Could you survive that?
Could you survive that?
In reality probably not, otherwise it depends on the setting. A better question would be what is the minimum amount of magic, super tech, etc necessary to survive this
Survive being killed? Probably not.
Depends on how long you spend up there. Broken arms and legs won't kill you, but exposure and dehydration will still end you sooner or later. If you're taken down soon enough you could definitely survive it.
It's done to kill you, so no.
>implying I'm not posting from a wheel
>based wheelposter.
Having your legs and arms broken in that manner and in that severity while awake would most certainly kill you.
I am still traumatized by Dark Souls.
Yeah, that amount of internal damage is likely to send someone into hypovolemic shock pretty quickly.
are you?
>Four broken limbs
Yeah, if you get medical attention right quick you might even be able to move normally assuming the bones are set properly.
You'll be in a full body cast for about a year, but it is possible to survive that.
The death comes from exposure and/or marrow bleeding into the bloodstream, infection, bleeding out, etc.
This guy gets it. It is meant as an execution, a punishment, and a message.
there's no trauma the fine waifus can't cure
Not to mention the executioner usually slams the wheel on your chest to break the rib cage and what not. So Maybe with modern medicine if reached fast enough, but for dark age folks its death.
she could train her speech a bit then.
>Friendly public service announcement from the church
>"Being a heretic still sucks"
>silent for the entire game
>tell you you're an idiot when you restore her speech
>literally tells you to kill yourself at the end of the game
And this is supposed to be a waifu? Toulouse did nothing wrong.
Choose death. A lifetime of living with fucked ribs and coughing up blood for no reason let alone when you try being the slightest bit active sucks to shit and back.
I see you're a man of culture as well, or you just enjoy realistic women being portrayed.
Depends, how high is that, and what prizes are on top?
it's a ez game with ez enemies.
stop being a stupid millennial "this is hard woe is me!" snowflake you nonce.
>Infinite respawns
>Infinite grinding if shit is too hard
>If you can't learn, it's just beating your head against a wall till you win
Sure it's tough, and frustrating, but it's not traumatizing
You mean chilling on a comfy wagonwheel chair, suspended specifically for better birdwatching? Hell yea
I mean look at those fellows faces, they're having a great fucking time!
The point of being broken on a wheel is that it usually sends the victims into shock, which causes them to go into a coma and their body shuts down.
Conan didn't survive that. His revival came at the cost of Valeria's (or whatever her name was) life.
She was doing fine until Darth Vader shot her with a magical snake arrow.
Could you survive that?
Did he attack the bird just so it wouldn't be picking at him, or so he could drink it's blood as some sort of hydration?
i'm gonna say yes, if you had the willpower. problem is, you're really not doing anything after going through that anyways.
Generally they also crushed your ribcage in the process, which probably drove a couple of ribs into the major organs, so no.
He absolutely survived it in the books. A desert bandit comes by and yanks out the spikes in his hands and feet, puts him on a horse, and tells him that if he is strong, he will survive the trek through the desert back to their camp. He does.
He also has his revenge.
Actually, think I might be misremembering. All they do is push the crux over. Conan himself has to yank his hands free and then extract the spikes. They also don't give him any water, though.
I never knew there was a sewer section, or any bonewheels in that level until meme images like this.
oh, silly boy, they're not dead yet.
Their limbs have been broken and tied to a wheel and hoisted up on a pole for crows to pick at.
The crows won't kill them, although they'll probably get the eyes.
If the fractures are compound, and while they certainly look twisty enough to warrant that, it depends on how it's done. With enough breaks, that could all stay internal. And that's important because any breakage of the skin will result in infection, which could very well kill you given a few days.
The thing what will kill these people though is likely dehydration, unless it rains. Even then, dehydration is likely to get them before they starve to death. You need a lot of water and the typical person can go 3 weeks without food. Fatties can go even longer, apparently, but 3 months and you're facing scurvy.
not if it's done properly
(note that beheading as seen in this pic was usually not done since the point is that the criminal should suffer until death)
Actually the punishment was cruel and unusual even by the standards of its time and most criminals were pardoned to get a quick death before they were put on the wheel for show.
They yank out the spikes in his hands, but he yanks out the spikes in his feet. You are right about the no water though.It is made quite clear that only Conan could survive something like that.
yes that's true, but then I wouldn't strictly speaking consider it the same execution method. Actually being put to death by a breaking wheel would be much rarer than being made a example after death.
Kill the bird. The scene is based on one of Howard's short stories, 'A Witch Shall be Born,' where Conan gets caught up in the middle of a coup and his replacement captain nails him to a tree where a flock of vultures hangs around for fresh meat. Conan kills the first bird that gets near him the same way the movie depicts, and that scares the rest of the birds from trying anything while he's still conscious.
Conan first movie gets a lot of bad wrap for being such a solid 80s fantasy action movie, but it does honor a lot of cool shit he pulls in Howard's book. Conan does slay giant serpents at least twice, punches people so hard he breaks their neck, and is in every form of naked to armored depending on how poor he is/what situation he's getting into. Half naked Schwarzenegger is more faithful than people give credit for, and while he doesn't have blue eyes or black bowl cut hair, he does have the facial expressions and physical presence to portray Conan
Me or my character you stupid faggot
i molest prettybois all the time
Isn't it stupidly obvious you would die of starvation/dehydration?
I mean, when somebody snaps all your limbs around a wheel, even if you somehow don't bleed out from compound fractures or just go into a crazy high level of shock that fries you, it's not likely they're gonna feed and house you afterwards.
I remeber this cute device from my literature class. Top epic poem in my language features it a lot in very graphic detail.
ITT: Veeky Forums talking out of its ass again.
German historic sources claim that the executioners took care to not kill the convict. In fact the main purpose of this sentence was to maim you as painfully as possible so usually they would start with his legs.
The law also dictated - tho that varies from placer to place - how heavy the wheel to break your limbs with was supposed to be, and how many hits the executioners was supposed to use to break the convicts limbs. Sometimes they would use specially sharp-edged wooden stakes that would be place under your joints before he would hit you with the wheel as to make them break easier.
After that your limbs were kinda tied around the wheel and very rarely the executioner would be instructed to mercy-kill you at this point. Some reports also tell of pyres being made under the wheel once the convict and wheel were erected.
The most interesting part is that if you actually managed to crawl off the wheel it was considered to be a miracle and a mercy from god almighty himself; You were then pardoned and the suffered wounds treated.
>The most interesting part is that if you actually managed to crawl off the wheel
Isn't that physically impossible?
It would take an insane amount of willpower and the shock would probably kill most outright, and put the rest into a shock coma.
But I'm sure one or two people in history who didn't get their limbs properly broken managed to crawl off.
In all of this, there's one thing - just one - that makes me truly awestruck
Why the hell wheels? What drove someone to just up and say "Know what would be a good torture instrument? A fucking wheel."
As opposed to using literally anything else. You could be just beating the guy with a heavy club or a hammer if you wanted to break joints, and it would probably be just as painful to the punished, and easier for the executioner himself. Did they use broken wheels for that purpose, so they wouldn't go to waste or what?
Superior German engineering.
This is just how they roll.
in real life people were typically killed with a final blow to the chest before the wheel was hoisted
I wouldn't say willpower as much a strangely-wired brain.
Well they have a lot of wheels at that time. Someone just put the two together and thought it was perfect. It does create a very horrific image.
oooooh big man you
I wouldn't say it's "ez", but it's certainly isn't as hard as people make it out to be.
>Hans, we need a new form of torture, we're running out of crosses and the clergy thought it's blasphemous
>Don't ask me, I'm just a wheelmaker- wait a minute... I'll be right back!
i keked