So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of tabletop?
Is she a fan too, or does she give you shit for it?
So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of tabletop?
Is she a fan too, or does she give you shit for it?
Mines cool with it, I also do sports though and was a fighter when we met. Shes played a few games of shadespire with me and friends but thats as far as it goes. Shes invited me to paint at her house since i rarely stay at mine nowdays.
I've met her in a Vampire chronicle. She's the only person I've seen play World of Darkness, who is not utterly disgusting.
My wife played rpg with us in our first group but she wasn't very interested. So she doesn't really care, but she knows what I'm talking about when I rip on my players, which is nice.
she rolls my dice and writes my sheets for me
shes pretty dumb though
She finds it kinda nerdy, but seems to accept the fact that men do stuff that are considered nerdy or childish by women, so is cool with it and doesn't think about it all that much.
Would probably become a problem if I went back to playing 40k again.
I converted her. She was competitive anyway and she's good at trying to win. Explaining how a game works to her is not fun though. She takes everything way too literal and then I get frustrated.
We're playing tabletop games pretty regularly with our friends. As for TTRPGs she's quite supportive and while fantasy is not her cup of tea, she got really excited when I mentioned I'd run a Star Trek game.
>So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of tabletop?
>So how does your girlfriend?
Fuck you annon.
She's cool with it. I don't think she really understands too much about them though, but she's happy that I have something that I enjoy doing with my mates. She does think they're kinda nerdy but often asks questions about how they work and what I'm doing. She's trying to learn more about them which is nice, hopefully I'll be able to convert her given enough time.
Why do you care so much about what your imaginary significant other thinks of your hobby?
My girlfriend knew about RPGs and board games before we met, because her uncle (who's just like only 10 years older) played them with his friends. He even tried running a game store a couple of times. The problem is that he's a know-it-all asshole, so she never really got into them and never really wanted to.
Currently she enjoys playing board games with our friends and even considered joining our RPG group to try it out.
I'm envious of my best bud because he is gay and always in relationships with the chillest gamers.
I don't have one.
>Glorious, glorious freedom
My ex thought it was hot that I ran games and the DM/GM. Looking back on it, it was clearly about control and power. But I didn't expect that specific thing to do it for her.
Though she disliked me spending the time every fortnight to so.
Girls are weird.
Doesn't it bother you that you can't do the things you want to do out of fear she'd be ashamed?
Haven't asked her about it but I'm sure she doesn't mind
She joined my game last year and loved it, and asked me to run a game for her and some of her irl friends. Full blown body horror Eclipse Phase, which they seem to be loving so far
So I guess I’d say she quite appreciates it
She has numerous rulebooks and wishes she could play a campaign with me, but her schedule's too busy and none of our friends are really into tabletop. We talk about Veeky Forums-related stuff all the time, though.
She was cool with it... this cannot be!
I've tried a number of different steps including Kingdom Death, The Furry faction from Infinity.
I thought I'd escaped with my 6mm WWII SS Panzer Company, but apparently "the terrain is nice"
I'm thinking of buying into Attack Vector: Tactical
Why make this thread every day?
Aren't they just a meme?
My wife understands that it is important to me and that it's one of my ways out expression, but she didn't understand why I play for 5 hours on end and didn't really like me being gone that long unless she has something to occupy herself. Though she has gotten into twitch streaming recently and usually does that while I run tabletop. It didn't help that my games have the pacing of DBZ and a EVERYTHING is a plot point. From Gohan trying to exercise while in the hospital, to ChiChi talking to her dad about her husband you know? My players don't mind. It gives the characters more depth, but one of these days I'll learn how to run something that isn't either DBZ slow or Kill La Kill fast. Someone teach me how to run that FMA gudgud speed.
She is one of the players in my current game of urban shadows
My gf is more into anime, she does cosplay and wants me to come with her as one of my warhammer miniatures. Have always been too busy to make/get a costume so I always just come in plain clothes when I go with her on a con.
But yeah, she doesn't really care that much for my hobby.
Can we stop this? If you want a gf literally just ask a girl and she'll most likely say yes. Girls are just as desperate for you to hug them goodnight as you are to hug them.
You guys probably aren't even trying to get one and are just waiting for one to fall into your lap.
reported for porn but my girlfriend plays tabletop herself, about as much as I do. she has two games a week and I have two a week and one biweekly.
I met my wife playing tabletop.
A buddy of mine asked me to run a 5th ed campaign for him, his wife, and a long time friend of his. After the first session I remarked that his friend was p. fucking cute.
Two and a half years later I get to call her my wife and run campaigns regularly for her and her boys.
She also taught me how to paint miniatures.
Lifes good.
>Marrying after less than three years
People actually do this?
She's can't get into it, but she seems to like hearing about my sessions.
>Can we stop this? If you want a gf literally just ask a girl and she'll most likely say yes.
Can confirm, just leave a note that says >tfw no gf under your pillow and the gf fairy will give you one, it's that easy.
I married my wife after KNOWING her 8 months. I wouldn't recommend it. 18 year old me was fucking retarded. We are still married after 8 years, but the first two were really bad. Try knowing someone for at least 3 years first.
>Can we stop this? If you want a gf literally just ask a girl and she'll most likely say yes. Girls are just as desperate for you to hug them goodnight as you are to hug them.
>You guys probably aren't even trying to get one and are just waiting for one to fall into your lap
this so much anons, girls are just as retarded, autistic and shy as you are
She's likes that I'm having fun, but doesn't put up the pretense of caring about ny nerd shit anymore than I do about her God awful tv taste.
Which part of my post makes you think I cannot do that or that I am feeling ashamed?
my boyfriend calls it 'borehammer' but he's fine with it and likes that I have fun, no interest in it whatsoever though
>tfw we both made the exact same error at the start of our posts
You've given me hope user, i'll do that today
That's what we get for phoneposting
I think you're taking this too seriously.
I'm actually on my desktop, I'm just retarded.
I'll send some crayons pronto
t. Lawful Neutral
So long as I'm not bankrupting us neither care what I do in my personal time so long as i'm enjoying myself.
I would think he's referring to the cost of the minatures. Spending a lot of money on frivolity is a bit more important.
You really think that everyone that posts
>tfw no gf
is joking? I mean, I appreciate your optimism.
He said he was retarded, not a US marine.
lol knew you were a cuck from the first sentence, but you just kept chuggin deeper
Where does the meme of marines eating crayons come from?
i doesn't even make sense
It does when there's marines who eat crayons.
you can be joking about it and still mean it
humour as a coping mechanism etc.
She's young enough that she hasn't realized this shit is dumb, even thinks it's cool and wants to get in our group
For every scout sniper balls out badass, there's a guy who can't figure out he'll be left alone if he just makes his damn bunk every morning.
The first just doesn't mingle much, so there's no one to make a stereotype of.
>seal loudly proclaiming a thing to be homosexual in nature.jpg
My wife loves ttrpgs... she had never played an rpg before meeting me, the closest she came was oblivion shit.
She hates MMOs now with a passion and absolutely loves playing pretth much any rpg... except twilight:2000. Sucks cause its a favorite of mine, shes just not into runnin n gunnin in a blown up europe.
You're autistic if you think they do it for sympathy.
Nah m8y, just shits 'n giggles.
Pretty good. she has a different style to me in enjoying narrative more than mechanics, but she is a little cringey at times with looking at everything through a D&D lens... but hey nobodies perfect.
As well as liking CR and TAZ
should've picked a better mos
I have this game wherein whenever my wife mentions some mutual aquiantance of ours got married after only a few months or when younger then 20 got a divorce, then I yell CALLED IT.
People are dumb. But at least you broke seven years. That's essentially the cutoff point for whether or not a marriage is likely to fail at some point, so you're in the clear.
Get to my age and find a woman without children and see if you still really give a shit about your /pol/ narrative.
It's okay, I'll wait.
I have no girlfriend, but I do have a wife who is sometimes okay with me running games and sometimes prefers that I spend the night watching anime with her on the couch.
why wouldnt i just get a younger woman?
She finds it amusing but fortunately it doesn't bother her at all. Not interested in any kind of tg herself though.
>younger woman
>with all the problems that come with it
>Boyfriend only does board and card games anymore, and he got out of MTG
You can kill me now.
no, women frighten me
Not the same guy, but you call them problems, I call them opportunities
Look them in the eyes and make yourself as big and loud as possible.
I got her into it - she was interested in it at first, but never really went for it. Then we started playing together, which is still really damn fun. Thing is: ever since I showed her the way of Veeky Forums, she's pretty much ballooned up, over triple digits in kg. And she isn't tall at all, which helps it pile up. And in all honesty I'm liking it.OH GOD HELP ME.
OP makes this thread at least once a week, retardo. Either learn to ignore threads you don't like or leave the board.
user, you knew what kind of replies you were going to get from the start
also if you need to escape, don't climb up a tree. It's not safe.
I don't have a girlfriend, i have a dakimakura and hopefully soon i will have a clone of myself to fuck into submission
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I really doubt we'll get a divorce at this point. Being married 8 years has just gotten us to the point to where no one says anything if the other person farts really loudly because it's not even funny anymore and just something that person does.
>Not having a loud wife that farts in front of you and you find it cute
>he's a brapguy
>having a loud wife
Loud women are annoying. I'm loud enough for the both of us.
>finding my wife farting cute
As someone who is more obsessed with being femenin than my wife, I think it's more gross than she does. But I'm practically a woman and she's practically a man. The only time I act manly is when I have to deal with some shit with bills or the government or some shit.
My what?
> more obsessed with being femenin than my wife
>But I'm practically a woman
>she's practically a man
>The only time I act manly is when I have to deal with some shit
Fuck you user, i want this.
Does she peg you, does she violently drive her hips into your ass to assert dominance?
>That's essentially the cutoff point for whether or not a marriage is likely to fail at some point, so you're in the clear.
>tfw parents divorced after 30 and holidays are forever ruined
Anyway, out of the three girlfriends I've had in my life, my current is the only one that I haven't felt the need to keep tabletop a secret from. Before her I was ashamed of it, now I'm just like, yeah, this is fun to me, deal with it.
My wife co-GMs with me, which gives me a much bigger leeway for female NPCs that I don't have to roleplay with my baritone and in general more complex interactions with NPCs, as more than one of them can be present in dialogues with PCs. Nobody ever complained about that.
>>/r9k/ is that way, guys
Boyfriends still count. And it's 2018. Nobody will judge you for being gay, if your boyfriend is a buffed Marine.
>men do stuff that are considered nerdy or childish by women
soyboy detected
why? can women climb trees?
Giv thiccc Asian schoolgirl gf
Everyone in the group who has a partner, has a partner that's pretty chill with it- except the youngest guy in the group who says his girlfriend is what makes him at least 2 hours late for the weekly game. You know, the flaky bullshit of I'll be an hour late to the start, and then showing up another hour after that because "I had to spend time with the gf."
Happy for the guy, but still, manage your time better dude. The one hour wait is about standard because everyone has their irl shit sometimes, but he's pushing it and it's ALWAYS about his gf. IDK if he's just not managing his time right or if she's not cool with it and trying to seduce him away from the hobby tho.
Lol no, she doesn't even like sex :/
She was fucked with sexually as a kid so she can't really enjoy it. But if she's piss drunk sometimes she'll go full "Ara Ara" mode.
Don't worry, I want exactly what you want but I don't have it. She's also useless when it comes to dealing with real shit like fixing a car or something. She's ballsy as hell when it comes to getting refunds and has very good business sense though. But she's basically your typical socially anxious video game playing 21 year old boy(female). She's also a fucking real life tsundere like holy shit.
>IDK if he's just not managing his time right or if she's not cool with it and trying to seduce him away from the hobby tho.
I'm willing to bet money that this is one of those situations where the girl hates his friends for some reason and is doing everything in her power to get them out of the picture.
If that's the case, then your boy needs to follow the wise words of Tupac: if you fuckin' with a bitch, you need to break her ass and shake her ass.
Tell him to show up on time or don't show up at all.
Grow some fucking balls.
Both of them played D&D before I met them (we didn't meet through tabletop though, it was anime conventions). Got one of them into Warhammer 40k, she plays DEldar now. Other isn't committed to spending the time to learn the game, but she likes Orks.
>Both of them played D&D before I met them
>Both of them
Nigga explain.
my bf loves tabletop, ive been running a campaign for him for a few weeks now and its a lot of fun.
Couple of landwhales in a 'poly' relationship, which means as soon as they find someone slightly more attractive they're both going to dump him like a bad habit, or cuck him.
Poly relationship nigga, pretty common shit.
See Monogamy is the only way.
Sorry nigga but I'm not the guy you're trying to reply to.
We're all 120 lbs or less, no landwhales.
I've been with the first for almost 5 years now and the second for about half that time. No one's getting dumped or cucked, user. We occasionally rope other friends or cute people we meet at cons into group sex.
My wife doesn't care much for it as a hobby but she doesn't give me any shit about it. She just plays video games in the bedroom while we game. The only complaint she's had is that we get loud, which is a problem considering we play late night and we have small children, but once the garage is straightened out even that won't be an issue.
>Monogamy is the only way.
Maybe for you. Everyone's different user. No offense but usually the people who I find aggressively trying to push monogamy are the less attractive/less confident ones who have insecurity issues about being left/cheated on because they don't know how to make strong enough bonds of trust and love with their partners to not be threatened by that kind of normie shit.
>not having a gf means you're /r9k/