If you want your voice to be heard by WotC, here's their quarterly survey.
One piece of advice, it's more likely to be taken seriously if you don't use every text field to call them cucks and soyboys.
If you want your voice to be heard by WotC, here's their quarterly survey.
One piece of advice, it's more likely to be taken seriously if you don't use every text field to call them cucks and soyboys.
Stop guzzling on WOTC's corporate BBC, you pathetic redditor soyboy and fuck off cuck shill
>shilling for a pedophile company
Thanks user.
Your typing style makes it obvious you're new here, but his is a normal thing we do all the time. Fill it out if you want to give them feedback, or don't. Your opinion doesn't really matter anyways.
These threads are posted by faggots like you but they are not welcome. Stay on reddit where you belong.
What if they introduced a new color, like Yellow, or magenta. What would that change?
>this man has not posted on Veeky Forums more than 3 months
We have to deal with /v/ and /pol/, there are bigger fish to fry.
>the every one is /v/ and /pol/ argument
Not everyone is, but people using their buzzwords certainly are. But it's okay user we know you have a remedial grasp of the english language, it's really not that hard to figure out.
Remember when everything that went wrong with /tg was the fault of questfags? Remember when everything that went wrong with /tg was the fault of smutfags? Remember when everything that went wrong with /tg was the fault of NAZImod?
Maybe Veeky Forums is just ass and you're finally old enough to realize how shitty it actually is.
Everything that's wrong with Veeky Forums is because of the people who complain about what's wrong with Veeky Forums.
So nerds who have no idea how Veeky Forums works who try to act like the moral authority on what is or is not appropriate for the board?
Well shit, nobody likes the board police anyways.
No, it's distinctly more ass lately, because I only care about magic, and I'm pretty tired of the crossboarders who know next to nothing spamming every thread.
Questfags are alright.
Nazimod is genuinely awful.
People like you are the 2nd biggest issue after mentally handicapped teenagers.
Yet rather than ignoring the thread, filtering the thread, reporting the thread, etc. you decided to come into the thread, leave a comment, and encourage these people to continue making shitty threads that go nowhere and repeat the same arguments over and over again.
You are the biggest reason why Veeky Forums is shit, motherfuckers never learned not to take the bait and complain about how shitty the board is because people keep dropping bait.
>Oh, you posted one of the few methods we actually have of giving anonymous feedback to WotC about MTG?
If you actually give a damn about the game, this is a chance to give feedback.
>bait is now getting called retarded
Sure thing senpai. Mods don't delete threads that seem on topic, and this is a fine thread. If you don't call people out for their bullshit, they'll samefag themselves into believing it worked.
The board isn't shitty, lately magic threads that aren't a few very specific generals are shitty, and it's intentional. This is an awful lot of whining from someone who doesn't understand what they're talking about. Replying to me isn't "bait", it's conversation. If I said something smug with a reaction image, designed to piss you off, that's bait, but only if you respond to it in a predictably retarded way.
I filled it out, for reasons I don't know.
If they make more money off of SJW's and white knights, then thats the way they should go I guess. I miss the non-political, fantasy magic of yesteryear, but I guess these days everything has to be political.
Feedback is important if we want to make a better magic
>the every one is reddit argument
You must be 18 or older to post on Veeky Forums
I filled it out yesterday. I told them I'm very uninterested in the Magic Story column on the mothersite but that worldbuilding, interesting characters and plots are very important to me as a Magic player. I hope they get it. They probably won't though.
I also told them at the end that additional reasons I like Magic were UU Instant- Counter target spell.