
blah blah blah blah blah. all that shit happens to every new player at every store in every city. you're not special. it happened to me. it STILL happens to me because magic players can be salty bitches about losing at cardboard wizards.

just shut up and draft, butthole.

Other urls found in this thread:


LGS are full of spastic cunts.
It's not like we don't already laugh at them for being retarded and awkward.

Is that the angry video game nerd?

>Expecting a LGS toilet to be well stocked and scented.

If there isn't piss on the floor and the seat is cleanish of visible stains I am impressed.

>story is of a new player going to a draft and not being coddled by everyone
this is just fact, get over it. Don't expect people to be nice to you because you're new.

" All the friendliness from the opponent at the beginning of the match has disappeared. He doesn't say good game, fills out the match slip, leaves it on the table, and goes off to talk to some friends. You're excited about winning, but the feeling is drowned out by the discomfort felt by your opponent's reaction."

So she is complaining that people were freindly to her when she was getting her shit kicked in but when she steped up her game they became a bunch of assholes?
" Most of your wins are met with scrutiny and doubt. You've been playing paper Magic for seven months and still regularly get asked if you are a new player" That's because you are a new player you cut, 7 months is like 2 expansions, that's not a lot. God why do people think this is sexism, MTG players are just salty cunts, i get the same reaction every time i play with my black blue zombie deck and get in a call to the grave with a player i have never played with before.

Magic is trash.
The people who play Magic are trash.
This thread is also trash.

>Link to reddit
>Previously deleted thread
>Link to feminist article

The profit margins on magic cards are so low stores earn more money selling subsidized sugar, LGS' are trash because magic is trash.

>Describes the experience literally everyone has trying to get into magic these days
MTG has a shit community. It's hostile to everyone. You will always either be matched up against a screaming retard who can't handle it when he loses, or the friendliest person in the world with a $2000 standard deck somehow, who is always really friendly every time he crushes you.
Literally nothing she says in the article has anything to do with being a woman other than "did your boyfriend teach you how to play". It's an insular community that hates new people because they remind them that they're wasting their life away on this game.
Kitchen table magic with friends is literally the only way to play it and have fun.

I don't think you've read the article. In her story, she experienced "noob treatment" even after getting enfranchised.
Of course the sheer idea of discussing anything women or feminism related on Veeky Forums is asinine.

>In her story, she experienced "noob treatment" even after getting enfranchised.
Welcome to anything even remotely competitive.

Ok so as a woman (groan) she makes a few good points and some of this shit happens- being at a tournament or flgs is shitty for women usually, but a lot of this is just general tournament awkwardness or her not knowing the game etc. Like half of her complaints are that she was doubting herself. Rather than telling a story about experienced guys beating her and then being super friendly and helpful why not tell us about winning and having the guy be shitty? Because I've had that shit happen. They lose and they try desperately to find the trick you used to best them- "did you get that deck online?" Etc.

Anyway my point is be nice to girls or whatever and it is hard to be a girl in that situation but no the tournament organizer did not read off everyone's last name except hers that's fucking stupid.

You did not read the article either.
She did get noob treatment as opposed to others who stopped after getting better.

She also thinks the toilets are icky.

>7 months in
Is not enfranchised. I still feel like a noob and I've been playing since Return to Ravnica. This is because MTG respect depends on when you started playing, not how much experience you actually have with the game. If you started playing after the modern card frame, you're experienced but hardly an oldfag, and if you started playing after the new card frame you're a fuckin baby, even if that was a few years ago now, and even if you've been involved and in the meta since.
How much you're willing to spend is an issue too. I still get treated like a noob whenever I go to a FLGS because I don't have a playmat, I don't have fancy sleeves for my decks, just plain ones, and my decks never end up being worth more than about $100, even in commander, which means the "experienced" players toss me in with people who are reading the "how to play" that comes with the starter decks, when I fully understand stack mechanics thank you.
It's just a shitty hostile community that hates anyone who isn't the exact same boat as them, 40-year olds who have spent their life's savings on a children's card game.

Saying all this, neckbeards are still neckbeards, and are still weird around women. I don't doubt that women do have a hard time getting into male-dominated hobbies, and they would certainly get into uncomfortable situations, I just really don't think this post is giving a good example of it.
And what's so weird about not reading the last name of somebody who doesn't share a first name with anyone else? When I was in school the teachers only ever called out the first name of the eastern european kids in my classes because everyone only had to know them by their first names, there aren't two Rudolphas 'es in a class of 30 potatoes.

Noob treatment is not a nice thing, of course it could and should be avoided, but for what it's worth the same kind of thing happens everywhere, statistically more women are casuals and people generalize on their esperience, it's not a good thing and i personally don't do it, but it's hardly something to get mad at.
As for not being part of the group honestly she can go fuck herself,I (and like me others) am nto comfortable iwth women, I can easily hold a normal conversation and have like exactly one female friend, but I still am not comfortable with women. (yes haha user is a nerd lmao he is not comfortable with women lmao) If i can avoid i will not try and get friendly with her beyond the game we are assigned to play and I don't see why i should feel compelled to.

>i will not try and get friendly with her beyond the game we are assigned to play and I don't see why i should feel compelled to.
Because you're all there to have fun and make friends?
Also read over your post before you hit send jesus christ red lines appear under some of your words for a reason.

why did you even write this post

Reading all these articles and threads about shitty Veeky Forums-communities where kids are fiddled, women are raped and driven away and where every male player is either screaming autist or herald of papa nurgle is so fucking surreal.

My local LGS has one of the friendliest communities of any kind of hobbyists I've ever seen, and that includes MTG, miniatures and boardgames. Miniature players are helpful and nice to new and old players, boardgamers gladly teach you to play whatever they are playing if there is empty seat, and MTG-community is big and accepting of new players. I've never seen anyone that smells like putrid shit, spergs out or acts like a cunt to anyone. We even have multiple women that frequent the store for MTG-tourneys.

Is this purely USA-thing, or are these hellhole-gameshops a thing everywhere outside of Finland? Or am I only seeing the effect of too much Veeky Forums horror-stories combined with too much overreacting frenzied feminazis writing articles trying to victimize themselves over their own insecurities? I wonder if I'm either overtly blessed by the gods of gaming by giving me this awesome group to play with, or am I only falling hard for elaborate bait.

IRE here, and in my experience most people are just weird, with some nice folk thrown in, but in all the FLGSs in the world, over, say, the past twenty years, there are going to be some real horror stories.
But yeah, it's a combination of things. People exaggerate their misfortune, Veeky Forums picks and chooses, and FLGSs are still weirdo magnets.
You're blessed with your game store Finanon. Never forget that.

>half of her complaints are that she was doubting herself


Half the article is "should I be here" internal monologue that she believes is caused by the big bad men in the room but even if the room was an even split she would just find another scapegoat to sustain that internal monologue.

She's blaming a boogeyman for her own lack of self-assuredness and justifying it to herself with a wall of text on her blog after the fact.

Have you ever felt unwelcome in a place, user?

Yes, and I've spent years learning to push the feeling aside so I can kick ass and take names at whatever place I'm in.

I put myself through cold calling sales in boiler room type offices, and literally went door-to-door sales as a personal development exercise in getting out my comfort zone

I didn't try and blame the world, I took ownership of my issue and worked constructively on changing it

>Is there a reason why these threads aren't being allowed?
Because they're /pol/ shitposting? This isn't leddit.

>Or am I only seeing the effect of too much Veeky Forums horror-stories combined with too much overreacting frenzied feminazis writing articles trying to victimize themselves over their own insecurities?
More or less. People online being hysterical, news at eleven.

Generally speaking, the worst you'll see at a LGS is awkward people who are too shy to talk to anyone they don't already know.

>women are flighty creatures that need men to soothe their unease or else they will get upset

How misogynistic

>implying thats a woman


Actually rape is a Sweden and German thing.

Because I disagree with her assertion that the community is toxic towards women and feel she has overly large expectations of a bunch of crusty old nerds and places they frequent.


And have you been in a situation where it won't change because the problem is you exist?

The person who wrote the article we are discussing is a woman, right?

That's man my dude, look at the Adams apple.

That person is a tranny feminist, how blind are you? Or did you actually fap to that big nosed abomination?

These cultural assaults are also a thousand cuts.

Every day another badgering article demanding contrition and abasement. Some react with vitriol and anger. Others simply want to escape it all, and have even quit playing the game altogether to escape. I am of the latter camp.

no, why did you write about toilets

>7 months
My sides. I'm STILL a new player and I started in Theros

Oh, she moaned about the toilets. Very lower middle class of her.

I honestly didn't look at her photo at the start very well.

Same, to be honest. I've started going out and drinking instead. Costs about the same and I enjoy the booze.

>she experienced "noob treatment" even after getting enfranchised

This happens in literally anything competitive. Holy fuck, your average game of League of Legends is leagues worse in terms of that shit.

Reminder that you're posting in a Redditor's thread.

>tranny feminist

I wonder when that faggot shit will end with MTG, it better be soon because these threads are getting out of hand.

I have no respect for communities that take anything someone says as gospel solely because of their gender, and remove any voices that may dare scrutinize someone's story.
I admit that I have a bias against feminists, but my bias is rooted in the fact that a lot of feminists resort to censorship and false virtue memeing in order to get their way. It's a somewhat unfair bias because it applies to any feminist I don't know enough about, but the ones willing to make dialogue are apparently marginalized.

I smell a non-qamerican

You do not matter.

Why first post not call this faggot out on

>Community lacking social skills with exact mirrors of themselves appears hostile towards those who are different

Water, wet? Find out at 11.

It's autists exaggerating their encounters with other autists because they don't know better.

I love this argument. As the school shooter looking fuck with hair past my shoulders and a goat beard, yes I have felt unwelcome. Do you think when I go to a funeral the priest looks at me like I'm a proud child of God. Do you think when I'm at work and get called to the factory floor for something the Baptist country boys appreciate my beatnik looking ass making their job harder for them? The only thing you can do in either of these situations is to kick so much ass that they forget you aren't like them. Instead you roll over and cry to your blog about how the culture you imposed yourself on is the thing that needs to change. Fuck off.

I'm actually American. I'm just one of those self-loathing cunts that hate the political madness.

I agree. Walking into a new lgs is like walking into a western saloon with everyone measuring you up. Guy or girl, it's kinda like a microscope over you. At least the last time I did this, the store owner started chatting me up and we got to talking about our last EDH games. Shit was fun. Too bad their singles selection sucked or i would have bought something

>self-loathing American
>doesn't understand politics

imagine my shock

bro, don't be that way, everyone has potential.

They're a minority, but being the minority doesn't mean they can't have an outsized effect on the community. If someone new goes to an LGS and sees 12 normal, friendly people and one shithead who screeches at them for even looking at the wrong product, they're not going to remember the normal people, and they'll probably even perceive those more negatively because of how they view the experience overall. It's especially bad at cons, since 100 autists in a crowd of 10000 people can do a lot more damage than 1 in a group of 100
How is that even a response? It's ok the community is full of awful people as long as it's awful to everyone?

Even better,
>Thinks he's above it all
>muh both sides
$10 says he was hardcore for Bernie but can't explain what each of the 3 branches of government do

so glad I never got into this garbage.

>Too bad their singles selection sucked or i would have bought something
But in the average LGS the singles selection is the entire customer base.


>Oh, she moaned about the toilets. Very lower middle class of her.
why did you even point this out, is complaining about dirty toilets "feminist" for you?
read the article first, user

Because it's pathetic.

She would get "her" literal hatchet wound infected moreso than it already would be with a dirty toilet though. Seems like a valid complain to me.

They had bottom of the barrel legacy rares and standard promos for rares.

I'm not supporting her at all here, if you that's what you think. I think the author is nonsensical and whiny.

>Because it's pathetic.
you seem to have some grudge against people wanting sanitary restrooms
do you come from poor background by any chance?

No, I attended a school with the sons of Thai steel magnates, Russian oligarchs and British Aristocracy and move in far higher circles than you would surmise.; to expect a toilet to be outfitted specifically for your own desire, frilled up like a bungalow dwelling spinster in what is a cheap game shop who's provision of a toilet for customers is merely a way to keep them in the shop for longer on the off chance they'll buy more snacks and such between regular card packs is silly.

It was a joke about the average Magic player being single you retard.

>to expect a toilet to be outfitted specifically for your own desire
expecting a toilet to be clean is not something extravagant

This should be turned into a navy seal pasta

So did these sons of Thai steel magnates, Russian oligarchs and British Aristocracy shit on the floor?
Were there any daughters of Thai steel magnates, Russian oligarchs and British Aristocracy at your school?

Dude, people shittalk and are dismissive well even into Challenger. See Hashinshin, Tarzaned and Tyler1

Do people constantly ask them whether their boyfriends taught them how to play?

>No, I taught him tee-hee n_____n

Based Amish factory worker.

We have two hardcore WotC shills on this board posting almost 24/7
They also happen to be trannies

>New, still mostly inexperienced player gets treated poorly by the abrasive, salty fucks of the LGS
>Oh wait, new player has a vagina
>This is newsworthy

If it was a guy it would have been business as usual.

I'd like to try and continue this conversation, but then I remembered it's futility.
Have a good day, user.

I can't report posts for some reason, could someone report this thread for me for being wrong board, /pol/ not Veeky Forums. The /qst/ meta thread trying to blame pathfinder players is still up for some reason too.

It'd be great to discuss Traditional games instead of attention whores on the internet.

>could someone report this thread for me for being wrong board, /pol/ not Veeky Forums
your asshurt falls upon deaf ears

sent ;)

Thank you user, it can be terrible phone posting.

...why link to reddit, instead of linking to the actual article?

>posts anyway
>I, I didn't want to argue with you anyway user, -baka!
Different user here, user is clearly trying to communicate that people are regularly stigmatised, ostracised, and generally isolated for many, many factors other than gender. I was an atheist kid in a catholic school. That wasn't fun.
There are uncountable reasons to feel uncomfortable in situations, and some are more valid than others. If you're one of the only guys in a room full of girls, or vice-versa, you can't spend all your time fretting about cooties, you just have to put yourself out there and chat to people. I have a hard time believing nobody in a sausage party LGS would talk to a mid-twenties feminine-looking-human, when in every circle like that I've been in everyone is just dying to get to talk to the one in a million girl who won't find your hobbies weird.
So most people see this situation as the author going to FNM, getting the usual retards act retarded in her general direction, and then cry and hide in the corner saying "nobody likes me!" over and over again to herself, isolating herself from most of the people who would talk to her.

Social skills are very difficult to develop, and blaming your social failings on any surface-level shit like gender isn't doing you any favours. If black men can become great friends with KKK members and get involved in their meetings, a woman can get involved in an LGS.

>could someone report this thread for me

Oh, for fuck's sake. If you really feel like that, toughen the fuck up. There's no need for a 'welcoming' atmosphere to be created anywhere. If you feel like maybe you shouldn't be somewhere, you might be right!

you know why

A priest who treats any of their parishioners like freaks is bad at their job and should be told so. A church should be a place where everyone gets treated like a child of God.

Similarly, a game shop should be a place where everyone feels comfortable playing nerdy games. To the extent that it's not, someone is fucking up. Being like surly Baptist hicks is actually a bad thing that people should avoid.

>How is that even a response? It's ok the community is full of awful people as long as it's awful to everyone?
your POV is so self-centred that it's quite nearly malignant narcissism. the reason you're not thriving in a competitive environment is because you're not a competitive person. YOU are the problem, not them.
>this community doesn't operate according to my expectations of behavior and won't kowtow to me or my belief system. they must be made to change!
is literally you. butthole.

Here's an upvote, user.

Better question, why is this shitposting not in one of the other mtg generals?

OP needs constant validation or he feels left out and unwelcome.

>thinking I'm above it all
Understandable sentiment. A lot of centrists and moderates do give off that vibe. I try to avoid that pitfall because first impressions set a precedent for how one perceives a type of person. Like I said , I have not had a good impression of so-called "feminists" because of how many notable supporters of feminism have often resorted to censorship against opposing ideas, even moderate ones argued in good faith. I still try to give a benefit of the doubt, but I'm only human and I am programmed to have some level of impatience in order to avoid wasting time.
My reaction image could easily be argued as hypocritical. I get annoyed by the political drama and because I'm an American I somehow feel it's ok to make sweeping statements about my own nationality because I am one of them, but perhaps it's unjustified nonetheless.

That is not an upvote, that is a reply.
Also, this is not reddit.
user I think you may be autistic,

it definitely takes some major innie-balls for a normal woman (read:not wearing an animu cat beanie atop 300lbs sweaty mass) to enter the game and jump straight in to competitive play. though i consider myself a nerd (albeit a jack-of-all-trades type) i can only tolerate being around true nerds for so long. more often than not, they are sweaty and odious. they also seem to lack most basic social skills, to the point talking to them feels like you've fallen in to the uncanny valley. they also tend to dress like they still have their mother buy their clothes, or most of it comes off of thinkgeek or from hot topic.

i'm not saying that they're terrible people, many of them are quite friendly. they're just the types of people that i can only tolerate in small doses.

>Make a reasonable post critiquing the article in that reddit thread
>Get banned within seconds

*fixes makeup*
*admires cute skirt you chose this morning*
*writes feminist article calling out nonexistent misogyny*

ha, I’m such a girl now SO GIRL

And that's why we don't go to reddit.

>That huge list of deleted posts at the bottom of the thread.
>Those 2 sjws who respond to every post with even mild token criticism.

idk reddit has its merits sometimes.


Yeah except you CHOOSE to look like a dickhead, whereas a woman gets the same flack without being a tryhard renegade.

You INVITE your problems. A woman has them imposed on her. It's not even a fucking comparison.