>Fantasy setting
>The toponymy is almost entirely pseudo-Anglo-Saxon save for the token exotic culture.
Fantasy setting
Like before english anglo-saxon?
That sounds fun. The idea of roman-brition remnants dealing with their less civilized kinsmen and germanic invaders sounds fun. Add in stuff from myth and religious division from the Christian faith vs the old celtic pantheon and you got a full setting.
I see nothing wrong with this. Hell scrap the exotic culture. You don't even need it.
I worked on a setting like that a few years ago. It took place on a made up island south of Ireland during the viking invasions of the British Isles. Catholicism and Anglo-Saxons were the clear majority, but there were still a substantial Celtic minority that kept to their old faith.
> Not giving your rivers and mountain ranges obscure names in an obscure language
> Not giving your valleys and regions multiple names both old and new
> Not giving your cities, castles and villages meaningful names translatable to other languages
> Not giving your older cities and ruins names in Old English
Well it would make sense for an english speaking audience to use english names for setting locales. They don't actually have to be english cultures.
Why are people like this usually the most boring roleplayers?
The mary-sue and the anti-sue are two sides of a coin.
These are all signs of autists who spend years homebrewed settings that are clearly never going to be played or spoken out loud.
>go out of my way to give world map place names based on a lot of different real world languages
>players are !notVarangians gone to serve the fantasy byzantines from their boring generic western fantasy shitholes
>no one can pronounce or remember any of the Greek and Latin place names
No, these are signs of an educated person who actually puts a bit of thought into the setting and knows how toponymics works.
educated people don't play ttrpgs
>Putting effort in world-building is autistic
>putting effort into things no one will care about or notice and that will eat into time that could be used for coming up with actually useful plot elements and campaign structure
Yes, it's pretty autistic
Being personally offended each moment of your life seems exhausting.
>Implying a balance can't be struck
>Implying that most of those small details aren't for the DM's own enjoyment
Tabletop clearly isn't for you if your reaction to these things is to call it autistic and publically whinge about it instead of letting people have different taste.
>>Implying that most of those small details aren't for the DM's own autistic* enjoyment
Then make your own, scrublord
Oh look, another greentext shitpost thread. This is why Veeky Forums is dying a slow death... well this and retarded mods
Yeah, and good roleplayers don't browse Veeky Forums. And girls don't play tabletop. And roleplayers are all fat ugly neckbeards. Amirite guyzzz? :^)
Jokes on you user, we're in not-Roman Britain.
Do you even know what autism is? Or do you just spam this as a buzzword? That said, your manner of communicating with people may signify that you yourself should seriously go visit a psychiatrist to be checked for autism.
No, you are why Veeky Forums is dying a slow death. Because rather than suggesting something better, you waste your time whining about greentext shitposting threads in a greentext shitposting thread.
Do YOU know how toponymics work? Because you are making it sound like putting a bunch of random jumbled words is "putting thought in the setting".
I do know how toponymics works. The oldest names of places are usually names of the rivers or other similar natural boundaries. The newest and most prone to change are the names of the regions and settlements. The younger the settlement the more meaningful its name usually is to its inhabitants. And if your characters are such inhabitants, toponyms should be meaningful for them. What you call London, for Romans was some obscure Londinium, and for Celts - quite simple and understandable "river hill-fortress".
That very philosophy is apparently what got Ursula K. Le Guin to write Earthsea.
And now I've reminded myself. F
That's why it's a fantasy user.
You did your job right then.The foreign mercenaries are behaving like foreign mercenaries.
Who is we?
What did he mean by this?
Do you want civilization or not?
>autism is bad
If you're low-functioning autist, sure. But not if you're a savant.
>fantasy setting is written by white people
>is about white people
Stop the Fucking presses, this is unacceptable
>fantasy setting is written by some dude
>contains that same dudes world
My weekend is literally ruined now. Thanks drumpffll