So, how long could an entire Space Marine chapter last in pic related, Veeky Forums?
So, how long could an entire Space Marine chapter last in pic related, Veeky Forums?
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Depends how lucky they are.
Also if the Librarians can mimic the Master Word they might be able to get sanctuary in the Redoubt.
>nuke it from orbit and fly awys
I dunno, it will take few mins or so.
Why the FUCK do you care?
>nuke it from orbit and fly awys
>Proceed to get eaten by every single Pneumavore infesting the rotting carcass of space and time
There's nowhere to fly away to, user. The universe as a whole is dead.
Meh, they have Gellar field for that.
What exactly is pic related?
It's the result of the final triumph pf Chaos.
Everything has been burned away and used up, the orgy has consumed everything. There is nothing left but the las embers and vultures.
Even the deamons, even fhe gods, are starving to death. If there is anything left out there on other worlds then it will likely also be half starved remnants clustered around dying embers or dead already.
The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson (1912).
It's 30 million years in the future, the sun is dead, unspeakable soul eating horrors roam the world and the last of humanity is besieged in a archolgy with no hope.
Sadly the author took an artillery shell to the knee in Belgium in 1918 or we would have had him instead of Lovecraft.
>It's the result of the final triumph pf Chaos.
I can genuinely see that happening
>Chaos finally emerges victorious over the Imperium and the other factions, beginning their final march to pull everything into the Immateirum forever
>Unfortuantely for them (and everything else), the meagre "balance" between the Materium and the Immaterium was the only thing holding *Them* back
>Soon enough, the Parablima dissolves utterly, and the Powers Of Night flood into the universe unchecked
>So begins the End Times
And he was so vastly superior...Alas.
Gellar Fields only work so much though, and they are prone to either getting sabotaged or failing entirely, which even a signal slip up will fuck them all over.
BTW, I've heard the original is pretty hard to parse and there's a more digestible version floating around, what's up with that?
The original author's style was imitating earlier modes, so the prose is a slog. It was full of walls-o-text and prose purple enough to make Lovecraft look like Hemingway. A later author adjusted the prose, editted stuff into clearer dialogue, and altered words and word tenses to be easier for modern readers.
What should I look for if I want the modernized tale?
The Night Land, A Story Retold, by James Stoddard
Unless you're an utterly incredible masochist, it's recommended that you read A Story Retold instead of the original piece. Seriously, when people say that the original featured prose purple enough to make Lovecraft resemble a mewling babe, they were not kidding. Also, the original for all its brilliance, is clearly a work of its time, and thus some of the writing heavily reflects that.
That's the daddy.
I would recommend, after reading the Retold version, take a glance at the original, just to see it. It's halfway biblical, halfway medieval poetry in style.
Also have this. It's more of a rewording than a rewrite, if you want to experience the original.
>tfw Pneumavores were the Tyranids of the deep immaterium and the barrier between us was the wall keeping them there.
>"NOT AS PLANNED!! NOT AS PLANNED!!", the collective last words of Tzeentch and his daemons immediately prior to being pulled screaming into the gaping maw of the House Of Silence
They sell rope at any good hardware store. Alternatively, you might pop down to your local supermarket for razor blades.
disregard with extreme prejudice try the retold version, its very accessible to 21st century readers absent the sort of snobbish condescension reserved for people who masturbate to ulysses. This is Veeky Forums, not the flaccid anus of Veeky Forums
The better question is how long could pic related last with an entire Space Marine chapter in it
i need lewds of that chick
Just what in the fuck is wrong with wanting to read the artists own version? What's wrong with not having a problem with old writing? Why do you think condescension is some sort of requirement for reading old books?
Don't smear shit on yourself and cry "but it's accessible", user.
Ain't nothing wrong with it, friendo; I actually recommend reading the original after going through the updated version here . Difference is, I didn't obliquely suggest they kill themselves for wanting the tutorial level.
Don't be insulting. There's zero need to do anything but read the original. If that's too hard for you, read an easier (but still good) book and come back for it later. Don't read a shit version of the book as some "tutorial level".
If you don't want to do the best you can, you may as well just kill yourself. That's the point.
I feel like whatever tabletop game group you join disbands quickly and reconvenes in your absence. I can accept that you're bitter.
Is that your answer? You're telling yourself some shitty story 'cause no one could possibly disagree with you without being a bitter That Guy?
Despite the huge chip you've got on your shoulder, Veeky Forums is absolutely right when it comes to books. It is the literature board, you know.
I suppose I'll give you another (You)
Have you ever actually been on Veeky Forums? the only non circle jerky excitement there is when the socialists and post modernists fag up the board for a few hours, to be loudly contradicted by the lolbertarians and neocons when they wake up, in an endless cycle. The one thing that descends from it all is a pretentious disregard for the layman and the neophyte.
Please feel free to have the last word with something confrontational and dick-wavey. I'm certain the user asking after the thread's subject matter will appreciate it.
Lit only ever talk about war and peace and ayn rand because they can rip the plot from sparknotes and pretend they read.
Dude, not necessary. After the narrator’s lover, Naani (no really), goes into a coma, he fucking bisects a shadow giant in one stroke with a disc-staff.
If random British timetraveler guy from the 17th century can down a giant made of ephemera, then the Astartes will be fine.
It's mostly socialists and theocratic LARPers, actually. Neocons aren't common and lolbertarians are laughed out the door (whether or not you think they should be they should be). I guarantee that discussion on this book is better than here, though.
Veeky Forums realises that you should read good books. That doesn't sound like a revelation, but for whatever reason, you cannot accept it.
>I'm certain the user asking after the thread's subject matter will appreciate it
Ooh, nice parting shot, wanna talk about SPACE MARINES now?
I dunno why you even feel like you have the right to say something so pompous after your comments in this thread.
That's in fact true, Veeky Forums is in many ways pure shit. But it is better for books than Veeky Forums.
What else would be expected of a 17th century Brit with a staff?
Best lore.
Bumping to find later
t. plebbest of plebeians.
Is it just me or was this book lewd as fuck? I just finished it a couple of weeks ago and my wife is reading it right now and we've been +thinking of incorporating some of this stuff into our BDSM scenes
I just took a look at the easy edition, (thanks for posting it, user!) and though it’s been some years since I read the original I think it will be well worth the effort.
Better question is how long could tzeentch last. The parrot God is a watered down version of that madness.
Tzeentch would try and pull some "Brilliant Keikaku" on the Powers Of Night, and would end up getting himself devoured horribly for his troubles.
In my headcanon? A lot. In BL books? 30 seconds, shaking and stammering all the time, wich should be impossible, since the ability to feel fear has been biologic removed from them, but yet they cannot stop the feeling of awe and dread in the presence of the alien landscape before the colossal thing on the horizon raises its arm and kill them all like a child playing with ants.
You need plot armor if you want to reach the next chapter.
They’d do fine except for the fact that eventually their light will run out and there’s always more darkness. Centuries of glorious crusade, a blip in millions of years of huddling in the Redoubt.
Or Chaos just burned itself out, leaving only slow and dreary Law winding down to nothing.
I mean, that sounds like it would fit right in with 40k.
Do the marines have access to divine intervention? Aka legion of the dammed/celestine/tearing a hole in the warp and dragging out a retarded amount of backup
There are the forces of Light that hinder the encroaching eternal darkness. Light is dying. Maybe they could tap into it, but this is a darkness that consumes the light so it's not going to help forever.
It's a darkness that exists because there is a lack of light (the sun). Or does this cosmic horror permeate some kind of super darkness that devours light?
They do, but it comes in the form of cryptic, old testament esque angelic forms that can only indirectly defend you and can only manifest anywhere from a few seconds to maybe a few hours for unknown reasons. Also if you rebuke the forces of good they'll just fuck off and leave you to die because they don't have time for that shit.
It's a sort of biblical apocalypse, so the sun going out was preceded by a large crack opening the earth and draining one of the oceans, and monsters coming out from the large crack. A lot of them are weird cosmic shit, like doors in reality that just periodically open up and suck anything nearby in, potentially destroying the souls of wandering creatures or nearby humans.
The Gray Knights could kill everything lesser than the watchers and the House of Silence.
The Powers Of Night permeate the entire universe, eating away at literally everything down to the very last stars. In fact, humanity used to be a spacefaring Civ if we're going by the expanded universe stuff, with the capacity to bridge lightyears with ease and discover uncharted worlds, but they still found barely any life beyond themselves throughout the cosmos. And then, slowly but surely, they started uncovering the corpses and ruins of countless civilizations before them, all devoured with no survivors. And then the first Pneumavores started showing up around this time period, who in turn signalled their progenitors, the great 'Dragons' who proceeded to devour the Sun and every other surrounding star. Even with this, humanity still trudged on, still tried desperately to cling to life.
And then the Parablima collapsed.
>It's a darkness that exists because there is a lack of light (the sun).
In the original novel yes because in 1912 it was thought the sun would burnout in a few million years.
>Or does this cosmic horror permeate some kind of super darkness that devours light?
Yes in work by later authors who had access to modern science.
No the grate ravine opened before the forces of darkness came in to the world. They arrived at the end of the Road Builders civilization who's road can be seen from the Last Redoubt. I'm I the only one in this thread to have read The Nightland?
I read it pretty recently I honestly just have a hard time placing the exact order because of the way he wrote it, I loved the way it was written but he could have written "as I have told you" about 500 less times.
Try the LibriVov audio book
And this is the best timeline for the history of the Nightlands
"This is a possible timeline for William Hope Hodgson's weird fiction, and for stories published on this site. Note that none of it is carved in stone — not all stories on the site agree with each other. They may not agree with this timeline. Also, please note that the story positions on the timeline are only approximate.
Please note further that Mr. Hodgson never wrote anything about space travel in any of his speculative fiction. Some stories on this site assume that Man achieved interstellar flight, encountered Great Monsters in space, and was eventually driven back to Earth. But stories in which Man never left the Solar System could also fit Mr. Hodgson's milieu"
This is why no one likes you, Veeky Forums
Isn't it dwemer weapon from TES?
Who are the Watcher's and wtf is Earth-Current?
Geothermal energy
(gentle reminder that this book is based on outdated theories regarding the sun running out of gas)
Now I want pizza.
More like
What's so bad about the retold version?
Only a pleb would get butthurt about this, user. You're not a pleb, are you?
The prose is an important part of any novel. This book, in particular, is told the way it is for a reason. Changing the prose to make it """more readable""" only makes it more difficult to read it as it is supposed to be read, meaning you'll miss out on the author's desired emotion and muh themes. Plus, the retold version is not only not the original, but it's just straight up mediocre on its own merits.
And it's not like you're pressed for time, or anything. It's better to work your way up to more difficult prose (and give this book a miss, for now) than it is to read this book "translated".
I don't think it's really all that hard, though; I'd recommend anyone wanting to read it should at least give it a proper go, before giving up.
This shakespeare is harder to read anyone who graduated from a high school out side of U.S. can read The Nightland.
That's true back in 40kU as well, though...
Man that line of thinking is how my grandparents fucked up my parents for life. Bohemia is dead my dude.
Get off the Internet, Silent Ones.
They aren't that prone to it though, are they? Seeing as fucking billions of ships use them constantly millenia after millenia and reliably enough to keep a galaxy spanning empire functioning. The least logical consideration of the scope of the Imperium shows that it is vastly beyond any rival in power and the navy is by far it's strongest asset, only forced chaos fanwank could make it seem precarious.
>They aren't that prone to it though, are they?
Well it's as you said, depends on the amount of forced Chaos wank being pushed in any one depiction. Though, it's not like it truly matters here, because if the Forces Of Light and God Itself can't stand against the Ulterior Powers, I doubt a little ship cloaked in the bare remnants of a dying cosmos would fare any better.
Fuck, I wanted to read this for so long.
Thanks for reminding me.
>that cover
I really wish there was another cover art for this retelling of the story.
>the artist
Get a load of this fag. Bet you have a real high opinion of yourself
And that's the point. Inevitability. It's not a question of "whether", it's a question of "when".
Come back when your posts have basic punctuation.
The world seriously needs more Night Land art. Especially of the monsters.
I suspect the trouble is a lot of people can't get past the original prose. Mind you, I certainly understand the sentiment. Almost every sentence starting with "And then" doesn't help.
Been reading the retold version, just got up to The Yellow Beast. Anyone got a pic of that? Actually has a fairly complete description;
>"Slowly, ponderously, a Yellow Beast, like a living hill, lifted itself off the ground, sending sand sifting downward. It had a segmented body made up of three sections, the back two rounded like those of an ant, the front elongated, giving the impression of a broad, blockish chest. Its face was like that of a horse, but with wide jaws and the heavy tusks of a boar. As it rose, it unfurled dozens of clawed tentacles. "
>"Its whole form was covered with huge, spiny hairs so sharp they would have cut me to pieces if not for my metal plating. Poison oozed from the spines in huge, shiny drops, venom so lethal its stench burned my nose and throat"
I do like a good mish-mash of forms monster. That way you know it's proper monstrous and not just some animal. And this is full of them as well as incomprehensible evil intelligences.
>read an easier (but still good) book
You mean like "A Story Retold" by Stoddard?
I read the abridged version, and I plan on starting the original in the next month or so, when I'll have more time. Comparing writing styles from different eras and cultures is how one develops the ability to appreciate literature. Doing this with two versions of the same story sounds like a no-brainer.
How long do you think until we get a film?
Never, hopefully.
Blessed digits gives us hope this will be true
It's too esoteric. Also NO. Hollywood ruins a lot of fucking books. (*cough* Dark Tower *cough*)