>Humans in setting have multiple cultures
>Each non-human race and sub-race, however, has only one
Be it published, homebrew, sci-fi, fantasy, etc., in a lot of cases non-human races are mostly defined by their race rather than their culture. Why is this allowed?
Humans in setting have multiple cultures
Human scum lacks unity and can be fractured by any sort of distinction. This is why no civilized race allows them out of so called "nation states" reservations.
It's easier
And the human race is defined in fantasy settings as a race divided and often self destructive.
What's your point?
Is there a map like this for your country?
You've posted it.
Humans are the only race to have not mastered the art of genocide.
Each other race figured out how to hammer their people down, through fascistic propaganda and selective political manipulation, with more than a few gene pool purges, into one singular cultural and political doctrine. Genocide in its purest form.
Humans have fucked up every time they've attempted genocide. Every genocide humans have ever attempted has been a failure, that's our species-defining trait. We're fucking terrible at genocide, we've never had one that achieved its goal.
>Why is this allowed?
Because the thoughts are free. People can make up whatever fiction they please.
That said, you should get active and produce better fantasy yourself. We are blessed with an uniquely accessible hobby. You only need a brain.
Only through continued productivity can we hope to influence the repetitive feedback loop of risk averse entertainment trends brought on between commercial entertainment and a consumer base with tastes raised on generic material.
>Why is this allowed?
Player indifference. More importantly, it's increasingly uncommon. It's super easy to name many very popular settings with elves and dwarves having drastically different cultures.
Eldar/Dark Eldar/Exodite/Corsair.
WH40k has 4 flavours of "space elves".
Just the first example that sprung to mind...
Because more often than not genre "nonhumans" are just slightly weird humans with a specific culture. 90% of what's used to describe a race are societal traits, not genetic ones.
>Why is this allowed?
Ironically your picture provides a great explanation for that from a Western perspective.
>Those folks on that island over there are the English. They're a snobby bunch of Jews
>And over here are the French, arrogant fuckers who will mess your shit up because they feel entitled to everything
>Here's like on gazillion city states but don't worry, they're all Germans
>Then there's Poland-Lithuania with like six different ethnic groups
>Oh, and that country all the way over there? It's China. The people are the Chinese and they all speak Chinese.
>What do you mean "twelve different languages"? All of their chingchong speak sounds the same.
Elves probably have the same diversity in culture and language, but humans never bothered to learn the difference between the elven languages, labeling all of them as "Elven" because they're similar enough.
My country is the size of a postage stamp.
>My country is the size of a postage stamp.
How do you fit in it?
Thats not really true. Like mentioned.
And in Warhammer Fantasy you got Wood elves, high elves, Dark Elves. For Goblins we have the normal, the Shaman like and the Mongolian ones. Orks have some normal and Mongolian too. Dwarfs have some slight variations too.
Even Tolkien has different elves as Orks as well.
5e actually makes some effort to mitigate things too with racial variants small in number in the core books but it's clearly something they plan to add more to or let players/GMs toss in more.
In my own settings I usually try to avoid this (thus, I have few races but try to give them a lot of internal diversity), and even allow for plenty of cultural overlap between them.
for example (and using earth for reference), elves, dwarves, and humans both have a strongly Scandinavian culture, elves and dwarves both began to migrate south and this resulted in elves settling in France, Italy, Spain, and England. Dwarves meanwhile took to Slavic regions, Greece, and Germany.
Fun fact, Orcs originated from slavic regions themselves and have cultures in the middle east, Africa, and Polynesia. And the humans living in those places don't like orcs much either.
In Warhammer you have different cultures even among the subraces.
For the High Elves you have the Ulthuan elves and the Sea Elves who live in the colonies. And then among the Ulthuan elves you have ten different kingdoms each with its own culture and sometimes ethnic features too (Nagarytheans tend to have dark hair).
It's not a bad setting for those kinds of details.
nah, we only have one human culture in norway
I don't know. Where do I find em?
I'm trying to. It's hard to make them unique, but share common traits with each other.
Why not just change of the cultures of different non-human civilizations? What stops you from doing this?
Given that the human race is usually the youngest one, it's most likely that other races either achieved cultural uniformity through a giant melting pot or by being the last one standing.
what about the Sami?
Modernists are the worst kind of racists: every one must be the same.
I have to agree, though im sure that ill be called racist or /pol/ for agreeing. Its ok to be different, its not something to kill each other over
they're the same in that they're all different. if the common person is ignorant or uncaring enough to try and learn the defining characteristics of each group of people, why should a designer put all the extra work in for something people won't appreaciate?
He said human culture.
He is a manlet
are not different ethnic groups different cultures?
National geographic, "peoples of the world"
They did one for north america, it's all native peoples. If someone finds a better-quality image than this, I'd appreciate it.
if someone can somehow grab the full sized image from the cartographer zoom in thing, then this has the complete map at legible sized font.
I did find this. Kinda, but not quite.
Nah there's normally two or three. Hill vs. Mountain dwarves. High vs. Wood elves. Stout vs. Tallfellow.
The answers is that humans are very migratory and have shorter generations, meaning that cultures develop more rapidly, as well as over larger scopes of land that may or may not be largely isolated.
I really enjoy the writing style on this one. This kind of old-school educational writing really gets me going.
ooooh, full-sized. my eyes thank you for that.
Just be aware that this from the 70s, so stuff is out of date. One thing I noticed is that it mentions Afghanistan having a reigning king, which is no longer the case. Another is that the Yemen civil war it mentions is not the current one. So just be aware of that.
>if the Crusades manages to stop the genocide of the MENA region it still would be white
Fuck our Earth.
The middle east has changed hands repeatedly for a significant amount of its history. It would never have ended up as just one race.
I know it's horribly out of date. but its a window into the very recent past, so its neat from an academic perspective.
I remained monolithically Europoid Caucasian for thousands of years until Muslims started a genocide and destroyed the library of Alexandria.
I like to think if Islam was destroyed then and there and the library was saved we'd be among the stars now.
Because it's easier and less time consuming than spending 95% of the book explaining the subtle differences between areas we never visit in a nation that you get to see only once from one perspective through the entire encounter and how the north-eastern barbarians prefer to marinade all of their meats in a mixture of soy sauce, orange juice and five different peppers while their neighbours, the north-north-eastern barbarians have mastered the art of sous vide and see any other form of cooking as heretical, causing a schism that the south-north-eastern scented-smoker barbarians take advantage of as they raid the mid-north-eastern barbarians due the ancient dispute about whether one should use chicken or beef stock when making gravy for double baked potato mash.
What's that girl doing to that poor avatar of Saytar?
I know exactly what you mean, even thougb I don't remember this map it takes me back to being 12 or so and reading National Geographics that were old then, that would be nearly ancient now
>wood elf
>High elf
>Mountain dwarf
>Hill dwarf
Where the hell do you retarded fuckwits even come from?
it pains me too but consodering ancient work that survived, a lot of it was probably way off the mark, it may havs even hurt things
I mean if mediaevel doctors hadn't held so tightly to Galen things could've been a lot better
>this kills the kazaar
High elves/wood elves/etc?
That is honestly a cool map.
In my setting actually nations are not defined under racial lines (aside from rare exceptions) and there is no "one occurence" of a single race.
That being said, I don't use elves/dwarfs and the races kinda work differently anyway (fuzzier lines of "lineage" and races are partially determined by the environment you are born into; there is a magicl reason for that).
More monstrous races -some are considered at least partially civilized, like centaurs or lizardfolks, are more "traditional" in this.
Not elves or dwarves. Just about every generic fantasy setting gives elves a dozen cultures and dwarves at least two, from TES, Warcraft, Warhammer, even fucking LoL and Dota. The majority of D&D settings.
>Came to call the OP a faggot for his simple placeholder question with easy answers.
>Stays for the engrossing ethnic and cultural map pictures.
I have been pleasantly surprised.
/pol/ obviously, or maybe straight from some Nordicist forum.
cyka blyat
>Aral Sea
Because otherwise they just become amalgamated into "Human"
Sub-races ARE the cultures
but big daddy JRR countered this, his elves are divided on sociological and linguistic grounds, they /are/ different cultures, hell, humans are more monolithic because you're either a horse saxon or an atlantean refugee, the elves get multiple polities and languages.
I know what you mean, I love traveloges from ye olde days and the way they describe the tribes, nations etc.
Russia and China are cheating. They eat up like a third of their continent each
Not an excuse.
Most other races live long enough that culture can stay relatively static over even a long distance. Humans being shorter lived tend to fractitious in comparison as its easier for drift and degeneration of traditions and mores to set in.
Always cracks me up.
>Humans being shorter lived tend to fractitious in comparison as its easier for drift and degeneration of traditions and mores to set in.
Wouldn't that process just mean the younger degenerates outright replace the traditionalists? Following that line of reasoning it seems like longer lived races would be even more fractitious, as they'd have to split off if they deviate in thinking from their forebears, who'll stick around for another 400 years instead of dying and being replaced.
More likely those long lived races have immense social inertia to maintain the status quo. There will be deviants but, I would imagine they are in the minority as they likely would be quickly ostracized or even outright stamped out. A shorter lived race will be more ready to change and adapt culturally I would think as there is less consistent pressure from the prior generation over how to do things. But, I'm,an ecology guy not a sociologist so who the hell knows.
>they likely would be quickly ostracized
Well that's the whole thing, there's much more pressure to splinter when you can't simply wait for the people that disagree with you to die.
That's true but so long as the splinters are quickly stamped out and not allowed to spread their idea into the general public they likely won't gather momentum. I imagine overall a longer lived species will very much be geared to maintaining course as it it needs longer periods of stability to raise young and grow in population. Not to say they won't schism but, I would think a subculture likely happens less frequently than in a human population. After all if the young upstart is banished he will have a hard time getting followers and, more importantly the broader collective may shun him as well reinforcing solidarity of the parent culture over deviation.
Play something else than DnD. In both Warhammer and Tolkien there's only a single species of dwarves and elves. All the differences are cultural.
Shitty map.
>Why is this allowed?
Laziness. Making dwarves with a lot of different cultures is hard, lets just make them all Scottish stereotypes.
Show me a published setting outside of DnD that gives elves, dwarves, etc. differing cultures within the same race.
And even DnD has Eberron.
Is this the one from SSSS? Because if not, it looks super similar.
literally posted ITT
>Having black people in your setting
>not having white western european humans only
>maybe a japanese expansion pack
Also who the heck has one type of elf?
>Different races of humans will have different stats in a game
>ywn live in Soviet Moscow
>ywn hang out and watch football with Mr. Artemenko from next door, Mr. Veisfeld from down the hall and Mr. Mukhamadov from upstairs
Why live?
>wanting to live anywhere near russia
Jealousy is unsightly.
According to Veeky Forums? D&D. Just, you know, ignore the fact that D&D has enough flavors of elf to fill a Baskin-Robbins.