How much will this be worth (realistically) by the end of 2018?

How much will this be worth (realistically) by the end of 2018?


3 lambos


3 cents

you will get dumped on

request will be bankrupt by summer

1.5 18packs of Rolling Rock.


Fucking aussies, who gives a fuck bout them roos

this is a joke. the R is very different. The robinson R looks like someone accidentally cut off the R

LMAO its not even the same. AUSSIES BTFO

$10 would give it a marketcap of roughly $6.5 billion.

If the cryptomarkets don't grow in 2018, I'd expect $10 by EOY. If the cryptomarkets does grow by even half of what it did in 2017, I'd expect REQ to go even higher.

Hopefully? .25.
Realistically? .01.

They literally have no idea what they are doing. Their whitepaper is a simplified joke that has 0 concrete goals. Colossus was brought up and "completed" ahead of schedule because its pretty apparent they had no idea what they were doing and were going to just ride the ICO wave. When the coins were starting to balloon they actually started doing something by saying that the release of a mysterious project would be completed by Q4 that also ended up being nothing.

I sold off REQ @ .50 even though I figured they'd hit $1 by Q1 but I told myself I would only put a certain amount of money into this game and I wanted to invest in something that will actually succeed. It will hit $1 and I will still be happy that I made the profit I did (I bought in @ .07 just as the hype was building) without letting greed by my undoing.

Once it hits $1 I'd dump it quick. Or don't and cry when it plummets, your choice. H

at least someone is getting it

you are a literal retard

Great counterpoint. Don't heed my warning, but remember that no one likes going to a funeral to watch a man buried in a cardboard box.

I actually keked.

user we get it, it was decent FUD, not great tho - sounded big and scary but really didn't contain any actual reasons why REQ will fail other than you simply think the team is stupid

FUDing doesn't promote anything for me. I sincerely hope you faggots don't lose money on REQ and I'm wrong. I already sold my bags into something I actually believe in instead of jumping on the hype train so it doesn't affect me one way or the other. It was a warning because it will happen, even if they were to skyrocket to $10 tonight and dip to $1 tomorrow I would not buyback the coin.

The whitepaper is an absolute joke and the releases in line with the what was promised and how hype has affected the releases is incredibly fishy. Hype should play absolutely no role in whats being released.

I can sleep easier knowing I tried to warn you.


So what did you buy, oh wise whitepapersurfer

>inb4 ENG or XRB

Do you think I should sell my bags, since I bought high?

This retard ACTUALLY believes anyone understands the "whitepapers" LMFAO.

I don't think $10 is out of the question. We'll see what Great Wall brings.

Wavescoin (I bought @ $5.00)
Skycoin (I bought @ $10.00)

You're welcome.

If you don't have anything else you're looking to invest in right now I think it would be safe to hold onto it. Coins that I wanted dipped way to low for me not to jump on them and I had already gotten a huge bump from REQ so I sold. It'll hit $1 for sure, maybe higher but it will crash and burn by the end of the year.

I tend to agree but I will hodl for now. What else are you investing in?


What do you think of SophiaTX?
A boring coin but I think this is amazing

Oy m8 ya stealin mah R name? Fak sake i'll suit up and sue your ass of everythin ya got

I'd have to read the whitepaper but based on their roadmap and glancing at the whitepaper they have some great goals although somewhat lofty for the coming year. I'd say it'd be worth a stake but if they do not deliver on their marketplace timeline, sell.

There are a lot of coins trying to do what they are doing and if they don't deliver on time someone else will.

10/10 bait desu

Sold REQ at $0.50, which happened for the first time on December 31.

Bought Waves and Skycoin at $5 and $10, both of which have been above those numbers since the first few days of December. The price of REQ at that point? About $0.07.

You panic sold and are upset you missed out and are now trying to FUD others to sell. You even admit you believed it would go to $1, but sold at $0.50 anyway? What moron sells at half their expectation? Even if this was true (it's not), you would simply sell enough to cover your investment and keep the profit. And then you want to give advice to others. Classic Veeky Forums.

First off, I bought waves and skycoin in November so right off the bat you have no idea what you are talking about.

Second of all, I didn't panic sell anything. As I already said, I planned on dumping REQ as soon as it hit $1. There was an awesome sale on agrello @ .20 which I promptly sold @ .44ish to buy more waves at $11ish.

Believe what you want man, saying I'm fudding when that makes no sense to make yourself feel better is pretty foolish. If I wanted to fudd I would make shit up. Their whitepaper IS ridiculous simplified with no concrete goals, they MYSTERIOUSLY had a project finished waaay ahead of schedule at the exact same time their coin went up 150%.

I see my warning has helped a few people so I don't give a fuck if you listen or not. Just remember these posts when the crash happens this august.

Holy fuck go back to plebbit you faggot.

Youre the 2nd person ive seen mention agrello. Im surprised more people dont know about it.

Whats your long term opinion on it?

how long is everyone planning on holding?

grabbed 360 of these, wondering if if go long with them to hope for big wins, or sell after like 2 - 5 bucks

Head dev left the team. So far so good but I'm apprehensive. As I told the other guy as soon as I saw a dip in waves at the same time agrello was at an ATH I sold them off to buy waves.

I think it'll hit $1+ easy, I'm not so sure if it will stay up there or not. Their whitepaper is pretty solid.

Stay poor you sorry faggot.

No one will attend your cardboard box funeral.

>His first name is Guy

Well then, I should probably pay more attention to their project. Didn't know their head dev lefts and me missing that is kind of concerning.

But either way, I plan on selling after a buck, or whenever the cash for a moon. But even though I dont agree with your call on REQ I like your calls.

Best of luck to you user, I hope I'm wrong about REQ if you're holding.

See you on the moon someday.

Ill be fine even if youre right. And we will be on waves and sky moon either way. Godspeed to you

I am going hold it until hits $10. It will probably in 4 moths

While you're here, whats your opinion on VEN?

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Im not sure what that means

>not using sats

OP is a part of a pump and dump discord. This is a pump and dump scheme from the get go. DO NOT FALL FOR IT

discord = 25CucCU

Check that discord for yourself...

I'm not clicking that link nigger

Post screenshots as proof

Already seen this posted two other times. Don’t fall for it.