Rolled 5, 3, 1, 4 = 13 (4d6)
Legendary Arms RPG Kamigakari Thread
Previous Thread: Last time:
>Images from book user, Cropped versions to come
>Threadstarter user tries to get people into the setting, fails miserably
>How can we change Spirit barrier to be less intrusive?
>Gold is worth a shitload, who knew?
Baseline things! And stuff:
Expansions and errata + Mononoke homebrew guide, FAQ, and a quick rules cheatsheet!
Expansion Weapons Pastebin (Incomplete) And Item Pastebin
A character sheet hosted on Google Sheets (for online play!)::
Kamigakari is a JTTRPG focused on episodic storytelling, with simple but tight mechanics. Its design goal is to start players spread out, getting involved with the episode's peculiarities, and eventually coming together to fight a big bad, A la tokusatsu shows, magical girl shows, and/or other such shows in that vein.
TL;DR, Its a Monster of the Week Format game with an emphasis in the fluff on high power shenanigans of just about every type.
Japanese schedules suck, so JTTRPGS are optimized toward quick and easy sessions.That said, they can be adapted for longer ones with little to no effort.