Can y'all help an user out and post some oni art?
Bonus points for modern/Shadowrun style ones like pic related, but anything's fine.
Can y'all help an user out and post some oni art?
Bonus points for modern/Shadowrun style ones like pic related, but anything's fine.
>Playing an oni in shadowrun
But why?
Why do you do this to people?
Aren't shadowrun onis just colorful trolls?
I'm not a player, I'm a GM. The players are going to the oni island, so the art is for NPCs.
Also, I just like oni. They look cool.
They're the only non-elf group that gets a bonus to charisma, their drawback is that they are instantly recognizeable (Due to being red or blue, hard to miss that), their lore is basically that they're the only orcs who don't face discrimination because the famously racist Japanese think they look badass.
Colorful, horned orks, but close enough.
...user, what?
The oni were one of the most hated metatypes in Japan until very recently, to the point that they were basically exiled to an island because the Japs didn't want to live with them. They're tolerated more because the emperor got a few in the imperial guard or something, but most nips still don’t like them.
You need to learn your lore, dude.
No, you do.They started out discriminated against, but due to the metaplot they haven't been for like 2 editions.
Because the emperor started to hire them, and because they, y'know, look like Oni and so are the protagonists of a bunch of Japanese entertainment, they now guard temples and shrines in japanocorp HQs and shit.
It's literally in the goddamn book spelled out.
Onis are so cool
>Be hindu demon
>Enter buddhist tradition
>End up in Japan where they give you a makeover
>wah wah metavariants are snowflakes
Oh, shut up.
>Become little girls with oversized clubs
Where did it all went wrong?
Posting Okamiden characters
Now some Shadow Warrior. It fits your request for Shadowrun
If you had to pick a few iconic traits of an oni, what would the be? Both physical and personality/archetype/spiritual ones, what makes an oni and oni, as opposed to an ogre or something.
Unnatural skin pigment, horns, imposing strength, usually tall.
Signature weapon in the basher, huge appetite for alcohol, always evil.
There's also common archetypes like the red and blue oni.
They're the soul torturers of hell
>gating a game that nobody fucking plays even further through glorified pretend elitism
i'm not even gonna try to come up with a sarcastic remark, straight up kill yourself
short horns, tusks, tall, red/blue skin with white/black hair only, tend to be athletic, can perform minor magic tricks, generally averse of dealing with humans unless they come to them first, a natural love for sake and other alcoholic drinks, not always evil
I have two Oni Twins (NPCs) in my Shadowrun Campaign.
One is blue with red marks and the other is red with blue marks.
One is a Adept, the other is a Mage. Both are into Blood Magic and making your life painful.
My group managed to survive two encounters with them, but they are fuming..
Tag masters.
I've collected too many oni to not share in this thread
Orc girls + 1 oni
Infected or just really ugly oni?
>tease japanese gf
>she gives me an exasperated look and grumbles "Ooooonnniiiiii" at me
Thought I was gonna die from the cute
Looks like an Oni that got hit with SURGE to me
More of this boy
Even more of him, but that's about it
>japan gives shallow acceptance to a race due to positive media portrayal
I could buy that
someone tried to split his face open and failed
>literally the next post in the thread after this one is a little girl with an oversized club
Dumping oni girls
Basically this.
Please stop feeding my GMs Oni addiction of having an increasingly large family of Oni with increasingly confusing names and stupidly large dicepools as our primary antagonists that never die because they burn edge.
I liked Oni Quest.
If I wanted to make a family of Oni-Human hybrids, should I make them more like monstrous fire wizards, or clerics with a sucky job and bad reputation?
Why you gotta imprint your western ideas of fire onto the Japanese Underworld man?
Well because Fire is an easy element to make creatures seem more evil. Can't as easily do that with say... Water or Earth.
And from what I can remember of Buddhism there are two types of hell, Hot and Cold.
Cold is a pretty easy element to make people seem more evil with, though. Keep in mind mythologically Oni usually came from the snowy mountains, aswell.
Alright then.
But the question still stands; which family of Oni hybrids is better; monstrous fire wizards, monstrous ice wizards, or clerics with a really sucky job?
Traditionally Oni just carry really big iron clubs.
>red oni
>blue oni
Don't think too hard about these things.
go to sleep isaac
Found another. Bless this artist.
>le fire is evil water is good meme
get a look at this cuck
Kitsune are better
>Oni bodyguard/concubine
Oh mama
the right guy makes this image salvageable
>not wanting to be a hipster oni
>not wanting to drink expensive coffee while texting your female friend about how the megacorps are keeping the metahumans down man
>not using this identity as a cover while you moonlight as the meanest and most ruthless Shadowrunner on the west coast.
>Half the art in this thread is from Big M Saxon
I guess we know what his fetish is.
I doubt anything in my folders will be suitable for Shadowrun, but might as well trawl through.
You could always photoshop horns to the middle guy, I suppose.