>tribal people in any setting post-stone age
>They're wearing furs instead of fabrics
Tribal people in any setting post-stone age
Other urls found in this thread:
>Iron age building taller than 10 ft
My mind was blown last year when I read about how early humans were making felt clothing out of plant fiber.
Hey dipshit, sometimes it can be too cold for primitive textiles
>medieval setting
>kingdom has a standing army
Seems like people either vastly overestimate or underestimate historical groups. Sometimes both at once!
>Empire is evil
>Kingdom is good
City slicker in charge of not being from a place where it's so fucking cold and high up that there's not a lot of textiles to be had
A 18 meters tall iron age stone tower, where is your god now?
*10 meters tall, 18 meters is the diameter
Ain't nothing wrong with that as long as the setting is cold. Textiles make sense for inner layer clothing or warming conditions.
It would make sense for the chiefs to have a few fur accessories. Would fur be more valuable then fabric in post-stone age tribal societies or no?
>Corporatocracy bad
>Democracy good
>Nations can be categorized as "good" or "evil"
I concur with the adorable puppy.
>tribal people in any setting at all
>artist clearly does not understand how loincloths work and thinks it's just two flaps of cloth so you can't see the naughty bits
Felt is piss easy to make. It's literally just beating fibers until they stay together. It can be just about any sort of fiber too.
Oh, so it's like raising a family, but with fibers instead of children? Neat.
>Would fur be more valuable then fabric in post-stone age tribal societies or no?
Depends on how ‘post-stone age’ that society is.
>nation refers to itself as evil
Well...Furs were valuable
This one always had me scratching my head.
"Humans don't even have FTL travel!" said the alien as he poured gunpowder into his flintlock.
You realise the Germanic tribes were described as wearing lots of furs?
>The universal dress in Germany is a cloak fastened with a brooch or, failing that, a thorn. They pass whole days by the fireside wearing no garment but this. It is a mark of great wealth to wear undergarments, which are not loose like those of the Sarmatians and Parthians, but fit tightly and follow the contour of every limb.
They also wear the skins of wild animals - the tribes near the river frontiers without any regard to appearance, the more distant tribes with some refinement of taste, since in their part of the country there is no finery to be bought. These latter people select animals with care, and after stripping off the hides decorate them with patches of the skin of creatures that live in the unknown seas of the outer ocean. The dress of the women differs from that of the men in two respects only: women often wear outer garments of linen ornamented with a purple pattern; and as the upper part of these is sleeveless, the whole of their arms, and indeed the parts of their breasts nearest the shoulders, are exposed.
As long as a tribe isn't 100% agricultural, wearing furs and skins is fine.
Well what's the climate like? If it's cold enough then you probably want furs anyway. Hell, even now there's a demand for furs when we have modern textiles.
Remember that textiles were labor intensive to make.
>authoritarian capitalism is bad
>He doesn't accept despotic aristocracy of self serving foreign families ruling by proxy through an incestous pseudo-constitutional dual monarchy with mercantilist economics as the best possible ruling system
>medieval setting
>peasants have fixed family names that get passed on to their kids
>everyone in each country speaks exactly the same language and uses exactly the same system of measurements
>peasants can read
>peasants have fixed family names that get passed on to their kids
In China hereditary surnames were common among the peasantry as early as the second century BC
user, I...
Depends on the culture, user.
It could make sense in D&D, where there are objective definitions of Good and Evil, and means (mostly magical) to discover them. Pretty much any successful nation falls into the later category.
I miss it, bros. ;_;
yeah sure
>tfw the United States of Greater Austria will never exist
Fucking Slavs ruining everything.
Speaking of Slavs ruining things, there's evidence that Masaryk, first Czechoslovakian president and the one behind slavic countries gaining independence from Austria, hired terrorists to kill Lenin and stir shit in Russia before Soviet Union got off the ground. Lenin got shot, but survived.
not an argument, faggot. you got btfo
LOLE hawha~ you're RIGHT. He DID. *twangy guitar riff*
What could have been.
I usually have my empires represent order and the rule of law. Codified laws and traveling Paladins that are essentially judge Dredd. Kingdoms though are absolutely chaotic, especially when it's absolute monarchy.
Perfect setting, please continue.
>makes thread that boils down to "Hey guys, I'M an AUTHORITY on human prehistory, nyehhhh"
>doesn't know what the iceman, a specimen of people from the timeframe he's specifically talking about, was wearing
Fuck, forgot to even mention
>doesn't know what otzi the iceman, a specimen from that time period KNOWN ABOUT SO WIDELY BY THE PUBLIC AS TO BE STUDIED BY SCHOOLCHILDREN was wearing
I liked The road not taken. HFY, but cool story.
>good and evil exist
While yes, I agree that furs were often mixed with and incorporated into other articles of clothing, it's worth noting that the only source of descriptions of tribal peoples of Europe and Great Britain were Romans who have been well known after some modern archeology to be purposely "dressing down" the civilization level of these peoples due to bias. It's worth noting that one of the main sources of German peoples of this period, Germania by Tacitus, was written entirely from second-hand information and Tacitus had never been to the German lands, and that similar things were said about the British tribes, despite having their own coinage and had established trading routes with Carthage and the Romans up until the invasion by Rome. Furs were not their main state of dress and more than likely had a lot more wool clothes than fur, so there's no reason to not believe German tribes were the same.
>medieval setting
>the church burns witches and people think the world is flat
how to spot the redditor
do this
don’t do this, only idiots do this
>medieval setting
>the king controls everything
Yeah, the church should instead be simply turning a blind eye to the PEASANTS burning witches. Sure as hell not acknowledging the idea that one can obtain magical power without the grace of God.
According to Peter Green, Alexander the Great came across a very primitive tribe when he led his army back from the Indus. They lived on a desert coast on the northeastern fringes of the Persian Gulf and subsisted almost exclusively by fishing. Most of their buildings and tools were made either from fish- or whalebone, and they dressed in sharkskin and furs.
You seem like one of them Lawful Evil types to me.
One Black Hand was not enough.
All successful nations are Lawful Evil by necessity. Assuming you feel a need for nations to have D&D alignments, anyway.
you mad?
The "tacitus never went to germani" isn't a good source. He could have asked or looked at german slaves and auxillaries, he could have asked his friends who went to germania, etc. Germania is a pretty accurate source.
I suspect fur would have been highly worn, because it's easier to make a fur to wear than it is to spin and weave wool.
yeah, turn a blind eye to the burning.
I mean except for the explicit legislation outlawing it and the efforts to execute that legislation as much as resources allowed.
But otherwise - BLIND. EYE.
I'm not sure Slavs ruining Russia would count as Slavs ruining everything, because Russia was already ruined.
Eh, I'd amend that to "All the most powerful nations are Lawful Evil by necessity."
Yes, yes they do. And you believe this too.
>and thinks it's just two flaps of cloth so you can't see the naughty bits
i-isn't that what they're for?
Where on earth did you pull "mad" from that post? XD are you incapable of reading emotions my autist homiedawg?
I was backin' you up, no need to be a jizzstained faggot.
*3e* has objective good versus evil (whereas Gygaxian good and evil is subjective in his own view), but unless you are a cleric or paladin you still have to take objective good and evil's existence on faith alone.
>setting is clearly a late medieval analogy with plate armor
>no guns in sight
>They're wearing furs instead of fabrics
Cavemen furs look COOL, you plebian.
>>medieval setting
>>kingdom has a standing army
France and Burgundy, late Medieval period. Also the militias of Italian city states.
No, no they don't. And deep down you know it too.
>inb4 muh faith
The crazy part of 3e is that it not only has absolute and objective good and evil as moral values, but they exist as physics too. You could be a fallen angel (LE) and commit evil acts all the time while still carrying a 'Good charge' from your original Plane, and you'd ping as Good to a Detect Good spell (as well as Evil to a Detect Evil spell).
>a setting has gods
>they're all the same across multiple cultures and don't have any overlapping spheres of influence
Not everyone's a dirty european,
>implying this applies only to Europe
Found the ignorant Fatburger. Stay mad, homeschool.
>No Esau, you cannot have your inheritance back in exchange for 'da reelly good peltz'.
Well, it could be the spells detecting either something associated with and/or believed to be good with good or detecting something common across most good beings.
If positive energy is considered good then you'd have to (very carefully depending on what you are) carry something charged with positive energy and it'd be exactly what you said.
This makes me so mad when I see it.
There are common designs other than the one shown here, such as a cloth that just runs straight between the legs and is belted, but the point is that there is support and concealment of the crotch itself. If you lift a loincloth, you don't see anything but the rest of the cloth cradling the junk.
>not having gods that are, on a cosmic level, the same, but are interpreted differently by different cultures
It really depends on the setting though
Either you have gods who just lord over whatever they want and either share or fight over those domains
Or their worshipers attribute domains to them thereby giving them authority over those domains
Or for whatever cosmic reason, only one god can govern a domain at a time
All options are valid you're just tired of seeing the last one in every setting you come across
All of you could just make up your own shitty settings with whatever oh so important features you reeeee over and stop your passive aggressive bitching
Just a thought
To be fair, some of these are actually informative. I didn't know about the loincloth thing, for instance.
Yeah this threads are almost always impossibly autistic and terrible.
Wow you were btfo so hard that you turned into a gibbering retard.
I just think it's boring shit. It's deliberately oversimplified so as to be sourcebook friendly.
>reeeing autistically over other people complaining
Wow, kill yourselves.
>Chain mail is considered "light armor" as opposed to the heavy armor that is plate.
This is a cool diagram, thanks!
>assumes faith
*tips fedora*
>chain mail
>not mail
>not maille
>not lorica segmentatum
>lorica segmentatum
>not the bared manly chest of a strapping Gaulish warrior
Shiggy de Iggy.
>People who equate tribal with primitive
I wanna kill faggots like this
We must make use of things in the way the sacred mother presents them to us. Having a tribe that believes they must avoid overprocessing things to maintain their connection with the their deity is not that far fetched.
>>People who equate tribal with primitive
You mean all of Christian England?
They do in the same way the money exists.
L-like this?
>Build ships and sail hundreds of miles across the sea to take over Britan
Pick one.
Not only that
>most commonplace sword is a rapier
England Ain't free. The king's crown's gotta be litterd with the blood of pagans. WODEN aka "Odin" is not my savior. he is a satanic spirit and probably norse as well :DD. FATHER son and the holy ghost not spirit trees and god of the coast ok. praise jesus.
Literacy was rare, but not unheard of among medieval peasants.
> The US, current year, liberals.
This is the autism thread user.