Your character is forced into leather armor and gets told to steal the crown jewels. How do they manage it?
Your character is forced into leather armor and gets told to steal the crown jewels. How do they manage it?
He's a 6 ft 300lb clockwork robot priest, so he either steamrolls or gets steamrolled
they're already the queen, so pretty easily
>mfw the party stole the Jewel of Yavin once before
>mfw the stealthiest character of the group is my gunner because he has the highest agility
Looks like we got another heist to plan, boys
>leather armor
Not much of a downgrade from the non-magic studded leather she normally wears anyway.
In any event, Iliira steals them easily, given that she's a 16th level Thief with 20 Dexterity, Expertise and proficiency in Stealth and Sleight of Hand (and Thieves' Tools), and Reliable Talent meaning that she literally can't roll less than a 25 on Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks.
It is not a metaphor to state the owls can't fly and rats can't scurry quieter than Iliira can move when she wants to be quiet.
by getting out of the BDSM leather gear and going plainclothes
Knowing how things usually work out for my PC with my last DM?
Said armor is a gimp suit and he ends up being the fuckboi to either the queen or the princess
Is that your art, user?
someone knows nothing about bowstring placement
No, I requested it in a draw thread a few years ago. And yes, I know about the bow string problem, although I didn't notice it until long after I got it (I was too jazzed at getting such awesome art of the character to sweat the small stuff). Someone later made a colored version for their own character (without my knowledge, but I don't mind at all) that correct the bow string, but I prefer the look of the original even though it's not really possible to tell that she's supposed to be a drow.
And also the scarf isn't supposed to be red, but whatever.
On a related note, I do find it funny that the colored version (that, again, I didn't know was made), which made her scarf red, matches a /co/ drawthread request I made years ago for a "heroic" Catwoman that prominently featured a red scarf.
I was in the thread where your request got filled and always thought it was a great piece
I don't mind admitting that Iliira is a character that, at the time, I'd had in my head for like 15 years. She's basically my default D&D character, but I have what art teachers refer to as "stupid fingers" so I've never been able to draw her.
So to finally be able to have her visually represented to my satisfaction - Hell, way beyond that - is awesome beyond words, even years later.
Well I'm a mesmerist
So, there's that.
It's always been my crown. Everyone knows it. Me. The Queen's Guard. The queen. The employer.
Infact I am the queen. This campaign soon becomes kingQUEENmaker. And we make it through the campaign by turning all the nobility into a cult of me.
I dont see why i had to dress so formally for a simple snatch and grab.
He switches back into his dress Full Field Plate (enchanted out the ass, of course), strolls right in the front door of the Imperial Palace, greets the Empress' bodyguard with a polite "Morning", and tells the Empress herself about the heist, while his turbo-stealther Dark Fairy Familiar trails the criminals back to their base. Depending on how the Empress wants this dealt with, either he's teleporting himself and a few members of the Hand of the Empress to the criminal's hideout, or he's letting the fairy go full Predator on them. Either way, it won't be pretty.
She takes off the leather armor, changes into one of her fancy dresses, and goes to seduce the prince of the kingdom at a fancy evening event.
After a few weeks as the prince's lover, the palace guards should all be accustomed to seeing her hanging around in the palace, and they won't be the least bit suspicious of her coming and going late at night. Then she steals the jewels and just walks out like it's nothing.
As for the leather armor, she keeps that for the bedroom, because that shit sounds kinky as fuck.
As armor goes, this doesn't seem conducive to sneaking.
Isn't that the plot to some trap based erotica?
I ask if I can borrow them and assure them I'll have them back by Monday.
Tried this on my friend it works!
mind control the crown princess during her public address, convince her to marry me
in time, become king and "steal" crown jewels from rightful heir has other perks, as well
Well I was told to bring this idiot Haydrin? Up the tower and on our trip there we got in trouble because before we left I kind of stabbed a noble the idiot was threatened by. So I ended up doing it alone, but then the guy that hired me said he only wanted to borrow it and this time to bring the naive fool with me. After putting it back we got caught nearly died and ended up in the whole house of the Love of my life.
In the whore house
Shiny latex catsuits or no steal deal.
How would real world people react to a mind controller of incredible power that they can't really kill?
However he desires them to, if he's any good at it.
Very sexily.
This. Shiny leather catsuits are a reasonable compromise for fantasy settings.
Airstrike with orbital support on the people in question, Stormtrooper contingent to secure the location and take prisoners for Security interrogation, save leather outfit for shore leave.
>High Elf Rogue
Oh well this is going to be easy
>Level 1
On the other hand...
Tiefling rogue, okay... level 2, not so great... the land is ruled by the Black Soveriegn, a technomagical cyborg hopped up on either combat drugs or more pleasurable ones amid his slave harems, all to kerp him complacent with the eill of the true rulers, an amoral council of depraved wizards... yeah fuck that, ask again in seventeen levels.
>Your character gets turned into a girl and then forced into wearing leather armor
>it's the slutty kind of armor
my kinda campaign
>Leather armor
My berserker tears off the top and charges into the castle. Either he gets the jewels the fun way or he dies. Forcing him to do so I'd pointless because he would have done it if you told him he dosen't have the balls to.
But why?
He uses skinsend to steal the jewels, and then plots a revenge on the party that made him do things that were not his plan.
Pen slipped
>studded leather
Sell armor for cozy cloth
>forced in to leather
Go on
Well, she can teleport and is pretty handy with illusions, so she can probably sneak past any guards. Depends on what kind of magical defences they have, though.
>Your character is forced into leather armor and gets told
Uhm.... I think my character would be very aroused at that moment, from being forced into a leather outfit and being told what to do, and would possibly try to coyly prod the person doing the forcing into doing more of that in a private location.
Why are you like this?
I made a Designated Omega character okay....
My character is a level 14 Assassin/Battlemaster with an effectve stealth score of +16. On the other hand he would not antagonize the crown just because he was told to do so. Even if the pay was really good he would be hesitant to take such a job. And if they'd try to coerce him he'd do his best to fuck them over for that.
It's time to bargain with the rulers and buy the jewels. Finally a problem that can be solved by just throwing money at it.
>forced into leather
>told to steal
I'm taking those jewels in style
He breaks the neck of whomever did it. That's the nice thing about being a Paladin: you don't have to put up with any shit.
>That's the nice thing about being a Paladin: you don't have to put up with any shit.
You actually have to put up with all of the shit and try to teach them to not be shit anymore because you are convinced everyone can be redeemed to a not-shit state.
If you're Oath of Redemption, sure. Oath of Devotion? Nope. If my dude is here getting stripped and forced to commit crimes, his party is off somewhere else without their primary healtank. He's gonna cut bitches then get out of there as fast as he can.
My current character is a 10-foot tall bear man with a sentient shark head grafted onto his torso.
He'd probably try to disguise himself as a door-to-door gem polisher.
Whats the sharks name?
The shark's name is Finnigan. The bear's name is Jebeardiah. needless to say, it's not a terribly serious campaign
Gamma World?
we're using the star wars rpg system, but it's home brewed to be more of a fallout-style setting. We mostly just role-play
I didn't ask about your stupid bear. I only care about Finnigan.
no need to be rude
Kozak the dwarf finds the leather brassiere uncomfortable and unnecessary, but he is no stranger to thievery.
He spends several hours past midnight climbing the castle walls and rappelling down to nab the jewels, only to critically fail, smash into the glass display case, and wake everyone in the castle.
And then he has to murder his way out.
Like always.
Horribly. Neither the sneaking type nor the stealing type.
She would try to get them to be friends and share the jewels.
Smash and grab. My characters are not very good at planning things. So the whole affair is improvised. At best he looks for a place to hide until after closing.
At worst he bum rushes the case the jewels are behind and we have to hope he can take everything.
In their most intelligent moments, they might try to memorize guard schedules or get a job as a guard for the jewels.
Well he'd start by taking off the leather "armor" and changing into something more appropriate.
>human Swashbuckler
k, so depending on the type of leather armour he's forced into, one or the other types of crown jewels is gonna get palmed, let me tell you.
>seduce the king
>castrate him
>The shark's name is Finnigan.
>The bear's name is Jebeardiah
Depends on the crown, the setting, and the character. Shi, how long haven't I played...
> Malkavian
He will look very sexy in that sort of leather armor and probably make all guards do retarded stuff, perhaps get caught red-handed. Or just leave with Her Majesty's jewels leaving the poor granny and all the Scotland Yard puzzled.
> Elf ranger
Have bad feeling about it. Investigate, learn why they want those royal jewels. Then either steal them and get his share, or warn the king and keep the armor. Also, retrieve my elven cloak or buy a new one.
> Boogeyman
Jewels get stolen, guards get spooked, no-one dare force me so the quest giver also gets stolen and spooked.
> Troll smith
He starts a riot, the riot turns into a revolution, the palace gets burned down, he retrieves the jewels from the burning palace.
Free armor! Whoo!
I don't manage shit. I'll critical fucking fumble step one and get us all killed.
First off, the leather armor has to go. Secondly, he'll write up specific contracts, documentation, liens, practically any trick in his bureaucratic books and weaves such a network of red tape the only way the kingdom can keep the crown jewels legally is by either giving the entire kingdom over to him or declare a land war with Asia.
sounds like one of those bullshit characters whose players are unable to describe the actions of because describing those actions would show them not working
It's one of those "everything is a class" settings, my character's a bureaucrat, specificly the Census Official class, put every point into legal knowledge.
He's specifically made to find loopholes, and i've managed to argue a case against some trickier devil contracts remaining valid.
But yeah, since only one of the group is a lawyer by trade, a lot of it runs on prime time courtroom drama logic.
courtroom drama campaigns are pure kino
Funny enough, the campaign's less courtroom drama and more high fantasy slice of life interrupted by seinen-tier dramatic fight scenes.
The last time i had any use for all that law knowledge was convincing a mad scientist that his audioavionic technology was not only in breach of several OSHA regulations, but also made me fully permitted to serve him a lawsuit for all the noise complaints he attracted.
Yeah, it's that kind of game.
Meh he is shit at sneak but his Jokaero made plasma pistol can probably blow up any defense.
>jizz in open eye
Screaming will begin momentarily, put your earpro in now.
>forced into leather armor
marginal downgrade from flak
>how do they manage stealing the crown jewels?
take control of the 5,500 Kriegers he is able to with his Fellowship and talents and forcibly take the crown jewels
that character design is perfect
would steal anything for her
>reincarnating swordmaster
Step 1: Acquire sword
Step 2: Blade Mode through walls, people, golems, and the display case
Step 3: Grab the jewelry and leave.
>The Ugliest Mutant
Ask the person who forced him into armor why he felt it necessary to reveal his loathsome form. Then, use his Stretch Armstrong arms to climb every wall, cling to ceilings, and choke people out from long distances. If he gets caught, he belches up a cloud of smoke and leaves a fake corpse behind.
>Ancient Reverse Revenant
Probably can't do it on her own. Cuts through a few waves of guards before being overwhelmed.
>The Sorcerous Eldritch Parrot
Flies directly into the Queen's window. Sits at the foot of her bed doing cute bird things until she adopts him. One day when she's wearing the jewels, he snatches them off of her, switches places with a Thing That Should Not Be, and pierces through realities to return home.
>gets forced into leather "armor"
I roll to attack the GM.
>The Scariest Lady
She walks in and takes the jewels. Everyone in the castle is either curled up in the fetal position, or catatonic. The kingdom falls into ruin as she returns to kill everyone who saw her, including the royal family.
>The Everywoman
Pays one of the servants a large sum of money to move to a far-off country. Flawlessly takes her place. Maps out the palace over the course of several weeks. Breaches the vault with a thermite charge, grabs the jewels, and chameleon-melds with the ceiling. Remains perfectly still until the guards believe the perpetrators has escaped. Becomes a fruit fly, leaves.
>The Auld Man
Threatens the royal family with documents that would sufficiently prove their lack of royal blood, regardless of the purity of their line. They hand him the royal jewels.
As a fighter, sneak a small group of men in guard uniform into the palace after paying off some kitchen stewards. Have a fire set in a different area of the castle and rush the jewels in the confusion.
If its just the jewels they want, then break them off and carve the crown up and each man take a different route out of the Palace to meet up later on.
My character decks whoever dressed her up into this shit into schnoz and then runs off to sell AUTHENIC FUCKING LEATHER HOLY SHIT THAT"S AT LEAST TWO MONTHS OF RENT