I am thinking of buying a shit load of KCS.
Is anyone making big money from the KCS holding?
Proof please.

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little too late to buy kcs unless you have triple digits to invest into it

The trade volume isn't there for anyone to be making serious $$ with dividends without them having serious $$ invested in the first place. That being said, KCS is still the strongest buy on the market right now outsize of ETH, XLM, or DBC. I highly doubt you will regret your investment.

If you manage to get 10k shares you'll never worry about money again.

Consider using my referral code 1b3PN

God bless all yall anons, we're gonna make it friends

here is my payout for 1 day. meh.


I bought at 1.80 - intended to put in $10k but ended up doing 7k. Made a good return so far. I think I get something like $5 a day at this time

They pay dividends every single day. I joined last week, bought $2k worth of kucoin (1322 kcs), and have been getting roughly $1.20 per day in dividends.

Dividends depend on the exchange volume, so if it reaches 1 billion I would get roughly $15-20 per day in dividends ($450-600 per month). If it reaches binance's current volume, which isn't difficult since the market is exploding right now, then I would be getting around $50-60 per day ($1500-1600 per month). This is just for holding onto their kucoin shares. Not to mention those dividends are in cryptocurrency, which will grow along with the market.

I believe Kucoin is where the masses will flood. Despite how new it is and how little attention it has seen on social media, it has begun to explode. Its user interface is physically appealing and easy to understand. Its customer service is the best out of any exchange I personally have ever used (even coinbase takes weeks to process simple requests, while kucoin allows you to talk to an IT representative in real time over chat). Word is starting to get out about the incentives, and people are beginning to realize that if kucoin reaches even a fraction of binance's current exchange volume, they could collect enough dividends to pay rent and feed themselves without a job. The user interface is appealing. New coins that are unavailable elsewhere hit kucoin rapidly and see explosive growth immediately. January is when the crypto market will once again explode after the holidays, and I invite you to consider the potential this exchange holds.

I'm guessing the exchange will have at least $1 billion in exchange volume by March, and kcs will be worth at least $15-20. Once the normies find out about this shit they're gonna suck it up for those dividends.

In case you haven't signed up yet, use my referral at no cost to you: 1aHh7

1900 shares made me 40c a day.

Assuming they 20x their volume that's 8 bucks a day. But if they reduce the dividends from 50% down to 15% then it is actually pure shit

They're lowering it to 15%???

Will they lower to 15%?

They are seriously overpriced right now. You would get better returns from NEO/ARK

6 months give or take

lol might as well put your money in a savings account.

as volume increases, itll pay out more. Honestly. I've made more from the actual coin price going up.

> Consider using my referral code
How you can be 100% sure someone is full of shit.

Missed the bus. Best you can do is buy COSS and hope it also moons.

Savings account pay WAY less than that. KCS is my new saving's account.

How much do you hold? Do you get paid in BTC or which currency?

You get a portion of all the trading fees. So if someone buys BNTY with eth, you get a little bounty and a little eth.

So I have like 4c worth of 17 different coins or some shit

they are overpriced because people are just learning what they can do. i dont know if they will go down much now that they are getting the spotlight but it will be a good long term hold.

signup only takes an email confirmation so may as well get a sign up in before it catches on.

referral 1v4y1

thanks anons

kucoinshares.com shows you approximately what you'll get. So the KCS itself goes up in price from people buying and then at 0:00 server time it gives you dust for every single coin on their market.

How is it overpriced? What other coins pay dividends of exchange fees?

You can calculate the value of dividend shares with some logic from its share value, payout and expected payout in a year. Its barely worth $1.50. That is factoring in generous volume growth.

I understand what you are trying to say sir, however my rebuttal would be use my referral code please 1Q554

I got in at around 2.50 and its been a nice ride, i have almost 600 but my payouts. 4-7 cents a day isnt much and the calculator says i should be getting 35 cents with that amount a day.

How do you even see your daily payout?
Been holding for 4 days but got nothing.