I know it's not likely to make a difference and that the Sun Empire is guaranteed victory at this point, but this is a good way of making your voice known. Make your vote known, let WotC know which faction you like the best.
I know it's not likely to make a difference and that the Sun Empire is guaranteed victory at this point, but this is a good way of making your voice known. Make your vote known, let WotC know which faction you like the best.
Unless we have Return to Ixalan, it literally doesn't matter.
At least the P*rates are last
If they cheat out the votes for the vampires again i swear to god!
If it turns out that a surprising number of people like the vampires, this might influence WotC to use that aesthetic more frequently in the future.
Everyone needs to vote Vampires in support of the invading conquistador overlords.
Why would anybody vote for the fish? They're objectively the most boring option, even more than the Sun Empire.
Because Merfolk is a deck that people actually play, so there's bias.
Vorthos are going to vote for Vampires
Timmies are going to vote for Dinosaurs
Spikes are going to vote for Mermaids
SJWs are going to vote for Pirates
Calling it now, pirates are going to win because they're the most progressive faction.
What can I say, there's an appeal in having mono-Green fish people.
i'm gonna fucking crash on you like a tidal wave you ignorant knave
I better vote against them then because the vampire aesthetic is SHIT
I don’t think they would see the aesthetic as a bad thing to begin with, since ixalan as a setting literally started as “vampire conquistadors” and then they added all the other shit on top. They clearly felt it was a good starting point.
Look at OP's pic. Pirates are in last.
I'm sure WoTCucks will pull something to make Pirates an "honorary winner".
The geocaching got fucked where Vamps and Empire iirc lost a lot of miles (esp Vamps) while Pirates gained nearly the amount lost, so I wouldn't be surprised if they try fucking with the results. Most of the fanbase lies down and takes it, and reacts violently to anyone else saying otherwise.
wooops they lost a bunch of votes and had to reset, who knows where pirates are now
What, are you going to tell me that any of that other factions look better?
That’s based on the geocatch. The vote gives something like 20 points for 1st, 15 for second and so on. Only way for Dinos to lose is to come dead last.
I don't play MtG but I voted for the leftmost guys because I like how that character looks.
>sjws voting for literally sea burglars
How did WotC fuck up pirates hard?
In the SJWs minds any crime is forgiven if it targets white hetero men.
I still don't know how stupid and out of touch WotC has to be to think shitty feminazi pirates (most of the men belong to Angrath's crew and he's a "villain") could beat PALADINS AND CLERICS in a popularity contest.
They own D&D for fuck's sake.
How did WotC fuck up ALL the tribes, they all had such good fucking source material and the only vaguely likeable one is Vampire because har har weren't the Spaniards basically vampires, all bloodthirsty and leeching off living beings like.
The answer is because as a corporation they now have to play everything "safe" and be as creatively bankrupt as possible, banking rather on promotional material to draw in coverage from news sources that don't play the game rather than actual fucking interesting settings.
Basically they're the board games equivalent of the film and videogame industry, the hype machine gets them most of their bucks since the creative engine is volatile and unpredictable and so doesn't consistently and reliably meet in the quarterly targets.
You could argue they had each faction designed for specific demographics and communities that follow the game.
We're the designated demographic and community for vampires.
Wtf i hate vampires now??
Vampires are the most popular tribe in fucking Mexico, that's why they didn't have any geocaching there, it would've been impossible to fix the results if they allowed vampire votes from the 36+ stores just in Mexico City.
Your demographics are correct but the pirates are just a vocal minority, they won't win.
Pirates are also the brainchild of someone in the creative team. As in, there's an unknown someone in the creative team who just fucking loves their pirates and can't stop writing about them and fleshing them out, while lore for the other three factions remains hideously sparse, little more than a wire frame.
Do Spikes even look at these sorts of polls?
its funny, Pirates, which was the main selling point of the block, were utterly irrelevent in standard, and will remain so.
If they were really Spikes, they wouldn't be playing Merfolk.
Pirates controlling a jungle city that's not even next to a body of water doesn't make any god damn sense.
The Legion of Dusk doesn't make sense either - all they care about is the Immortal Sun, which is now off-plane and in the hands of Nicky B. They never wanted the city in the first place.
Stupid fucking poll.
I’m gonna put money that it’s Allison Luhr’s fault. Apparently she’s the one responsible for Chandra?
Doug Beyers writes Chandra most of the time
Russians are fucking hacking this I swear to god
>The Legion of Dusk doesn't make sense either - all they care about is the Immortal Sun, which is now off-plane and in the hands of Nicky B. They never wanted the city in the first place
It's explicitly said and repeated in the latest story that the Legion is leaving the continent
Not since the first one.
I mean, If they counted the first poll, then "UNITED RUSSIA" would be around 4th place and pirates would be ass last
Granted the whole thing was always heavily rigged in favor of the pirates, and they're STILL in ass last.
Reminds me of Mike Mearls at the tail end of D&D 4e. When will Wizards learn?
Soon. The writings been on the wall for a while, and they've decided to ignore it, much to their detriment
The fact that they're not revealing the metrics of decision and how much weight the geocaching and vote have on the final result means that they can make up whatever bullshit result they want.
So let's say it's dishonest and the result is preordained - that just means they're cheating and we're too stupid to call them out for transparency.
So let's say it's actually honest. It means they have zero fucking plans for the future, which means the entire block was generic bullshit and meaningless conflict because the final results are decided by vote.
From my perspective whatever happens one thing is for certain. I haven't read shit but there's a Blood Sun and it has fucked the vampires. Whatever this stupid thing is, it means the landscape of the plane has changed permanently, which is the same godawful bullshit they've pulled for every block in the past several years. There's no point being invested if they're just going to take a massive shit on everything you grew to care about; why give a fuck in the future if you know for absolute certain shit is going to get fucking wrecked beyond all understanding. Alara is now a mess, Mirrodin, is a oil spill, Zendikar is "fixed" now that the Eldrazi are gone, Tarkir is in a worse place, Amonkhet is gone. Ravnica is the pet plane so they can't change it and they've stolen ever scrap of Mediterranean mythology so we're never going back to Theros because then they'd actually have to do work.
You know what would have worked? If the fucking Vampires won. Then you can make up another continent for everyone to run to and you'll have some grand team-up of survivors against a Vampire nation that, from what it seems, already owns most of the world. Except with the Blood Sun it seems like all civilization has just evaporated from the world. It's like every continent ate nukes and all that's left is Africa/Ixalan - savages and mauraders.
I'm willing to bet the vampire empire's libraries are fucking burning right now.
>Timmies are going to vote for Dinosaurs
The faction ain't even dinosaurs, though. It's boring humans, some of whom happen to ride on dinosaurs. It's literally the most boring faction in the block.
>[Update: Due to unintended functionality in the original poll, we have modified the submission form and reset the tallies. If you voted prior to 3:00 pm PT on February 7, 2018, please vote again.]
Hahahaha, so this is how they're gonna make the pirates win
Merfolk players are just upset that Ixalan resulted in Humans instantly becoming a deck and leaping ahead of Merfolk to be the best tribal deck.
I couldn't care less, honestly. The Sun Empire is just an incredibly boring faction with terrible aesthetics.
So, how did they fuck up Pirates hard?
I wanted to vote for them, but it sounds like that sjw tards completely turned them into shit or something.
>P*rates lost
I dunno, I don't really get the fuss. The only thing I can think of is that a bunch of the pirates were women, but that was true of all the factions. Also, Angrath was awesome, basically telling everyone else to fuck off.
nothing has changed.There is no Blood Sun, that was a hypothetical scenario in the case someone misused the Immortal Sun. Torrezon and Ixalan are fine and the Sun has been taken by Bolas
the new Kaladesh stories with her goddamn awful internal monologue were written by Luhrs
The lady pirates weren't really the problem so much as the pirate legends having shoddy art direction imo. Brass looks like a middle aged aunt. Not old and grizzled enough to be a grizzled old pirate and not young and fiery enough to be a Red pirate leader. She just looks... wrinkled.
>Sun Empire
>Not literally ruled by dinosaurs
Trash block. Trash setting. Trash race.
Eh, MtG has a history of having very ungrizzled looking old badasses.
Shoddy art direction, forced diversity, plus the fact that they're rather neutered and make very little sense. They're pirates that loot treasure and steal from other ships, but who do they sell the loot to? Why do they do it? Why haven't they just settled down somewhere far away from the Legion of Dusk?
>caring about the lore to this degree
You made me actually laugh
>pirates last
When social justice is no longer hip and it's hitting their profits. Or three years after that, considering how slow they do things
why do we need a second vampire plane
is innistrad not enough for you fucks
Ixalan isn't a vampire plane, it's a plane with vampires in it. Lots of planes have vampires.
>entire story is that only one clan can have the city
>mechanic around this is Ascend, where if you get 10+ permanents and play a card with ascend, you get the city's blessing
>except both players can have the blessing at once
>once you have the blessing, no one can take it away
Kind of ruins the whole thing of "fight for the city" if you can never lose the blessing. It'd be much more interesting if the blessing checked for 10 permanents, if you dipped below you lost the blessing and have to get it back. If there's two ascend cards for both player, whoever has the most permanents gets the blessing.
>dinosaur set
>No viashino
>no intelligent dinosaurs
>All dinosaurs have feathers
>even aquatic ones like spinosaurus
this set managed to sound so great on paper while turning out to be such crap
More interesting maybe, but also leads to more complexity since you have to constantly count permanents.
Or the first person to ascend blocks the other.
Stop shitting better ideas than their design team.
The problem there is that you would need some way to interact with City's Blessing, otherwise it would be an unfun mechanic (Your deck is built around ascend? Too bad, I got there first and there's nothing you can do about it.) If you can interact with it, then the effect becomes too weak so you need to beef it up and everything just cascades.
Ascend is pretty lame as it stands, but these alternatives are worse.
Pirates were never even meant to be in the block. It was Vampire Conquistadors vs Not-Mexico. Then the faggots at Creative forced the pirates in for "diversity". Proving once again that in west coast murrika "diversity" means blacks and fags.
When Hasbro sells them to Paizo and they find themselves in the uncomfortable situation of having to please both a sexual deviant and his domineering mood-swingy wife who shifts from scum manifesto feminazi to rape fantasies in my games on a heartbeat.
Because they weren't all led by Angrath.
The problem isn't that the other captains were women, the problem is that because they're women we are expected to support and admire them being a bunch of murderous thieves and be happy because pretty much every act of violence depicted in a card is female pirate vs male anything.
They parroted how Ixalan was a plane of shades of gray and all factions could do good and evil. But no fuck you. All pirates except Angrath are goody two shoes victims of circumstance(guess who was the most popular pirate), all vampires except for Elenda are evil colonialist opressors, all natives except the emperor are naive children who can't understand they're bullies, and all merfolk except Kumena are peaceful hippies.
WotC is full of shit.
We have Vampires in a notable quantity on Zendikar and Ravica too. Innistrad is as much the Werewolf plane as it is the vampire plane, since they need to be DFC's to work and that's Innistrad's schtick
I think you're daydreaming a little if you think Hasbro would sell WotC to Paizo.
Reminder that MTG is Hasbro's second-best selling brand. Not just the second best brand in WotC. Second best in ALL OF HASBRO.
#1 is NERF
The only plane after origin without vampires is Amonkhet...heck even the Plane before Origins, Tarkir had a vampire,
I like vampires, but I'm having so fatigue here.
Vampires are meant to be Black's flagship tribe since Zendikar but like everything WotC they're wishy-washy about it.
I can't help but love the "jerkass vampires fighting for the greater good" thing.
But for Ixalan, even though i like vampires and i like conquistadors, this wasn't really the best combination.
Not hard to turn profit when you're selling premium cardboard.
Premium Crack*
What happened with the geocaching?
some dinos have feathers!
I dunno user, based on what I've seen on on Veeky Forums it's pretty sure that Magic is close to death and will soon be discontinued and/or replaced with a newer, better game. It's thanks to all those damn women and brown people, damn it!
>all those damn women and brown people
No one says this except literal wotc shills desperate to portray all criticism as false.
Studios close for not making $1B plus one dollars despite still making $1B dollars in profit.
Stockholders and investors don't think like normal people, and selling your company rather than fix it is their favorite way to deal with problems.
Not saying it's gonna happen, but the "who could buy WotC when Hasbro decides to sell?" question is being gossiped about among distributors and investors.
This wasn't about SJWs though, it was about designers pushing their shit personal preferences on the game to its detriment. I think that Mearls jumped on the social justice bandwagon only recently for company policy, before it was just a matter of him pushing content for his pet classes and fucking up those he didn't like.
Vamps and another group had a good amount of miles, pirates didn't have shit.
After some time for some reason vamps and the other group lost a lot while pirates gained a really suspicious amount. It was noticed on mtg salvation if you want to look into it more or search the archive here for that link.
Vampires and Merfolk were 1st and 2nd during the first week by half a hundred miles over pirates and dinosaurs dead last. Suddenly vampires and merfolk started losing 3-6k miles a day while pirates were given tens of thousands and dinos remained dead. Then people noticed and complained in MTGS and reddit and the suspicious shit stopped.
Then Dinosaurs made over 250 miles in a week. Suddenly everyone was finding all the dinosaurs shit to keep Vampires from winning.
Vampires were also winning the first poll before "russian hackers" made United Russia win and got the poll discounted.
And the last poll got reset after two days of voting for "misuse/design bug". That shit was hidden vote but I would bet my balls vampires were winning again.
WotC must be seething the evil white people faction is the most popular by far despite how hard they claim Dinosaurs/Pirates were the stars of the set. But that's their own fucking fault for being so retarded as to put anything against PALADINS AND CLERICS in a popularity contest.
Black has two characteristic tribes; vampires and zombies. Which is used depends on the world.
why the fuck do you take the time to explain your opinion in such a lengthy way if you don't even know what you are talking about?
>Stockholders and investors don't think like normal people
This, it's not about profit, it's about prospect of growth, if they don't think you can grow enough they sell and reinvest in something that will. Just talking numbers like that means nothing.
Sincerity of conviction correlates inversely with subject expertise.
Stockholders don't invest in MTG. Stockholders don't invest in WotC. Stockholders invest in Hasbro. Hasbro is growing.
Why won't these cucks admit they want the sjw pirates to win?
Except every character who got 'control permanently got increased power. That's how Huatli was able to call Zacama. So it's about getting blessed and preventing your opponents from getting blessed. And touching the actual immortal sun (or having the artifact in okay) gives an even bigger power boost, but only as long as you hold it.
>No one says this
could have fooled me, Veeky Forums
Real talk: if they wanted the pirates to win, they could have just had the pirates win. They didn't need to do a poll in the first place.
They basically already have. Removing the work of the Vampire fans makes them distrusting of any further polls, meaning they won't bother voting. That's why they have less votes now, it's exactly what Wizards want. They can say that they had a real poll and the Vampires lost.
Your own shadow could have fooleed you, wotc. You've been known to collect market research data from your own paid shills.
Not after Andy "touch a boy's ass and you will smell gas" Warski is done with them
In what ways?