I can't believe someone managed to make an exchange worse than BitGrail

I can't believe someone managed to make an exchange worse than BitGrail.

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Jesus Christ

You left out the cancer chat with a default notification sound.

wew, it's like they stopped halfway through the w3c html tutorial and just decided to wing it.

kek im back in 2002

but to be honest i dont really care what it looks like if its functional and has volume




You left the fact that you cant even sign up

Looks like a 97 static website imo familia

And it loads slow as hell too, which is why you can't see my balance yet, and the chart, which is fixed to a ~38 hour period.

dont let the shit exchange discourage you, it's coming to next.exchange.com this month. buy your ECA and withdraw it to the wallet and be comfy

>had choice between ECA and COLX
>chose COLX
>down 10% instead of up 80%

Why can't I do anything right?

that's what I'm doing. however, for some stupid ass reason, this exchange takes out the fee from the amount you buy, instead of from your balance like every other exchange, so I wound up with this weird amount instead of the 170k I asked for.

Because you don't listen to me and I have been shilling proper coins on here for the past week nonstop.

Everyone shilling everything is the same and nobody shilling anything.

shoulda split between the two, that's what I'm doing

this cancer got me too, i own 32999 of this but i put it in my wallet asap not using that toxic site again

There's a difference between the people up 100% and those pajeeting nothingness

> Veeky Forums full of whiny bitches

never change faggots

this is the worst exchange ever, exchange broke down several times when trading, finally i got them, cant withdraw my ECA, when pressing withdraw nothing happens. btw. where do i get a safe paper wallet for ECA, where are you storing them?

they shill coins and pump them big time on coinmarkets

Colx will be fine.
ECA will be fine.

I couldn't even sign up to buy any

if thismoons im gonna fucking kill myself

You have to refresh the page after loading a wallet in order to withdraw coins for some reason. They have a paper wallet on their website.

You guys know that ECA is a scam, right? Well, i think its good for some gains.

all crypto is a scam, we're all just here to outscam each other and hopefully cash out before the whole thing crashes

This looks great. I'd like to buy some DOG from this website please.

i sent to my wallet a 15 coin test... it fucking sent it 3x

I am now convinced that the only reason this is mooning is because people are willing to buy at whatever the lowest ask is, just so they can leave this cancerous site as quickly as possible.

>no whitepaper
>5 minute blocks while promising faster than XRB txs
>no proper exchange
It's just a PnD

free money dude

everyone's comfy staking in their wallets so theres not much left on the exchange. Supply and Demand


to make it even more devestating when fairx rolls out

fucking kek

nah it charged me 1 coin a trsnfr


Transactions are NOT instant. Pajeet coin,