>his blood family are all witches and he loves them dearly
>becomes a witch hunter
What would reasons would someone do this?
You can love your family while knowing what they are doing is wrong and seek to stop them.
I mean if all my relatives were born with the gift of magic and i was not i'd be miffed too
He wants to kill all witches except his family.
Then he'll kill his family.
Deep down, he hopes to die in his quest before he has to face the eventuality of killing his own family.
>comes from a criminal family
>becomes a cop
>still loves his family
Would it be easier to figure things out if you think about it like this?
>Every blood relative is a witch
>Totally not me though I hunt them
He'll burn too.
Political games among witch families. He tries to terminate other witch clans and make other witch hunters less suspicious about his family.
Turns out he regularly betrays his fellow hunters and assistants in epic battles with the witches.
In reality he is actually compiling a family tree and hunting down all his long lost cousins while faking their deaths to help them relocate into a kind of protection program. Of course they put on a good show so he doesn't get caught and without any witnesses he can collect on the bounties to fund his family quest.
His upbrining gives him unique insight into how witches operate and how they can be taken down putting him in the perfect position to hunt badones.
Alternately his family taught him how to defend himself in case a rival witch clan put out a hit on him
He wants to kill those baby eating rape witches
The ones that give his love potion herbalist enchanting witching family a bad rep
His family practice witchcraft but are not actually evil. However, most covens are not so goodnatured, and thus the prejudice against witches is justified, even if its not univerally true.
As someone who understands witchcraft through close experiance, and knows tge difference between good witchcraft and bad, he seeks out and purges evil witches. So that, one day, maybe the reputation of the tradition will be unspoiled and his family can practice openly.
So he hunts down evil witches because "You wicked shits are RUINING this for the rest of us!"
>come from magical family
>have little magical ability
>hunt other magical families
>let his family pick up the spoils
The less witches there are the more powerful each individual one is so he's been trained as a witch assassin to cull the herd.
He must hunt down and prevent a certain clan of witches to ensure an apocalyptic ritual never occurs.
Unfortunately, all witch clans are too similar to tell one clan from another.
Then he discovers his family are the clan fated to perform the ritual.
Blade, but with witches.
Crazy, evil witches are ruinning the reputations of every other witchy families out there and it's getting pretty dangerous. If he doesn't rise up and take policing into his own hands, mobs with pitchforks will start dragging suspected witches into the streets and burning them, then and there. He's fair, thorough and hopes to build a strong/reliable enough reputation that the common folk feel secure leaving investigations and sentencing to him.
he knows hat there are good witches and there are bad witches.
he is a son of the former.
as a child, he has seen what horrors malicious witches has commited, and what joys his mother and her friends had brought.
he has also seen the ignorance and malevolence of witch hunters.
fanatics and self-righteus men and women, who persue their goals not out of a greater good, but their own sadistic enjoyment and misinformed values.
he knows the bad from the good, he knows of their ways.
while he has no magic of his own, he has knowledge of their rituals and can brew a few potions as well.
he can track any witch, anywhere, and has taken it upon himself to ensure the innocent may live in peace, and the sinners will face judgment.
he does this so that no more good women will burn at the stake.
like his mother did.
in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritüs Sancti.
>As a double agent for his family so that he can protect them from witch hunters/other witches.
>To bring unjust covens of witches to justice.
>There's a feud between his family and another. Being a witch hunter means he gets to help contribute to his family's victory.
>Untrained magic practioners are dangerous a la 40k psykers. His family thankfully polices themselves, but he's seen firsthand how dangerous untrained witches can be. So he joins the witch hunters to go after the most dangerous witches.
His family were burned under false pretexes by an overzealous/mad/corrupt/evil witch hunter. Now he has become one himself to both ensure that witches are hunted fairly and to root out men (and/or women) like the one who killed his family and used the Witch Hunter's Order to get away with their crimes.
self hatred which comes for a deep revelation (either self or guided) about the evils of his family and works to absolve himself of taint of his heritage by utilizing his personal connections with witches to hunt them down.
He wants to kill enemy witches/witches that give witches a bad name.
Taking out the competition, mostly, and getting paid by townsfolk for it.
Plus, as a witch hunter, he can tell his beloved family how they operate, so they can better protect themselves, and vice versa.
Maybe his family are "Good" witches who turn their powers and spells towards helping their community, but through his life he's seen what witchcraft can do when used by less noble or goodhearted people. Perhaps he's decided that witchcraft isn't worth the good it can bring in comparison to what harm it can do to people.
He joined up with the Municipal Witchcraft Department - Internal Affairs Division.
now he polices whether witches are following code and aren't witching against the rules.
He actively hunts and kills other witches. Doing so gives his family a cover story and insight on how to avoid being caught
Witches corrupted his family, he must purge them before more innocent women are enticed by their wicked ways.
Witch Hunters are the enforcers of the Magical Contracts. The only way peace exists amongst the covens is by every family having a member among the Hunters who kill any witch that breaches the compact. Thus the delicate balance of power between the old families is maintained.
>He just wants a big happy family
That's really nice, user.
His family was a bunch of evil witches, and he's seen the horrid atrocities they've commit to others, but in the end he cannot bring himself to harm them.
Rather than 'his family is good and he hunts evil ones' I would go with a slight variation of that. Instead go with 'he has been exposed to truly offal evil things'. Maybe his family is good, maybe they are bad, but there is true evil terrible stuff out there that goes beyond local threats. They have to be stopped.
That's sweetl
>he sees the pain and self-destruction his family wrought on themselves
>he wants to stop others from suffering the same fate
the surviving blood family are all very young girls and his mission is to slaughter any other witches who might influence them or teach them evil powers, so they can live fairly normal lives
There can only be one.
He got drafted. Gotta use the warlocks to hunt warlocks
>What could possibly go wrong
He grew up seeing what witches can do firsthand and is intimately familiar with its power. He knows his family are good people but was always worried what bad people might do with this kind of power.
He has a well functioning understanding of the weaknesses of witches and their magic and so trained himself to exploit them and sets out to stop people from abusing those powers to immoral and cruel ends.
His family are good witches. He wants to stop the bad witches.
Or at least that's how he sees it.
That actually sounds interesting.
How about two?
>Loves his family.
>When it becomes clear he has no power his family abandons him.
>Classic revenge story ensues as he hunts down those that left him.
>Maybe some of his family tried to help him when he was banished and he only loves them, or shows them mercy.
He seeks to kill rival/enemy witch clans that threaten his family. Witches are an extremely territorial bunch, and their grudges last for generations. He'll do what he must to keep them safe.
I'm reminded of a setting for a national RPG system I read once, and the entry for Demon Hunters said most [Demon Hunters] are demons, working for a Lord or Prince of Hell.
If you specialize in concocting drugs meant to brainwash people into loving people they otherwise would not love, you're most likely very much deserving of your bad reputation.
>the entry for Demon Hunters said most [Demon Hunters] are demons, working for a Lord or Prince of Hell.
Reminds me of some Alpha Legion storytime.
He didn't know they were witches until they revealed their wicked nature and it dawned on him they ruined his life and shattered any possible hope of trusting people.
No one starts shit with his family while he meets his quotas.