? Seems good now?

Those are called npc chapters, user

Does it took a lot of dedication to shitpost this again and again?

I actually prefer a soup army of the undead. The niche armies of Death is really not interesting enough to build anything worthwhile on.

I actually prefer if you'd be quiet

The only difference is Soulblight.

I want my army of super Elite Vampires.

>GW took the effort to update a fucking legacyshit army such as Daughters of Khaine
>Death gets a soupbook
>literal cucks defend GW's decision

This place is becoming tga. Not a good sign.

>Shitposts in a thread about a game he doesn't like

Sucks to be you.

Quiet down ahmed

You are a sad individual, user.

>Death in 2016
>WTF why are zombies and skeletons stuck in different groups I want my fodder

>Death in 2018
>WTF Soup book is shit.



Splitting up Zombies and Skeletons was the most pointless shit ever. They're both not individually interesting enough for that and neither are their minature lines diverse enough to be worth it.

So Legion of blood; Will it be beneficial to go Pure Blood Knights and Dragons? Or should I grab some Skeltals?

Can I keep the Soulblight Allegiance in the Legion of Blood?