This set is going to be nothing but slivers and over-costed removal and you know it.
This set is going to be nothing but slivers and over-costed removal and you know it
everyone keeps hyping it like it's going to be some godsend gift to man. they actually think cards like counterspell and bolt are going to be in this
I’m not even expecting the slivers, they’re too fun for Wizards to dare to make em these days. Just overcosted removal and joyless Limited creatures with mildly increment abilities that grind out the battlefield well.
Slivers present too much board buffing to be balanced relative to how present creatures work where they maybe buff another bloke on board once when they etb and have such carefully calculated p/t so that combat is as mind-wrackingly hellish as possible. Slivers mess this sort of Limited Magic up so there’s no way we’re gonna see Slivers unless they become an “etb buff until end of term” tribe which at that point, why even call them slivers?
Slivers were so popular they did them two core sets in a fucking row, one of which they brought them back as an entire "returning mechanic", then followed up in another set where for the first time they returned them AND another mechanic. Slivers were developable enough for TWO FUCKING MODERN CORESETS IN A ROW.
By the previous team sure. You look at the uninspired, grindy cards the current team loves churning out and you tell me we even have a Sliver of a chance of seeing anything as interesting as slivers. They couldn’t even make Merfolk fun.
If it actually has good flavor it can be Homelands tier in terms of powerlevel for all I care. There hasn't been a single piece of worthwhile fluff or setting for over a decade. I feel like a man dying of thirst on an ocean of piss. Just give me SOMETHING worth reading so I can have characters I give a fuck about doing cool things outside of EDH.
As someone who plays Slivers in Modern, I'm incredibly excited
They made Jadelight Ranger though.
>As someone who plays Slivers in Modern
Show me your list, I've got a ton of Slivers and I never considered doing this.
>we get compleated Slivers
That's not possible though, Phyrexia is dead and nuPhyrexia just makes gay WoW-style "corrupted" mutants.
They are going for "nostalgia" with this set. Its basically going to be Time Spiral 2.0 without the newbie-hating suspend mechanic.
>They are going for "nostalgia" with this set. Its basically going to be Time Spiral 2.0 without the newbie-hating suspend mechanic.
And with everyone's favorite gang of Poochies quipping at each other and making everything about them.
>Cheap Multi-format removal
>Something gets banned/restricted in all formats
Screencap this
>doesn't want slivers
wow, what it's like to be a fag?
tfw not in the great designer search just so i can use this as my image
I mean, Richard Garfield is back as Lead Designer on the set. I think it had the potential to be the best set in the last 5 years easy.
As long as we get actual slivers instead of the shits that became slivers because the playtesters kept calling em that, I will gladly have a set that has 7 mana for 3 damage to one creature spells in it
>playing mtg
I would literally kill anyone MaRo named if he guaranteed phasing would come back to Standard.