Are marine helmets meant to look silly/stupid? I know the setting hasn't been a comedy setting in a long time so why would they stick with the icon of the frachise being a gorilla man wearing a frowny face helmet?
Are marine helmets meant to look silly/stupid...
>the setting hasn't been a comedy setting in a long time
40k will never not be absurdist black comedy. Attempting to take it seriously only makes it funnier.
GW and a lot of 40kids seem to disagree. At least sometimes. They can't really seem to decide.
And that's what makes it hilarious. They try to take it seriously despite it being so blatantly absurd at a fundamental level that even they have to admit it at times. The Imperium is hilariously over the top in how Dystopian it is, Chaos is straight up ridiculous, Space Marines are macho to the point of bizarre self parody and... Orks. Just, Orks.
If anyone thinks a setting where Catholic Space Nazis are the closest thing to the good guys is even close to being serious then they just missed the joke.
I think you need to tell GW. Their current management and most of their writers seem to be totally unaware.
I don't want to spoil the joke. Them consistently trying to act as though it's serious is the funniest 40k has been in years.
That helmet is awesome, what are you talking about
>40k is an absurd self parody, everyone knows that!
>Haha look at this over-the-top nonsense!
Go ask /pol/ about that.
Please, that's the chad version of a stormtrooper helmet.
I think that is part of the reason the primaris came out, they wanted to update the helmet to a more modern look.
It ranges from looking pretty good, like in the OP pic, to a stupid silly scowl face, depends on the art.
What would you make the default be instead that's less ugly? Make the Grey Knight look standard? Go back to beakies?
>It's another "some dude thinks spouting his inane opinion about a manchild's macho tabletop game for nerds is illuminating some brilliant new truth for all to see" thread
I'm guessing his next response will either be something along the lines of "typical 40kids" or "lol i trol u"
And then immediately fucked that up by making Chaplains and Reivers be spooky skull bois.
>implying there's anything wrong with skullmasks
laughing at something is different than laughing with it, just because you can make fun of something doesn't make it 'comedy', it just makes it sad.
Are you American? Because things that are a little bit sad and just end up being made fun of is basically the root of all English comedy. Well, that and wilful absurdity along with bone dry sarcasm.
Nah dude they're super cool, definitely not trying too hard.
It's literally /ourgame/
That lot not picking up on subtext is probably the least of their worries
This is why I laugh at the threads which try to fix 40k's fucked up lore. It doesn't need fixing, it's fine as it is, in all it's silly glory.
I agree, but my point is that many will miss the joke.
>They can't really seem to decide.
That's because 40k isn't 100% serious and it isn't 100% parody. There's elements of both.
I don't know why people think it needs to be one or the other.
>Orks. Just, Orks.
Remember how they tried to Nobledark them in the Beast books? Remember how shitty and unOrky they were? GW can't even get Orks right.
I'm half convinced that most of what's on /pol/ is just one big inside joke and the rest is just a game to see who can make up the most ridiculous story to see if someone at Vox is dumb enough to write an article about it, thinking it's legit.
I'd be inclined to believe that if the same shit didn't spill over to every board.
Or to actual politcs.
40k is less about being serious or being silly and more about having cool things, like big mechs, power armor, guns, etc.
this is the face of 40k, my 2nd favorite helmet behind beaks
>I don't know why people think it needs to be one or the other.
Rent free.
It looked cool in the early 80's.
Keep in mind it wasn't the greatest even then. Rifts still has the best evil empire uniforms from 80's Veeky Forums since it was unafraid of being cheesy and rejected realism entirely.
are you saying that helmet design isn't primaris exclusive?
The Mk IV?
/pol/ is, both at once, deadly serious and pure satire.
It is what it needs to be whenever it needs to be.
The joke is that there is no joke, and explaining the joke ruins the joke, so everyone in on the joke pretends that there is no joke, because there actually isn't a joke.
>Space Marines are macho
it was the worst 40k I have ever witnessed, and I am including primaris stuff in this
Yes they are.
>people like something I don't like
>better insult them and say what they like is dumb
>that'll show them
The reason /pol/ exists was because politics was spilling out over every board. You think it was bad now, you haven't been around before /news/ and /pol/. There was a reason why M00t kept bringing it back.
The only poorly designed helmets in 40k are on Eldar and their goth faggot cousins
And then there are the new designs
Until we were playing numerical ouija with post numbers, woke up an ancient Egyptian frog-headed chaos god, and tried to talk it into killing Hillary Clinton for us. Now Trump is President.
Yeah, a long way from raiding the pool at Habbo Hotel telling them the pool was closed because it had AIDS in it.
Its a Fucking space opera you mong. It’s meant to be over dramatic but also have a semblance of dire romance in its portrayal of heros and fallen angels. It’s something you can take seriously and become invested in, but also something that can be light hearted and funny from time to time. It’s like any Star Trek series bar the new one
Yes, it was all funny until the shitposting spilled over into real life, then it became hilarious.
But that’s an owl mask.
Like all GW IP 40k is whatever you want it to be at the time. This is why it's so successful.
basing them on various different medieval helmets would be cool. Grey Knights have armets/close helms already, and beakies are houndskulls. Where are the sallets and frogsmouth?
*coughs in binary*
I like both looks, personally. Classic or tacticool cheese. Both look goofy as fuck.
The Sisters of Battle use sallet style helmets.
Beaks > not vader helmet
But chaplains have always been spooky skull bois.
It was a different kind of bad. Before, it was more classic /b/-style shitposting. Plenty were definitely serious, but most weren't and just wanted to go around shouting as many slurs as they could to make people upset. The problem was how rampant it was. The recent shit leans far harder to those who take it all too seriously, many of them blatant newfags. A good number of them clearly haven't even heard of 40k before the God Emperor memes, and even less seem to know how to thin their fucking paints.
Except that nu-marines skulls looks more like Eldars/Reaper
His point is they should have moved away from it with primaris.