In what kind of messed-up setting would high-tech zentai suits become the norm?
In what kind of messed-up setting would high-tech zentai suits become the norm?
Pulpy sci-fi and cyberpunk mainly, and really any other settings that put style over sense. You could probably get away with it in fantasy with some handwavium magical material.
A fetish one
I can't imagine any level of realism where a technological suit would ever be considered superior over a technological body. How would it not progress instantly to cybernetics?
The Omarr ending of Deus ex: invisible war.
Rapidly changing environmental and solar conditions have forced humanity into a strange new era of technology where full-body protection is mandatory to prevent infection to lethal compounds or exposure to harmful radiation.
At first humanity was confined to protected compounds and new dome cities, but as time went on this became impractical. The development of full-body environmental suits became a necessary advancement, garnering more development and research than most other fields of technology.
As time went on, and a demand for more normal lifestyles, if not normal attire, became a demand, these high-tech, body-hugging suits have not only become trendy, but incredibly advanced full-body environmental protection, complete with artificially enhanced muscles- it turns out it's more convenient to wear a powered nanosuit than receive cybernetic surgery, anyway.
Not only has this resulted in the widespread and often mandatory use of such survival suits, even for everyday life, the decades of cramped living conditions and lack of privacy in the dome cities, and the growing popularity of second-skin nanosuits has helped humanity grow, to some degree, beyond the shame of their own body image.
As established those aren't really "suits". Their whole bodies are permeated by technocytes
Warframes aren't even people, anyway, they're remotely piloted bio-constructs.
All the normal human NPCs in the relays do wear bodysuits, though.
I do kinda like this.
It would be pretty uprooting for society but it sounds cool.
Can we get that thing where people don't have names but some kind of designation related to what they do instead?
dibs on shitpost_bot_420
Something like what happened in Strike Witches, where combatants all wear the same type of attire, and then it became universally adopted across all cultures as a form of hero worship that then just becomes everyday fashion.
You'd need all human cultures to essentially be near-homogenous for it to become the norm though (e.g. Strike Witches with humanity uniting vs. alien menace, or Firefly where everyone speaks a mishmash of English and Chinese).
There would still probably be holdouts or people who wear casual clothes, but this would get you most of the population wearing it.
Well, you'd need a way to transplant consciousness or remove the distance delay of piloting a construct remotely via a neural interface.
If you never figured those out then making a skintight piece of impenetrable armor would probably be the next best thing.
Derp. I just realized you mean cyborgs.
My kneejerk answer is that it's probably a lot simpler to amplify a body with a suit rather than retrofit their skeletal and muscular system for super strength. The suit would effectively act like a set of extremely streamlined power armor from Fallout or something and do all the heavy lifting and movement for you, where a normal person with cybernetics is going to have to be rebuilt completely so they can actually put their super strength arms to use without obliterating their shoulders and spine.
>You'd need all human cultures to essentially be near-homogenous for it to become the norm though
The most likely scenario would be space colonization. There would be less room for divisions and more interest in collaborating towards survival. A deep space exploration fleet or remote colony would be perfect for those kinds of things.
There are three types of people in this world.
>The people who are twisted from the inside to the outside and made into suits.
>The people who have their nerves and muscles spliced with metal to control the suits.
>And everyone else.
One where people appreciate a good ass.
I appreciate a good ass
Possibly some people would not want to have their body parts chopped off and replaced with mechanical parts etc...?
this and also AFAIK current-gen prosthesis use sensor to pick up twitches in other muscles in your body (they might graft some ass muscle to your chest and then you learn to control that). Or there is some work with brain wave readers that translate thought to limb control.
Either way, we don't have the tech yet to directly interpret and map nervous system electrical impulses (or at least the bundled ones you find in your spine),
It would be easier to have, for example, your suit have a muscle sensor over your bicep and then amplify it's contraction using servos / hydraulics / some nitinol "muscle wire" system, than to directly graft a robot arm to your nervous system.
I postulate that the genetic knowledge to give everyone (men and women) great asses is a prerequisite to putting everyone in skinsight armor. There's nothing that makes your day sour faster than seeing a saggy potato ass in tights and I've been to Walmart enough to know
You could give everyone perfect ass genetics, but unless they exercise to maintain gluteal tautness, it will be for nothing.
Suit tech needs to be developed concurrently with ass tech, that way we can have muscle electrostim treatment built in to the suit so everyones muscles are constantly getting worked out and thus flab-ass (and similar maladies such as "nana arms") is held at bay.
>but unless they exercise to maintain gluteal tautness, it will be for nothing.
Can't we make genes for that, too?
Alternately yu could just say that in the conditions where everyone needs to wear a suit like this, it's harsh enough that everyone needs to stay in shape. If everyone needs to be ready to be a soldier or to escape some horrible climate condition at a moment's notice you can't afford to be fat.
>ass tech
Aztec asstech?
They could mix in genes from a lion or something, that would have a higher "baseline" level of strength and also the muscle would shrink much more slowly.
But(t) at the end of the day there's no avoiding exercise if you want a premium ass.
How do we make sure our future society has top ass and top bodysuits to show off that ass?
Where are they?
What are the environmental or societal issues that lead to ass tech and suit tech?
>mix in genes from a lion
>muscular space liongirls with perfect butts
Lots of bending and stairclimbing.
>Decker rolls to hack Aztechnology Host
>Critical Glitch
>"Instead of hacking into Aztechnology, you find yourself in the host of Asstechnology, a multinational medical firm specializing in cosmetic enhancements of the posterior."
>"There is some IC here, but it all looks like girls with nice asses."
Humans need to undertake a lot of maintenance operations.
Bathing, excercising, tooth-cleaning, taking shits that you have to then freeze-dry and shoot into the inky blackness of space.
Instead of trying to make the maintenance apparatuses more efficient in space or use, they make the humans more efficient.
Less sleep, less exercise needed to maintain muscle mass, a more sterile skin environment.
And THEN you get the suit tech.
>muscular space catgirls in zentai
Everyone gets fit
Alternatively, everyone becomes Veeky Forums
What about old people and people with non-athletic jobs though?
Read here:
>i cant imagine any level of realism
How about the one where your body would constantly be rejecting the cybernetics without incredibly advanced medicine which may not be developed concurrently with the cybernetics? Or which were cost-prohibitive to obtain for virtually everyone, while powersuits are wearable whenever by anyone, which creates a technological distinction between have and have-nots?
What about the one wherein how the fuck does a human body power extremely capable/powerful cybernetics without strapping some kind of non-organic power-source to it, essentially necessitating wearing some kind of suit anyway?
What about the one where large chunks, if not a massive majority, of the population would be fundamentally, idealistically opposed to cybernetic implants, and only extremists, radicals, and social outcasts would even consider getting them?
You really can't think of a single, possible reality wherein cybernetics are strictly inferior to an external suit? You can't be this blatantly stupid and bland.
Oh now, they still require said maintenance.
The enhancements only cut down on how much is needed.
>Cue the japan-style tradition of pensioners doing calisthenics in the morning.
>YWN meet a combat grandma in a skintight fullbody armor with a butt that can crush a can between the cheeks
Literally any setting that isn't taking itself too seriously. Some scientist/space wizard makes suits, and just needs people who can do backflips to go out a dispense justice.
>Literally any setting that isn't taking itself too seriously. Some scientist/space wizard makes suits, and just needs people who can do backflips to go out a dispense justice.
I have no idea if you think you're being funny or not.
Cybernetics do go past "robotic arms" and such. It goes all the way up to "brain in a robot" where the only real concerns would be maintaining the perfect machine that is their body.
>Having to work with Impure heathens to remove the Things that have invaded the nearby station.
>Fucking Impure.
>Twisting their genetic bodies instead of altering their meat and bone with drugs and metal as Proper people should.
>They don't even allow their Elders to gracefully fall into senescence. Forcing them to work long into old age.
>Like this one drinking some brew instead of ingesting it intravenously like a Proper person.
"Hey kid, check this out."
>What is she-?
>Oh dear lord.
>Oh gods above and below.
>Is she leering at me?
Cyberpunk, obviously. If you allow a no-helmet situation, it could actually, way down the line, feasibly be an undersuit as a base for hard armor attachments or perhaps worn under clothes for spies or whatever, depending on what exactly they do. It could be used in military environments realistically, but at least in another half-century, really.
s n e a k i n g s u i t
The best kind.
No helmet or mask no deal
In the near future, Earth is under attack by a race of 15 foot tall alien invaders. Humanity discovers that these aliens had one attacked earth in the distant past but were turned back by a different race of mysterious guardians. Though these guardians seem to have died out, they left behind powerful, almost magical artifacts that seem tailored to human use but are much too powerful for even the most skilled operators. Only by wearing powered armor derived from this left behind technology are humans able to fight back. This is the beginning of the Einherjar project.
Nova is F L A T
Shadowrun has it. Not exactly the norm, but makes one third of endgame gear/chrome, with bulky power armors and magick robes being the options for hulks and whizzards.
>gun and bag not included
What were the Einherjar like?
They had FANTASTIC asses
And that lore it was the biggest fuck up DE has done on Warframe lore.
fuck you potato kids
Hellgate London got pretty close.
why couldn't they have been suits
it's not fair
was it to stifle the massive amounts of WF porn?
Because the player can switch between a busty wasp-waisted hourglass lady and an 8-foot muscly rock man whenever they like, so the current lore makes the most sense.
>zentai suits
>Switching characters in a vidya needs to be lore supported
Welcome to Veeky Forums autism.
It would have been fine if only girls could have been pilots so there's just girls in plugsuits everywhere.
See You can be too big for the hourglass lady suit, but you can always stuff more shit in the insides to make even the cutest plugsuit girl fit into the muscly rock man suit.
It makes sense if it's supposed to be the same fucking person, in game, you moron.
I was thinking of something.
Why not just connect your brain(especially audio-video areas) to some tiny computer implanted, in say, a small shell-y compartment implanted on top of your lower ribs, so you can get upgradable, full-on VR/AR granting computers, thhat you can easily connect to a suit.
So, futuristic mission control in a neurally controlled high-tech nano-suit.
But girls can't love girls, so Rhino-Kun can't be a girl
Post apocalyptic, dangerous atmospheric gas contamination outside of cities. Cities consist of smaller civilized regions punctuated by swaths of decay. Atmospheric breaches are rare, but they happen, and when they do, you need to be in a suit.
Skin-tight suits become common because people are unwilling to travel/work/play without them lest they get killed in a breaching event.
Since 'clothing' is already covered, a lot of people don't bother to wear anything over the suit, though you do see it on occasion.
But why the fuck did there need to be someone in the frame? Couldn't it just have been a consciousness that hops between frames? Or something like a mainframe that fits every frame?
yeah but they space potatos are dumb
tenno should have just been energy based life-forms or something, like the ghosts of orokin
This is the best answer in the whole thread.
what is 'zentai'? and how is it different from a unitard?
Do you even Guyver?
Zentai = fully covering like with a hood and all
Not sure why people find zentai sexy. It's one of those really weird things to get a fetish from.
Because there's at least a century between the start of the space colonization age and a point when fully mechanical bodies will became something normies can afford.
Pic related is MIT's space suit prototype. For near-future science fiction settings, this is what you'll be wearing.
It's no different from stockings, pantyhose, latex et cetera.
It puts emphasis on the female form.
What's with the facelessness though?
Why does that only weird you out when it's zentai?
Pink Rhino disagrees with you
Extreme environments where even mundane tasks require individuals to wear light and flexible protection. High or low temperature, pressure, toxic atmospheres, low levels of radiation.
>You really can't think of a single, possible reality wherein cybernetics are strictly inferior to an external suit?
Judging by everything you just described, you can't even think of a reality where they're inferior.
This, simple as that.
Before you consider replacing anything of yours with a "perfect machine," consider the machines you own now. Consider how long you've had them for. Consider how the longevity of our devices is shrinking fast as the speed of development increases, with no apparent end in sight. Consider the problems of early adoption and vendor lock-in. Now consider the benefit of a device you can throw out easily compared to one welded to your nervous system that you threw out parts of your body for. How much of a hurry are you in to become last year's iPhone?
I've gone "Ship of Theseus" with my PC and upgraded it bit by bit since the 1990s. While every component has been replaced at least three times since I originally built it, there's never been a point where I threw it away and started again from nothing.
If your last living part gets replaced, you're at the point where you as an individual have become a commodity and copies of you will be made on demand. Or rather, copies of whoever does your job best, which is almost assuredly not you.
>Not liking potatoes
I love my retarded looking operator who never shuts the hell up
This thread is going off-topic, let's get back to ass-chat
People right now are a fungible commodity, user.
In terms of economics, you're already just an easily quantifiable skill set measured by big data, and you are completely interchangeable with any of the millions of other roughly identical people out there in the world. Whether you're made of meat or metal makes no difference in that regard.
Why does the Callidus even have breasts? Seems like with all the modifications assassins go through, they'd lobe those right off
There is a huge difference; metal is more easily built, copied, and recycled. Get all those bleeding-edge augmentations if you want. It'll be like that time you got that thing that never caught on, but the thing that gets thrown in a dumpster afterward is you.