Does anyone else think that the reason why Veeky Forums is so shit nowadays is because the kids who grew up playing 3.PF are now old enough to post?
Do you think board quality would improve if we made another Veeky Forums board called /dnd/?
Does anyone else think that the reason why Veeky Forums is so shit nowadays is because the kids who grew up playing 3.PF are now old enough to post?
Do you think board quality would improve if we made another Veeky Forums board called /dnd/?
There doesn't need to be a board for everything, dingus. Besides, Veeky Forums was always shit, in one way or another. It's not because of edition wars. Those have been around since forever.
>Does anyone else think that the reason why Veeky Forums is so shit nowadays is because the kids who grew up playing 3.PF are now old enough to post?
>implying those kids haven't been posting on Veeky Forums for the past decade
There needs to be a separate board for 40k. It is at the point where it's easier to pin the threads actually relevant to my interests than to hide 30 threads every day.
>Do you think board quality would improve if we made another Veeky Forums board called /dnd/?
New boards never work. The real reason Veeky Forums is shit now is because of nazimod who scared all the creative smut writers and drawfags from here. Veeky Forums was always /d/-lite and they just banned them instead of making Veeky Forums a red board
>There doesn't need to be a board for everything
Yes we have a board for origami, pokemon, and traveling, go figure.
5th edition general thread exists, as do half a dozen different discords dedicated to it.
Veeky Forums doesn't move fast enough to warrant any sort of split.
Veeky Forums is one of the best boards
Assuming they started playing when they were ten years old, they've been old enough to post for the last decade.
Using your silly implication, it would actually be the 4e and later kids who would be shitting up this board. In fact, it actually makes a bit of sense, because the people who shit up the board the most are the butthurt contrarians upset about D&D, like yourself.
>Does anyone else think that the reason why Veeky Forums is so shit nowadays is because the kids who grew up playing 3.PF are now old enough to post?
I think most people on Veeky Forums realize that a series of overly-controlling mods who banned and drove the content creators off of this board is the reason why Veeky Forums is so shit nowadays.
>3.PF sucks
>b-but 4e!
Every single time.
We also don't have boards for papercraft AND origami, pokemon games AND pokemon manga AND pokemon anime, or hiking AND biking AND flying AND... I think you get the point.
I was just pointing out how stupid OP's reasoning was.
>We also don't have boards for [...] pokemon games AND pokemon manga AND pokemon anime
We technically do since /a/, /v/, Veeky Forums, and /vr/ exist.
Could you do it without making yourself look like a butthurt 3aboo though?
>Using your silly implication, it would actually be the 4e and later kids who would be shitting up this board.
I met my current D&D group on Roll20. All of them started with 4th edition. I started with 3rd edition.
But those are not just for pokemon. They're for all anime/videogames.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset your butthurt contrarian sensibilities. Allow me to walk on eggshells so I don't upset you further.
1) Bring back quests
2) Play fast and loose with the blueboard status (allow smut as long as it's tasteful)
3) Allow ponies
Do any 2 of these 3 things, and Veeky Forums's quality will go up. I guarantee it.
No, but there is a segregation that honestly didn't need to fucking happen. Hell, most of the boards could be shunted into one theme if the mods thought to do it.
I don't think Veeky Forums has changed at all in quality in any significant way over the past five years. It's still my favorite board.
Even the dumb shitposting bait threads are usually pretty fun
You butthurt 3aboos can't even attempt to hide yourselves. It's like an autism switch that gets triggered anytime someone calls 3.PF or its community out for being absolute trash.
How do you function IRL?
>if we made another Veeky Forums board called /dnd/?
That is the most pants-on-head retarded thing I have ever had the displeasure of hearing of all my time on Veeky Forums
YOU FUCKING NEWFAG. You must have not been here long enough to see how the creation of /qst/ changed this place, the splitting of Veeky Forums from its primary content producers. For something that took up the majority of this board (according to the cock goblins that whined to gookmoot about it), /qst/ was dead on arrival. And it's still dead with not even a quarter of the traffic Veeky Forums gets. But what do we have to fill the spaces that /qst/ left?
Is this what you faggots wanted? Because this is the future you chose. Quests were the depository for the uncreative fucksticks to get their fantasy fix while the QMs had some fun. And now the creative QMs had no reason to stay and the uncreative shitposters had lost their places to shitpost. And so this is the result. Good fucking jobs.
So no, we don't need another fucking board.
Fuck right off.
I only take offense to one of those threads, so yes, I'm fine with this
I love it how your butthurt contrarian defense mechanism is get even more butthurt.
there was nothing stoping them from posting on here before,
>Allow ponies
>Bring back quests
What, don't do this. All the CYOAs will be moved over here and /mlp/ will be deader than it already is. Plus the backlash would be massive, and we already have enough shitposting as it is.
I agree wholeheartedly
It's mostly /a/ crossboarders dragging their stupid memes and fetishes here.
>butthurt butthurt butthurt contrarian butthurt
Poor thing, brain rotted so much all he can do is spout buzzwords and ad hom.
Guess we'll have to pull the plug.
>hey, this guy is calling me out for what I am!
>i better prove the point for him more
Thanks, butthurt-contrarian-kun.
Also, I love the inherent hypocrisy in your posts. You couldn't be more butthurt if you tried, but damn are you trying.
>I want muh porno
You're part of the problem.
>butthurt butthurt contrarian butthurt
Don't worry son, it'll all be over soon.
Would the pony backlash be massive? Obviously anything posted would still have to be Veeky Forums related, so pretty much just Tails of Equestria stuff, which would probably be perfectly well satisfied by a /ToEg/. I'll admit I have ulterior motives: I have a number of pony reaction images that I wish I could use outside of /mlp/. That's mostly it.
Quests HAVE to come back, though, for reasons this user outlined here, . Quests were a major source of original content and, more importantly, a major source of the sort of people who were likely to make original content.
We have you a containment board and still you faggots complain.
>b-but without designated shitposting threads, occasional shitposting threads pop up in the vacuum!
Terrible logic. Loli Pantsu Adventure Part 3967, was in no way better than any of the threads you linked.
Get out and stay out.
If the d&d content was split off into its own board then this on would just be warhammer.
QMs were uncreative fucksticks too. Quests were garbage through and through. Veeky Forums's creativity died a long time ago, when people started getting more and more uptight about what kind of creative content was "acceptable." First anything that wasn't utterly self-serious because that's "cringe." Then any project that went for more than 5 threads or so, because putting time and effort into things is "cringe." Then all the 40k projects because 40k is "cringe." Then /wst/ because that was DEFINITELY "cringe." Quests were just keeping up the pretense we still made anything, removing them was the final nail in an already sealed up coffin
But none of the content they were making was related to traditional games. It was for their quests.
A better question to ask is why 4rries are such monumentally insecure shitflingers?
Actually the Pokémon one was because pokemon was clogging up those boards because of how broad the franchise is. Granted /vp/ is now a retched hive of scum and villainy, but that's beside the point.
Its /pol/ and /v/ behavior of newfags, nothing to do with d&d.
It still amounted to ideas that got the creative juices of people flowing. Sure, 90% of quests were shit, but 90% of EVERYTHING is shit.
>All the CYOAs will be moved over here
That's fine. Our mod enjoys CYOAs, which is why they're still here and evo threads, Field Kit Inspection, etc. are relegated to /qst/.
We still have ideas threads, and they are commonly accepted as shitposting. You're not helping your case any. Quests were always an insular circlejerk and always will be.
The idea of holding up some mediocre sketch of something that happened in Loli Pantsu Quest 35 as what Veeky Forums made in "the good old days" is frankly insulting. We used to make 40k armies, D&D races, wholly unique RPG settings and systems. That's what everyone is mourning here
>But none of the content they were making was related to traditional games. It was for their quests.
That's weird. Here's a roleplaying game based on Lego Quest. By your statement, it doesn't exist, and yet here I am posting it.
Dude, he was literally pointing out that OP's sense of timing was fucked.
4rries have been making idiots of themselves for years too, so it's clearly not their fault either.
Quests were 100% shit and clogged up content.
Hiroshima just needs to ban the quest board desu so all of you stop spamming here. The containment board strategy has failed. We tried to placate them, but it isn't working. They still spam us incessantly. Perhaps it will get better when they have a subreddit instead.
The vast majority of quests were anime waifushit like Loli Stalker Quest.
Also the idea that Veeky Forums's creativity has been killed off because anons can't exhibit their masturbation fantasies to a live audience anymore is laughable. The reason Veeky Forums's gone to shit is because the rest of Veeky Forums has gone to shit thanks to the prevalence of outrage culture and the the fact that people are more extreme in their opinions than ever, and while we managed to weather it better than most boards, we're still not immune to it.
This man speaks the truth.
Veeky Forums going to shit is a direct side-effect of outsiders like OP and Jeremyfags trying to force their dumb ideas of what's going on. It's easy to tell when you have a crossboarding wank trying to stir shit on purpose, and Veeky Forums especially doesn't share the usual reactionary behavior most boards do that crossboarders seem to love.
See, the quest I remember the most was Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. And that was high quality.
You know what? I'll give you that one. I'll even go as far to say that Lego Quest was actually pretty good. Not entirely Veeky Forums related, but good.
Now show me what the thousands of other quests made for the board at large. I will wait.
Agreed, though perhaps one annoying thing is the Talk It Out fingerwaving you'll immediately get in problem player threads. Yeah, no shit, let us actually discuss creative revenge ideas, we don't need a mom telling us to not actually go through with it.
Show me what MOST threads make for this board at large. Especially when you've got bait threads that are thinly disguised /pol/ shitposting.
The kids who grew up with 3.5 have been old enough to post for about a decade now. If you'd said the people who grew up with 4e you might have had more of a point.
No no no, that's not how this works. You're the one proclaiming the vast creative spirit and wealth of content quest creators have gifted onto the board. You don't get to deflect when someone asks you to prove your statement.
So show me what quests have done. I mean, surely you have more than a single bare-bones system to support your claim?
I want erp threads back. Or at least weekend smut threads
You already have your new /d/ general. I don't understand why you fags keep doing the shitty song and dance of getting yourselves banned for your offtopic generals, rather than just campaigning /d/ to accept your shitposting ways as opposed to forcing yourselves onto this board.
Those actually produced shitloads of (mostly decent) content, and were mostly directly related to Veeky Forums stuff. Quests came /a/ and most of them were just straight up anime or video game shit
It's shit that there are all these non quests in my quest board.
>Would the pony backlash be massive?
Yes. Admittedly, the hatred at the mere mention of it anywhere else other than /v/ has simmered down, but I'm pretty sure lifting GR15 would reignite it if only for a while.
> so pretty much just Tails of Equestria stuff
There's also Seeds of Harmony, a homebrew system that I think has a thread up on /mlp/ by the creator right now. And the PF adaptation, Ponyfinder. (Which I still can't find the fucking PDFs for god damn it! If you have them then please post them I've been looking for them for months)
No other group is anywhere near so buttflustered over 3.pfaggots. No one else cares. Everyone else is too busy with 5e being relevant. It is not a hard logical deduction to make, much as when someone is ranting about black people you are almost assured they are white or possibly Hispanic.
Creativity went away. Too many generals. (and no don't bring quests here, or questers will have all this shite to plow through)
Yeah, a dead board that is almost cripplechan-tier slow.
>occasional shitposting threads pop up in the vacuum!
You're clearly retarded.
The huge amount of butthurt autists shits up the board. You guys don't like to admit it but /v/ has more quality and creativity than Veeky Forums currently has.
Simple - not all Veeky Forums smut is /d/ material, but all Veeky Forums smut is, by definition, Veeky Forums material.
They were a fun place to hang out and collaboratively tell a story together. If that isn't Veeky Forums related, I don't know what is. By eliminating one of Veeky Forums's best outlets for just having fun, all we're left with is vitriol.
However, since I know that won't be enough in and of itself, how about all the art that quests produced? Look through any of the quest pages on 1d4chan and you'll find tons of art. For that matter, spontaneous drawfag content seems to have dropped sharply since quests disappeared.
Dead board? How do you know that? I think you think it's dead because people aren't engaging with shitty anime quests or other hurr durr this is my first quest what do quest. /qst/ seems active enough to me.
And most of the time quests die because qms disappear, not because the audience does. Also there are many quests running everyday how can you say it's a dead board?
Tell me you're joking
I still want to see /qst/ deleted and quests go to their most relevant board. Do some bleach or Naruto quest on /a/, some video game quest on /v/ and so on. Now I fully admit this is a terrible idea and I only want to see it because I want to watch the boards throw fits when it happens but still
Pfffffthahaha. Wrong.
Dead in comparison to what they used to be like.
Mind, I think quests should be allowed on EVERY board once again, not just Veeky Forums. The big problem Veeky Forums had was when quests that were only loosely Veeky Forums related were forced here.
I'm not.
Not an indicator of quality.
Created primarily for quests, either to be used directly or as fan art. The fact that it can also be used for games is incidental, as you can use just about any art for games. Face it, your argument is bullshit.
I miss quests.
Is ironic qst shitposting still shitposting?
I'm fine with allowing it on every board. But the dedicated board should stay. Now otherwise you would have to go through all the shite generals and shite quests to find something good.
You could have picked a good board to bait with, not just /pol/-lite
>fun is a buzzword
That attitude, more than anything - that fun is not a goal in and of itself - is the cancer that is killing Veeky Forums. And society as a whole, for that matter.
Bait? It is just how it is. Are you really in that much denial or do you not know any better?
Sorry, just got better things to do with my time. Can already tell you're gonna get bites though, so best luck
Hahahaha I doubt it
No stupid, I said fun isn't an indicator of quality and is a useless, meaningless argument. I don't fucking know you. I don't know what you like, what you don't like, and what you might find fun. There are people who put ants in their dickholes for a good time. Some folks prefer to sit back and read a good book. Fun is entirely subjective, you dipshit, and I can just as easily say "No, that is not fun."
So I will. Quests weren't fun.
I think the reason Veeky Forums is worse now is because of angry grognards like OP who insist on shitting up every thread with STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE
There was also the Lost Future one.
It had nothing to do with Veeky Forums you self-righteous chronic masturbator
It's still better than the /jp/ monstergirl general that's been plaguing this board for like two weeks now
It's literally one thread at any given point in time. Just filter it.
>heh, other shitposting exists so quests aren't blatant shitposting
But that's not how it works idiot
This. Warhammer is a cancer on this board and these kids refuse to stay in their containment threads.
Veeky Forums is not even a fast board, but threads for games that aren't WH, MTG, or DnD are suffering because these slack-jawed mouth breathers constantly make stupid posts that belong in generals.
What we need is a /tgg/.
Agreed generals are shitting up the board.
>Loli Pantsu Adventure was totally Veeky Forums
>An actual worldbuilding thread isn't
This is why don't have OC anymore guys
Veeky Forums is shit nowadays because the board culture has gone from chill dudes with a few spergs taking their elfgames way too seriously to being almost all spergs taking their elfgames way too seriously. Instead of a variety of discussion threads we get the same damn threads day in and day out with minor variations on a theme sprinkled with /pol/ bait to cause outrage and shitflinging because collecting (You)s actually sparks activity rather than reasonable discussion.
Generals are the only way games not made by WotC or GW survive on this board. FFS, we have generals dedicated to entire genres (/hwg/) and just fucking "not GW/WotC" (/awg/) just so the threads can survive long enough for people to have conversations about non-GW, non-WotC games.
That's where you belong. You have an entire board. Now go there.