>No pvp allowed
>character just keeps fucking testing you
what are some non-violent ways to respond?
No pvp allowed
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb frogposter
>no player versus player allowed
Character versus Character them.
Chloroform and Rape. It's not violent if they don't resist.
Stop taking an [s4s] shitpost "meme" seriously
Scream your head off at them. It's worked for me in real life before
Get annoying PC so drunk he passes out. Drag him to abandoned house. Kidnap nobleman's daughter. Place tied up, blindfolded duaghter daughter in abandoned house with unconscious jerk. Alert the authorities.
Say goodbye to dickass-thief character. (And possibly your friendship)
when I try to argue everyone's just like "why are we arguing about this lets get on with the game" and we never resolve anything
pc doesn't drink
I'd not have the problem because I'm not frogposting.
list of greivances:
>when I try to get the party to be sneaky he plays his bard instruments as loud as possible
>convincing npcs not to trust me
>when I got in a tavern fight with a dragonborn (he is a dragonborn) he joins them against me and beats my character up
>he colludes with said dragonborn to go into my room at night, steal my shoes, destroy them and throw them in my face in the morning
>convinces the tavernkeep that I destroyed the lock on my door an am to pay for it
>pays half-orc bouncer to beat my PC up for the lols
>when I put money and effort into setting up a mark to steal from in a tavern, he deliberately tells them to watch out for me ruining the chance to steal anything
>threatens to tell the guards of my criminal activities
>doesn't share the stuff he's looted despite me sharing everything I've looted the whole game
They probably detected your awful personhood, and are responding appropriately.
Pay an assassin to kill them.
>pc doesn't drink
Then drug him. Leave some illicit drugs around for the city watch to find, too. Clearly he led a double life, and made some bad decisions while under the influence.
Talk to them like an adult if you're not a piece of shit
He's a frogposter, though. That's why I just went straight to the kidnapping plan.
Spike his food with laxatives.
>>when I got in a tavern fight with a dragonborn (he is a dragonborn) he joins them against me and beats my character up
I thought there was no pvp?
That sounds hilarious
Better accept your place as bottom bitch, it's better for everyone
Have you talked to your GM about this? Because that's some That Guy behavior.
The only time I've ever tolerated shit like that was when the targetted PC was also That Guy, and had persisted in dickish behavior despite being asked to cut it out. The "dose of his own medicine" solution actually helped.
>bottom bitch
Bottom bitch is the most important of a pimp's hos though.
kill yourself, frogposter
This. Kill his character and when the GM throws a bitchfit about PvP cite this.
Guess he doesn't like thieves.
He's a bard, though, his opinion is invalidated.
His GM might only allow nonlethal PVP.
In character pretend to cave in and do whatever they want. Then subtly begin sabotaging everything they do, that is of course, if you know how.
admittedly it's been fairly petty issues, I was never in any danger of dying or anything and we're talking about low levels of loot (a few hundred gp)
the thing that just annoys me so much is that I went online and specifically asked when the party started getting loot if I should share it out and everyone said to share it out and the "social contract" and shit, then he turns round and doesn't share when he gets loot
It makes my blood boil when I'm presented as the bad guy as well
>had a guy like this doing the same shit to a player in my group
>dude cucks player
>kick the dude out
>game improves at least three times over
>other dude actually enjoys it more too after about a week of being slightly disappointed
Not sharing loot doesn't sound petty, if they made such a big deal about it. Ask the GM "hey, how come $bard isn't sharing his loot? I thought you said we were supposed to share everything."
Like ask for clarification on whether it's only certain things you're required to share, and other stuff you don't. Maybe don't even mention the bard at first, but then when pressed, use him keeping that loot as an example. See what the GM does.
I've non-fatally poisoned probably a dozen people I play tabletop with to make them fuck off. It is much easier than fantasy fiction makes it sound. Nobody in this day and age legitimately suspects another person of poisoning their enemy, much less takes any precautions against it.
If someone gets medically significant bowel cramps twice in a week they will probably drop out of the group for what they consider unrelated reasons.
Industrial products not meant for household use are the best option since they are less likely to have consumer protections. Lots of stuff that is really awful for you dosen't have any real particular odor and flavor that is mild enough to be "edible" mixed into other things. Also if they are a needle user you can just hotshot them and nobody will care.
the DM leaves it up to us it was more like an unspoken rule, the other player didn't even bother looting until he saw a very powerful magic item he decided he had to save up for
Damn user, that is devilish as fuck
>I DM for another DM
>Player applying to his group is an edgelord piece of shit
>DM specifically said no Evil characters, he shows up with CE Maximum the Over-Edge
>Doesn't even get the math right
>Continues bothering friend
>Okay maybe he'll back down or figure out he's being a dumbass
>No, everything he says makes him look worse
>Everyone is basically trying not to outright mock the guy
>He keeps pushing his shitty-ass character and asking for exceptions from DM
>Shut the fuck down by FLGS owner
It's good to be alive.
>reverse pickpocket contraband onto him and alert the authorities
>spike his water/food and get creative
>pay prostitute to catfish him and then publicly humiliate him
>if he plays a horn, shit in it
>the DM leaves it up to us it was more like an unspoken rule, the other player didn't even bother looting until he saw a very powerful magic item he decided he had to save up for
In that case, maybe talk to the other players, ask them if it seems to them like he's singling you out or what. It's possible they've noticed, or been harassed by him in the past, and if so, they may be down for fucking with him.
everyone else just wants to keep the party peace and move along to the next combat
hahaha what the fuck
too much internet today, im out
What is your problem? Pepe has been a staple on Veeky Forums from dang near the beginning.
If you don't like him, go to Reddit or something.
Talk out of character to him, very seriously. If he keeps it up, as DM permission to attack him.
Everyone list your kills.
>arrive in town
>rogue and puppet master wander off into the slums
>starts murdering old ladies for no reason
>metagame the fuck out of the situation, and volunteer to check on them as soon as the DM allows
>bring a fighter buddy along
>murder them in the streets and dump their bodies in the bay
He wanted more corpses to puppet or some dumb shit.
>another time
>some friend's autist """friend""" joins for one session
>says he's going to kill said friend's character for a meme
>they wander off
>metagame again and show up as soon as I can
>attempts to roleplay the wool over my character's eyes
>simply kill him and dump him in a river
If the DM can't keep control then I guess I simply metagame everything to hell and deal with them.
Tell us more
Is it PvP to set up a ludicrous amount of traps around and inside your camp for protection and then simply forget to tell them about them?
First, you privately booby trap each and every piece of equipment or loot your character has. Play this up in character as just being extremely possessive of what is "MINE." Think like Gollum, but without a split personality and about 93% less insane. Just, crazy enough to be the kind of psychotically possessive type who booby traps things.
Then, you "heroically" do things to make your character look self sacrificing and noble. Putting yourself in risky near lethal situations, but always surviving and endearing yourself to the rest of the group. Actively do things to make the other characters love yours- but treat his like shit. Then... you wait.
I don't even know how to respond to that. Thanks? I guess?
You wouldn't happen to have a recipe for a certain "Cosmic Brownie Shake," would you?
>No pvp allowed
I’d quit the game right there. The GM shouldn’t be able to dictate what PCs are and aren’t allowed to do. He can only decide the consequences.
Ask for 1 minute of prep time, cast Leomund's Tiny Hut, wait for their testing hope there's no dispell.
>Pepe has been a staple on Veeky Forums from dang near the beginning.
Ruined by /r9k/. In any case hostility to stale memes has been a staple on Veeky Forums since the very beginning anyway.
Beat up the dude playing the character
1. Why is he still in your party? You should have kicked him out at least 9 times by now.
2. Why is he still alive? You should have lured him into the ambush and sneaked away when he tries to be loud.
3. Why is he still free? You should have got him imprisoned for theft, slander, and battery.
Hostility to Pepe is a sign of being a Hillary faggot. You're not a Hillary faggot, are you user?
Still better than a frogposter
PvP just leads to animosity or ruined friendships. I honestly haven't had a single game where PvP broke out and nobody took it personally.
I've seen players make a new character designed to kill the character that fucked them over, pretend to be 'over it,' and have dozens of sessions in preparation for the perfect time and reasoning to get away with the murder.
have your character rape theirs
pepe was ruined by /pol/ and t_D immigrants more so than /r9k/
It was killed by /r9k/, everything else has just been desecrating the corpse.
>Scream your head off at them. It's worked for me in real life before
You sound like That Guy.
Why does this post remind me so much of this article?
>player is a massive SJW playing a flamboyantly flamboyant Faelock who reads like an ERP character
>uses her PC's high Charisma to try to push for gay marriage to be legalized, for the king's lesbian daughter who joined the clergy to become the new queen after the king's death instead of her kid brother
>tries to marry the lesbian nun princess
>my Eldritch Knight murders them both in their sleep and saves the kingdom from being ~glitterified~
Absolutely wrong. Frogposters are heroes who saved America.
Keep crying liberal bitch boy~
Why don't you just write letters to Penthouse instead of writing weird revenge porn stories on Veeky Forums about things that never happened
>waaah nobody can oppose my ideology!
Fags should be dragged.
I feel you user. I've got a fucking Mind-rapey tiefling in my party. Any situation comes up and his solution?
"I cast charm person"
This after I rolled a LG cleric and, if we're being honest I'm actually a bit bothered at the idea of charms- moreso since the first thing he did was blow two spell slots stealing someone's room and date raping a gnome. Honestly the only solution that comes to mind is to make your own disruptive as fuck character- I did it and now everyone dreads having to do anything when my ranger comes to play
You seem normal.
3rd worst green text about gay marriage campaign that didn't actually happen ive read.
>Poisoning people you don't want to play with.
Now there's the old Veeky Forums like we used to have!
For OP, I'd say don't play with children, but if that's not possible, what does no PvP mean?
Can you set lethal traps for other players? Disrupt normal play, don't do anyhting except fuck with the other player, until the GM has no course than stop the shit playing, as no other kind of play gets done.
t. Lich
So, you're into drag queens?
Cutting off someone's dick is not lethal, right?
Yes, Ramsay.
kiss him
Is this the best you can do?
Waste of double doubles.
you seem confused
why did i bother to read this
why did you bother to post this
pepe is like a reddit posterboy, man
Maybe to newfriends like you who have only entered the culture recently and don't understand what you're seeing
This seems more an issue with the player than the characters. Talk with the GM. If the behavior persists and the GM does nothing, assert yourself or find another group.
> assert him (and probably the GM too) to find another group
Fixed you FTGJ
This reminds me a group I was in. In two games we accomplished fuckall because one of the players only cared about his antics, like trying to fuck the mayor's wife or to make everyone hate our best NPC ally. The rest of the party either suffered through it or just went along. After sitting there for two nights, barely able to get in the conversation, I just quit.
Go back to your ghetto.
He must be accompanied by the libtard on this journey.
also this is you
you're one of those trump cultists aren't you
I see neogaf is still hanging around smelling of shit.
This /pol/fag is broken, bring the next one.
>Keep crying liberal bitch boy~
Trumplets and other /pol/acks are around as sensitive as any SJW things they complain about.
Look at all the complaints about trannies or whatever in M:TG. (as opposed to the complaints that wotc are greedy fuckers).
how about you fuck off to /pol/
can't we just all get along
fuck off
> Bringing up real life modern politics in the thread
> getting told to leave to /pol/
> how about you fuck off to /pol/
No, you.
Now this it the thread where a warp portal to is opening!
OP here, i usually browse /int/ the polfags aren't quite as reddit there, I shall refrain from frogposting on this board
>can't we just all get along
Sorry, but that's a liberal ideology.
Isn't a liberal ideology "who isn't with us is against us, and therefore must be purged"?
What's your relationship with this player out of game?
Pretty neutral, I find him a bit abrasive, loud and sometimes overly camp
That's more an extremist ideology.
The truth is that Individual Liberties are an important part of certain right-wing ideology, well at least in theory.
Like gun ownership, and freedom of speech. In some cases freedom from taxation.
The thing is that individual liberty also covers things like gay marriage, drug use, and religious liberty.
These are things that mainstream conservatives in the usa don't usually like.
stay there