>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
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What homebrews do you use in your games? Rules or options
>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
Previously, on /5eg/:
What homebrews do you use in your games? Rules or options
>not posting the original
What annoying puzzles are you planning to spring upon your players? I'm thinking of doing something with LZW-compressed text.
How broken is Ranged Weapons getting Opportunity Attacks?
At their max range? Extremely. At melee range, just use your bow as an improvised weapon.
I made a Loremaster class and am almost done with my Gunslinger class.
The player who's playing the Loremaster is having fun with the Runewright archetype I gave it. He's loving the spell diversity though he's frustrated at only knowing 8 spells total right now.
Within 5ft? Not very because of disadvantage w/o SS. Outside of 5ft? Why the fuck.
So I want to do an "Alien" themed dungeon, specifically Alien 1. But I'm really not sure how to go about it. Anybody have any good ideas I can use to get started or build on?
>What Homebrews do you use in your games? Rules or Options.
Potions can be used a bonus action and/or an action. (The mixing potions table might active if they chug them in the same turn depending on the school of magic)
I use Mercer's Fading Spirit resurrection rules.
Action Surge allows you to get your bonus action back as well. (I Don't recommend this one)
I pushed up the bonus action spell casting rule to 2nd level instead of the cantrips being the cut-off point.
Crafting time is 1/2-1/8 the time in the DMG. The time will increase based on the tool check rolls and if you have created it before. Prices for crafting varies depending on the item and its rarity.
Tinkers/Crafters can create their own custom magical items they would need to speak with me first about the blueprints & concept, and I'll edit it if it's too strong or too weak, give it a price tag, and Crafting DC in secret depending on the difficulty.
Feat: Firearm Expert
•You can repair firearms as a bonus action.
•Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
•When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a loaded firearm you are holding.
Feat: Dual Weilder
•Add Plus 1 to Dexterity or Strength up to a maximum of 20.
UA Material allowed unless otherwise stated.
Multiclassing with UA may be allowed depending on the class, backstory, or narrative.
Magus (DMs Guild) Class is available
Arcane Conduit Sorcerer Origin is allowed
Pugilist (DMs Guild) Class is available
College of The Maestro Bard College (DMs Guild) is available
Gunslinger Fighter Arctype (DMs Guild) is available
Way of the Four Elements Revised is available
Mystic (With approval) (No Nomadic Mind)
Blood Hunter (DMs Guild) is available
Compendium of Sacred Mysteries (With Approval)
The Compendium of Forgotten Secrets (With Approval)
Revised Artificer is allowed
We're going to need more information. As a feat or a general rule? At what range? Under what conditions? Triggered by movement or something else?
How would that even work?
For a longbow to get an opportunity attack would someone need to try leave the entire area it could hit? Because you can move inside peoples' reach safely.
Has someone tried the Magus? I'm worried it steps on too many toes, with EK, Bladesinger, Hexblade, etc
>(I don't recommend this one)
Then why do you use it?
probably it sounded like a good idea at the time and now theres potential conflict with a figther player if he wants to nerf it back down that he'd rather avoid
I guess I should also mention that I'm not converting the game into Sci-fi horror, but converting the movie to fantasy horror
Tight tunnels with something stalking after them. Don't let them see the map at all.
I had two in my party, it was fine. Though they both took the Arcane Order so I never got a chance to see the others in action. They don't have as much armor (Even with the Mystic Mark) as the Eldritch Knight or Bladesinger. Bladesinger also gets a much better list of spells in comparison.
Also, the Hexblade was not a class at the time of the Magus being made, but nothing is really going to best a Charisma weapon user with Eldritch Blast.
I don't think the Homebrew is perfect, some of the spells are really strong, and your mileage may vary on the Mystic Mark feature as it gives you and your allies temporary magic items which are quite strong for lower magic games. (My game is high magic it does not affect much)
I'm in too deep! Though I have talked to the fighter (Cavalier) about it and he said he was fine with dropping that bit for balance sake so I probably will be dropping it soon.
When I made this rule I did not know that you could use either weapon in your hand for extra attack (This is my first time DMing & I shifted from Pathfinder), and I had a gunslinger who was duel wielding focused so I allowed this rule to let them do it... Now that Gunslinger is dead and there is a Cavalier with PAM and GWM. Sooo yeah... scary.
No one has considered making the Eldritch Machine Gun yet.
>Not ensuring your players understand any UA or Homebrew can and will be adjusted for balance as things advance
Either git gud at DMing or get better players.
What's the best Feat and why is it Lucky?
How do you guys feel about rust monsters / monsters that degrade armor and weapons
Lucky is banned from my group's campaigns. If you can take it, something's wrong.
>why is it Lucky
The ability to turn disadvantage into super-advantage.
love throwing them at martials
Generally frustrated. They only punish the character classes that use armor and weapons and those classes aren't the ones that need to be singled out for punishing.
>boon of dimensional travel
>you can cast misty step as an action
>an action
Is this a typo? Wow what a great ability for a level 20 character.
I have a game in two days and absolutely no plans on what to do. Help me 5eg
The real problem is that we don't have similar monsters to punish other types of characters.
Read a book.
I would hope it is, so I just ignore it and say it works just like the spell.
I should be running a game for 1 and half hours now, but nobody reminded me so I'm just doing nothing, you'll be fine user
Just brush up on some rules, go through your notes etc.
Love 'em. One of the few true ways to inspire fear in the players. Although rust monsters themselves don't work for that purpose since they're non-aggressive and easily placated by any ferrous metal. This is why you always carry spare daggers.
Oozes, on the other hand...
Annoying hindrances that can force the players to think about alternate ways to think about combat.
Use sparingly though.
You absolutely could punish other classes in the same way, but if your wizard's spellbook catches fire every time he gets hit by a fireball he'd quit the game.
Still the dumbest sage advice ruling in my opinion
What is Rakshasa, or my favorite fuck you an Intellect Devourer.
If I'm homebrewing a new campaign, what's an adequate amount of quests to give the players the option to pursue at the start?
Is it okay to just prepare one main quest to get things started an hope the players take the bait?
What if i have multiple quests prepared but they all ultimately lead to the same dungeon?
Oh and to add, If your interested or a player of yours is interested in the Magus, ask the player /yourself if any of these multiclasses can reach their/your needs instead of playing the Magus. I may allow a lot of homebrew in my game but I like to push for official content if it can reach that persons subjective standard.
At the time I did not know a lot about Multiclassing (We shifted at level 5) and I did not have a complete grasp of the system yet, only knowing a little from Critical Role.
>not Gourmand
>"Lucky people shouldn't be lucky."
That's you. That's how dumb you sound.
I'm a newfag
What does gish mean
He spel, but he also atac
A rakshasa doesn't permanently weaken or destroy the spells and an intellect devourer's save dc is pretty low. Rust monsters don't have a save.
Depends on which gishfag you ask, but the main core is using spells and martial might together in some fashion.
Gish is from the Gith culture where they have sword-wielding casters who use their magic for buffs, blinking around, and all sorts of shit.
Make an effort.
It's a term that is defined as a Fighter/Wizard Githyanki combo, though as of late its usually seen as "A character that is skilled in both physical combat and the use of magic."
Everyone has their own personal opinion on what the "Gish" is though. Its why there are so many homebrews of it and classes that reach similar roles. I know some hate it, but I don't mind I like Spellblades.
Halfling Divination Wizard with Lucky Feat.
hey I don't know if anyone told you yet but magic and also stabbing
The most common use of "Gish" I've seen is when someone brings up Hexblade, because it uses CHA for casting AND Melee attacks. It's a decent example, even if I'm sick of people complaining about hexblade, whether you think their complaints are valid or not.
I prefer starting the campaign off with a mini-arc that I railroad the players onto.
>ex: you start in a prison or aboard a sinking ship or in a village being attacked by goblins.
This removes a lot of the awkwardness of starting a new campaign with new characters that have no reason to talk to each other. The tutorial-arc should be 1 or 2 sessions max and after the immediate danger has passed I open up the world for them to explore and see which hooks they latch onto.
It's ok to have multiple hooks leading to the same dungeon as long as the illusion of free-will is preserved
I give Sorcerers "Origin Spells" tied to their Sorcerous Origin, scaling them like a Cleric's Domain Spells.
I've homebrewed up a port of the Duskblade class and turned the Swordsage from ToB into a Monk archetype, and have given them to players as an option, but so far none have taken it.
Ran a one-shot set in my homebrew world, and used the Gunslinger archetype for a player.
I have my own crafting rules, mainly to not have there be as much of a time investment in crafting lower level magic items (basically with proper tools and gold investment, a player can make a 100-3k gold rarity item in 1 day to 2 weeks).
>I'm sick of people complaining about hexblade
I'm sick of WotC rushing to hit release dates and putting out fucking trash.
I don't disagree, Hexblade is basically wasted potential: the subclass but I'm pretty sure everyone already gets that it's retarded. We don't need 1/3 of the thread to be taken up by people reeeing about a poorly designed subclass.
How does Kenku speech work? Can they only repeat things they've heard recently, or can they repeat something as long as they've heard it once?
If it's the latter I don't really understand their issue as if they come from a background with a lot of people around then surely they have a decent vocab (although they'd sound weird, like an amalgamation of voices for each sentence)
Which character sheet do you guys use? It seems like every group has a different preference and I'm sort of at a loss as to which I should be using.
a sheet is just for you so use whatever you're comfortable with
In my head canon, they talk like the way a Predator "talks" int he Predator movies.
They record sound clips from the people they stalk and/or kill and then repeat them, semi-randomly.
I play on Roll20, so I use the OGL by Roll20. It's pretty good, but lacks stuff for Homebrew clases due to the dropdown menu. If you're not using any that's fine, but if you are you'll need to find a sheet that lets you fill in your own Class bar.
The latter. It is an issue though, it goes beyond speech, they lack creativity as a whole. You couldn't hatch a neat solution to a problem as a Kenku.
True but it is immune to spells below a certain level, also it depends on how much a dick bag you want to be and how many saving throws you want to make your player roll.
I think Hexblades are great "Gishes" they are in my personal favorites for the charisma based gish. Out of the whole multiclass combinations up there my favorites are
Eldritch Knight/War Wizard and Divine Soul/Hexblade. Both are pretty solid at hitting my preferred Gish option.
With homebrew, skies the limit, some of my favorites are the Blood Hunter (Profane Soul), Arcane Conduit (Sorcerer Origin), and oddly enough the Revised Way of the Four Elements Monk each work without the need for multiclassing for me.
Orcpub2 has some pretty good sheets with spell cards, and its quick made.
The latter, but personally it's more fun for me to limit the vocabulary as much as possible.
Simple layout, easy to fill in, and you can make as many as you like. Requires an account on the site though, so if that isn't cool with you, you've been warned.
>thread Q: homebrew
Dude who hosts the game has expansive, tiered critical/fumble charts for each damage type and severity of hit. Criticals are "confirmed" with an additional roll, degree of seperation between that outcome and original target AC/DC increases severity of d100 table that describes additional effects beyond the usual double damage or failure
He does this knowing full well that I have never failed to roll completely underwhelming critical hits and ridiculously exaggerated fumbles, and I presume he just hates me.
For what purpose?
>lucky people should be able to not only nullify bad luck, but gain more advantage from having bad luck than a regular person could ever achieve from good luck
Hell, why not just let them take a nat 20 on their roll instead? They're lucky, so they deserve to be unbalanced!
You can actually do that and still mostly lore friendly. Make players intercept nautiloid battle ship, after entering the ship, players notice that the ship lack any Mind Flayers, then pit them with Red/Blue Slaadis while the entrance is closed. Have Death Slaadi with teleport/planar lock as the boss.
Good fucking god there are so many better ways to implement that system.
I'll be honest, I find Hexblade rather underwhelming. The whole Gish thing is nice since you don't have to spec into another stat to cast spells, but I find it lacking flavor wise considering I think it should be more focused on the -blade part and less on the magic since you have TALKING FUCKING SWORD, so if I'm going to do a caster-melee I'm going with Eldritch Knight personally, though I'd probably prefer to go either-or instead of a hybrid class and let my party fill in for what I'm lacking. I think it's more interesting and fun for all involved that way. Maybe I'm still salty that I'm retarded and can't dissociate high CHA from being able to talk to people so compared to our human bard with uge' CHA and also being human my Half-Orc doesn't really get to do much roleplaying, although last session was really fun for me so I think i'll be satisfied when the next session sunday grinds me into a pulp as the DM seems to be hinting at.
I have a minor one, in that pistols are difficult to wield and heavier.
1-handed, pistols impose a -3 to attack rolls. If you try to dual-wield pistols, it's -5 to each attack.
That said, they are powerful. 2d6 + dex for damage.
There's other guns as well, like muskets and harpoon guns, but nobody's been using them so they may as well not exist.
For one particular character, he carries a curse that plays havoc with his Wild Shape. He has to roll a d20. With a roll of 15 or less, he transforms into... something else, instead of what he intended to. Some are neat/powerful, like becoming a mimic, mind flayer, or angel. I'm waiting for him to roll a 1 and change gender.
>for what purpose?
You wanna know what's better than rolling a lol20 and doing double damage?
Following it up with a high d100 roll that describes the wounds in detail.
Or you can fumble an athletics check to knockdown a mook and nearly kill yourself...
There are plenty of redeeming values in this group, but this particular one is obviously not my favorite.
Opinions on ToA? Things to change, things you enjoy(ed) or didn't enjoy? Is the hexcrawl too extensive? Is it fun managing water, food and navigation? Are the random encounters ok?
Trust me user I'm not trying to shit on your group as a whole but that just sounds pants on head retarded, especially if what you're getting is a better description. Then the opposite end of the spectrum of nearly dying because you tried to knock someone down.
>since you have TALKING FUCKING SWORD,
Just a quick reminder that Hexblades do not actually have talking swords, its just a mysterious entity from the Shadowfell. Though you could flavor your Hex Warrior weapons with your patron talking through it very rarely.
How about a Swords Bard or a Sorcerer/Paladin of some form? These are homebrew but maybe the Blood Hunter (Profane Soul) with a multiclass into hexblade might fit your view? Or the Arcane Conduit as its a Sorcerer that uses Charisma.
Yeah, but they only destroy non magical items, so they're heirloom +1 sword is fine, just means they cough up some gold for another splint mail after the dungeon
How willing are you guys to put up with whatever a DM says? I'm starting a new campaign with a bunch of guys, and they're really enthusiastic which is great. I am sort of surprised at *how* enthusiastic though, and they ask me for consent before doing anything. I suppose I should be happy, but I'm just a little surprised. They're perfectly willing to accept whatever I say and just roll with it. I ask their input, but ultimately they respect my decision. It gives me freedom and control, but I am afraid that I'll be doing something they disagree with but will be afraid to voice their opinions.
We're having our session-zero next week. Should be interesting.
Hexcrawl can be fun, but in ToA there is way too much backtracking so it becomes tedious
Things always go differently in practice so it might not be like that when they're in the heat of playing. DM gets the final say is always the best policy anyway.
No you don't?
>What homebrews do you use in your games? Rules or options
Just finished compiling my combat homebrew in with the OGL. It hard-codes the available types of actions in a turn, opens up more options, and add special combat effects like in Mythras. I also use three reach increments instead of two for weapons to differentiate style of combat more.
Feel free to shit on it.
How do you fix mystic? I really like psionic, but in the current state it's to broken for my DM to allow it
You don't. Only monsters should have psionics.
You throw it in the garbage and play a Wizard fluffed as a Psionic user.
>Sentient Weapons
>Don't have talking swords
That just makes my opinion of hexblade being "wasted potential: the subclass" even more concrete desu. Where's my homebrew fix to make hexblades actually interesting? I thought that's what you homebrewers were for dammit.
>Second half of post
Yeah, it's more of an issue of me thinking in video gamey terms and the fact I had no clue what I was doing when I made my barbarian (I dumped DEX on him ffs). I'd probably go half-elf bard (since a reason our bard opted for the class is because we were starting to go all melee until our Tabaxi joined) if I could start over knowing what I know now.
>character classes that use armor and weapons
So what are some monsters that punish spellcasters
>Revised Artificer is allowed
But which one?
just have them fall into a traphole which has 7 raksashas in them and a couple of humanoids with counterspell
Wizard are lame and boring. I'll go with sorcerer. I feel bad thought, I really liked the way they designed disciplines
Anything with good stats that is tough. Like vampires.
You can easily fluff your Pact weapon as speaking to you
As it is, it's up to you to decide how your relationship with your Patron works. So... use that imagination?
Anything that is tough enough to survive a round of combat and is quick and smart enough to target the spellcasters.
What if it's the soul of a powerful warrior trapped in the weapon and my pact is to set him free by slaying the being (an evil Wizard/ a hag/ something else relevant, I need to stop being a black man and read the books so i can get something solid) who cursed him to be trapped in it so he can move on/be freed/whatever makes sense lore-wise?
> Where's my homebrew fix to make hexblades actually interesting? I thought that's what you homebrewers were for dammit.
Give me a few minutes an user on here when the Hexblade was released a few months back posted an large explanation as to how the lore for their Hexblades would work in their world, it was really interesting and I liked it a lot.
This one.
Is it alright to reskin monsters so players are more shocked / afraid of them? If they see a beholder they yawn, but a crawling tentacled spheroid is a bit scarier
Too much things to do, too little motivation to do it. Which is strangely, the opposite of RoT.
Never say what a monster is by its stat block name unless the characters are familiar with those monsters.
I mean, you probably shouldn't predicate your Pact on eventually losing your powers by freeing your Patron, but if you want to, go for it.
It’s encouraged.
A lumbering, ugly humanoid with mangy hair and sickly claws approaches
>What if my players metagame and know it’s a Troll
Well now it’s a swamp giant
Slaads, Yuan-Ti or any mob monster with magic resistance.
Found it...
I had my warlock make a pact with a sentient magic weapon from Shadowfell. When he meets his patron in his dreams he's meeting the weapon. As his pact magic gets stronger the presence he feels when meeting his patron will increase. Eventually he'll be able to realize that the presence of the weapon wasn't getting stronger, it's the presence of something intangible nearby it; the presence from the weapon itself has barely increased. He couldn't notice before because the two presences have an almost identical aura. After this realization, he'll start to ever so slowly discern the shape of something gripping the weapon (I might make it a full body, or maybe just an arm). If the other party members meet the patron even while high level, either due to the descent of an avatar/image or due to visiting Shadowfell, none of them will be able to see the outline wielding the weapon. At his strongest, what the warlock sees is still at best an outline (think of "The Truth" from FMA).
For my setting at least, it won't be that these sentient magic weapons were simply 'created' or 'made' by the same person. Rather they are pieces of the same soul that have been scattered throughout Shadowfell (and possibly other places) over long and varied periods of time that have slowly manifested themselves as these weapons-- seemingly independent but in reality working towards the same grand goal.
Perhaps it's an entity trying to sneakily grow their power without others noticing. Perhaps it's the contingency plan or last ditch effort of a thought to be destroyed entity. Perhaps it's an outside entity seeping its way through an unknown barrier into your multiverse. You may never find out.
It's possible to take this further and expand it beyond hexblades and sentient magic shadowfell weapons, having something similar be of influence to all the party members. The seemingly independent character arcs all smaller steps towards a large connected final arc.