Would the hotline miami story work as a tabletop campaign?
Would the hotline miami story work as a tabletop campaign?
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Not really but it'd be great for a movie
make it happen god damnit
>Would the hotline miami story work as a tabletop campaign?
It is largely just a line of assassinations with a few plot twists thrown in-between
but there already is
The part with the 50 Blessings members and the assassinations and so on would work fine
The parts with hallucinations and delusions wouldn't. Unless you only had one player, you would have to spend half of every session taking players aside one by one and explaining how what they see and experience is different from the other players. That's the inevitable outcome of trying to run a game with different perceptions - you spend the entire game adjudicating who sees what.
I'd rather a miniseries
If you'd work as a group like the Fans in HM2 then perhaps, but some information gathering or preparation segments or something could be thrown in-between so that it wouldn't consist of fights only
Hallucinations could work if you communicated with the players via notes
Yeah, but the problem I see is that in Hotline Miami most of the characters aren't even sure what is hallucination and what isn't. When you pass a note to player with "You see..." written on it they immediately know that they're the only one seeing it
However, considering that there are characters which are themselves only hallucinations(like Beard in HM1). I would personally try that angle. Make all PCs but one only delusions of this single real one and drop subtle hints about that and a big reveal at the end. That would be in mood of Hotline Miami I think.
I ran a session of it, it was alright apparently.
Of course it didn't go as planned, since the target was at the top of a skyscraper in a big city one of the PCs just went to the next building over and shot downward.
Of course he had to get helped by the other PCs after he didn't get the target + the cops busted his head open, and now they're both wanted on terrorism charges, but that's okay since most sessions I'm in/GM end up like that. Also dozens of vagrants were caught in the crossfire. Again, par for the course.
You could throw them for a loop.
Whenever someone is hallucinating, give them all notes, so that they do not know which one it is.
Also, just to throw them off even more, some times give them notes when none of them is hallucinating, so that they are never sure.
I like that
Yes, Run it as a dungeon crawl on Violence.
Just play a boardgame. There are plenty where mass slaughter with a vague story is the goal.
You know some lady sued when they advertised it being an action movie when it decisively was not
The biggest problem would be running as a group. But I don't see anything particularly wrong with the set up, and basic gist of it. It'd need a group willing to go into the whole pseudo-80s thing tho.
You would need a combat system that's on one hand very fast paced and cinematic, but on the other pretty tactical as well.
I made a conversion for Cyberpunk 2020 called Hotline Night City. Maybe it’s archived somewhere.
Sometimes the notes are about hallucinations they're seeing.
Sometimes the notes is a flash of reality they see. Never let them know which is which.
Nothing about that movie is hotline. Where's the thing that fucking defines hotline i.e. door kicking and ultraviolence? Fucking nu-male reddit 80's obsession I swear. Nothing you think is 80's is 80's. The 80's sucked.
You either haven't seen the movie or didnt understand the premise
Have you read Wildlife? It's really good, the /co/ archive should have it.
Dude was hardly hallucinating and he didn't kill a bunch of other dudes, so it's just kind of similar.
Or this
Stay mad.
It would be an absolute pain in the ass to actually run, but one thing I like about Maptool is that it lets you do things like have text that is only visible to specific players without it being obvious that it's not regular text. Plop down a scene description and mixed in are differences between what each player gets. See how long it takes for them to realize something is fucky.
Don't know what ever happened with this PDF.
>I made a conversion for Cyberpunk 2020 called Hotline Night City. Maybe it’s archived somewhere.
It was.
Here's my homebrew hotline miami game
Every time you enter a room with hostile people inside, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, you die, on a 3-6, you kill them. Subtract one from the dice roll for each additional enemy outnumbering you, or add one to the dice roll for each ally you have outnumbering the enemy
Any link to the thread(s) in which this was made?
I know.
But the movie was still a major inspiration for the game.
>not just slipping your players acid
Does anyone have that game where it was like super rules light, I remember it was meant to be printed out and folded in a little book and the rules were like yelling out bang to shoot and stuff and was meant to simulate simultaneous chaos. There was like a post game where you had to justify your actions to halucinations
I really want to try this one.