what would be the ideal equipment for a dude who can hop dimensions?
What would be the ideal equipment for a dude who can hop dimensions?
Some sort of inter-dimensional GPS.
a towl, fake bobs and a sammich
Towel, definitely.
>fake bobs
I think you'll be able to tell right away.
>what would be the ideal equipment for a dude who can hop dimensions?
A trowel.
A small box powered by a potato.
old soviet survival kit for landed cosmonauts
>A towel
>Gear suited for various hazardous environments
>Rations for places where food may be hard to come by
>Portable light and power sources
>Bottled water and water purification tabs
Natural Immortality, still susceptible to physical or chemical harm.
How is Makarov with a single bullet gonna help there?
A lottery ticket.
A Ring of Adaptation.
A total lack of curiosity
A 10' pole.
High capacity low caliber rifle for hunting, water filters, gas mask, warm clothes, sun screen, water, hatchet, multipule fire starters, light strong armor, tent, toothbrushes, antibiotics, pain pills.
Glitter colored suicide pills
an hero
A police box.
An appetite for destruction
Add a knife. But yeah this.
Some sort of device that would give him an idea of the laws of physics in the place he's jumping to.
He'd have a very short career if he jumps to a place without magnetic fields or where thermodynamics behave differently and don't slowly trend towards entropy.
even something like gravity is an essential part of our survival, and in a place without matter collecting together there wouldn't be stars, so no heavy elements. Also without a breathable atmosphere he'd probably die pretty quickly.
my stepping brethren.
- magic bag of suitable currency so you don't end up paying for bread with denarii instead of yen.
- a motherfuckin horse
I see what you did there
This dude (pic related) in contact with him through holographic projections tuned into his brainwaves.
A towel, a guidebook, some beer and peanuts, and an emergency supply of tea leaves
An English flag
Though it really comes down to 2 things. What equipment does he have available to him, and where is he going?
And by equipment I mean magic/no magic, lots of money/no money. Any item/what an average peraon could buy
>How is Makarov with a single bullet gonna help there?
Cosmonaut survival supplies actually did include a firearm - a triple-barreled survival pistol in three different calibers. It was meant to fight off bears if the crewpod were to land in the woods (since everything east of Soviet launch sites was complete wilderness instead of ocean) but would probably also work for suicide and shooting at aliems
>Basic survival
An inflatable bubble tent
>Vacuum-proofed and inflated with a compressed air canister
>walls are solar panels
>condenser/recycler recaptures water from humidity/urine
>compressor allows for an oxygen-capturing depressurizing airlock
>genetically modified algae stock (kept in ventilated box) recycles air
A powerful scanning device/computer
>includes spectrometer/magnetometer/etc
>used to analyze atmospheric and soil conditions
>capable of analyzing foreign bacteria/microscopic life
>detects electronic communications
>capable of decoding arbitrary digital signals and automatically attempting to access wireless networks
>Social survival
A clothing printer
>assembles arbitrary costumes from stock textiles
>can copy paper currency
A self-teaching translation device
A 3d printer with rare metal stock
>print coins etc
>print various tools
A robot
>carries all this shit
>can be used for transport
spacesuit, towel.
Switch the rifle for a high pressure air rifle, air pump and bullet mold. You don't know when you're going to be able to resupply.
Something that ensures he doesn't end up in a dimension where the atmosphere is mostly ozone or the planet is superheated.
Cigarettes and instant ramen for barter.
You basically want to try and leave every dimension better off than you went in.
Start with, bare minimum, gasmask/scuba gear and some basic armor, weapons and survival gear.
Trade up to things like spacesuits or power armor. Power armor built for space is toptier.
Is magic a thing in some universes? Grab some kind of magic translator so you are not a babbling idiot and any ither utility items you can.
A well equipped, experienced dimension hopper should look like someone took some lig grade iron man armor and and bolted weird tech and magival gadngets to it, wearing an out of place looking tabard that gives him great buffs, carrying a dragonslayer spear with a P90 slung over his shoulder.
Portable quantum anchor or magical ward so you don't end up merging with your counterpart, personal timeline gets corrupted by multiple travel between dimensions or be absorbed into some eldritch abomination.
>what would be the ideal equipment for a dude who can hop dimensions?
A notebook and a pencil.
Portal gun, extra portal fluid, plumbus, anti-pickle serum.
That series went downhill fast without Terry really being aware enough to contribute
An american flag.
But seriously, some kind of armor or suit to resist different enviroments, food, a weapon most likely a gun or anything that shoots lasers and goes PEW PEW PEW, if the guy knows magic then even better, a lantern, a bag and maybe some first aid stuff
Five feet long black sword that consume the souls of you enemy and a lot of plot armor. The rest just happens