That actually worked

>be me
>playing a very magic heavy campaign
>one player can sense and control metal and minerals
>we were being hunted down by an assassin because we pissed off some dude who was a commie-nazi
>he wanted everyone to be equal along with killing all the non-magic people
>we are scared of being killed in our sleep so I ask the metal girl if she can sense blood
>she asks why
>I say that it is because iron is in blood
>we all turn to the DM and ask if that is possible
>watch him pick up a die and roll it
>he stares at the die and thinks for a second
"Yeah, she can do that. because of minerals and iron in the blood, she would be able to sense if people are nearby. She just hasn't looked for such thin amounts moving around.
>mfw it worked
>we build a stone tower with magic and hide out until she comes by
>gank her and kill her in two turns of combat

What things have you tried to pull that actually worked?

My character judo flipped a giant spider into a magically trapped door to disarm it.

You trap doored that spider.

>be me
>ce drow rogue
>party is a bunch of mercenaries stuck trying to solve a mystery sickness
>end up in the hide-out of a cult with ties to the sickness
>discover they're worshiping a young beholder
>party nearly gets wiped, but we kill it
>the elves I'm forced to travel with are unconcious
>the only good aligned character and I are the only one's conscious
>he's warned me that he'll kill me if he thinks I'm doing something evil
>but he's dumb as shit (like 3 int and 5 wis)
>convince him that the beholder's soul will revive him if I don't sacrifice one of the elves
>gut one of them as the other wakes up
>he can't say shit, because he's a cleric of the Raven Goddess and can't stop a death in process
>laugh my ass off as I finally got to kill one of the elves

It wasn't quite as "That Guy" as it sounds; the person playing the other elf was going to drop out and was hoping to have been killed by the Beholder.

>What system?
>What level?
>What kinda DM would allow that garbage?

Is this diceless free form? You need to practice Ballance as. DM for that and you clearly don't have the skills to DM free form.

I don't remember that part of Korra


>Be a goblin rogue
>with belt of the weasel and necklace of adaptation
>party gets ganked by adult red dragon
>only party member that's strictly melee
>also only party member that's small
>get party caster to hit me with reduce person
>since I have dex to damage it only effects my reach
>get the party strongman to lob me closer
>Let the DM know that I am going to enter the dragon, literally
>He first thought I was gonna go in through the mouth
>he thought wrong
>goblin screams at the top of his lungs "Past the tail and though the bum LOOK OUT KIDNEYS HERE I COME!"
>roll a squeezing check
I legit got a DM to roll anal circumference

>Be magician
>Escaping after the run gone wrong
>Corpsecs gaining from behind
>Last room before the exit, suspicious activity outside
>We check it, it's another bunch of corpsecs setting up shaped charge to blow up the wall inwards and turn us into Runner Burgers
>O fuk
>Set up the maximum force Physical barrier i could reasonably do without squeezing my brain out of my ears hoping to at least reduce the force of explosion
>The barrier somehow holds against the explosion
>When the smoke clears, there's pink mist in the air, seven pairs of smoking boots, legs still sticking from some of them and a half-conscious troll in charred milspec
>The barrier reflected the explosion outwards
>We lived?
>probably gonna get paid less though

>Everyone else hated it.
>It's ok as long as a single person gets to circle jerk with the DM.
We need to hold a standard of some kind. Power buffing a single player who is all out fucking the party without any real chance or choose from the other players is bad and wrong and no one but the 2 cunts found it fun.

The story literally says that OP asked a different player in their group if they could do it, and the GM agreed, that's already one more player that didn't give a shit about them getting "power buffed". The standard we need to hold is people not being whiny bitches about a player being able to do something neat. You're a group with a shared goal for fuck's sake, who gives a shit if one player has a few more tricks up their sleeve than another might have. You're just making a whole bunch of assumptions here, you don't know what OP's group's experience was like.

Let me repeat myself;

You must be a blast to have around tables.

>Everyone else hated it.
What are you basing this on? To me it sounds like they all enjoyed it.
>we all turn to the DM and ask if that is possible

>"Past the tail and though the bum LOOK OUT KIDNEYS HERE I COME!"
Apparently your goblin rogue also ganked my sides!

>bunch of 1st level characters in a dungeon
>getting fucked up by skeletons
>Druid asks the wizard to throw his bag full of these extremely flammable plant roots
>Wizard does so
>Druid casts Entangle
>DM rules that the bag of roots start expanding and rips apart, vines creeping across the ground to constrict the skeletons.
>Burning Hands from the Sorcerer sends them up in flames, turning all the grid tiles that had a skeleton on it into an inferno that dealt 2d4 damage per round.

It didn't really make sense, but it was everyone's first time and it was a fun hype moment when it worked.

>run a dickish rogue character that's basically the Spy from tf2
>Arrive in spooky abandoned town
>Party gets ambushed by horde of zombies
>Party fights against a near overwhelming amount of zombies
>I do what most rogues are born to do, run and hide
>I get an idea
>Find out the decrepit building I'm hiding in has bottles of hard liquor nearby
>Get idea to make a Molotov cocktail
>Surprise toss it into the horde, ignites and burns the horde but ALSO burns my party members
>Oh shit new plan
>Find zombie gore lying around and cover myself with it
>Drape myself with rotting intenstines and other nasty stuff
>Moonwalk into the horde, run disguise check
>It works, I am blended in as another zombie
>Begin working my way to backstabbing surprise critical every zombie
>Every time I start my turn AND backstab i have to run a disguise check
>DM makes the disguise checks harder and harder to pass because he didn't want me cheesing too hard
>End up getting flawless 20 rolls
>Somehow manage to murder half the horde without being noticed
>At the end the Party hates me for nearly killing them
>DM is impressed but also hates me for cheesing a fight he really wanted to be challenging

This is how you should play Spy in TF2.

>Be Grolth son of Grug, the half-orc Ranger
>Party has been climbing a wizard tower for days in-game
>The wizard has been watching the party, preparing for them
>Grolth wasn't with the party due to plot bullshit
>He gets teleported back to the party before they enter the wizard's sanctum due to plot bullshit
>The wizard isn't ready for me
>We open the doors, and get blasted by spells immediately. The melee players can't touch the wizard due a fly spell. The ranged characters can't hit him due to a wall of blades surrounding him. The rogue can't sneak-attack him from stealth because the wizard has magically enhanced his sight.
>After we get our asses blasted for a few rounds Grolth comes up with a desperate plan.
>He takes out his grappling hook, attached to an adamantium chain, and hurls it at the wizard.
>The improvised weapon sinks into the wizard's thigh, skewering him to the chain.
>Grolth loops the chain around a nearby pillar and pulls with all his might. Half of the party is down by this point, but the wizard howls in pain as he is dragged through the whirling blades.
>The wizard begins hurling magic at Grolth who bares his teeth and howls back. Grolth pulls the wizard a few more feet towards ground.
>The party is on its last legs. Even with this turn of events, we're probably not going to make it.
>Grolth is going to try to drag this bastard to the ground so he can look him in the eyes as he dies. DM calls for the roll. 20.
>With a final burst of strength Grolth drags on the chain, slamming the wizard against the pillar. He succeeds at looping the chain around the wizard, and securing it with his manacles.
>The wizard spits curses at the surviving party members, but he is stuck in his bonds unable to cast, and the fight is won.

Why shouldn't it have worked?

Just hire some guy to """DM""" for you then. This """"""""""""DM""""""""""""""" can be any hobo you find, he just needs to say "yeah you can do that. Cry about "BUT IT'S FUN" all you like, fun is such a subjective term it's completely useless if you don't know the person claiming fun.

see What reasons do you have to explain why it shouldn't have worked? Their powers allowed them to detect metal, iron is a metal, iron is present in the bloodstream, and everyone at the table was okay with it.

Even if it's not the most realistic shit ever, it was based on logic that that made some semblance of sense, but apparently it was not enough to satisfy you, so I ask again, why shouldn't it have worked?
>inb4 muh balance
People don't care about one thing being better than them unless it's by such a degree that it takes away their character's niche before anyone involved optimizes their character.

Stop speaking in forced memes

>he wanted everyone to be equal along with killing all the non-magic people
That's not a commie-nazi, that's nazi. A commie would want a world empire where mages and non-mages would be equal in both opportunities and outcomes and kill all mages who don't agree as oppressors,

Still a dickbag either way

this is bait

>>watch him pick up a die and roll it
>>he stares at the die and thinks for a second

Why the fuck does he need a roll for that?

Some systems recommend rolling it off if the GM is unsure. I’ve seen it in faster-paced rulesets where a GM pausing the game and start hewing and hawing over a decision is seen as a mortal sin.

Alternatively, maybe it was a check against the metalbender’s Wisdom/Perception/whatever the system uses to see if she did. GM said she could, but it was a trace amount and moving, so it might have been a penalized check.

DM here. Dice with a few rules, but magic is largely freeform. The character in question was a very powerful metal controller. During one part of the story, she had basically been a one-woman weapon factory. However, she had just received the ability to sense minerals a few months before. The combination is what let her sense blood.

Still DM here, but I am at my computer.
Though the metal wizard was the most powerful, the entire party was composed of high-level wizards who were also high-level martials. In addition to that, they already had two wizards who could sense an intruder -- a life/death wizard who could sense life and a hunting wizard who could sense movement.
I like to roll dice when I'm feeling conflicted. It was a 19.

>Shadowrun 5e
>Wimpy technomancer nerd because everyone in group wanted to be mages and razorgirls.
>GM was kind enough to let me have Skinlink for free and I had my first submerge allow me to use the Bootstrap Program at all times.
>GM allows me to use Bootstrap effects with my technomancy via Puppeteer or straight hacks.
>We have a run against Saeder-Krupp for some bleeding edge tech.
>Razorgirl a shit and sets off the alarm as we escape
>They send a killsquad on our ass in 1 min tops.
>We beat past their mooks until they have the notED-209 Titan Mech intercept us.
>Everyone but me says they can take it.
>Suddenly two more come around the corner
>Anus Clenching Intensifies
>I try to scan the mech but everything is closed circuit so I need direct interface.
>Rolled Charisma to antagonize one of the mechs to attack me but since I had the macguffin they couldn't shoot me or risk destroying it.
>Mech comes over and grabs by the chest and I take two Physical damage.
>I ask the GM as my characters ribs are cracking if this counts as physical contact for Skinlink
>He says yes
>Spend Edge plus use sprite cheese to Puppeteer the Mech into rebooting with a bootstrap code that will cause it to grab the other mechs then self-destruct.
>GM says go for it and pulls out 30 dice.
>I get 22 successes because cascading 6s while he glitched with 17 1's.
>Puppeteer goes through and I roll for drain
>Take 5 Physical so I'm bleeding out of my ears, nose, etc but not dead yet.
>Mech shuts down and drops me while the pilot starts freaking out.
>I play dead as if he crushed me as I roll to the floor next to the razorgirl.
>I know she'd lovetap kick me with her cyberlegs to see if I was still breathing.
>Use the physical contact to send an untraceable closed circuit message to her.
>"When the mechs start fighting, pick me up and run like hell!"
>It worked and we escaped before the boom
>I do an urkel and say "Did I do that" past the blood.
Technomancers are fun

thank you, that got a laugh from the group as well.