How does your setting handle interspecies romance/relationships?
How does your setting handle interspecies romance/relationships?
ask better questions next time
By having a Halfbreed Background. You get 2 racial traits instead of the usual one, but you don't get a regular background trait.
Of 5 players, nobody picked it.
With orbital death beams
They're far from unheard of, but not the majority. More common among the nobility, simply due to a smaller dating pool.
Actual reproduction across species lines is impossible naturally. However, most marriage ceremonies include prayers to Kjenimtse that bless the union such that they are able to conceive. The child of such a union is always of the mother's species.
For the sake of simplicity, I've just adopted the Elder Scrolls model. All humanoids are sexually compatible, but a child born of a mixed pairing will always be the same race as the mother.
It cuts down on the "here's a million different half-races" clusterfuck that pervades so many settings.
Any offspring are sterile.
Oh boy, here comes Mr. Big Bad 40k Player. Gotta forcefeed his hobby down everyone's throat. God forbid there isn't a thread without someone spouting off about 40k. Holy shit.
>dating manlets
Classic 40kid.
>I'm only eight feet tall
Also depends on the region, some regions it's an everyday thing that no bats an eye at. Others it's iffy and while no one openly says anything everyone turns their nose up at them while a couple it's outright hatred and beatings if not death.
It is not allowed by the gods. Except for the dragon who's more powerful than most gods so he goes around trying to seduce princesses unsuccessfully because he cums molten rock.
Hard and fast. Wham bam thank you bard, here's your monstergirl.
To quote:
>Relationships between members of the same species are inevitably tainted by base, reproductive urges . . . But more than that, they are fundamentally narcissistic and incestuous. A member of one’s own species is identical in thought and body, at least in all ways that truly matter. It is only by embracing the Other that one can achieve Real Love.
It's seen as interracial romances are seen today, only weirder.
Since they're all different species, I'd say it's not quite as degenerate as bestiality, but close.
>Deep human: Maybe, but you had better be real curvy sine my near-vestigial eyes can't see for shit
>Molefolk: I'll settle for dinner, but only if you can recite the names of the ancestors of the Shovelclaw clan and work in our steel mill for at least a year
>Batfolk: REEEEEEEEEEE, just beyond the range of human hearing
>Pseudofiends: Why yessssssss, you would make an interssssssting addition to my ssssssseraglio
The entire setting takes place underground, FYI
I call that Pokemon rules.
People with similar interest meet and go out. Then they kiss and do kinky stuff like hold hands.
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I want to date a hecatoncheir and hold all his hands!
Are you sure?
I dont. Species don't interbreed and have evolved far apart enough to not share attraction toward each other.
A human fucking an elf is like a dog fucking a cat. It's not happening, and if it does, it's out of absolute desperation. Also, enjoy your stillborn monsters.
Fucking gross, next your gonna telle they have sex in the. Missionary position strictly for procreation.
>A human fucking an elf is like a dog fucking a cat. It's not happening, and if it does, it's out of absolute desperation. don't actually know much about animal sexuality, do you?
Most human kingdoms in my setting handle it with lynching. Dwarves don't give as much of a fuck because only 1/3 of their population is female anyway, and some rich dwarfs have harems of human ladies. High elves would never date a non-elf voluntarily and dark elves have kinky sex slave dungeons filled with a variety of races.
Dude don't worry just because I don't allow your fetishes at my table doesn't means your feelings are not validated
Dogs will hump their own blankets.
Yes, when they are sex deprived they masturbate, what is your point
It’s funny because someone who sees everything foreign to them as a “fetish” probably has some pretty repressed sexuality they’re projecting. You might want to get laid, kiddo. You’ll stop thinking about the world solely with your dick that way.
You're right, invite me at your table and I'll fuck npcs and pcs alike
Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers
Dogs will hump pigs, pigs try to fuck cats, cats have a lot of gay sex. The closest human relative fucks literally everything, and uses prostitution. A male spider was found trying to court a flower.
When explaining your objections to sexual interests, do not bring up animals as a point of reference as “the right way”. You automatically lose unless the “right way” you are trying to illustrate is omnisexuality.
In my setting most species are incapable of interbreeding. The only exeptions are spirits and a group of demon hybrid shapeshifters, who were created 200 years ago by an archdemon.
The shapeshifters can change into anything, but they're not able to create more shapeshifters. If two of them fuck in human form they will only create a human, and so on.
Animals are using other animals to masturbate. Humans occasionally do that with goats and /k/ does it with guns, wild animals and occasionally with more creative targets.
Key thing is that since they aren't the same species, they won't produce living babies.
Humans breeding with non-humans tends to leave magical traits into their bloodlines which can either be preserved or muddied depending on how particular the children are with their future partners thus creating noble lineages.
Most of these lineages ended up going extinct with each major conflict.
During the Napoleonic wars, many a line vanished.
The WW1 caused extinction of most of noble lineages capable of magic and the communist revolts ended with a total extermination of these old lineages.
Come WW2, majority of the survivors from WW1 ended up joining together with Adolf Hitler's cause as they were welcomed with open arms as ubermensch to the occult divisions and given high positions in the reich.
However as the Nazis lost, so too did magic finally give out it's last breath. Sorcery would die as the few remaining houses of magic would become muddied and unable to cast the spells of their forebears.
As this happened however, humanity began to surge technologically, however, the old cabals tried to resurrect the magic through means of social engineering and ritual.
This backfired.
It created a generation which held the capability for magic yes, but the ritual went haywire and began to affect everyone with latent blood connections to the old magics, thus giving birth tp meme magic.
The Technocrats were none too happy of the mental network of latent mages being awakened and is currently creating an AI as a response.
These latent mages that have been awakened exhude an aura of unease which causes them to seem socially akward.
The Technocracy did nothing wrong.
You know this board was created for 40k, right?
And this site was created for anime, but that's not sufficient basis for it being inserted into literally everything.
>Brilliant! These mongrels can live underground, keeping us safe from harm and staying out of sight!
>what are homo sapiens and neanderthal
You have not made any clever statement or intelligent decision in this attempt at moral high ground. You're just a retard.
Wrong desu.
Ah, I see you're an Enlightened Scientist of culture as well.
Oh no, such an interesting and original thread, derailed by generic sci-fi superweapons. Must be 40k's fault.
As science has proven, it is bestiality. As the elves has shown, they don't care because the first half-elf was the first fucking vampire as a result of his creation and was literally Chaotic Retard Mutt Evil and their deities pretty much scrubbed this from all record to hide the shame, so all half-elves are treated as full-elves in order to hide any evidence on a mimetic scale that alludes to this.
Shockingly, Orc rape is not the norm, it only occurs in cells set aside from where the Orc clans make territory, in mixed bandit bands or in Orc raiding parties low on morale. The actual reason for Half-Orcs is down to their use as good military muscle such as Thay and what went down at hellgate keep.
Treatment varies in given native environment- re-intergration into the Orc Hordes is about the same as the elves doing it- a clear signal of how Orcs were made in an attempt to oust the other races it contended with in one setting where Gruumsh was established as unnamed. With Dwarves, that only happens with a redeemed Duergar and any other sane Dwarf- See NWNSOU, there's the setting with mul's but eh...
Halflings are identical to how Incase depicts them, they've this entire culture around literal gossip and talking shit behind one another backs, can't get preggers, through mixing, but will end up the talk of the town- the unlocked doors tradition is really kind of an invitation to Inuit levels of cuckold play.
Gnomes? I've simply no fucking clue- sex is probably decent enough, provided one does not fall victim to their racial sociopathy.
In general? They're accepted and considered fairly normal - the main region is ruled by an alliance of races who banded together to fend off the conquering hobgoblin empire from the east.
Humans in particular have a reputation for xenophilia; nobody looks askance at a human with a gnome, minotaur, elven or bunnyfolk bride.
All species can interbreed, but the majority work under the "same race as the mother" laws. A select few species can produce true-breeding hybrid offspring, most notably humans & elves and ratfolk & bunnyfolk.
In other lands, well, it depends. The hutaakan empire are hedonistic fiend-worshippers, so nobody bats an eye at a visiting human necromancer buying a gnoll concubine-bodyguard. The sun elves are amazons who reproduce through alchemical parthenogenesis, so they don't "get" sexual hangups in quite the same way. The gorgons are more repressed. And as for the oriental region... whooo boy... that's a whole other kettle of fish.
In my setting all sapient beings are considered human by both legal and cultural standards since the majority of sapient beings owe their existence in some way to humanity (AI,Uplifted animals,Artificial lifeforms,Transgenic species, Uplifted aliens, Artificial xenomorphs) and most have human minds (by way of consciousness duplication and transfer). Most people just see physical form like we see clothing, two humans with utterly different forms can even have kids via the use of artificial wombs and synthetic sex cells either based around a persons prime (the original human that their minds are copied from) or custom created by them. (Let's say a husband is a artificially intelligent spaceship and his wife is a uplifted parrot they might have a son that is homo sapien) with the only exception being baseline "prime" humans who are recognized for being intrinsically more fragile than others.
Any given human family in the setting may be comprised of thousands of people in all shapes and sizes without anyone really caring much.
I don't get this meme. Solely because you love each other would be more traditional, since solely for the purpose of procreation would be the woman begging the man to knock her up, which is lewd as fuck.
More common the more cosmopolitan an area is, in small, isolated towns it's unheard of, in cities not worth mentioning
your campaign is what again?
>Solely because you love each other would be more traditional
Uh. No. That's actually comparatively recent.
You're literally redefining "masturbate" to exclude the fact that inter-species sex is incredibly common in nature. This is like saying that homosexuality isn't real, it's just people using each other to masturbate.
Sexual intercourse is not defined by viability of offspring.
Do the rats not fall within the purview of socially-acceptable wives or something?
What? No, I just have a bloody huge list of races and I didn't want to threadcrap by listing all of them.
I mean, yes, if you're a human adventurer who comes home with a tondi (orchid mantis thri-kreen), tanuki, ratfolk or gorgon bride, you will get some stares, but that's because those races aren't native to the same continent as humans, so they're exotic in a way that the native minotaurs, gnomes and rabbitfolk aren't.
And ratfolk are technically pretty well-known because they've been trying to join the Alliance to get them to help overthrow the hobgoblins.
Forgotten Realms, so in some areas it can be illegal to exist if someone finds out you're a crossbreed, while in others half-orcs have become 1/3rd of the population in human dominated towns/cities.
Nooses. We play call of cthulhu in the 20's.
>not wanting to do the tentacle tango with slannesh.
Extreme discrimination. My setting has elves and seven derivative races (one for each divine god), and all of them fucking hate cross-breeds (which are possible between all eight races due to everything just being an elf or an elf altered by a god).
Pretty normal for the "normal" races (as in, we have centaurs, but nobody would expect them to raise a interracil family, even if they were interfertile and centaurs' sexuality wasn't biologically pretty weird per se).
a) I reworked the five races (+ humans, + perhaps a snakemen lost race) as something different from tolkien and direct derivatives
b) said races are kinda of a continuum. Yes, more like our world "races". [in game this hasn't been brought up as PCs racial boons]
c) "race" is the sum of your ancestors and where you are born (and sometimes just grown up). Sylphs are woodland creatures, if grandad and grandmom sylphs went to coast and you were born there, you'll get more from grandad and grandma undines, tough probably your "sylph" dad would look something half and half.
>this works reeeeally funny with aristocracies and arranged marriages, but not every nation is "race-specific", in fact most aren't
Aside from that, not explicitly evil "monster" marriages aren't unheard of, but oddly enough the fact that they're generally infertile makes them MORE accepted than you might expect (not at all universally, tough, depends on the culrture). Tough in general the first tought is "for the gods, that is one kinky dude/dudette" more than "well, I'm not into it, but I can admire that they actually try to make the relationshiop work".
Oddly enough "evil" people are doing it less. Not because they're less enlightened, but because aside from orcs they're not really that compatibile.
I kind of liked the way Errant story handled this
Didn't they very nearly stupid themselves into extinction because they didn't know how to handle half-elves?
Species aren't cross-fertile.
That really, really doesn't answer the question
Most races rarely intermingle outside of their own kind so it's rare, the rare instances depend on the species mostly, ranging from "don't look at them Timmy, I don't want you to be influenced" to just outright killing them.
Why can't Link makeher happy?
>Autism intensifies.
I imagine she wants an exclusive relationship, and Link's got like half a dozen girls after him in that game.
WOW. Those are some disgusting elves. Is the woman explaining all that bullshit a half-elf or an elf?
>Oh no, such an interesting and original thread, derailed by generic sci-fi superweapons.
Truly, all is lost.
I... kind of want to know why you asked this question, honestly.
Just some confusion. user mentioned a few races that people wouldn't question being with humans in the main region, but mentioned another race, and I wondered if that was significant in some way.
The races are biologically incapable of breeding, so theres no stigma towards "polluting the gene pool" but there are folks who are still against mingling and dicking other races.
Mostly because I figured "ratfolk + rabbitfolk = kangaroo ratfolk" was an exemption to the "X + Y = y" formula to be worth noting.
Honestly, I wonder if maybe I need more humanoids in my setting. I got gnomes, gnomeferatu, dhampirs, mortif, ghuls, and fetches planned so far... and those last five are literally just "necromantic offshoot races" of either gnomes or humans (the last four)!
With prison mainly, same way interracial relationships should be IRL
user, you didn't.
>not ritualistically cannibalizing miscegenators and their offspring
It's like you don't even want to reclaim the power they tainted.
"I didn't"... what? Create a race of wall-crawling, blood-sucking, shortstack Morticia Addams' for my setting?
>How does your setting handle interspecies romance/relationships?
There are a variety of different strains of humans or "Ab humans" aside from the primary strain
Different civilizations handle it differently, here are some of the reactions you may encounter if you choose to be in a mixed species relationship in the setting
>Death by fire
Though its hard to get offspring from mixed parents, rates of fertility are low
Because Zelda games aren't allowed to have explicit canon romances, because it would screw with the meta-narrative that Link & Zelda are destined to hook up in each incarnation, but the fans of the non-Zelda waifus like Midna and Mipha (wait, are there any others?) would skin the producers alive if they had no choice BUT to woo Zelda.
Just a bit rattled by the pun. So you've got humans, gnomes, some spooky variants of both, and more than one kind of elf running around the main region. Is there another kind of humanoid you think might fit into whatever setup you have going?
I got hobgoblins, and whilst they are technically "The bad guys", there are rogues & dissidents and the like, so being a hobgoblin in this setting is a lot like being a half-orc in vanilla D&D.
I'm considering adding normal goblins as a thrall race to the hobgoblins. Maybe also a gremlin race as a more "techno-focused" spin-off to the goblins, sort of a bad guy version of the gnomes, who are Mad Scientists: The Race.
I've also some vague plans for artificial lifeforms, such as lunar elven constructs fueled by the soul-shards of a hundred stillborn elven babies apiece, and maybe magitek Androids based on a mix of the Golarion race and the YoRHa droids from NieR: Automata.
It's a Magitek Dieselpunk setting inspired by Eberron and Warhammer, for what it's worth.
>Constructs fueled by the soul-shards of stillborn elven children
That's pretty goddamn dark, but considering how many settings portray elves as dying or at least not very fertile, and fail to ask "what are they doing about it", it's an interesting angle. Hobgoblins could always use someone to kick around, though-hurting things when they can get away with it is pretty much the goblinoid way of life in a lot of settings.
You're both retarded. Other than dolphins and great apes, animals are literally too stupid to intentionally fuck, they just start fucking when the right signals in their brain go off to make them "think" that it's something they could fruitfully be fucking.
All of the mortals in my setting are humans. When occasionally something from another world goes there, if they reproduce, their offspring will become more and more human until they are humans. This happens so infrequently that in the current times, very few people have any idea that some strains or races have extraterrestrial or extradimensional origins. Some are so old that there are no records at all, and only the gods remember. A single group, the demons, found a way to continue their own proliferation without becoming humans, which involves parasitizing human souls, which is one of many reasons the gods hate them, and would destroy them if their continued existence were not absolutely required.
>they just start fucking when the right signals in their brain go off to make them "think" that it's something they could fruitfully be fucking.
And you think humans are any different?
At least 5% of humans have genuine free will. I'm working on bringing it up, but no promises.
>eight feet tall
>twice the height
Did the situation with mates in hyrule gotten so bad that Gerudo have to search in The Pit?
>Key thing is that since they aren't the same species, they won't produce living babies.
Closely related species do all the time. Usually those hybrids are infertile, but not always.
>what is hyperbole
Made me laugh harder than I should.
>wait, are there any others?
Peatrice. You know, the one you can actually romance.
Saria and Ruto also come to mind.
I don't know why, but seeing girls get their heart broken because the man of their dreams dislikes part of them gets me rock hard. I remember watching a goth girl flirt with a normie and when he indirectly expressed disliking goth stuff, she tried so hard to ditch her identity, it was delicious. I'm not a hateful person, but something about wanting someone so badly you curse who you are really hits a sweet spot for me.
He probably was referring to the fact those do occur in nature....I seen it myself, if you keep dog and cat together long enough you might end up with a lot of odd shit - like gay cats and dogs or lesbian cows.
>tfw no goth girl will ever hit on you
why even live.
>How does your setting handle interspecies romance/relationships?
Nobody cares. Too concerned with other shit to be bothered by who people fuck. I as DM am also not interested in exploring that kind of shit in my games.
The elves in my setting literally weaponised interspecies romance.
Would you fugg Link in that outfit Veeky Forums?
Most species aren't inter-compatible, but you can generally romance whatever the fuck you want to.
Broadly, it might be looked down upon, and circumstantially it might result in people really getting upset, but if you don't particularly annoy anyone, or are enough of a badass that nobody's going to fuck with you anyways, you're free to do whatever the fuck you want.
You might have to roll up a new character if we can't come up with a reason for your character to keep adventuring.
Im gonna use the lizardmen for this example because theyre extremely different from humans
>the normal lizer has no attraction towards humans, if anything hes repulsed by them
>if a human and a lizer fuck both races will see them as fucking disgusting degenerate idiots
>lizards never fug for pleasure but only for procreation, so having sex with something that cant lay eggs is double the taboo
>having sex is a mess since lizards sex is extremely boring for humans, after the penetration they just lay there doing nothing
Thank you for letting me blow off my autism
Not even close you dimwit.
It's playing of the the way the idea that 'sexuality and sexual pleasure are bad and sinful' and 'that you should only be having babies to create more babies to worship god in proper catholic fashion' have been completely been thrown out the window on the internet. Which is of course full of all sorts of lewd and deviant practices to the point of desensitisation, to the point that the simple intimacy of an act like holding hands is suddenly extremely lewd to people jaded by octuple gay bukakke.
Thusly the most vanilla and dull sex is the height of depravity, and why can't you just watch videos of 18 year olds wrapped up in bondage ropes take a 12 man gangbang in public like a normal person, you perverted weirdo?!
It is explicitly not someone begging to be impregnated, because that would imply you've got a functioning sexuality, are horny, and going to enjoy the act of coitus.