Been away for awhile Veeky Forums. Left after age of scubmar came out. Whats the deal with Games workshop now? Are they still going out of business? did they ever fix AiS?
Current state of Warhammer
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fuck off
GW is doing fantastically well atm since changing CEOs and relaunching a number of brands.
They are still being total dicks and it's working well enough that they are not going under anytime soon.
They recently announced GW-Land opening in Texas sometime in 2018/19
AoS has been fixed, yes. But if you had nothing but a seething absolute hatred for it when it first released, the changes that have happened since then will likely not change your mind about it.
More specifically
>Advancing the timeline in 40k and bringing back a primarch, reinvigorating the setting
>Introducing bigger/better space marines that are retarded from a lore viewpoint but are selling like hotcakes so GW doesn't care
>Introducing or reintroducing new armies like Custodes/Sisters of Sisters/Mechanicus/Knights/Genestealers
>Bringing back specialist games
>Horus Heresy, which again despite Veeky Forums complaints sells well as people love primarchs and space marines
>Community/social media outreach which includes having a sense of humor again
>Age of Sigmar rebranding, from a lore viewpoint it's a lot worse than WHFB but it's selling much better apparently
>Transitioning the hobbit away from the hobbit and back towards LOTR which is a setting everybody has always liked more
>Successful video games like total war & vermintide, ironically from the canned fantasy setting while games like DOW3 crash and burn
>Black Library selling better again since it stopped making everything a limited edition collectable and allowed downloads from commonly used sites like ibooks and audible.
Prices are still a motherfucker though, which is the biggest issue for most and a glaring problem
they did fix parts of AoS. add official points ot it, they are, although slowly, puting out new army books, and most were not a total dud, so there is that. they also do FAQs more often, and have an official time table for those. Only problem with this is that with GW style of FAQ you have to fit in your army in to a 6 months window, which more or less means two things. If you want a good army you have to buy it all within a month and then play it very intesivly for 5 months, or pick a faction that does not get nerfed.
40k 8th has been very well received.
>They are still being total dicks
How so? From what I have seen they pretty much changed their tune on just about everything, resulting in record highs of their stocks and reputation.
I don't know why people think GW has humor. they do western style comedy skits and that is all. If someone, by accident, does say or make something funny they either send him a C&D, or are on their knees begging for forgivness for their fandoms heteronormative point of view.
by imperial and eldar players, and those few chaos players who are gay and use FW or demons.
I don't know. Make GK index suck, asked multiple times to fix GKs on. Make a horrible GKs codex, asked to fix it and they say they will fix GKs through the yearly update book. The yearly update book nerfs GK more and fixs non of the problem. Asked for the gazylionth of time when they will fix GK, put out custodes aka the primaris of GKs, and tell everyone to wait another year, while already hinting at the nerf of the last things that are ok in the GK book, aka character spam and smite.
I'm thrilled that they started a line of starter/intro boxes that weren't those massive, "you're buying two armies" sets like Battle for Macragge. I only really care about Guard and so never wanted to get any of the boxes, but I wanted to get my friends into Warhammer so I'd have a good group to play with. It was much easier to just put down the $40 on the intro box than to try and convince someone to split the massive one. I'll never paint or use the (C)SMs, but it's a handy little box to have just to show off the game mechanics.
And it worked. They enjoyed the game and now I have a friend who decided to play Tyranids and a friend playing Eldar.
Really? Your entire argument of them 'still being total dicks' hinges on your opinions of one army and codex?
Ok man. Sure.
And did the same to all armies from WFB. They been saying all end times that WFB is going to change that they are making it new and better, and then they drop the abortion that is AoS.
Or how about how they pander to sjw, and to groups that do not play GW games? Or how about if a dude makes both a good joke and tells the truth at the same time, they make him apolgise, but of course only for the sjw part. Because you can't say there are vindicative women, when psycholgy says that this is exactly what they are, but saying man/goliaths are dumb all muscle brutes is fine.
>GW still being total dicks
After the licencing broke with Fantasy Flight Games, you can't dl rules for the licenced games. You can download rules for FFG other games. Even the ones not in production anymore. Just not the GW licenced ones.
People should be able to download games they have bought on IOS and google play. Guess what happened with the fuckface Games Workshop after the licence fell through with the Battlefleet Gothic leviathan?
>Also, destroying a beloved fantasy world when you realize you can't trademark your Not!Europe
Oh, so you're just a whinging fanboy then? Try playing Orks since 4th.
you think GK were good in 4th ed? orcs biker nob builds were good for a longer time, then the ward dex was legal and considered "op".
Get the fuck outtt
>Are they still going out of business?
To answer this one, no. Their sales went up by over 50% last year, profits tripled. They were the best performing stock in the UK for 2017. Recently released a report saying that sales for 2018 so far continue to be above expectations, so on the face of things they're on track to declare another record year come April.
see this is what I am taking about. Non inclusive to people, just because they are slavic.
I never worked out what the hidden message was in this.
Lmao I understand your pain but your argument for them "being total dicks" isn't worth shit my dude.
>Are they still going out of business?
This was never happening.
In short they finally sacked off the inept fat fucker who was running them into the ground and the new guy made some obvious populist (if shitty) changes. This was enough to draw a lot of the cattle who had rage quit back, as well as drawing in more kids with shiny new Spess Muhrines.
The company was never in any imminent danger with no debts and saleable IP even during the worst of Kirby's excesses.
Having worked for them, they're still total dicks.
They've just worked out how to milk people better.
Why do they just abandon armies instead of fixing up their lore? Will Chaos Dwarfs ever see justice?
Nah, they are bigger than ever.
And AoS became completely better than Fantasy.
>how they pander to sjws and to groups that do not play GW games
Where is the proof, user? Or did /pol/ consume your mind?
>Chaos Manlets
Who gives a fucking shit
A new CEO has pushed them towards adopting some of the old ideas from here, and they have profited from a nostalgia bubble. Behind the scenes they're worse than ever, and are doubling down on defending the literal Mossad agent who wrote Age of Sigmar. (The old world was destroyed for Tikkun Olam sympathetic magic). Their hiring policy has become one of spite and political and racial prejudice, and they've openly stopped hiring white people, instead hiring token diversity fuckups who literally just plagiarize Veeky Forums or the white guy they were specifically hired to plagiarize. Complaints from ex-employees are starting to pile up. GW is likely to be sued soon.
And while I wish we were in a creative renaissance we aren't. It's just over designed corporate nostalgia pandering.
>Pander to sjw and to groups that do not play GW games.
You sound like a whiny soft faggot
That's some pretty hardcore stuff you're on. Can I have a sniff or snort?
Ogres are great. Ogre Kingdoms are fucking shit.
I just wanted an army of heavily armoured mercenary ogres, not some shitty mongol/hun faction with retarded looking "not-goblins".
Age of Sigmar and current 40k are temper tantrums about WarpHeim and everyone knows it. Fuck off Mossad. You lost.
Literally what?
Look, I know you're just a troll, but at least try to feign a semblance of sense.
Rules 1 and 2, newfag.
This place is full of normies that migrated from reddit via pol in the last 2 years sadly.
>Sisters of Sisters
When you're so delusional you think fascism is more mainstream than TTGs
It's what all angry teens who used to go for punk or communism are doing, because conformism is apparently the new rebellion.
No, rebellion from mk ultra and the mockingbirds on television is just normal, ethically justified rebellion. This society is completely sick and has been since before world war II. The fact that most people don't have souls anymore is a serious problem. Most people don't even seem to notice how fucked up and evil everything is, and if you notice, they sneer at you for caring. In the face of that any decent man would become fascist.
Holy shit, I have seen some insane logic and ramblings surrounding GW, but this takes the cake.
Can you elaborate? Makes sense to me.
Why do you even like wargames?
Falling apart. AoS is dying off (good riddance) and 40k is becoming Age of the Emperor.
>Falling apart
How though? Certainly isn't financially, and while everyone still hates AoS' lore, 40K's changes are overall loved, to the point even Veeky Forums can't get enough of it.
>Everyone still hates AOS lore.
Eh, I would say otherwise. Oh, let's not mince words. There's still a ton of people out in the woods that don't like it, but it has a base of its own. And I mean an actual honest to god collection of fans, not store owners are braindeads.
>while everyone still hates AoS' lore
No, they don't. There are many AoS lore youtube channels popping up which implies interest in AoS is rising.
AoS was a monkeys paw version of what we wanted, new 40k is a revised second wish with some of the ironic consequences ironed out. One wish left gentlemen.
Still seething, Fantasycuck?
Imagine being this upset over toy soldiers.
That entire statement made sense until the last sentence.
>if you hate soulless socialist bullshit then become a national socialist,now with 100% more failed states to boast about.
8th Ed and their vidya properties are saving them. That said, 8th's success is based on GW finally just blowing their load and chucking all the fan demanded shit like Primarchs and SoS out. Once their novelty wears off you can expect things to go south again.
AoS technically functions as a game now but nothing can make it appealing to people, and by all appearances it's doing about as well or just a little worse than WHFB was.
There is still hope that 40K will be good at some point but that day has yet to arrive.
If you're missing the pieces for that last step, consider that your opinion on WWII is informed by mockingbirds to begin with. We live in occupied territory and are taught self loathing from an early age because WWII evolved into a cultural and spiritual war, and never actually ended. Concepts of what can be weaponized were expanded upon, and humans are dulled down by poor diet choices and regression-focused eugenics programs to make us stupid. There's an important reason our schools pelted us with emotional reactions to WWII every year and it's because it's all enemy propaganda designed to stifle thoughtcrime and wrongthink.
Forget everything you believed was true.
>Are they still going out of business?
Their stock shot up over triple it's worth in a matter of months, they are the fastest growing company in the entire United Kingdom.
Dude, you can stop the try-harding, no one's paying attention to you in truth.
Fuck off Mossad.
See how they are compelled to strangle wrongthink?
Not him, but I'd settle for an insular country and culture like Japan. I don't hate minoroties or Jews, but I'd like to keep a place in the world for my people.
Traditional Games.
Justice? Hashut forbid!
I always knew Slavs were gay.
/pol/ was right again!
Read the first letter of each article description.
Sod Off Bryan Ansell
man, they never learn do they?
Lol. Forgot your pills today?
Kek. They always go for the demoralization/crazy angle. Marching orders. Sad.
Fuck off Mossad.
Hi Feminist40k.
All you gotta do is talk to any of the BL authors on Twitter or hang around the big groups on Facebook. GW may not be cucked, but it'll fold on feMarines, minimum.
I quit in 7e and I havnt come back. The new rules are an improvement, but the game still has massive balance issues and a hyper-competitive community. Really, thats what kills it for me. Im just there to smash my plastic mans against yours, not to fucking be the whipping post for your hyper-optimized tournament list. Nobody fucking cares about their mans anymore, all anybody cares about is forcing their opponent to concede by turn 3.
Dude went full /pol/ with the Mossad bit. I see where he's coming from as a fellow /pol/lack, but...yeah.
The only people I know of who like AoS are people who are new to the series.
Everybody else is is either neutral-leaning-negative or hostile if they're WHFB vets.
Let's not forget that AoS and its prequel caused the biggest shitstorm of fan backlash they'd ever seen, and they deliberately trolled their fanbase
It does make sense now that I think about it.
This world is so weird.
>it'll fold on feMarines, minimum.
They fucking better not. If they make female marines we'll never get sisters of battle at all.
nah. the "worst" we'll get is Primaris SoB. that way the SJWs get their super lady soldiers and the fans still have Adeptus Astartes as men only.
>Everybody else is is either neutral-leaning-negative or hostile if they're WHFB vets
nah theres a bunch of us WFB vets that quite like it. But most of us are old grognards who loved the older hero-hammer editions and had pretty much quite already because we disliked the horde hammer 7e and 8e had become.
That's valid, I think a lot of us wanted something like a return to that, or at least not the horde mode buy more boxes nonsense. AoS is still a sore spot though.
Yeah they really asked for it. What the fuck is with games companies insulting and replacing their fanbases? Is it some fucked up marketing strategy where they earn a bit more every quarter from the drama? I hate it.
The company is doing fine, but they never did fix AoS. You are better off playing 40K IMO.
new customers buy more stuff than established fans who often just pick up the occasional updated rulebook and maybe a new unit.
Sure, and gamers that hear about a variety of games at their local store from each other end up buying that stuff from the companies that they don't hear have been insulting and abandoning their fans on an efficient rotational schedule. Most nerds I know don't appreciate being farmed like crops.
Only because it's better than 7th. That's like saying Revenge of the Sith was extremely popular whilst ignoring the fact that the previous two films set the bar so low it had to be dug up for comparisons.
> Prices are still fucking mental, latest AoS character pack is 80 fucking quid for 4 plastic monopose over detailed cad abortions
> still renaming everything they can to nonsensical, idiotic sounding trademark-able terms
> release schedule is all over the place
>GW have changed guise!
>western style comedy
You should have been drowned at birth, you pathetic weeab cunt.
All the GW employees in both stores in my state are white men, including the new guys. Not sure where you're getting diversity hires from, but maybe it's a regional thing, rather than a company thing?
most grognard saltiness happens in their own clubs or homes.
most of the people who habg out at game stores are noobs or more recent players ignorant of how miniature companies work.
GKs aren't supposed to be a stand-alone army anyway and if you think differently you're not worth listening to
>WHFB vets
They don't exist anymore.
The only retards you have are /v/irgins who still spout outdated 1d4chan maymays.
Wait are you talking about the "start collecting" boxes being $40? Do you live in magical christmasland? Those fuckeras are $130 at GW shops and $100 at my LGS here.
Your post is ironic and you're doubleplus dumb
SC boxes are 85$ at GW
Upsidedownfags need not apply
They made money licencing a heap of games set in whfb.
Apparently someone told them how valuable IP is these days.
Is that Erkel on the right as a female?
>Can Fantasy
>Realise the Total War Fantasy games are selling like hot meals to an Ethiopian