You coming to Chad's for Friday night D&D, user?
You coming to Chad's for Friday night D&D, user?
You can't come because you don't have a ride? Don't worry,user, I'll take you, bro.
Only if tattoo guy is the dm
Hell yeah, dude! His wife always bakes the best chocolate chip cookies. Should I bring some buffalo chicken dip?
But I wanted to watch Netflix today :(
....Y'know, a little less body hair on some of them and I'd worry about my latent homolust
Hell yeah I’d play with them. I love the Veeky Forums - Veeky Forums crossover: they’re generally fine fellows and help balance out the... ahem, habits of some fa/tg/uys.
I think it'd be hilarious. Imagine going to the gym seeing these guys talking to each other and thinking it's typical chad talk but in between talking about picking up woment they're talking about D&D
I will never understand how someone can lack awareness to the point they don't give a shit if people see their fat crusty ass crack.
/r9k/ hates em but in reality a lot of them are genuinely really nice guys
Having a Chad-tier bro is about the best thing that can happen to a nerdy and/or anti-social guy. He'll help you get fit, help you get girls that are out of your league, and if he's down for a fun night of killing monsters and wooing wenches, drinking beer and having laughs, that would be excellent. I bet they wouldn't even hate you being a caster.
Fun fact, spending time with manly men will help reaffirm your masculine identity and build your confidence. Don't hate Chads, anons. Embrace them.
No homo.
Yeah, I'm still on for the orgy
chad =/= Veeky Forums
can confirm, my bro brings me in to conversations BY FORCE IF NECESSARY and generally increases my self esteem
>tfw no chad best friend
how will I improve myself brehs?
Oh,that happens more often than You think. I have had conversations about w40k lore between sets at the gym
Different user here, can also confirm.
In my case it might even be just a little homo.
What time? I'm doing a max reps day on Friday.
Whenever a Chad is needed, they will appear. Whenever a geek is in a corner at a party, nursing a cup of soda and eying Stacy from across the room, they'll be there. Whenever a chubby guy decides to skip the gym for the day, they'll be there. Whenever a virgin tries to flake on his date because of anxiety, they'll be there.
Take heart, user. Your Chad will come.
for real, dude, Veeky Forums is my home board but making a commitment to get Veeky Forums and sticking with it has been one of the best things I've ever done. I'm still a weakling compared to most experienced gymbros (finally benched lmao2pl8 the other week lol), but my emotional health has been tremendously improved by it. I feel like lifting would be very beneficial for a lot of anons.
Sure. Mind if I bring Stacy? She heard about us all playing and wanted to try.
I've always got you, bro
Full homo, hope you're excited for our date next week
Hell yeah. Men need some sort of physical stress or challenge for a release. It's funny that it's healthy for you, like hard work.
Think of carnivores in the wild-they don't eat every day, and when they do eat, it's usually after a fucking intense, often dangerous hunt and chase that uses every muscle in their perfectly adapted bodies and stresses them to the max. I feel like that's nature telling us the right way to eat meat as humans lol. If you don't have a physical job or exercise, your shits gonna get fucked up.
Gymbros that play tg's are usually very cool. Sometimes they even bring their thot's with them and that can be fun too until the neckbreathers scare them off.
Do you mean neckbeards?
...What the fuck?
You guys are fucking weird.
>he has never known a Chad's love
I weep for you, user.
>when you accidentally wander into the self-debasing homoerotic fetishistic part of Veeky Forums
>his insecurity in his sexuality causes him to lash out at the idea of healthy and beneficial male relationships
No, you're weird!
Veeky Forums can be a substitute chad best friend, but you might pick up weird habits from them
I'm gay, it's just cringey to see people making threads for their fetish on a board where it doesn't fit. Nice try, though.
these guys look like they can chill, but
this dude is way too hot. I don't think I could focus on playing the game, I'd be too distracted by his stupid sexy beard and perfect hair.
Dude, healthy male relationships don't have to be sexual. You can have bros that lift with you and play tabletops with you, and it's perfectly good and healthy for you as a male.
When people say 2pl8, do they mean 2 on either side? Because 100kg is a fucking lot man. I've been going to the gym for like a month (been off it for a few days now with a cold) and I couldn't do anything close to that.
>I'm gay
Ah, that explains it. Stop projecting your own sexual tendencies onto others, user.
Thank you Chad user
>you're obviously insecure about your sexuality
>you're obviously projecting your sexuality
You can pick only one.
I pick the latter.
No, you can only pick one.
I did.
No, one option. I can't be secure in my sexuality while also projecting it, can I?
You two are cute
Different user. I don't think being insecure over something AND projecting that something are mutually exclusive.
You can project the sexuality you're insucure about
Sure you can. Gay people see gay stuff everywhere, even where it's not. Spend any amount of time on /co/ and you would learn that.
I've played 40k with pic related. tru story
Who the fuck is the manlet using the iPhone?
I'd totally play with these dudes. Wink
>tfw he's actually like 6'3"
>I'm 5'7"
Nah man he means really bad smokers. Nothing scares women off like a guy breathing through his neck hole.
But those guys kill at roleplaying robots.
Robots also scare off women.
Five seconds of google:
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
I'm not going to break it down barney-style for you, but can you see where it looks like you're doing the exact thing you're accusing me of doing while being deliberately dense?
>Older Brother is chad with Veeky Forums tendencies thanks to me
>He gets a D&D game going with his friends
>Brother asks me to come over and watch or play
>Agree if only to see what they're like
>GM is cool friend of brother's who is playing babysitter as 3/4 of them murderhobo across the land
>My face
I mean, they're enjoying it so that's good. But it was a little disheartening. Their dog got a hold of the model I had made of his character. RIP Cap'n Stone.
Look, dude, I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just saying I think you're wrong. I can also 5 second google.
Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable or inferior in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego.
There's nothing here that says you can't project whatever you're insecure about onto others.
>but can you see where it looks like you're doing the exact thing you're accusing me of doing while being deliberately dense?
Sure, but I'm not. I don't have to "defend myself" from the idea of being gay because I don't have any problem with homosexuality. And nice google-fu, but that's not really what I meant by "projection" in this context, although I suppose it's my own fault for not clarifying. You look at this thread and see homoeroticism, I look at it and see people applauding positive male rolemodels and reaffirming friendships with them. The difference most likely comes from you being gay, and myself being straight. I think that you're mistakenly attributing homosexuality to some people because you yourself are, so that's what you see. I mean there are a handful of gay posts, but that's about it, to my eyes.
you guys are stinky
Butt out, Stacy. The guys are talking.
I didn't say that there was. I just told you the definition of psychological projection: That you deny an impulse that exists in yourself while telling others that they do the same thing. As in, you usually flat out deny that the trait exists in yourself while you tell the other person that they're doing it. So when I admit that I'm gay and comfortable with it and tell OP to stop being such a flaming faggot...
I really couldn't care less about your own personal definitions of words. The idea that my objection toward you posting gay shit means that I'm uncomfortable with being gay says a lot more about you than me. From this angle, it really seems as though you're the one with the latent homosexual tendencies that you're projecting onto me, trying to ignore how gay the thread you made is by accusing everyone of doing the same thing you are.
Really soaks the sassafras, huh?
All my dudebro friends are some of the nicest, most humble people I know. Their bantz are also universally amazing so 5 minutes into a session and our lungs are close to collapsing from how hard we're laughing.
>when you accidentally wander into the self-debasing homoerotic fetishistic part of Veeky Forums
user that's basically all of Veeky Forums
you've yet to plumb the depths. there is a magical realm beyond knowing -- it goes much further than this thread.
Yeah so you don't understand how to have a non-sexual healthy relationship with a male lol. This thread isn't for you, queer.
>yea, get out of here, queer! you're too gay to suck chad's dick!
you mean...
I haven't posted anything gay, user. I didn't make this thread. My first post is the one with the "Emperor of the Galaxy" pic. I also never accused you of being uncomfortable with being gay after you stated you were. Ignoring my stated meaning and instead holding to the one you chose just so you can be mad is just immature. I admitted to my mistake of not being clear enough. Why are you being so hostile? Wait, is it because you're gay?
Are you being catty with me?
>hostile cause gay
>implying anyone ever needs 20 minutes
>Why are you being so hostile? Wait, is it because you're gay?
I knew a guy who exactly like the guy in the middle, but he was a tryhard fundie. I nearly choked when I saw him cover his eyes in a particularly raunchy scene in a movie we watched
I didn't realize having male friends was a fetish
Leave it to the fag to ruin a perfectly good thread. Thanks buddy you're so cool man. Pat yourself on the back.
You sound upset.
This guy knows what's up
>onion rubs and raw garlic suppositories
>> Be me, forever dm for group of ta/tg/uys
>> On a whim invite Veeky Forums ex roomate from college
>> He's hesitant but in 30 seconds is super into it
>> He plays his charater like a human not a trope
>> He learns and knows his abilities
>> He remembers npc names
My chad friend is a better player than any of my long time friends, what do I do? Do I go get fit now?
yea, you 'applaud' and 'reaffirm' that 'friendship' user
He took part in your hobby, only right you should try his. And it will be good for you.
Honestly, if you ask him to help you get shredded, you'd probably make his day.
For the last time Stacy, Chad and I aren't going to make out. Go home, you're drunk.
You become a Chad, user. It's your destiny.
I've left my own Chad friend behind in his darkest hour. I don't even know how to speak to him. He treated me like a brother and I just had to leave a brother behind.
You're a disgrace to every man/tranny to ever lived
Talk to him. Apologize. You and he never stopped being friends. Go, go to your Chad.
another one?
How desperate for attention are you, user?
>inb4 screenshot "proof"
>finally benched lmao2pl8 the other week
congrats man! That's a pretty major milestone, keep it up!
>When people say 2pl8, do they mean 2 on either side
Yeah. 2pl8 = 100kg or 225 lbs
The D stands for dick.
Which D?
You bet your sweet bippy!
> Not getting it.
Both of them, user.
One of the little appreciated things about gym rats is that the guys who go just to get big tend to be some of the nerdiest people you'll ever meet. They plan out their workouts and diet the way a scale modeller plans out a display piece.
>hello I'm a newfag please rape my face
>this dude is way too hot. I don't think I could focus on playing the game, I'd be too distracted by his stupid sexy beard and perfect hair.
Are you gay?
Are you stupid?
I'm bi for a cute face
I play with 1 chad and 2 fatcrackguys (and 1 artiste).
It's a funny contrast when they sit side-by-side.
Ironically the chad is probably the best roleplayer.