That Guy who played a paladin who tried to kill another party member because of bantz

>That Guy who played a paladin who tried to kill another party member because of bantz
>"Would your character really do that? You're sure you want to do this?"
>"Of course he would!"
>"You evil actions have caused you to lose the favor of your God"
>He is somehow surprised at this
>He only rolls fighters now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bad DM. Their god, or any god really, would absolutely encourage killing the unfaithful.

Now let's hear from someone who's actually played a tabletop RPG.

>This happened in my game
>Not only did he kill somebody cause of bantz but he somehow killed half the party
>God was ok with it cause "lol killing is ok" when any other god would get ticked off at the slightest thing
>Guy is still allowed in the group

Stop confusing the crusader and paladin class you deus vult tard.

Glad to see that a couple weeks away hasn't diminished the quality of paladin bait threads.


This was my first paladin, kek

>Paladin of Oghma, god of knowledge
>My most valuable possession is my bible, it contains the memories of my chapter where I grew up
>One night bard is bored
>sends DM hidden message to deface my bible
>I can't react because lol sleepin
>wake up next morning for prayer before we head out
>someone has erased a ton of scriptures and replaced them with nonsense
>I ask bard who was on watch if he saw anything
>lies through his teeth
>roll insight and discover his lie
>start attacking him
>party tries to stop me but I end up killing him
>DM has me fall
>Told to roll up a character that plays nice with others

Who was in the wrong here?

If the setting was set in feudal Japan the paladin would have fallen for not doing so, your reputation means more than your life and killing someone over bantz is considered both self defense and protecting both your ancestors and descendants

The Bard for not being able to bluff half decently.

This, any bard worth his salt should be able to lie to a holy man in his sleep

"Hey, Imma deface this holy relic that is a precious thing to this warrior of good and justice who hals me, protects me, and has been stabbed for me!"
>Your paladin, he falls.

Yeah, it's pretty clear who was in the wrong here.

>playing a witch, focusing on mental magics like Hypnotism, Sleep, Seek Thoughts, Charm Person, etc you get the idea
>going through a dungeon stopped by a door with a magic password, one of our party touches a mural that swaps their mind with the last person to touch it
>new NPC in friends body, says he'll give us the password if we co-operate
>Ask DM if I can cast Seek Thoughts to find the password and circumvent all this crap
>Can I cast Interrogation so he has to answer my question under threat of pain?
>'No, and he holds your friends weapon against his neck threateningly'
>Okay, can I cast Dominate Person so he won't be a threat anymore?
>'... Make a roll for it'
>Well, the enemy is supposed to make a Will Save, you don't roll for magic
>'Then it doesn't work'
>Now I'm upset because literally NONE of my magic spells have worked because of DM fiat
>open the book to the page where it says in my spell descriptions that for all intents and purposes, I should be able to do SOMETHING so we don't have to give this asshole our friend's body
>DM says this "regular guy" just wants a body to inhabit
>ask why, if he's so regular, then why does literally none of my magic work on him?
>DM ignores me, instead wants to make up a magical contract where the NPC inhabits the body of one our pets for 20 years, then we have to find him a new vessel
>I'm the only one capable of making this "magical contract"
>Ask DM if I can very sneakily work in a clause that fucks over the NPC, even offer to write it in a different language, offer to roll linguistics for forgery, offer to roll arcana or slight of hand or bluff
>nope, DM says that none of it will work because this guy somehow knows how to proof-read a magical forged contract written in Aboleth
>at this point I just lean back and check out because nothing I try has any effect
>eventually the NPC possesses our pet toucan and we get the password
>this whole ordeal took an hour when I could have read his mind in 5 minutes

>that railroad
dont see how this has to do with paladins tho.

Yea if their god was evil and the paladin was actually evil all along and then yea

Thought it was a That Guy thread, not a Paladin thread

While I think the DM was a stupid cunt having you fall for what amounts to murdering a friend wasn't terribly unreasonable.

Lawful Good (or comparably aligned) deities in tabletop are not the God of Isaac and Abraham. They exist in a polytheistic realm with other deities who are undeniably real. This means Pelor is not going to strike a city like a match just because their lifestyle offends what he expects of his followers. Nor is "you have meant ill in defiance of the LORD, and he has spoke unto me that your fucking dead punk" an acceptable outcome outside of smashing up actually evil aligned creatures.

Not the player who reacted accordingly, but killing was too far and the DM was right to have him fall. DMs fault though, shouldn't have let player kill other party memeber, should have just had him badly beaten and unconscious, fall the paladin for the rest of the sesh have the paladin and bard make buddy buddy and they both grow better friends cause of it and the paladin gets his power back.


Would have the player being a dick bag roll to know how that would effect a holy warrior. Then if that player wants to have their character be a dick bag, you either don't let him, because your just trying to be a troll. Or you have him live, or as a result die, as a consequence. The later is if for some reason your ok with your players randomly killing each other. If you fine PvP distasteful in your game, then you just say no.

>currently playing a LE Orc Paladin of Gruumsh
>party has an Elven cleric to some human god
>my orc doesn't kill her cause he finds it funny that even Elves can't worship their own gods (also not a dick to other party members)
>every time cleric performs any healing magic my pali I thank Gruumsh for the assistance
>pretty sure the rest of the party would kick me out if I even tried to PvP

even so, I'm probably gonna betray to the party to the BBEG at some point

>him that guy
>him KYLE
>him me not talk for time when him ruin game
>but me bigger man and forgive
>me: kyle u wan 3.5
>"yes user"
>get other and make game
>game nite
>him that guy show up with hims gif and som other boi
>me: kyle ho are that people
>"they my other toons user"
>me: what are you tolking abkut
>he took leandership and they was him to play cohort and minion
>mfw all he dind was come with strays to my taebl and shit up my gam and eat all the snacks
>"user we have to go wer gknan go see age of ulton"
>game imediately feel apart
What am do to deserve this

Prone? That's not so bad.

What was the abovementioned bantz?

Sounds like a That DM who punishes players for actually roleplaying.

Gygax disagrees. Lawful Good should not be Nice

The one who invented that bit of shit fiction.

And now please write the same in a decent modern American English.

>playing paladin
>teammate has done some shady shit
>mindrapes people constantly for free stuff with suggestion
>intimidates an old couple out of their cash
>tries to steal possessed artifacts and evil tomes to enhance his powers
>I encounter a staff of evil power. Stated to be as such plainly by the MD
>I go to break it
>cunt tries snatching it from my hand
>fails badly
>teammates tell him to stop
>mindrapes them to stay out of this
>tries to take it again
>Smite the living shit out of him for nonlethal damage
>DOUBLE his HP max in damage (paladins with two handed feats are broken as fuck)
>teammates bring him to
>fucker goes for the staff again
>mindraped teammate makes a charisma check to persuade me to hand it to him because it might be useful later
>I am convinced
>cunt immediately starts trying to a tune himself to an EVIL artifact for power
>I beat his ass to death
>DM sides with me
>guy has to roll new character
>claims it is BS and quits the group

Was I wrong?

Goblins shouldn't run games


Honestly would have drawn the line at the mindrape. Especially considering he was doing it to teammates in addition to NPCs.

So no. Absolutely not.

I didn't think so. I told him in character and out that I can't, as a paladin, ignore his antics and if I throw down with him I won't hold back because my character had a black and white morality and by all accounts I should have busted his ass for mistreating the elderly in the first place. Not to mention him getting a single father killed by snitching him out to the cops for being an unwitting pawn for a crime in a town whose answer for any crime was a hanging.

The fucked thing about that single father bit was that we had solved the problem, there were no victims after we acted, the evil doers punished, and all this guy did was leave a door unlocked so his kids wouldn't be murdered.

As soon as we were done, I took the loot I found and gave it to the single father to take care of his kids and get out of the terrible town. As soon as we report to the town mayor, cunt is all "the dude that left the door unlocked was mr. X, he lives here, and you can catch him quick if you move fast enough."

Apparently he wanted my loot and was mad I gave to the NPC.

Of course you were wrong

Allowing him to get away with it the first time was a dumbass beta move.

>Someone defaces my holy relict
>I have to kill them
Sounds like a paladin of Allah, god of Islam

It was probably more that he intentionally blaspheme his personal holy relic with a lot of sentimental value while also being a lying dick about it too.

Also to point out, if the DM is simply letting anything go, how else is one player supposed to punish another for that kind of action?

Should have killed the cunt the first time he tried that shit.

>Also to point out, if the DM is simply letting anything go, how else is one player supposed to punish another for that kind of action?
Your character leaves the party like any real person would do and you roll a new character that's an even bigger dick then the other guy

>Killing outright
>not challenging to a honor duel to the death for defacing a holy relic

>That guy who thinks le sex-addict dex class is a good meme
>That guy who forces his power fantasy by loading up on spell slots and Charm Person
>That guy who denies and rolls by burning another slot and forcing the stickler dm to roll townsfolk against his retard high spell dc
Say what you will but I actually hate the guy. It's one thing to augment your charm, it's another altogether to waste a spell slot and our time because you want to be a playboy and get shitty when the gnome you mind-fucked turns hostile
>That guy (female) who saw silent hill and thought it was the peak of horror
>Now plays a GOO warlock and only ever uses telepathy, silent image (creeeepy dollllls!) and dissonant whispers to try and role-play as the Spookem little girl
It might be impressive it it wasn't so fucking cringy- or if the party didn't suck her dick with their "omg it's so fucking creepy!"

>Defaces a holy relic
>Which is also someone's only valued possession
>"It's just a prank, bro!"

>Your character leaves the party like any real person would do

To be fair I have had a character refuse to quest with a group and had to make a new one before.

>I'm not roleplaying my character properly because a a party must always stay together even if they should hate one-another

If your character is a bitch and doesn't take some justified revenge when it's within his grasp then sure, he could do what you said.

Imagine some faggot take away the photo of your mom from your wallet while you're asleep and wipe his ass with it, then put it back, all covered in shit. And your mom is dead, and this is the only photo you have. Then he proceeds to lie very unconvincingly that it wasn't him. And you are a cop, and nobody will find out if you shoot him in the face. What do?

>If your character is a bitch and doesn't take some justified revenge when it's within his grasp then sure, he could do what you said.
>Justified revenge

Brethren! I found a filthy saracen! Die you infidel!
> deus_vult.gif

You seem to be confused, let me enlighten you young child. You see, you can't murder garbage, and if someone knowingly commits an act of pure cruelty, that meaning they had nothing to gain out of it apart from some sick kind of enjoyment at the suffering of others, they are no longer a human, and are instead trash. If the bard didn't know it was wrong, or thought better and apologized for it, then perhaps he wouldn't be trash, but that wasn't the case.

It's quite obvious the bard knew it was wrong as well, and the kind of reaction he would get, considering he tried to lie about it.

Was on the GMs side until the last line

>Literally playing muslim extremists

>literally not reading what you respond to


It's the god of knowledge, not the god of being some little bitch. He'd survive in a medieval court of peers, so he should survive his neutral god's view on him smiting an enemy of knowledge.

>french cartoonist make fun of islam for no reason other than lolz like that bard
>muslim extremists murder them because they think they are no longer human, and are instead thrash
>muslim extremists are in the right

Oghma is True Neutral and only care about knowledge. Objectively you did nothing wrong. You shouldn't have fallen.

>killing the unfaithful
What the example paladin did would be more "killing the annoying," and I'm pretty sure that one crosses a few lines.

Demand compensation. Beat him up and confiscate a fine, if it comes to that. There are other punishments than execution.

Reminder that Warg Winkers did nothing wrong.

But seriously, you should play only a pacifist character that kills no-one from now on. Because this is what you would do.

it's pasta, same twat dropped it in last couple of That Guy threads. Have a beer, move on and enjoy your weekend

>playing game set in era of religious zealotry and excessive punishment
>intentionally antagonize a character whos' entire idiom is based around violently defending their religion
>He violently defends his religion
>y tho?

Makes you think.

IKR. I've read the classical British English version, now I'd like to read a Harlem English version, or whatever.

Yeah, you shoulda ripped him a new asshole he started to mindrape people

I'm curious what country you're from, considering that your reading comprehension is absolutely atrocious and the two situations aren't comparable. The bard wasn't killed for mocking the paladins religion or even because it was a religious object. It was for purposefully destroying someones property, which was an object of great sentimental value from his childhood, and the guy even outright states it was his characters most valuable possession.

There wasn't anything to gain from it either, that is objectively an act of cruelty.

>Demand compensation

Else suffer what consequence?

>Beat him up and confiscate a fine, if it comes to that. There are other punishments than execution.

That might work on an npc, but not for players, if the player simply doesn't care for roleplaying and does what he wants. You can say you beat his character within an inch of his life countless times, but that wouldn't make any difference to someone who simply doesn't care.

I feel any reference to Harlem English is going to end with someone saying /pol/ is that way >>>>

>Roll Paladin
>Everyone else is an asshole and tries to trick me into falling 24/7
>DM encourages it because he's a dickhead
>They all whine when I spend 10 minutes thinking through every single action pondering if it's a setup

>using charisma checks between PCs

>Else suffer what consequence?
Beating him up and taking his money by force, duh.
>You can say you beat his character within an inch of his life countless times, but that wouldn't make any difference to someone who simply doesn't care.
It doesn't matter if he cares about RP or not, his character can't walk around with 1 hit point all day. Just make sure any other healers in the party are on the same page as you, and he'll either have to spend potions or spell slots get himself back on his feet.

Besides, he clearly cares a LITTLE bit about roleplaying if he goes out of his way to be a dick to others IC. Not necessarily the good kind of caring, but he still probably won't be happy about having his character humiliatingly stomped into the ground.

>Beating him up and taking his money by force, duh.

He'll then simply proceed to be a useless fuck and never do anything for the party, "accidentally" screw people over, or actively conspire against the party, congrats you made it worse.

>It doesn't matter if he cares about RP or not, his character can't walk around with 1 hit point all day.

See above

>Just make sure any other healers in the party are on the same page as you, and he'll either have to spend potions or spell slots get himself back on his feet.

Big assumption that they will actually take your side.

>Besides, he clearly cares a LITTLE bit about roleplaying if he goes out of his way to be a dick to others IC.

No, you're mistaking being a dick in general for caring about rp.

>Else suffer what consequence?
How about the rest of the freaking party?
What did they think about his actions?
Instead of attacking you could decide together what's to be done.
If they're all retards and think it's fine then you seriously need to roll different character but otherwise you can all just tell him that if he wants to stay in the group he must make amends

sometimes when I read about stuff like this on Veeky Forums I wonder : what kind of gaming groups do you have? like are you forced to play with certain people, no matter how rude, obnoxious or annoying? I can understand ending at the same table as THAT GUY at a convention, but me and my group would never play with someone who's idea of fun is pulling off dumb shit for the lulz.
Don't other players think wait why the fuck did he do that?

i mean, how do you really know that someone is going to be that guy in advance? it could be the case that in most of these stories, the user stops playing with that person/group after the story, because that's when something shit happened, and up until then things were fine or at least relatively fine

>i mean, how do you really know that someone is going to be that guy in advance?

Couple of ways. There's the obvious red flags in terms of behaviour in the first session, there's talking to people who they've played with before, there's asking them what sort of characters they've enjoyed playing in the past, asking them about their most memorable moments from other games, and so on.

Oh, and make sure they're on board with whatever type of game you're going to run, in terms of theme and a tone and all that jazz. Some people are okay to have as players, but will turn into raging That Guys when they're frustrated with things, presumably as an attempt to steer things towards something they'd find more interesting, or just out of sheer boredom.

>He'll then simply proceed to be a useless fuck and never do anything for the party, "accidentally" screw people over, or actively conspire against the party, congrats you made it worse.
Just 'cause he did a dickish thing once, doesn't mean that's the only thing the player cares about. If he's really THAT invested in being a dick, then killing his character isn't going to solve anything either. He's just gonna reroll.
>Big assumption that they will actually take your side.
If he's really as big a dick as you think, then it would be weird if they don't, assuming these are real human beings and not some Kafkaesque nightmare sequence.

>Oh, and make sure they're on board with whatever type of game you're going to run, in terms of theme and a tone and all that jazz. Some people are okay to have as players, but will turn into raging That Guys when they're frustrated with things, presumably as an attempt to steer things towards something they'd find more interesting, or just out of sheer boredom.

I seriously don't know how this isn't a thing for every single table out there. I've never had the nerve to invite random hobos and criminals into my house for a gaming session, everyone has generally been vetted through personal experience, a friend or close acquaintance's personal experience, or their reputation at the shop.

B B but Matt Mercer duz it it must be good!!

you would not be able to cast shit or your friend would stab himself as you start moving your hand in a funny way.
that should be the dm answer.

>Just 'cause he did a dickish thing once, doesn't mean that's the only thing the player cares about.

"Yeah, just cause he lit your cat on fire and laughed while it burned to death doesn't mean he's a "total" dick, I'm sure he likes doing other things too."

>If he's really THAT invested in being a dick, then killing his character isn't going to solve anything either. He's just gonna reroll.

Forcing him to continually reroll is gonna be a far more effective teaching technique :^)

>If he's really as big a dick as you think, then it would be weird if they don't, assuming these are real human beings and not some Kafkaesque nightmare sequence.

Oh sweet summer child

I've got a friend who hasn't been invited to any of our games for coming on five years because, while he's a relatively chilled out player when things are going his way, he turns into an insufferable dickbag if he has to spend more than about five minutes not being the centre of attention in a game. It just so happened that, in the previous couple of campaigns, he'd convinced himself that his character was the one in charge of the group, and the rest of us sort of went along with it, so his That Guy side never really came out.

Point is, in my experience, some people react to situations in a very That Guy way, even when they're otherwise tolerable players. Especially when it comes to dealing with That Guys - if somebody is being a dick in the game, disrupting it for everyone and outing themselves as That Guy, being a dick back at them and disrupting the game further just marks you out as a That Guy too.

They think they have to put up with it because stupid reasons they don't realize are stupid. Ever hear of the Geek Social Fallacies?

This is basically how That Guys continue to exist within the hobby.

Defacing some religious literature is dickish. Setting a cat on fire is psychopathic. The two are not comparable.

nah, destroying someone's prized posession for shits and giggles is also quite psychopathic

Also as an adherent of a god that values knowledge (as that which might be contained within said literature) over life itself, the response wasn't simply justified, it was mandated. He should have fallen for NOT killing the bastard.

Fast conflict resolution, user.

No, it was perfectly in character for a paladin to stop That Guy.

We don't kill people who key cars, we give them hefty fines and maybe some time in jail to discourage the behaviour.

That's more Deneir than Oghma (although he is Good, so the reaction would be more tempered). Oghma has been known to cover up or erase knowledge all the time.

Fair enough. I don't really care enough to read up on him in detail, but I still imagine Oghma would be pretty pissed when someone else did it to his holy literature against his will.

The thing with paladins is they don't follow some universal morality like DMs probably want them to, if only so they can point out some self contradiction and force them to fall. Paladins follow a personal code, which may either relate to their God or perhaps some other oath or whatever depending on the setting. If a paladin of a particular god follows that god's code correctly then it doesn't really matter if they look like the most evil person on the planet to your personal sensibilities. On the other hand trying to twist it in some kind of "letter of the law" interpretation is a quick way to fall as well. Ultimately it's a blue and orange morality.

>it was mandated.

Except it wasn't, and that's part of the problem. That Guy Paladin PCs point to some higher authority to justify their actions, but in most games, there's not a copy of the Holy Text to read through, there's not a bunch of laws laid down, there's not a list of mandated punishments for established criminal actions. It's just - generally! - whatever the fuck the Paladin says, it's the equivalent of "it's what my character would do!" as a justification for behaviour that's going to shit the game up.

Playing the character that burns other people's property makes you a dick. Playing the character that kills other characters makes you a dick. Both dicks presumably have justifications that make sense to them for being a dick, but having a good justification for being a dick doesn't make you not a dick.

Oh yeah, he wouldn't be happy about it, but not necessarily more than other deities. To sum it up:
Greater god of the concept of knowledge as a whole. -Usually- this means being a patron of bards and scholars, but can also mean covering up dangerous information.
Lesser god of archiving and preserving all knowledge. A librarian type.
Medium-sized god of invention and mad science, doesn't care what you do with it so long as you're creating stuff.

> choochoo

This is why I don't play with beta cuck DMs that can't handle the DEUS VULT

Taking bets on how long before this user is back on here complaining he's nobody to play with anymore.

Ahmed pls go

>Betray party
Are you a fucking orc in real life too?

Since you were the only one able to make it you should have said your character killed himself screwing over the man who killed your friend's mind and then leave the table.

Of course they saw the movie and liked that piece of garbage. I wouldn't mind playing a Silent Hill cultist but I would be more in line with convincing people to join my cult and trying to bring about "paradise" then throwing spooky shit illusions.

This... furthermore, its why i refuse to game with millenial manchildren

And Alignment and D&D has changed drastically over the years.