You don't want to miss out on the next moon mission, right?

panda coin

(tfw I'm such an old fag I remember this scammy piece of shit)

PND was never a scam, friend. Unless you're talking about wolongs shitcoin.

yeah what your thinking is wolongs "panda coin"
he is talking about "pandacoin"

which was a counter offensive against the scam artist

I think I still have like ten million of those. Amdoge always went quiet when I bought millions just to dump as soon as it gained 1 litoshi.

i remember finding my old wallet with 65k i mined shit was worth 2 dollars lmao

And now it's worth 8 dollars.

Last bump.

Go to bed amdoge.


that logo of 2004 bitcoin shit clone kek

no u

Ok, but you have to come.


That's the joke.

Fine then.

I have over a million of these on my old laptop

Reviving it would serve absolutely no purpose and would be totally pointless. It’ll probably be a huge success.

Probably. After ignoring this thing for 2 years it's still going. There's people still in the irc and now slack. At what point does it make sense to just roll with it and fully commit is what I'm trying to figure out now.

Kys faggot nigger. Chinks are more untrustworthy than pajeets.

Uh oh.

How many billions are you holding? And on what do you base your valuation of $8/65k one? is there a buy order up for 1 coin on an exchange you host on your laptop?


Where did you get that idea from? Right now I'm hooding 100m.
I took the price from coinmarketcap.

I feel a little sad, I've been leaking out PND cause I gave up on waiting for people to take notice.

I'm gonna feel horrid when it goes to 2sat and i sold out everything at .78sat :*(

Did you make a profit? Don't feel sad if you did.

>PND (23.42%)
The specified market cap seems a tad optimistic at $4.3 million.
Post tits and I’ll set a buy order. PND is clearly the future of finance.

You can never make enough profit :P

Yeah the liquidity isn't there yet.
Blue board, sorry.


Are you a millionaire yet? I am. Post elsewhere and link here :^)

good for you user. I'm just a 10k-100k pleb

No. Congrats on those gains tho.

Jesus fuck I’ve got so many shitcoins. Like 130 different wallets from years ago. Wonder if any are worth anything.
Fuck me I wish I’d saved the DRK (DASH) I bought alongside PND on mintpal.

MONA went to through the roof, maybe look for that.

Mintpal, what a shit show. I honestly liked the interface though.

Yeah I noticed, I have a wallet but the only exchange which carried them was a pain in the ass, I bought zero ;_;
Thanks. Feelsgoodman.
Please do revive PND and popularise it to newplebs, I’d find that very amusing.
Gtg, have to roll around in teen vaginas and Ferraris.

Never thought Id see panda coin again.

I should have listened earlier and bought the good cryptos. Oh well

Not as bad as i feel selling 80M at subsatoshi levels, and now people are interested in reviving it again :*(

At least you gained knowledge. That in itself is valuable.

so are we ever gonna get a rebrand for the coin icon?

Just for the sake of changing it?

cause its ugly