What is the best setting to play as a knight? i dont care if it haves magic, i just want to fight for my kingdom.
What is the best setting to play as a knight? i dont care if it haves magic, i just want to fight for my kingdom
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"Immortals" setting
Be any kind of knight you want, just be loyal Family, Soil, and Truth
Is there a tabletop for this? looks promising
Its in development, rule sets have been made
Been trying to get it onto 1d4chan
>What is the best setting to play as a knight? i dont care if it haves magic, i just want to fight for my kingdom.
cosmic Marvel
>charisma and physical appearance are two separate stats
The fact that Benjamin Franklin was a ladies man requires them to be separate stats.
You mean Arthurian Britian. Pendragon is a ruleset, not a setting.
Spenserian Faerie Londe.
Russell Crowe is a pretty good looking guy but has the personality of wet cardboard.
James Spader is this dumpy little manlet but he's an incredibly well-spoken and interesting man.
>Musicians and comedians are always pretty
This could be pretty funny.
>Modern day setting
>Every other party member is a character from the present
>Knight is technophobic and insists on walking or riding horses everywhere. >Attacks the party if you try to magic him around, because Magic is heresy.
>Game requires travelling around the world.
>Knight is a special mcguffin character who's the only one that can land the final blow on the final boss. If he dies you all fail.
Good luck.
Definitely Birthright.
song of swords
>Russell Crowe
But Crow is 182 cm and Spader is 178, this is literally 4 cm difference, They are both kind of below manlet cutoff.
Ya, this ugly fuck never got laid at all. Totally different stats IRL
Where does Tom Cruise fit in? IRL he's a manlet among manlets, and he's a creepy weirdo cultist to boot. Yet on the screen his characters always have this unrivaled magnetism.
It's almost like height isn't the only or even most important trait a person can have...
Aaaalmost like history is littered with people both tall and short who achieved great things...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalmost like this height thing is a modern invention brought forth by the hubris of women and compliance of men....
no wait that's just silly
>the hubris of women and compliance of men....
That's like saying dick size comparisons has anything to do with women.
Both fall on guys looking for a way to one up the other.
>24 attributes
wew lad
yeah, sure, but can you cite any other time in history where height was as important as it is today? or, for that matter, any time where dick size was?
Some ancient civilizations actually prefered small dicks. I can't think of any glorifying being short, but spartans were, on average, very short and still were respected and feared throught much of the world.
Height and dick size always mattered in some way or the other, but nowadays they're the only things that seem to matter. And that, my friendo, is where the hubris lay. Giving ephemeral, physical attributes more prestige than those that actually got us where we are is just sad. Not saying they aren't important, just that no one would know Edison if he decided to play footbal instead of studying science. And guess what, he was 5'2. He'd' have been short even compared to children in some places.
And he still changed the way we see the world.
Pablo Picasso