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why in the fuck

Does anyone have that vampire hunting CYOA where you customize your weapon and get a qt vampire hunting girl as a partner?


If that is it. Can you post it?

Anyone have a power trip cyoa where you aren't overpowered?

you mean this one?

yeah post it



so you will eave the posting you k?


>so you will eave the posting you k?

Does this fit your taste?

I will leave the posting to YOU. I swear i think i had a stroke while writing that.

Anyone got that 5 year prison cyoa with the choice in companions?



Mercy is the objective superior choice in this case.


>chronic depression, low self esteem, neurotic
>objective superior choice
Nice try bro.

I'm thinking of expanding this to add Moira, Zarya and Sombra

Wife Status: Whelmia > Opheris > Vararoa > Julia > Saeharenity > Dircula

Whelmia was born and raised to be the perfect woman. You can't argue this line up.


I feel that's the only type of person who could truthfully like me.


>Whelmia was born and raised to be the perfect woman.
Yes this is true but remember that Apocrypha is not a waifu CYOA!

Female, humanoid, obsessive

Those qualities don't make you like anyone better, they just decrease happiness, bargaining power, and mental stability. You aren't choosing her because she'll like you any better or more authentically, but because she's less able to reject you. That's a big difference.

Exactly, unless that is the case I think I would not be chosen at all. But, seeing how I'm unable to make the firs move, she would be a eats interested enough to warrant an aprohach.

You're making a lot of assumptions here regarding user's taste.

If I were to make the same choice as user, I'd choose her because I feel that somebody who is depressive, neurotic and has low self-esteem resembles me and I could therefor more easily empathize with her because I understand what it's like to be depressed. If I chose a preppy happy-go-lucky girl I probably wouldn't get along because I am neither preppy nor happy-go-lucky. It didn't even occur to me that there could be some emotionally abusive reason to it until you made your comment.

I know. Apocrypha is an adventure CYOA with a few "waifu" elements. Speaking honestly Apocrypha has an interesting setting for a CYOA that needs to be fleshed out more.

I am sad that Italics didn't finish and release Apocrypha Advent before bjs computer broke because he was working on that 9 Girls Pick 1 update. I really wanted to know more about the Hunters Guild and Vampires


Full quality version in the drive. V1.1 makes minor, unimportant changes.

Empathy doesn't equal attraction. If you're struggling to identify with these women on such a basic level, you have way bigger problems then how much they like you back.

I'm not saying there is necessarily any emotional abuse, merely that this is not really a matter of natural attraction but a cagey, self-serving (nothing wrong with this) impulse.

Mate they are literally a few line of description on paper, how can you identify with them more than the guy did?

I think I might be a M because I want to bang the first girl and date her.

>tfw no submissive monster

My Own Saber Erotic Fanfiction is better.

I'm torn between the manticore and the Taurus

Crap. DLC page got stomped in conversion. Fixed.

Because being able to identify with the simplified idea of a person is both simple and natural, especially when the amount to beat is "I can't identify with them because they're not neurotic and depressive like me".

Basic attraction commonly occurs long before you develop a profound, 3-dimensional understanding of a person. The problem is where someone doesn't take advantage of time and opportunity to update their mental image of the object of their attraction and gets stuck there; unless the other person is similarly arrested in their personal development, this is no longer going to satisfy their relationship needs in the long run.

It's literally a gentle monster femdom CYOA.

what changes?

-1 Durability
-1 Grace
-1 Down Under
-1 Reflexes
-1 Stamina
-2 Regeneration
-2 Sustenance
-2 Immunity
-2 Threat Detection
-1 Heightened Senses
-1 Language
-1 Mastery - criminology
-1 Shadow
-3 Suggestions

Stalker CYOA from /k/ here. Remember that you are supposed to do this in real life, and there are plenty of places to go for this kind of thing.

Mercy, duh

Anu cheeki breeki!

Here its old.

>Because being able to identify with the simplified idea of a person is both simple and natural, especially when the amount to beat is "I can't identify with them because they're not neurotic and depressive like me".
I've never said I cannot identify with them, only that I would identify more with someone who's emotional outlook on life is similar to my own, and would not be able to identify as easily with someone who is very different from myself.

>Basic attraction commonly occurs long before you develop a profound, 3-dimensional understanding of a person. The problem is where someone doesn't take advantage of time and opportunity to update their mental image of the object of their attraction and gets stuck there; unless the other person is similarly arrested in their personal development, this is no longer going to satisfy their relationship needs in the long run.
I fail to understand the relation to the original post, there is no basic attraction, there is no profound 3-dimensional understanding and there is no opportunity or time to update a mental image of an object. We're reading four sentences and making a (hypothetic) life-changing judgement based off of that. I think you're taking this entire situation way too seriously user.

Returning to the original reply to my post.

>Empathy doesn't equal attraction.
I never mentioned attraction. I mentioned empathy because it would be easier to get into her shoes and help her and in turn it would be easier for her to understand me.

>If you're struggling to identify with these women on such a basic level, you have way bigger problems then how much they like you back.
I never mentioned not understand these women and certainly I never mentioned how much they like me back.

I get the feeling that you're talking to yourself and you're trying to use me as a proxy to do so. I don't understand you or your circumstances but I wish you the best in dealing with your emotional issues.

>Apocrypha Advent
Believe in Italics!



AHAHA, I found it!

CYOAs are becoming real

I know you are lying because i am not the little (magical) girl yet

Italics is comp is dead and he won't get a new one for about a month. I also wanted Magi Bloodlines instead of 9girlspick1.

>Italics was the first Zodiac Brides Guy.

Did you submit your build on time?


I can't find it on the list. You didn't just post it here, did you?

>I've never said I cannot identify with them
You implied that it was easier to the point where it was worth saying that this Mercy was strictly superior despite her drawbacks. So not "cannot identify", but "identifying with these others is so difficult that the others are not even an option despite being better in every other way". I imagined that you would be able to intuit that with the most basic of awareness of how what I said interacts with what you said, but obviously this conversation will require exhaustive and literal detail in order to meet your comprehension requirements.

>I fail to understand the relation to the original post, there is no basic attraction
The post you are replying to directly addresses that assertion. The simplicity of the idea of these girls presented does not justify the idea that there is no attraction. You are given a general appearance and very limited list of traits that present the gist of the character's nature. These are the conditions where basic attraction commonly appears.

>I never mentioned attraction.
No, I did that. I mentioned attraction because these are the most healthy and laudable reasons to initiate a relationship as opposed to "it would be too hard to understand anyone else and they wouldn't bother understanding me either". This is obviously opinion and probably a point on which many will disagree with me. But if you didn't want to engage an opinion you disagreed with, why are you?

>I never mentioned not understand these women
You did mention the ease with which you could identify with (understand as like yourself) Mercy compared to the other girls; where these is less ease, there is more struggle or difficulty. This is how words and concepts work.

>talking to yourself... emotional issues
I am conversing with you. I might have emotional issues, but they haven't really come into play here. Do you often project some kind of emotional or personal defect on people who disagree with you?


Well it's too late now. Maybe you'll have another chance in five to ten years.


Are there more pages for this one? It's cute.

This is also my choice.

The guy never did more after the second page

Update when?

>putting the word "nice" in the filename
I hope you do this for all the ones you like user


Did Italics finally finish his goddess CYOA?

Kinda had to do because the second page broke the whole atmosphere altogether and people here didn't liked that so i guess he lost all motivation after that

When we deserve it user.

Calm down mate it's very fresh oc. I will probably take a while until we see any from of updates.

>You implied that it was easier to the point where it was worth saying that this Mercy was strictly superior despite her drawbacks.

I never said Mercy was strictly superior, I was replying to a post you made where you replied to a post user made where he chose mercy. I wouldn't choose mercy or any other woman on that chart because I don't play overwatch

>So not "cannot identify", but "identifying with these others is so difficult that the others are not even an option despite being better in every other way"
I find it interesting that you can so easily assert that every other option is SO OBVIOUSLY superior. Maybe they're better to you, but I find it hard to imagine at least a few people aren't interested in:

>Being mocked in front of millions and treated like shit by a diva who only treats you well when she's drunk an has obvious daddy issues
>Being hassled by an older woman to cheat on your wife who is in love with you for absolutely no reason other than that the CYOA states so
>Loveless sex with a blueberry who will rape you at night when she wants
>A lazy chinese girl who is admittedly okay in every other area other than the premature death thing
>Not even gonna bother what's wrong with british lesbian chick, it clearly states she's mentally ill
>Edgy mexican

The rest of that paragraph is just you insulting me so I'll ignore it.

The post you are replying to directly addresses that assertion. The simplicity of the idea of these girls presented does not justify the idea that there is no attraction. You are given a general appearance and very limited list of traits that present the gist of the character's nature. These are the conditions where basic attraction commonly appears.

It’s convenient that you cut off the quote right before entering the whole mental image spiel you broke into, which again, has nothing to do with choosing a waifu based off 4 sentences. Your statement is correct though.



>>I never mentioned attraction.
>No, I did that. I mentioned attraction because these are the most healthy and laudable reasons to initiate a relationship as opposed to
Yes, and emotional attraction would definitely be a healthy reason wouldn’t it? Why is it impossible for you to understand that people might not be emotionally attracted to the other characters as much as they might be attracted to mercy? Does being abused by a Korean or raped by a Frenchman seem so much appealing and attractive than a woman who wants babies and suffers from low-self esteem? I’d say that in any case your standards are twisted here, not user.

>"it would be too hard to understand anyone else and they wouldn't bother understanding me either".
Now you’ve resorted to putting words in my mouth to make yourself seem more reasonable, I can already tell you’re frustrated but please don’t stoop to that level. I never once made that statement

>This is obviously opinion and probably a point on which many will disagree with me. But if you didn't want to engage an opinion you disagreed with, why are you?
Where did I state I didn’t want to engage you? I’m engaging you right now aren’t I?

>I never mentioned not understand these women
You did mention the ease with which you could identify with (understand as like yourself) Mercy compared to the other girls; where these is less ease, there is more struggle or difficulty. This is how words and concepts work.
Fair enough, you beat me there. However, I would still argue that I made a relative state while you initially transformed it into an absolute statement. I said It would be easier, not impossible. Because it would be easier it would be better for establishing a healthy relationship.

>>talking to yourself... emotional issues
>Do you often project some kind of emotional or personal defect on people who disagree with you?
I only mentioned this because I’m genuinely puzzled by some of the things you wrote


Yahweh was the worst Goddess out of them all, Demeter and Selene best girls.

>Satan trips
Begone false idol!

Are we getting a waifu valentine CYOA?

Waifu cyoas are actually forbidden starting today.

Does anyone have Super Soldier?

>St Valentine CYOA

If I get into a bad enough mood I'll make something.

This is kind of close.

>Valentines day
Don't remind me, user.


Why do you quote my past number three times in the same post?

>SO OBVIOUSLY superior
Superior in the context I'd been discussing. The whole point is that there are many contexts of attraction, and that while it is silly to claim strict superiority of one choice it is possible to say that some traits are so generally negative that gravitating to them despite these negatives constitutes either a paraphilia or something other than a real attraction (the lack of a negative as opposed to the presence of a positive).

>It’s convenient that you cut off the quote right before entering the whole mental image spiel you broke into
I didn't quote myself there at all, only you. Did you mean to say that YOU broke into a mental spiel that I failed to completely quote?

>emotional attraction would definitely be a healthy reason wouldn’t it?
That's what I'm saying.
>Why is it impossible for you to understand that people might not be emotionally attracted to the other characters as much as they might be attracted to mercy?
It's not. No reasons to be attracted to Mercy have been given, just that she would be easier to understand. This isn't a matter of attraction, but a fear of attrition.
>Does being abused by a Korean or raped by a Frenchman seem so much appealing and attractive than a woman who wants babies and suffers from low-self esteem?
It's not that they're more attractive (all negative traits can become appealing to the right paraphiliae), but that they're less damaging even if you are into that. It is not possible to ameliorate the functional negatives of a partner who is depressive, neurotic, and self-degrading to the same degree as the other drawbacks merely because the idea excited you for one reason or another.


(continued from )
>Where did I state I didn’t want to engage you?
I am saying there that while I acknowledge that I had made a naturally contentious statement, you obviously want to engage me on it.

>you initially transformed it into an absolute statement
I was referring to the absoluteness of the position I was originally opposing, which position you have clarified that you do not hold. So my criticism of the idea stands, it just doesn't apply to everyone in the conversation but instead only to the person who held that idea.

>I only mentioned this because I’m genuinely puzzled by some of the things you wrote
Then I'm glad we had this discussion. I'm sorry if you see some of my statements as personal insults unworthy of considering, but there is room for talk of the person espousing the idea, especially in an informal discussion such as this.

Saint Valentine of Rome

>Festive Spirit
>Where did you decide to go?
Amusement Park
>What's for dinner?
>Perfect gift to end the day?
A letter
>What does it say?
Thank you for being my first ever Valentine, I hope you enjoyed this day as much as I did. I hope we meet again the coming year, maybe I'll be the one cooking you chocolates then.

Is this OC? I haven't seen it before.

Nah, it's been around for some weeks at least.

Italics comp was raped to death and so he isn't going to make a cyoa for awhile. He might've also lost majority of the progress he made on his cyoas as well including the goddess cyoa.

not the user you re having a discussion with but I needed to touch on these points.
>It's not. No reasons to be attracted to Mercy have been given, just that she would be easier to understand. This isn't a matter of attraction, but a fear of attrition.

For you maybe, but one of the least attractive thing I can think of is a confrontational person, on the other hand i find someone who does not cause attrition to be more attractive.

>It's not that they're more attractive (all negative traits can become appealing to the right paraphiliae), but that they're less damaging even if you are into that. It is not possible to ameliorate the functional negatives of a partner who is depressive, neurotic, and self-degrading to the same degree as the other drawbacks.
You see this is where you are confusing your opinions with facts. Whether it's easier or harder to better the lives of any of those people depends on them and their partners entirely. One person might have an easy time dealing with tracer, while another will only make her mental problems more intense.

One might absolutely despise the idea of having the mother of his partner hit on him that he outright take on destructive behaviors against her before leaving the relationship, while being completely ok with receiving abuse from d.va.

I tihnk i could help/decrease the "problem" in mercies psych while also having her help me with my issues. While at the same time I can't see this working with the other people described in the cyoa. I'm sure we would make each-other more miserable or just worse people in all of the other options.

You can't have your personal preferences/way of being as the norm because it isn't. There is no norm because we are individuals.

Who is the most overrated author? What is the most overrated cyoa?

Shit taste. The best goddesses are those not for brainlets. Astraea is GOAT tier.

>waking up to your lover riding your dick is rape
Are you fucking kidding me, bro?

Pharah, a little bit of self-possessed honesty and capability will take care of the Ana issue.

Tok or ZBG

>Are you fucking kidding me, bro?
you... you didn't keep up with the current news did you?
Keep it that way, your sanity will thank you.

Highlander and Traveler

Hey it turns me on too, but it's also rape. It's just the kind of rape that would quickly stop being rape in my case as soon as I realized what was going on.

What is wrong with that though?