Is it possible to redeem Chaos/evil cult worshippers?
Is it possible to redeem Chaos/evil cult worshippers?
Sure. Nothing a bit of trauma can't fix.
Men? No. But women? Women are emotionally weak enough that after stripping them naked, parading them around in public until they are so humiliated they can no longer stand up straight, and then raping them, starving them, and beating them with vinegar-soaked reeds for two weeks straight has a good chance of resetting their brains to a more compliant state.
In death, yes.
One of the special Stormcast Eternal characters in Age of Sigmar is a redeemed Champion of Nurgle.
One can not arise from ash.
Only in AoS, as shows. In the other Warhammer universes at best they can have a epiphany and dying in an act of defiance (like a norscan who let himself killed after fufilling his revenge and a Chaos Sorcerer who crashed a entire chaos fleet in a barren planet in the old version of the 13th Black Crusade.)
I'd redeem her with my dick if you know what I mean.
In AoS, yes. But it requires this guy to hit you with his hammer for you to be redeemed.
Redeem, maybe but not cleanse. At least not in this life.
my kweschun iz can a kayhos fined tru luv i hav allweyz wundred tht mayb i shud maek neu bread cuz therz no udher place 4 40k cuestens
The Admech can.
Fuck off to r/generals.
Why do they need redemption, everyone in the 40k universe deserves death anyway.
I prefer to redeem them with flamethrowers
I honestly have one question regarding 40k: This is a setting where there is no afterlife and you'll cease to exist in the warp. There is no Christian sort of omnibenevolent God that will protect you (and ironically, only actually loving deity there is nurgle). On the otherhand, Chaos gods grant you immortality, various boons and if you are badass enough, you can even become a daemon prince.
So my question is: WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T ANYONE JOIN A CHAOS CULT? Moreover, since, as I mentioned, out of all beings, only loving character in the settings is fucking nurgle.
Once a heretic always a heretic
That's the cringiest thing I've read all day.
Sure, if they repent they get the forgiveness of a quick death.
>there is no afterlife
A lot of Imperial cultures believe in the after life
>There is no Christian sort of omnibenevolent God that will protect you
The Emperor. Why wouldn't their souls go to him when they die? All the other major and minor gods' get their followers' souls in death (or can fight for them)
>On the otherhand, Chaos gods grant you immortality, various boons
Most people don't know Chaos exists. Those people that do are more likely to be team-killed or turn to chaos spawn
First: The average citizen doesn't know that Chaos exists, and the Inquisition works very hard to keep it that way.
Secondly: Nurgle doesn't love you. Nurgle simply fucks you up to the point where the only people who can stand you are other nurglites. Which becomes your defacto new family. That isn't love. That is emotional manipulation 101.
I dunno, is it possible to redeem imperial cult worshippers?
>The Emperor. Why wouldn't their souls go to him when they die? All the other major and minor gods' get their followers' souls in death (or can fight for them)
Because the Emperor is not a god and it's confirmed that most human souls dissolve into the Warp.
>Nurgle is the Great Lord of Decay and the Master of Plague and Pestilence. All things, no matter how solid and permanent they seem, are liable to eventual corruption, and Grandfather Nurgle sows the seeds of that entropy with carefully brewed infections and epidemics. Yet despite this grim work he is not a morose or dolorous god. Life begets death, and in turn death gives birth to new life, in the form of pallid, wriggling things that crawl free from mouldering corpses. Thus, the Plague God sees himself as a benevolent fellow, and goes about his business with laughter and honest joy. He sees mortal souls not as things to be dominated and destroyed, but naïve children to be plied with flesh-rotting gifts, and thus enlightened as to the true wonder of disease and decay.
>Clarity was Nurgle’s gift to his chosen: to see the world as it was, stripped bare of the tattered masks of desire and hope, leaving only a beautiful despair. There was comfort in surrender, and joy in acceptance. There was love there, at the heart of all endings, and serenity at the end of all things.
>There was precious little malice in the workings of Nurgle. Cruelty, yes, as life was cruel. Rapaciousness, even. But the horror of Nurgle was one of cosmic consideration. Khorne cared not from whence the blood flowed, but Nurgle cared for every life, no matter how tiny. Nurgle noticed every life. Every soul that crossed the threshold of the Lord of All Things received a splinter of his attention, and suffered for it.
-8th ED Nurgle lore
Nurgle is objectively love.
The only redemption for the heretic lies in death.
Yup. By killing 'em.
I fear the AoS'ing of 40k more than anything.
The best one can offer a heretic is the Emperor's peace. Violently.