What are your thoughts on recasts and china hammer?
Are they as detailed?
GW needs to seriously get off their asses and get rid of these recasters and save the hobby as well as their IP.
I dont use them, but I'm glad they exist.
They make GW have to work on their sculpts as well as provide a larger secondary market to prevent the from jewing more money out of us for what is essentially plastic army men.
>trying to stop someone making forgeries in China or Russia
You live in a dream world. Larger companies have tried and failed; how would little ol' GW possibly succeed?
Why aren't you supporting the commies, user?
I'd support the commies, but finding their contact info is like summoning a succubus or some shit. At least it was the last time I looked.
I just think it is kind of hilarious that a company as large and rich as GW can't prevent others making believable counterfeits of their product in this day of age.
>save the hobby
>get rid of all cheap third party and recasters
>half of the players stop playing because gw prices quadruple
>the other half are rabid GW lapdogs that only play in sanctioned gw events in sanctioned games workshops game shops
>the hobby dies
How would they? China and russia dont recognize western copyright or intellectual property. The Chinese and russian casters arent breaking the law.
It's not like replicating plastic is hard in the land of cheap plastic injection molding. GW has always been a mostly vertical business model, and their quest for more complex and expensive models to sell will never erase the fact that making plastic is fucking cheap.
The issue is international trade. Sure, they can copy that shit all day long, but they start crossing law enforcement if they start exporting it.
I've used them a few times, mostly to buy lots of conversion bits on mass such as Forge World renegade torsos and arms and the ogryns. Ordering x10 of each via GW would cost me a fortune but recasts are the same quality and a lot cheaper.
However if I want to buy individual models with no hassle, risk of missing pieces and brittle resin I'll just use the official source.
If disney can't why can they?
often near enough that you can't tell a difference.
other times they're just shit, its a gamble.
Z can be pretty shit. Alpharius and He Who Cannot be Named are practically flawless.
its unfeasible for international customs to internally inspect every single paclage shipped anywhere. Plus even if they do open it how is a customs agent supposed to tell the difference between a legit grey plastic mini and a counterfeit grey plastic mini?
I'm tthe same. though I've also mlre recently used them to get OOP stuff. Some recasters still do some of the tomb kings line or some of the older now discontinued FW stuff.
There will always be piracy. People will pay what they feel something is worth and they will go to sources that meet that price point. If recasters encroach on sales to the extent that GW retail sector is suffering then GW needs to look at the cost they are charging for the models. Some models/kits are goods deals, others are extremely bad deals. GW should consider pricing based more on weight/quantity than on character/slot/FOC to curb that issue.
GW still leans along the route of niche rather than mainstream for pricing. In the short term you get better profits, but in the long term you lose your base. It is significantly better than Kirby days. During that era every other WAR thread was recaster advertisements and queries.
With ForgeWorld, no idea if their quality is improved, I had better luck with Finecast than any of my FW models. All my FW items have come misshapen, hole-y, or warped. I seriously considered 123/Z for my lucius warhound. I could buy a stellar looking model that would take hours of effort fixing gaps, holes, and straightening or I could spend half the amount of money and get reportedly better quality with
the recaster. I ended up not getting the war hound since GW released the imperial knights.
OOP models are likely the greatest reason people go with recasters.
40kg doesn't approve of FW, recasters or bust!
On one WD article, GW warned gamers about recasts and even gloated how they got this one guy jail time for making recast minis. It was in murica and they even fucking published his name.
yeah but they're not getting any slope locked up for it, the chinese donlt give a fuuuuuuuck.
Honestly fuck gw, if i didn't have an enormous backlog of unbuilt models to keep me satiated i'd be chasing a recaster's contacts pretty hard. i discovered that gw wants $124 NZD for rowboat on his own. i thought it was bullshit when they wanted that for 3 fuckin blood knights, for one model that's insanity ( not least coz the trio box is 170). they're greedy assholes who're abusing a monopoly, so fuck 'em, go china.
>implying GW making top-quality product
GW doesn't have monoply.
What law enforcement? They're not being smuggled, its up to the buyers that are getting the shipments to refuse illegal goods. The chinese casters and distributers are not doing ANYTHING illegal.
actually you'd probably be surprised to learn that china has fairly robust legislation regarding copyright infringement.
but it doesn't get enforced, because the police are too busy taking bribes and suppressing political dissent.
Don't places like Australia and New Zealand have people almost only buying recasts because of how expensive actual GW models are?
I don't know anything about 40K, what was the fuck up? I don't see any significant in the little point on the gun.
Nah, it goes on here. But still most of the minis youll come across on the table are legit.
In part because the recast users are so insular and don't share the contact info. So theres like 4 guys in the area whos armies are china resin and the other few dozen of us just buy GW because we either don't know or like supporting local stores.
the front part of the gun is upside down
Hello fellow forgery buyer!
Where can I find recasts / china hammer or whatever the fuck you wanna call it?
Not a cop. (But seriously, tell me. Been looking for one for years. Or where to find more info or something.)
Why does that matter, and couldn't be explained by a different model or such?
Better than finecast.
The sight is now on the bottom making it useless
For some things yeah; forgeworld stuff, OOPs, titans, $50 techpriests/sentinels and the like.
Though I do know some folks who bought hoards of nids to bulk out their swarm.
I personally bought a bit of recast stuff for conversions and to bolster my SOB stuff, as many of their sculpts just aren't available at all down here.
That and Im not paying $25 for an imperial vehicle accessories sprue when they used to be free in every Russ and Chimera box.
GW Shadowsword: £95
BAESD Shadowsword: £40 (more like £30 if you catch a sale)
it's not a difficult decision.
If i had the energy to find the details I would. Forgeworld massively over charge.
As if a couple of unreliable recasters could pit this whole hobby down. GW is slaying it finacially, user.
>put out great games but decent models
>charge a ludicrous amount for everything from models to paintbrushes to tiny cups
>wonder why people are buying official rulebooks but not anything else of yours
Clearly China is to blame
>implying the games are great
Alphy suck,he cheat on shipping doubling it,and the 15% off in 365 day so not a real discount.
He Who Cannot be Named and Black Market miniature are the God tier,under em there is CCon,under ccon Alphy,the rest is shit.
What about the russians?
BMM is the only real, the other one are resellers
Who the hell are c'n'f reselling from then? I can't find another source for repressors.
Trying to get rid of something that you can do in your garage, and then hide all the materials and equipment in a small closet, fucking lol.
>There are people in this hobby only because they can get super cheap resin recasts.
I have standards user.
Link? How long did he get?
>Why does that matter
Because it would be like if a doctor stitched a patients feet to their head.
plebbit actually is good for 1 thing.
>half of the players stop playing because there are no m ore recasters
most players don't even know what recasting is, and its existence doesn't really have a large effect on the hobby as a whole.
30k's a bit different, but 30k is also a hell of a lot more niche than the mainline GW shit.
game was great like 3 editions ago and even then one man fucked it all up by being a seething faggot with every codex he wrote.
>30k is also a hell of a lot more niche than the mainline GW shit.
Main reason why is because they make it niche in order to justify FW's continued existence.
I found BMM’s page but cannot see any actual inventory. Do I need to create an account or something?
well yes, better in the past but no effect now with recasters lol
GW fucked up themselves
>red sight on a bolter
Now that what I call heresy!
By the way a guy named Fistberg made that edit with the iron priest.
I am just saying this to draw hate.
This is true, Fistberg, in the /WGG/ DISCORD made these
Don't forget to thank Balthizar, too! Without his genius the world, or, well, at least tg, would be a much more boring place.
Literally who?
Stop shilling yourself balth you barely help
Sol here, I'm gay.
That wasn't me.
>Making assumptions ;D
how might I get in touch with He Who Cannot Be Named, to not give him my money, but to simply tell him he is a horrible charlatan ¬.¬
Is GW doing anything to combat these fake models or they given up and just focus on rule books and lores?
They can't do shit. Other than price their shit appropriately.
The issue there is you're talking about an individual. Based ChinaMan is the only one breaking the law, but he doesn't get caught by flying under the radar. If they start scaling up to make more sales, they become bigger fish, and then the authorities start knocking.
they do not even try anymore to Ban recasters
>Based ChinaMan is the only one breaking the law
Not in china.
Then why is it not as easy to buy warhammer knockoffs on aliexpress as it is to buy not-lego minifigures? Why all the secrecy?
Because if they openly advertise on websites hosted elsewhere, they get removed. Losing business.
Why do they get removed if they're doing nothing illegal?
It is.
that was a good derailed thread
>What are your thoughts on recasts and china hammer?
Still too much money, I'm going to continue to play Warhammer on TTS until 3D printing is cheap and accurate, then I plan to just print my own minis.
Warhammer is fucking cool but I'm not upper middle class so apparently they don't want to let me play the real game.
If GW models were 50% cheaper recasting buisness would become unprofitable.
Fuck GW is my thought.
You GW/FW cucks have no idea how fucking bad you're getting screwed. Jap models shit on your western ones in terms of both price, technology and detail.
Post your gundams /toy/
because the knock-offs are illegal in the country the website is based in, even if NOT in the country they're being MADE in
>tfw me and my friends just write down the names of our units on pieces of paper and pirate the rules
>we get to play with whatever armies we want for free
So host your website somewhere else, or better yet, the dark web.
They still have to make their business known, and that means advertising somewhere people actually go
post pics of your amazing tabletop battles user
in all seriousness, though, if you're not visually oriented, that could totally be a satisfactory experience. i have played a shitload of D&D with paper maps and paper tokens, and while i can understand the appeal of beautiful minis and elaborate boards, that's only one aspect of the game.
so go right ahead. i'm proud of you.
They are illegal in China too but the gap between being illegal and actually getting the police to investigate and enforce the law is gigantic.
Wait, you have to buy the figurine before you can play Warhammers with it?
This is the big one. I want recasters to be successful enough to keep offering GW's back catalog. That's a service that will never ever ever be offered officially, so I support the people who actually do it.
I literally have no problem with them, especially for harder to get stuff.
See, here's the thing. I'm used to wargames where you can buy the models from anywhere and use them with the system. Sure, some will be more lore friendly than others, but by and large it's the preferred way of playing. So if someone is offering GW stuff or clones for cheaper and it also looks good, that's fine.
There's other factors here too; OOP miniatures, and other stuff, especially for games like Epic, etc are also fair game, because GW is not selling them themselves and if they were, say 6mm Napoleonics or such, no one would care. So I've again got no problem with them.
Full out recasters and cheap versions of the actual models for sale at the moment fall into a grey area for me (no pun intended).Personally, I can see how it's a bit scummy, but on the otherhand, it's just the market in action and GW do overcharge for their production costs. If they adopted something closer to other wargame manufacturers where you are charged by cost of production and material and not unit price in game, I'd be much more against it; for example, a bunch of 15mm metal peasants cost the same as a bunch of 15mm foot knights for most medieval 15mm manufacturers. If they were priced by GW standards, then the peasants would cost normal and the knights would cost three times as much, for no reason.
So that's another factor to consider. In that scope, I see the recasters as a safety valve and a way for people to play with GW aesthetics without GW prices; it also puts pressure on GW to perhaps one day adopt a more sensible and industry-typical pricing policy; I think the same thing for companies like Corvus Belli for example who still price their 15mm minis accordingly but who have embraced the GW pricing model for Infinity and then some. Ultimately it is capitalism to some deree and the better product/rpice point should win out. Most people won't buy recasts or will buy a mix of official and recasts.
On the extremely off chance that GW dies, other manufacturers will make Gothic Space figures, so that doesn't concern me either. This can be seen with the death of Warhammer Fantasy and a surge of producer of Warhammer-esque miniatures and other things to fill this market demand. See also Epic 40k, Blood Bowl (before it was supported again) and most of GW's games. So the argument that 'Recasters will make GW not exist and then no games or minis at all' doesn't hold water for me.
Ultimately I think that having more options and availability and keeping OOP stuff in production means that Chinese recasters are a plus for the hobby of wargaming as a whole, while not perhaps the optimum thing for Games Workshop as a business, but it's no like Games Workshop going under would destroy the rules or end the; plenty of war-games are played that have rules going back decades now, kept alive by fans and spread via reprints and pdfs.
It costs $.05 to produce a single $33 primaris Marine. Even with the costs of the mold and shipping that is still a massive markup
You are morally, if not legally, justified
You'd still have to charge to pay the rent, the paycheques of the people in the company, taxes, etc, etc (20% VAT in the UK for example) but yes, it still is overpriced and GW could lower the price more; look at the Perry Twins, for example.
That further said, the price will be sustained as long as the market can bare that price. That's the key thing. If people stopped buying them, GW would lower the price, but people keep buying them so why would they?
also bear that price. Sorry.