When did this insane push for turbofeminism start in our culture, and from whence did it spring?
When did this insane push for turbofeminism start in our culture, and from whence did it spring?
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>Oh its this tweet again.
how does it do any gatekeeping all humans are the same
Starting threads with twitter screencaps should be a banworthy offence
It has to do with money and power / control over the population. Social engineering. It has nothing to do with left or right or politics.
>play it the way I play it or I will gas you like a gypsie
Do you play with these people?
No, you don't.
Do you download their shitty modules?
No, you don't.
Does this affect your setting?
No, it doesn't.
Does this effect your players apart from the ocassional OOC jokes?
No, it doesn't.
There are people out there who get aroused by the idea of using diapers, but I don't actively look into their communities becouse I don't care. I'm not looking for constant bitch stimuli or cheap ass bait that leads to nowhere.
>but it will kill muh sikrit tablethong gaem
Here's whats gonna happen: they will make a safe babymode setting with incredibly boring mechanics and diversified characters, they will make a fuzz about it and then they will get bored and move onto the next shitstorm.
So, again, who cares?
It's a reaction to turbo masculinity. You see this pattern throughout all cultures in humanity.
Is he saying women can't understand complex rules or deep lore.
What a misogynist.
See, you say that, but the turbomasculinity I see in our culture is so widely comprised of /pol/tards and alt righters that have risen up in response to the crazy-ass feminism of it all.
you don't think that might have something to do with the fact that you hang out on internet communities not, say, nightclubs
Why do those turbo feminists or other feminists go to nightclubs then? Or to frat houses, if they're afraid of what would happen to them?
what? im just saying that perceived "turbomasculinity" being a relatively new thing in your experience doesn't necessarily reflect society as a whole
Isn't this DnD 5 main writer or something? I'm not up to date on my outrage of the day.
You know that culture existed before you were born, right?
>why do people want to hang out with their friends?
Why not go somewhere else that is funto keep away from those men they're scared will do something unspeakable to them?
I can't wait for 6th edition to be a HasBRO board-game with two spells per class & no room for imaginative gameplay because they think women are dumb.
>company that makes the game you play is owned by male nerds who don't give a shit about all of this and constantly release big titty alien amazons and thick space operators
Feels good, man.
sometimes i forget that im still on Veeky Forums when i hang out on tg, and then folks like you remind me that i really shouldn't give people the benefit of the doubt that they want an actual conversation
Wait, complex rules and lore keep women out? Are you implying they're too stupid to understand the game? I'll ask my DM and see what she says.
Sounds more like he is saying that people who want rules complexity and lore density hate women.
>muh feminism boogeyman
It makes sense, given the number of saving throw types doubled. I think he just misspelled "gals" in the last sentence.
He's the guy that hires known harassers to consult on his game
Careful user.I've heard that if you say feminism three times in front of a used tampon, Anita Sarkeesian appears and fingers your asshole.
It started a little over a century ago, and sprang from men being fucking trash.
He obviously isn't saying that. You'd have to be willfully dense to misinterpret that as saying women are dumb, instead of
keep out "Normie's" simply that people who gatekeep through endless complexity to also don't want women in their games.
He definitely is saying that. We know this because of his use of "via". If he didn't mean that, he would have said, "Funny how many of the same 'fans' who insist on gatekeeping and making rules and lore needlessly complex and dense also have a problem with women in tabletop gaming." Instead, he said the rules complexity and lore density is how the gatekeeping is done.
He makes it sound like he wants to simplify the rules, so people can't use them to "gatekeep" women out of the hobby.
This doesn't exist anywhere but in online clickbait articles. The biggest barrier keeping women out of tabletop hobbies is how NEET's think they're supposed to treat women.
As I said. Willfully dense.
Learn how to parse sentences.
about 2013
But why did it spring up like some sort of fucking interminable weed?
please go back to /reddit/ and stay there
ive never posted on reddit in my life amigo, ditto tumblr
Started in the 60s thanks to Marxists infiltrating Western institutions. It's reemerged thanks to the post-feminist boom in single mothers.
Why are you friends with "toxic males" if you despise them?
Mearls couldn't get laid without virtue-signaling is how
The roots of it go back forever, but it's springing up now because the social climate is ripe for it to multiply.
It's like the Saiga Antelope mass deaths. The bacterium that killed them off was already present, but the weather caused it to reproduce out of control.
In this case it isn't the weather, but the internet (mainly twitter) and a generation of people taught that the greatest virtue is to believe alleged victims without reservation.
But it's not women in general these 'fans' have a problem with. Low status women are fine, except to a handful of hardcore woman-haters. Its the mid-status women (and men!) joining a subculture that cause problems, because they bring their mainstream status expectations with them instead of respecting the local hierarchy.
tl;dr, gatekeeping is often justified, Mearls will be turned on & disgraced by his new 'freinds' soon enough
>I can't wait for 6th edition to be a HasBRO board-game with two spells per class
I legitimately would not mind having only two spells per class if the spells themselves were open-ended like the arcanas are in Mage: the Awakening.
>no room for imaginative gameplay
As opposed to now where there's no room for imaginative gameplay because they have to market themselves to grogs cannot let go of their sacred cows, even when they're practically vestigial.
Ideas of invisible privilege began getting taught in the 80s.
25 years later, in the early 2010's, the student are now the professors, and the teachings are reinforced and amplified.
Form the halls of academia, these notions begin permeating various sub-cultures including ours.
You could go much further back. A lot of these ideas have their real start in the Calvinism of the early Americans in New England.
So how crucial does shit have to get for me to start benefitting from my supposed privilege?
Just look in your backpack bro.
I keep having to point this out. If he said 'people are using rule complexity and lore to gatekeep' then that's fine. I'd consider it a flawed statement, but it's his opinion.
But by gendering the issue he made it explicitly about women. Because he made it about women, he's revealing his thinking process.
By making it about women he's expressing that just women, not also men, are facing hurdled through this sort of gatekeeping. The men that face this gatekeeping either can get through it, don't let it effect them or otherwise find new groups to play in. By singling out women, he's saying women AREN'T inclined to deal with this gatekeeping the way the men are.
In short, he's saying in a roundabout way that he feels women can't deal with complex rules and lore. Because if they could, then they'd handle them exactly like the men, for better or worse, and he wouldn't have had to make the distinction between the sexes.
It's the "women are so weak and stupid so we have to help them" kind of sexism that male feminists are so guilty of today.
All of that privilege stuff is really just a red herring.
The truth is that all of you are icky nerds and need to be pushed out of your hobby to make way for beautiful and popular people who have more disposable income than you.
I don't see it bro!
Different user here. You are a moron. "Via" in English means "by way of". Meaning his sentence in plainer English is:
>Funny how many of the same "fans" who insist on gatekeeping [by way of] rules complexity and lore density...
He's still referring to the people who insist on making D&D as dense as possible as a means of keeping out "normies". That is, the statement is not that "normies" can't appreciate rules complexity or lore density, but rather that the "fans" insisting on it are using it as a means to try and keep them out.
He is then pointing out that people who do this also tend to have a problem with women in tabletop gaming. Now, whether this is true or not, I don't know. Or care. However, if we parse the sentence we see that he clearly intended the entire sentence to be about the "fans" who are in his view trying to keep D&D as obtuse as possible in order to keep out people they don't like.
Then he fired those people from D&D, though it's likely that was intended to be floridly metaphorical.
>As opposed to now where there's no room for imaginative gameplay because they have to market themselves to grogs cannot let go of their sacred cows, even when they're practically vestigial.
What's funny is that the OSR is probably the most imaginative RPG community around right now.
>floridly metaphorical
Histrionic is more accurate.
Never ever.
In practice this philosophy ends up with a 'rescue triangle' made up of rescuers, victims and agressors, all defined as such by the rescuer group. As a designated agressor your actual, real & intersectional privilege isn't terribly relevant. (though a sufficiently convincing apology and conversion can earn tentative rescuer membership - thats what Mearls is doing)
Only because OSR is so barebones that you practically have to fill in the blanks yourself to have any substance.
Keep in mind, I don't think this is a bad thing, just that OSR is a much different beast than 4e or 5e that focuses more on fleshing out what your character can do mechanically.
>tfw you appoint yourself a rescuer
>get to unleash your inner sadism via culturally-approved violence
>masses to stupid to see through it
>anyone who opposes your reign of terror is branded a sexist/racist/heretic
>get rewarded every day for crushing the weak under your iron heel
praise malal
Nvm, found it under the pickled fetuses.
cool link bro, was working on a similar blogpost myself (but his is probably better) More gervais principal is always good too.